The Ministering Angel Podcast

Stay Humble

June 21, 2024 Ronald Myers jr
Stay Humble
The Ministering Angel Podcast
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The Ministering Angel Podcast
Stay Humble
Jun 21, 2024
Ronald Myers jr

 Ronald Myers Jr., promises a transformative journey towards a deeper connection with Jesus Christ. Ronald offers profound insights and inspiration to help listeners face life's challenges. He shares personal revelations and stresses the importance of humility, trusting in God's protection, and resisting evil. His message underscores the importance of spiritual awareness and reliance on divine guidance to navigate adversities and embrace the miraculous in life.

Episodes now
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. @12:00pm
Testimony Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm
Almighty Anecdotes - Thursday @ 6:00pm
Divine Revelations - Saturday @ 6:00pm

Contact: suggestions, comments, topics,

Thank You For Listening.

Show Notes Transcript

 Ronald Myers Jr., promises a transformative journey towards a deeper connection with Jesus Christ. Ronald offers profound insights and inspiration to help listeners face life's challenges. He shares personal revelations and stresses the importance of humility, trusting in God's protection, and resisting evil. His message underscores the importance of spiritual awareness and reliance on divine guidance to navigate adversities and embrace the miraculous in life.

Episodes now
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. @12:00pm
Testimony Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm
Almighty Anecdotes - Thursday @ 6:00pm
Divine Revelations - Saturday @ 6:00pm

Contact: suggestions, comments, topics,

Thank You For Listening.

Introduction: The Power of Humility

 Welcome, dear listeners. It is my sincere pleasure to invite you to embark on a transformative journey with the Ministering Angel podcast, hosted by Ronald Myers Jr. Whether you're a newcomer or a returning seeker, prepare to uncover an invaluable resource in your pursuit of a deeper connection with Jesus Christ.

If you're yearning to unlock your full potential and triumph over life's challenges, this Then Ronald, a true prophet of God, has been sent to be your guide. His words are not mere rhetoric, but a divine messenger, empowering you to conquer adversity and emerge victorious. With each episode, you'll discover a treasure trove of insights and inspiration, equipping you with the strength, wisdom, and resilience needed to overcome life's challenges.

It's not just a podcast, it's a sanctuary where faith is fortified and miracles unfold. I am truly grateful for your time and presence. Welcome to The Ministering Angel Podcast, where Ronald Myers Jr. stands as your faithful companion, leading you on a transformative journey towards a deeper understanding of your faith and a more fulfilling life.

Prepare to be inspired, empowered, and forever changed. Here's Ronald.

  Stay Humble

I've been blessed to have the relationship with God that I do; everything in me knows this for a fact. God has made me aware of numerous hidden events aimed at destroying me. As I've learned these things, I've had to make a decision as to how I would choose to handle the revelations I received.

In honesty, this was easy. The daily transformation into his image has not phased me, despite the various revelations about the enemy's activities. 

Facing Betrayal and Adversity

It blows your mind when I tell you that every day I receive new information or reinforcement about something happening or someone attempting to harm me.

In my experience, I've become accustomed to betrayal. While I have a clear understanding of my calling and its implications, it doesn't negate the ongoing attempts to achieve these goals. It's also true that, because I entered into God's likeness, I no longer look at people through the eyes of my former self but instead through the eyes of God.

Understanding the True Enemy

This has allowed me to not look at the individuals doing the dirty deeds as my enemies, but rather at the demons within or surrounding them as the culprits. To be honest, this has occasionally been a challenge for me. How would you feel if you found out that the person who gave you life wants you dead because of jealousy? How would you feel if you knew that the people you loved the most were agents for Satan to keep me from my destiny?

How would you feel if you found out your entire life was filled with liars, deceivers, manipulators, and people who smiled in your face but hated you? This is my reality; not only have I witnessed it firsthand, but my heavenly Father has been generous enough to reveal the truth to me. This is the true blessing of it all; despite knowing all that I know, I've had very few thoughts of retaliation towards anyone, particularly my mother.

