The Ministering Angel Podcast

 Marriage Covenant

June 28, 2024 Ronald Myers jr
 Marriage Covenant
The Ministering Angel Podcast
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The Ministering Angel Podcast
 Marriage Covenant
Jun 28, 2024
Ronald Myers jr

 Ronald discuses the challenges in marriage caused by demonic influence, focusing on a specific story of Otis and Jackie. Ronald emphasizes the importance of understanding the full implications of marriage, including inherited traits, past mistakes, and spiritual warfare. Through personal experiences and biblical references, he warns about the dangers of spiritual ignorance and the necessity of seeking God's wisdom for a fulfilling life.

Episodes now
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. @12:00pm
Testimony Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm
Almighty Anecdotes - Thursday @ 6:00pm
Divine Revelations - Saturday @ 6:00pm

Contact: suggestions, comments, topics,

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Show Notes Transcript

 Ronald discuses the challenges in marriage caused by demonic influence, focusing on a specific story of Otis and Jackie. Ronald emphasizes the importance of understanding the full implications of marriage, including inherited traits, past mistakes, and spiritual warfare. Through personal experiences and biblical references, he warns about the dangers of spiritual ignorance and the necessity of seeking God's wisdom for a fulfilling life.

Episodes now
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. @12:00pm
Testimony Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm
Almighty Anecdotes - Thursday @ 6:00pm
Divine Revelations - Saturday @ 6:00pm

Contact: suggestions, comments, topics,

Thank You For Listening.

Introduction to Marriage Covenants

 Welcome, dear listeners. It is my sincere pleasure to invite you to embark on a transformative journey with the Ministering Angel podcast, hosted by Ronald Myers Jr. Whether you're a newcomer or a returning seeker, prepare to uncover an invaluable resource in your pursuit of a deeper connection with Jesus Christ.

If you're yearning to unlock your full potential and triumph over life's challenges, this Then Ronald, a true prophet of God, has been sent to be your guide. His words are not mere rhetoric, but a divine messenger, empowering you to conquer adversity and emerge victorious. With each episode, you'll discover a treasure trove of insights and inspiration, equipping you with the strength, wisdom, and resilience needed to overcome life's challenges.

It's not just a podcast, it's a sanctuary where faith is fortified and miracles unfold. I am truly grateful for your time and presence. Welcome to The Ministering Angel Podcast, where Ronald Myers Jr. stands as your faithful companion, leading you on a transformative journey towards a deeper understanding of your faith and a more fulfilling life.

Prepare to be inspired, empowered, and forever changed. Here's Ronald.

 Marriage Covenant

The Personal Journey of Marriage and Its Challenges

I’ve been married twice, in both believing that each wife was the one I would spend the rest of my life with. Often, when go into marriage with blinders on, not having done our due diligence into who we’re marrying and what that means. I can attest this was me.

I saw the shortcomings of each of my wives, what I did not see, I could not see at those times because of being raised by devils. I was preconditioned to not see certain things because I was born and raised in an environment of a narcissist.

This caused a blind spot to various behaviors and situations. In my desperation in seeking love, I missed many warning signs and the warning signs I saw; I ignored. This, among other character flaws, led me into marriage covenants I was unaware of. When we marry someone, we are to become as one. This means you inherit your partner’s everything.

A covenant simply means an agreement. When you said I do, you agreed to all the things your vows entailed. This thing I will focus on in today’s podcast is the part of the covenant we don’t think about. 

Understanding Demonic Covenants in Marriage

Demonic covenants in marriage are extremely dangerous for the partner being targeted. I have many stories of thus taking place, and tonight I will be sharing one with you.

Before I begin, in many cases, not all thus takes place in circumstances where there is a call of God in the person’s life. The enemy is aware of what that person is intended to do for God and attempts to thwart their destiny. This was my case, hence the traumatic life I had. There are certain characteristics that seem to manifest in all the stories I know of or have been in.

Manipulation, control, deceit, lies, just to name a few. The intent is to derail you, distract you, or completely destroy any chance you have of becoming what God has birthed you for. For instance, my father came before me to set my family free. Because of the attacks of the enemy, he came to an early death in his late forties, at the hands of witchcraft.

This is one example of how this can work. I also have been subjected to witchcraft, black magic, voodoo, and other things because of the call of a prophet. The greatness you’ll see from me, the devil, knew about from birth. That’s why my life was as chaotic as it was. But enough about me, let’s begin with the story.

The Story of Otis and Jackie: A Cautionary Tale

Allow me to Introduce Otis and Jackie. They met at an event one year. He saw her and was captivated by her. They began to date and eventually moved in together. Unknown to Otis, Jackie is operating under the influence of demons. She practices witchcraft, real witchcraft, and is a narcissist. This type of individual is very adept at wearing many masks and hiding their true identity for a long time.

