The Ministering Angel Podcast

  Almighty Anecdotes: Who's Your Judas?

July 04, 2024 Ronald Myers jr Season 1 Episode 10
  Almighty Anecdotes: Who's Your Judas?
The Ministering Angel Podcast
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The Ministering Angel Podcast
  Almighty Anecdotes: Who's Your Judas?
Jul 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 10
Ronald Myers jr

In this episode of Almighty Anecdotes, Ronald shares a profound personal story of betrayal by loved ones, especially their mother, to illustrate how these experiences are used by God to shape one's faith and destiny. The narrative underscores the importance of recognizing and overcoming the malicious influences in our lives, drawing parallels to the Biblical story of Judas. It aims to inspire listeners to discern the 'Judas' figures in their lives and find strength through their challenges to grow closer to God. Ronald emphasizes forgiveness and spiritual vigilance, encouraging listeners to guard their hearts and seek divine guidance.

Episodes now
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. @12:00pm
Testimony Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm
Almighty Anecdotes - Thursday @ 6:00pm
Divine Revelations - Saturday @ 6:00pm

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Show Notes Transcript

In this episode of Almighty Anecdotes, Ronald shares a profound personal story of betrayal by loved ones, especially their mother, to illustrate how these experiences are used by God to shape one's faith and destiny. The narrative underscores the importance of recognizing and overcoming the malicious influences in our lives, drawing parallels to the Biblical story of Judas. It aims to inspire listeners to discern the 'Judas' figures in their lives and find strength through their challenges to grow closer to God. Ronald emphasizes forgiveness and spiritual vigilance, encouraging listeners to guard their hearts and seek divine guidance.

Episodes now
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. @12:00pm
Testimony Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm
Almighty Anecdotes - Thursday @ 6:00pm
Divine Revelations - Saturday @ 6:00pm

Contact: suggestions, comments, topics,

Thank You For Listening.

 Welcome to Almighty Anecdotes, the weekly podcast where stories bridge the gap between our everyday lives and spiritual devotion. I'm your host, and every week, we share stories that enrich your faith and enhance your connection to God. Whether you're seeking inspiration, comfort, or a deeper understanding of your spiritual journey, you're in the right place.

So, Find a quiet spot, settle in, and let's prepare our hearts to receive the messages God has woven into today's story, ready to draw closer to God through the power of storytelling. Let's begin.

  Who's Your Judas?

Most of us know the story of Jesus and his disciples' selection. He hand-picked each of them for his own use. Often, we discuss Judas as if he were someone Jesus didn't know or see. This would be an inaccurate description of the situation. Jesus knew who Judas was, and he knew that he would betray him. Despite knowing everything about Judas, Jesus chose him for a specific purpose. him for a purpose.

Regrettably, we don't have the option to select our Jewish identity; it would be simpler if this were the case, but it's not. 

Personal Betrayals: A Journey of Discovery

In today's podcast, I will share the experiences of a select few of the numerous Jews in my life. Recently, I've discovered that I have a significant number of Jews in my life, some of whom I was aware of and others I wasn't. Today, I will focus on the individual I never would have suspected and the other who profoundly impacted who I was at that time. I was at that time.

Before I begin, I must make it clear that I have forgiven all who have betrayed me. That was the easy part. The next point is that when I discuss these individuals, it's not with the intention of shaming or embarrassing them. I must speak about these issues in order to help others escape similar situations; that is my sole purpose. When I see these people, my focus is not on their physical appearance but rather on the demons operating within them.

Some of the people who betrayed me didn't initiate the betrayal, indicating that it wasn't their intention when we first joined forces. Over time, I manipulated them into betraying me for various reasons, which I will address later. The others, on the other hand, set out and were intentional in what they were trying to do. In certain cases, the devil specifically sent those individuals to destroy me from a young age.

A Mother's Hidden Agenda

To clarify, I'd like to introduce you to someone who surprised me. She expressed that, while I wasn't surprised when God began to open my eyes to this truth, it took a moment for it to truly sink in. That person would be my mother. My entire life, I sensed something wasn't right. Growing up was always challenging for me, even though I was the best child. My parents entrusted me with responsibilities that they should have handled. There was no love or affection of any kind. There was no adoration or encouragement in any way, at least not towards me. Every day, I endured a relentless assault of humiliation and mental and emotional torment, along with occasional physical assaults and a consistent stream of affirmations indicating my inadequacy.

This was my life for at least 18 years, along with some other traumatic incidents mixed in. To put it simply, my sole purpose was to serve her. Even in my adulthood, between marriages, children, jobs, and life in general, this continued to be the case; I had not recognized it before. As I began my relationship with the Lord, I gradually opened my eyes to things I saw in her that I didn't like.

One day, I remember telling myself that I didn't like her, and I cut her off for a few months to deal with some internal pain that had surfaced in me since childhood. 

Revelations and Spiritual Warfare

In the process of transforming into God's image, you must undergo death.

After healing from those wounds, I reconnected, believing things would be different. They weren't. I then served her notice that I would no longer be doing some of the things I was helping her with. Looking back, I can now see the manipulation that took place to keep me engaged in her narcissistic world.

The more mature I became in the Lord, the more I could see the masks she was wearing. At one point, I told her I could see through her masks, as she one day manipulated her way into coming to my home through my brother. At that point, I had cut her off as I was preparing for the move out of state that God had ordained for me.

