The Ministering Angel Podcast

 Standing Alone

July 01, 2024 Ronald Myers jr
 Standing Alone
The Ministering Angel Podcast
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The Ministering Angel Podcast
 Standing Alone
Jul 01, 2024
Ronald Myers jr

In this episode of The Ministering Angel Podcast, hosted by Ronald Myers Jr., listeners are invited on a transformative journey to deepen their connection with Jesus Christ. Ronald Myers Jr., a proclaimed prophet, shares insights on standing firm in faith against societal pressures, using biblical references like Isaiah 41:10 and Romans 12:2 to emphasize the importance of not conforming to worldly ways. The discussion highlights the trials and persecutions faced by Christians who strive to follow God's path, recounting personal experiences of misunderstanding and lack of appreciation within and outside the church. Through resilience and adherence to faith, Ronald stresses the fulfillment and true purpose found in representing Jesus, inspiring listeners to find strength and courage in their spiritual journey.

Episodes now
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. @12:00pm
Testimony Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm
Almighty Anecdotes - Thursday @ 6:00pm
Divine Revelations - Saturday @ 6:00pm

Contact: suggestions, comments, topics,

Thank You For Listening.

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode of The Ministering Angel Podcast, hosted by Ronald Myers Jr., listeners are invited on a transformative journey to deepen their connection with Jesus Christ. Ronald Myers Jr., a proclaimed prophet, shares insights on standing firm in faith against societal pressures, using biblical references like Isaiah 41:10 and Romans 12:2 to emphasize the importance of not conforming to worldly ways. The discussion highlights the trials and persecutions faced by Christians who strive to follow God's path, recounting personal experiences of misunderstanding and lack of appreciation within and outside the church. Through resilience and adherence to faith, Ronald stresses the fulfillment and true purpose found in representing Jesus, inspiring listeners to find strength and courage in their spiritual journey.

Episodes now
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. @12:00pm
Testimony Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm
Almighty Anecdotes - Thursday @ 6:00pm
Divine Revelations - Saturday @ 6:00pm

Contact: suggestions, comments, topics,

Thank You For Listening.

Introduction: Standing Alone

 Welcome, dear listeners. It is my sincere pleasure to invite you to embark on a transformative journey with the Ministering Angel podcast, hosted by Ronald Myers Jr. Whether you're a newcomer or a returning seeker, prepare to uncover an invaluable resource in your pursuit of a deeper connection with Jesus Christ.

If you're yearning to unlock your full potential and triumph over life's challenges, this Then Ronald, a true prophet of God, has been sent to be your guide. His words are not mere rhetoric, but a divine messenger, empowering you to conquer adversity and emerge victorious. With each episode, you'll discover a treasure trove of insights and inspiration, equipping you with the strength, wisdom, and resilience needed to overcome life's challenges.

It's not just a podcast, it's a sanctuary where faith is fortified and miracles unfold. I am truly grateful for your time and presence. Welcome to The Ministering Angel Podcast, where Ronald Myers Jr. stands as your faithful companion, leading you on a transformative journey towards a deeper understanding of your faith and a more fulfilling life.

Prepare to be inspired, empowered, and forever changed. Here's Ronald.

 Standing Alone

Many people succumb to the world's pressures. Romans 12:2 in the Bible instructs us to set ourselves apart and not conform to this world. For numerous Christians, this has become an impossibility. Too many Christians are emulating the world rather than setting themselves apart from it. As a result, a religious atmosphere has engulfed Christianity.

The Challenge of Non-Conformity

Standing alone and walking the straight and narrow path is not possible if you're not in alignment with the spirit of God. There are numerous scriptures that point to the fact that, though it may seem like you are alone, you are not. 

Scriptural Encouragement

In Isaiah 41:10, it says, "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, and I will uphold you with my victorious right hand."

In today's podcast, my discussion is focused on standing alone and being set apart for the purposes of the kingdom of God. 

Temptations and Trials

Many things can tempt us to turn away from God. We are born into a nature of being enemies of God, until we are provoked to accept the gift of salvation.

The enemy has set up a well-organized network to obstruct your access to truth. Your determination to know God determines your desire to access this truth. If your desire is for the truth, then you must be prepared to endure various amounts of persecution, trials, and various attempts to keep you from rebelling against God.

People will misunderstand you, dislike you, and often misrepresent your actions. 

The Copycat World

Let's be honest, we live in a copycat world. We strive to blend in, and when we don't, we experience feelings of rejection due to our differences from others. We have convinced ourselves that it's okay to look like the world.

The issue is that you have deceived yourself, and as a result, you have begun to resemble them to such an extent that you have become their mirror. Many Christians curse, gamble, smoke illegal substances, and act and dress like they don't believe in or know God. They only attempt to portray the internet as God on Sunday mornings, believing that he will respond to their feigned interest in knowing him.

Often, when you stand alone, people will persecute you for acting differently than them. People have conditioned us to believe that our actions should align with those of the majority. If you deviate from the norm, face criticism and ridicule, and are led to believe that your beliefs aren't genuine, it becomes easier for others to follow your example and maintain their sense of righteousness.

Personal Experiences

In my life, I've frequently encountered the consequences of what I've described. In my personal life, I've encountered misrepresentation, disrespect, and lack of appreciation due to my unique perspective, adherence to kindness and compassion, avoidance of mistreatment, and pursuit of righteousness.

People often misunderstand me, perceive me as moody, or treat me as if I have a different perspective. 

Church Challenges

In my church life, you would think it would've been different, but it wasn't. In fact, it was worse. I say this because one might assume that Christians would act in a more godly manner, but in my experience, there was no difference.

In transparency, God directed me to three churches that were not his in order for me to learn different lessons. These churches operated in a form of godliness, but they were far from God. Between the tree churches, there was mockery, attempts to intimidate me, attempts to confuse me in my beliefs, division, and many other things.

None of what I endured made sense at the time, but once I knew my calling, it all made sense. As I went through the three churches, I recognized things weren't right but held firm in my beliefs. The various churches treated me differently because I refused to conform to their ways at the time. This, they believed, justified their actions.

The Importance of Standing Alone

Standing alone is required when your surroundings or circumstances call for it. The ability to do so is due to God's grace. You also need to firmly root yourself in God's identity. It can be lonely and tiresome at times, but it's always important to remember who you represent.

I've stood alone for about a decade. It's been a challenge to not share my joys with someone. At times, I've struggled to gain understanding or respect for my unique identity. 

Conclusion: The Worth of Standing Alone

But I'm here to tell you that, in the end, it's worth it. Representing Jesus is the highlight of my life. It has given me purpose and meaning, something I had not known before.

It has given me a love—a true love—that I have been searching for for most of my life. It has shown me who I am and capabilities I didn't know were in me. This alone makes it more than worth it to stand alone in my faith. May you find the strength and courage to stand for the truth in the midst of the chaos surrounding you. Receive this in truth and love from the Spirit of God.