Jackie, at the time, was into or just coming out of the religion of Jehovah’s Witness. Otis is a practicing Christian. Otis, because of his upbringing and his military service, has had a rough time of things. Years of living together, then buying a house in a new state, they get married.

Prior to this, Jackie was pressing for this to happen, but Otis would not budge fearing things would change after marriage, he was right, but not in the way you think. Narcissists are very calculating, they are self-absorbed and everything is all about them. This was no different. Once married, because of the covenant made through marriage, Jackie had received the right to torment her husband.

You may be asking yourself why? My question to you is, when do devils not torment?  If you’re under the influence of demons or devils, you are looking to always do harm. The reason for it varies on the individual, but the fact is this is what happens. With the combination of witchcraft and narcissism, Otis doesn’t stand a chance. What’s worse, Otis is a very religious Christian, which means he’s defenseless against the attacks against himself.

The Spiritual Warfare in Marriage

Here are some examples of what’s happening to him. Severe anxiety. Causing him to smoke Marianna roughly a minimum of 5 times a day, just sitting home watching TV. Severe stomach issues, causing him to be in the bed sometimes for days. He had a minor back surgery that healed in six weeks but has been experiencing severe pain, causing him to wish he’d never had the surgery.

See, what he doesn’t realize is that because he’s married to a witch, these issues are common to being under a witchcraft attack. Stomach, back, brain, common areas of attack by witchcraft. Because he’s not or has been spiritually dismantled, he can’t mount a defense. His going to church on Sundays and prayer on Wednesdays are mere formalities in his Christian life, making him powerless.

I’ve seen this man suffering daily at the hands of Jackie, in various ways. Someday it’s emotional, others it’s physiological, and in others it’s through the narcissism or witchcraft. As soon as it seems he’s becoming independent again, here comes another attack. How well did Otis know Jackie? I don’t know the answer to that. I do know he has no idea of who she is.

He is very protective of her. He will defend her in everything. What he doesn’t know is that she doesn’t feel the same. As a matter of fact, she has no respect for him at all. She consistently speaks disrespectfully about him behind his back. She does not respect his religious beliefs. Even in his recovery from his surgery, she complained and did the bare minimum for him.

She complains at fixing his dinner, honestly she complains about everything pertaining to him. Why? Because it’s not about her, because she walked in evilness. She was able to do some things against him prior to marriage because the door was opened because of sleeping together out of wedlock. But once married, that changed everything about what she could do.

As a side note, having sex outside of marriage opens doors for demonic attack. When you engage in this, you give the devil a legal right to attack you. Without legal rights to attack, the devil can’t touch you. That’s why the Bible speaks about walking the straight and narrow path. This is the only path that leads to eternal life.

People who operate in the sphere that Jackie functions in are tormented continuously. They find no rest. Jackie is up throughout the might and active all day. Because of her torment, it’s very difficult for her to relax, she can’t. Her mind is always plotting and scheming. As Christians, we are to be aware of these types of individuals.

Do not be deceived, they are all around us. It says In 2 Timothy 3:1-7; “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come.  For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power.  And from such people turn away.” 

The Consequences of Ignorance in Marriage Choices

My aim in this story is to make you aware that in marriage you’re not just getting a marriage partner, you’re getting everything that comes along with them. Their family, their debts, their strengths and weaknesses. Their bloodline and all that entails, their past mistakes if not dealt with, and so much more. Ignorance will not save you.

This was me. I married into two bloodlines that caused me tremendous hardships, by God’s design? Yes, but I had no idea. This ought not to be you, hence the story. Some of you, ladies, want to check bank accounts, credit scores, and lifestyle, but you may want to dive deep into bloodline, unresolved past hurts and pains, deep seeded roots of unforgiveness and anger for starters.

Life will go as well as you are filled with God’s knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Position yourself to hear God and receive his truth, then you will be blessed in all your ways. Be blessed.

 Your willingness to listen fills me with gratitude. I'm confident that the wisdom shared here will prove invaluable in navigating your current challenges. Let's invoke divine insight, as described in 2 Kings 6, 17, and pray for eyes to see beyond our circumstances. In Hosea 4 and 6, we're reminded of the dangers of spiritual ignorance, which can lead to our downfall.

Embrace this truth with an open heart, guided by the loving presence of the Holy Spirit. Stay encouraged, knowing that where there is great love, miracles abound. Remember, your prophet is here for you, ready to offer support and guidance every step of the way.