It all came to a head when I had to leave my home and move in with her. By God's design, at that point, I was able to see through her masks fairly well, but in honesty, I hadn't. By this time, the family knew I was a prophet, though all of them denied it. They actually went out of their way to provoke, mock, and ignore my words. As I endure daily persecution, I begin to grow stronger; I develop the strength to resist and not respond.

This led to some profound revelations about her being my spiritual guide. God poured out revelation after revelation, revealing not only the truth of what she has done and is doing, but also the reason behind it all. You never want to believe that the people responsible for keeping you safe are the ones who want to destroy you. It can be difficult to accept, but thankfully, God provided me with strength before revealing the truth.

This is what I've learned. In the delivery room, there were people ministering to my mother about the child she had birthed. These were godly people. Her lack of faith led her to join a group of people who predicted my destiny. From that point on, she began her campaign to destroy me. They had assured her that I would excel and accomplish great things. She knew that I was to become the first millionaire in the family and that the favor of God was on my life.

She knew from my childhood that I would have many talents and gifts, and that God was going to use me for his purpose. She knew everything. Receiving this information infuriated her, leading her down a path of jealousy, envy, and a sense of why he was different from her. She yearned to be like me and harbored resentment against me after discovering the truth.

From that moment on, everything conspired to prevent me from discovering my true self and fulfilling my destiny. I'd wondered all my life why she hadn't done anything concerning my eye disease. I had it the worst in the family, but I always felt she could have done more. I had come to accept her lack of love and support as part of her nature, but when I witness my siblings receiving different treatment, even in the present day, I can't help but question why.

Out of a desperate desire to receive her love, I confided all of my innermost thoughts and feelings, believing it would change things, but it did not. At one point, I began to see that everything coming out of her mouth was about using me for my talents and gifts. I now know it was all part of her narcissistic behavior.

The Impact of Witchcraft and Curses

I was unaware of the existence of witchcraft until God revealed it to me during my stay with her. There have been numerous experiences in my life that I initially struggled to understand, but now they all make sense. Examples include instances where I have repeatedly burned myself or suffered burns. Burning has left an abundance of scars on my body. Not only that, but a series of minor accidents have also left my body tainted with dark scars. Witchcraft is primarily responsible for the infirmities, sicknesses, and diseases that plague me.

What happened during the early hours of the morning? I'm telling you that before this experience, I had not considered the fact that through the umbilical cord, there is a connection to your mother. I'm here to tell you whether it's real or witchcraft, and perhaps both.

Every morning, I wake up in prayer, and she rises as well. On some mornings, I wake up to pray, only to find her getting up before me. This pattern continued for several months before I realized what was happening. I knew what she was going to say and do, and she attempted it on me. I'm telling you there was a connection; I could sense it. As I became aware, I began operating in a covert manner, altering my behavior to keep her unaware. Then there were things like failed marriages in the family, bad relationships, abusiveness, and so much more.

All these are signs of witchcraft. When the entire family is behaving the same way, it's a curse. That's why everything I tried didn't work; even though I told her everything, she secretly undermined my efforts. I know for a fact that she did this to my second wife. I now know that she could see that Lavenia, my second wife, was the one. So what did my mother do? While we were dating, she befriended Lavenaia and began planting seeds of doubt in her

By the time of our wedding, Lavenia was filled with anger and frustration due to my mother's interference, telling her what to do, and making her feel uncomfortable about her weight, a sensitive issue for many women. This situation prompted Lavenia to turn to alcohol once more, and her drinking spiraled out of control during the honeymoon period.

This was all intentional; I have stories spanning months about the hardships I've faced. However, the worst part didn't end there; as soon as I arrived at her home, I started receiving an abundance of spam emails. It was ridiculous. I discovered that my mother had given the devil access to my personal data, and I am currently in the process of removing all my personal information from the internet. Character assassinations, attacks on my finances, attacks on my relationships, and even an attempt to poison me are all occurring behind my back.

God has revealed all of these things to me, not once but numerous times. God has given me gifts with curses attached to them, and he has also used mirror magic to monitor me and disfigure my face. This is real. I was shaving one day, and all of a sudden, I had a scar on my face. I didn't cut myself or anything else. Similar to other areas of my body, I now have a scar on my face. I could go on and on about this because it's so deep, but let's get to the point.

Overcoming Betrayal: Finding Strength in Faith

You cannot stretch, strengthen, and push yourself into greatness without Judas. Judas' betrayal of Jesus was necessary for his execution on the cross. Similarly, God utilizes your betrayal of Judas to guide you towards your destiny and calling. God is very intentional; if you're experiencing something, it's for a purpose.

My testimony has blessed you with the ability to identify any Judas in your life. If that's the case, safeguard your heart and closely observe the individuals around you. Truth be told, they're often the ones closest to you. May the spirit of God lead you into all truth. Be sober and alert so that you can detect the enemy's plans. Be blessed in all your ways.

 Thank you for joining us on Almighty Anecdotes. It's been a blessing to share this time and story with you, and I hope it has brought you a step closer to understanding God's presence in your life. Remember, every week we explore new stories that illuminate our path to deeper faith and connection with the divine.

Make sure to subscribe to our podcast on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode. If today's story has touched your heart or inspired your spiritual journey, please consider sharing it with others who might also benefit. I'm your host, wishing you peace and spiritual growth until we meet again next week.

God bless you.