The Ministering Angel Podcast

 Back To The Basics

June 24, 2024 Ronald Myers jr
 Back To The Basics
The Ministering Angel Podcast
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The Ministering Angel Podcast
 Back To The Basics
Jun 24, 2024
Ronald Myers jr

 Ronald., encourages listeners' connection with Jesus Christ. Ronald emphasizes the importance of building a strong foundational understanding of one's faith and actively participating in the journey of salvation. He critiques the lack of proper guidance often seen in church communities and stresses the need for new believers to receive adequate training and support. By returning to the basics of faith, Ronald aims to help believers develop resilience, steadfastness, and a genuine Christlike demeanor. He promises to guide listeners through this transformative journey, ensuring they are well-equipped to overcome life’s challenges and grow in their spiritual walk.

Episodes now
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. @12:00pm
Testimony Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm
Almighty Anecdotes - Thursday @ 6:00pm
Divine Revelations - Saturday @ 6:00pm

Contact: suggestions, comments, topics,

Thank You For Listening.

Show Notes Transcript

 Ronald., encourages listeners' connection with Jesus Christ. Ronald emphasizes the importance of building a strong foundational understanding of one's faith and actively participating in the journey of salvation. He critiques the lack of proper guidance often seen in church communities and stresses the need for new believers to receive adequate training and support. By returning to the basics of faith, Ronald aims to help believers develop resilience, steadfastness, and a genuine Christlike demeanor. He promises to guide listeners through this transformative journey, ensuring they are well-equipped to overcome life’s challenges and grow in their spiritual walk.

Episodes now
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. @12:00pm
Testimony Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm
Almighty Anecdotes - Thursday @ 6:00pm
Divine Revelations - Saturday @ 6:00pm

Contact: suggestions, comments, topics,

Thank You For Listening.

Introduction: Back to the Basics

 Welcome, dear listeners. It is my sincere pleasure to invite you to embark on a transformative journey with the Ministering Angel podcast, hosted by Ronald Myers Jr. Whether you're a newcomer or a returning seeker, prepare to uncover an invaluable resource in your pursuit of a deeper connection with Jesus Christ.

If you're yearning to unlock your full potential and triumph over life's challenges, this Then Ronald, a true prophet of God, has been sent to be your guide. His words are not mere rhetoric, but a divine messenger, empowering you to conquer adversity and emerge victorious. With each episode, you'll discover a treasure trove of insights and inspiration, equipping you with the strength, wisdom, and resilience needed to overcome life's challenges.

It's not just a podcast, it's a sanctuary where faith is fortified and miracles unfold. I am truly grateful for your time and presence. Welcome to The Ministering Angel Podcast, where Ronald Myers Jr. stands as your faithful companion, leading you on a transformative journey towards a deeper understanding of your faith and a more fulfilling life.

Prepare to be inspired, empowered, and forever changed. Here's Ronald.

  Back to the basics.

I recall the difficulties and challenges I faced in the beginning and further stages of my awakening to the gift of salvation. Ten years later, I've noticed indications that some people lack the proper understanding of what it means to walk and live in a Christlike manner. If we strive to be individuals who positively influence the world through our actions, words, and lives, then this is a significant issue. The way we live, act, and speak demonstrates this.

Understanding the Gift of Salvation

In today's podcast, I aim to take you back to the beginning. The basics.  To enforce or reinforce your foundation. As true believers, we must adhere to certain things and practices. There are ways in which we should present ourselves to draw others to the God we profess to serve. 

Challenges in the Walk of Faith

Too often, I witness believers acting as though the gift of salvation is solely about themselves, which is a deceptive practice. It is misleading to believe that salvation is solely about oneself.

Many people have accepted the gift, but they haven't taken the necessary steps to fully manifest its benefits in their lives, as God has intended. Others have declared their acceptance of the gift, yet they have chosen not to participate in it, hoping to reap the potential benefits without putting in the necessary effort. Without putting in some work.

Yes, it's a gift, but you must work to maintain it; otherwise, it will be of no use to you. The issue, I believe, is that we treated the gift as if it were a club membership, which is a desirable possession. Alternatively, we may have been seeking some form of validation and believed this would be a beneficial place to belong. There are many reasons why people decide to accept the gift of salvation, but they don't manifest the fruits of it. 

The Importance of Proper Foundation

My goal and purpose are to reach those who, like myself in the beginning, didn't have the proper upbringing when I started my walk with the Lord Jesus.