It's true that a few times I wanted to be petty and speak the truth about what I knew, but I thought better of it because I'm always conscious of who I represent. 

Personal Struggles and Revelations

However, there are moments when you grow weary of constantly facing attacks or constantly being on guard. Sometimes you get weary and tired of the foolishness. You just want to go somewhere and scream and yell to release some of the emotions that result from the enemy's persistence.

In spite of all I've shared, I've learned to be extremely humble. I am humble to the point that I know that I don't have to be petty; I don't have to think of ways to repay the evil done to me because I know God will do it for me. When God says in Psalms 105:15, "To touch not his annointed and for his prophets no harm,"  you are wise to take heed to those words.

The Consequences of Actions

I've seen what happens to people who approach me. The torment and suffering that take place are painful. Despite numerous warnings to cease, these individuals continue to persist in their immoral behavior. The time has come for them to reap what they have been sowing. I see it every day.

It's interesting to watch your enemies go through what they wanted for you. I must admit that I derive a certain level of satisfaction from observing the squirming that occurs as a result of their schemes to bring you back. It's astonishing to watch them hide and run from me in their own home, avoiding me at all costs, only to suddenly not be home because they now know the truth about who I am and who I represent.

Embracing God's Protection

I finally had to accept the truth of my calling to God and the power behind it. This entire time, they treated me like I was stupid and didn't have the capability of making something of myself. They allowed the devil to deceive them into believing that I was a fraud and nobody to give a second thought to.

They now know that all they thought was wrong. They now know that they have to pay for everything they did, and they are terrified. I can see it in them—the shame, the fear, and for some of them, the fear of the exposure of what they've done in secret. Once again, God has shown me everything.

The funny part is that when these things were being done to me, I was under grace to handle and resist, but now that it's been returned to them, they can't handle it. 

Lessons in Humility and Trust

My point in all of this is to encourage you, when and if you experience it, to stay humble. It's easy to become engrossed in your emotions, thoughts, and desires that are not aligned with God's will; resist this urge.

You serve a loving God who protects his children. He fights the battles for you; your responsibility is to trust him and obey him. He will handle all other matters. In this matter, I speak from experience; there's nothing he will not protect and defend you from if you belong to him.

He knows and sees it all, I assure you. He sees the things you don't, and he hears the conversations you can't. This is why you must trust him. 

Final Reflections and Encouragement

I've discovered remarkable revelations about the words and actions I was previously aware of. The people who I thought cared for me didn't, and I was jealous because they weren't able to do things the way I could. They couldn't surmount obstacles in the same manner as I did.

God revealed to me that these individuals were so envious of my uniqueness that they attempted to emulate everything I did. They stalked me, attempting to study me in order to emulate my behavior. When that didn't work, they resorted to lurking in the shadows, devising schemes to bring me down. It's truly been an eye-opening few months of events and revelations about the realities of my life.

But praise to God, who has given me the grace for the situation. Without it, I would not be here. Without being humble, I know I would have acted in ways that would have prolonged or kept me from positioning myself to receive God's best in my life. The devil intended for that to occur, which is why we must be prepared to resist him when he appears.

Stay humble, resist the devil, and he will flee from you. May you receive this as truth and love from the Spirit of God.

 Your willingness to listen fills me with gratitude. I'm confident that the wisdom shared here will prove invaluable in navigating your current challenges. Let's invoke divine insight, as described in 2 Kings 6, 17, and pray for eyes to see beyond our circumstances. In Hosea 4 and 6, we're reminded of the dangers of spiritual ignorance, which can lead to our downfall.

Embrace this truth with an open heart, guided by the loving presence of the Holy Spirit. Stay encouraged, knowing that where there is great love, miracles abound. Remember, your prophet is here for you, ready to offer support and guidance every step of the way.