I'm referring to things like not knowing how or where to read the Bible, how to pray, how to find and choose the correct church, and so on. One thing I've noticed is that while we are encouraged to attend church, give financially, and participate, there is a significant lack of a proper foundational introduction to who you are in Christ, who he is, what he's done for you, and how to get closer to him and maintain that relationship.

I can't recall a single instance in my childhood where someone taught or demonstrated to me that the moment I accepted Jesus, I immediately acquired an adversary. Furthermore, the adversary would relentlessly pursue me, and I didn't receive any guidance or information about the tools I could use to combat him. The only piece of advice I received was to resist him. But how?

There's nothing worse than taking someone new to what they're doing and throwing them into the fire to figure things out for themselves. We should not adopt this incorrect approach. You cannot claim that church fellowship aims to strengthen its members, yet neglect to properly train them. This is incorrect on numerous levels; even in addiction circles, they encourage and provide a sponsor or someone to support you during your moments of weakness.

Where is this in the church? Why haven't we developed a system to assist new believers or strengthen existing believers? People often urge us to make disciples, but what kind of disciples are you hoping to mold? The disciples I observe are deficient in godliness, holiness, and reverence for the Lord. This group is not a true disciple of Jesus, implying that they are also not his representatives. This implies that numerous individuals, including myself, are susceptible to deceit, leading them to mislead others.

This is what I aim to address. 

Building a Strong Relationship with Christ

Reverting to the fundamentals entails establishing a solid foundation in God, which will render you unwavering and unyielding in every situation. Ensure that no matter the storm you encounter, the obstacle in front of you, or the circumstances' life presents, you remain steadfast and unwavering, akin to a tree firmly rooted in the ground, growing in stature to withstand the force of the wind.

Nothing can shake your foundation in God and his word. You remain unaffected by temptation, hardship, betrayal, persecution, demonic attacks, or any similar challenges. God has deeply rooted and grounded you, enabling you to serve as a vessel for the advancement of his kingdom. You have become his representative in the work of saving souls. Not only that, but you are becoming more and more perfect in him, which transforms you from being useful to being valuable in his kingdom.

Speaking from experience, this is where you want to be. 

The Blessings of a Solid Foundation

Being able to have the heart, mind, and will of God is truly a blessing. Being able to see things through his eyes is a blessing. It is a blessing to be able to forgive others in the same way He does for us. Being able to love others the way he loves us is a blessing. This is the place where a solid foundation will anchor you. This is where you have positioned yourself to receive God's favor and blessings in your life.

This is the land of open skies and doors that no man can shut. This is the place of divine power, authority, and dominion, where you can do whatever God has called you to do. This is the place where miracles, signs, and wonders are a normal occurrence, wherever you are. This is the place of peace, joy, and freedom—freedom from anything and everything that has ever been tormenting you. You will be free from poverty, lack, sickness, disease, fear, shame, doubt, and all other burdens.

This is why the foundation you stand on is crucial. This is why it's crucial to ensure the correctness of your foundation, as an incorrect foundation will prevent you from reaching the place I've just described. It shouldn't be sufficient to believe that you're heading to heaven and then stop there. That's not the heart of a godchild. A true child of God has a heart that understands that it is a lifelong, daily dying to self and devoting quality time to God's things. It's quality time with him and his words, as well as a dedication and commitment to growing into his likeness.

Submitting to his spirit enables you to transform into his likeness. Then you'll begin to show off the fruits of the tree you've planted. 

Conclusion and Next Steps

This is just the beginning; in part two, I will dive into the foundational basics to get you started. The Bible states that improper feeding prevents new believers, or spiritual babies, from growing properly.

As I've previously pondered, I understand what it's like to experience uncertainty at every turn. I can still remember the frustration of not knowing while on fire for God. I have experienced the humiliation of asking questions in church to acquire knowledge and understanding. Likewise, I know what it's like to seek answers and find them difficult to get.

I get it, I understand it, and I lived it. I will not let this be your story; I have the means and desire to help you overcome these challenges. So buckle up and get ready to overcome; I'll see you in part two. 

 Your willingness to listen fills me with gratitude. I'm confident that the wisdom shared here will prove invaluable in navigating your current challenges. Let's invoke divine insight, as described in 2 Kings 6, 17, and pray for eyes to see beyond our circumstances. In Hosea 4 and 6, we're reminded of the dangers of spiritual ignorance, which can lead to our downfall.

Embrace this truth with an open heart, guided by the loving presence of the Holy Spirit. Stay encouraged, knowing that where there is great love, miracles abound. Remember, your prophet is here for you, ready to offer support and guidance every step of the way.