The Ministering Angel Podcast

Know Your Why!

June 21, 2024 Ronald Myers jr
Know Your Why!
The Ministering Angel Podcast
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The Ministering Angel Podcast
Know Your Why!
Jun 21, 2024
Ronald Myers jr

In this heartfelt podcast, Ronald reflects on his life journey on his birthday, June 21st, exploring profound life lessons learned over the years. He covers a tumultuous upbringing marked by family dysfunction, generational curses, and personal challenges, including a rare eye condition, strained parental relationships, and early parenthood. The speaker details his struggles and transformative journey through faith, discovering his calling as a prophet after facing severe trials and demonic attacks. The podcast aims to inspire listeners to understand their 'why' and embrace their truths, offering support through his testimonies and the promise of one-on-one assistance in overcoming their own challenges, ultimately guided by the wisdom of God's word.

Episodes now
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. @12:00pm
Testimony Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm
Almighty Anecdotes - Thursday @ 6:00pm
Divine Revelations - Saturday @ 6:00pm

Contact: suggestions, comments, topics,

Thank You For Listening.

Show Notes Transcript

In this heartfelt podcast, Ronald reflects on his life journey on his birthday, June 21st, exploring profound life lessons learned over the years. He covers a tumultuous upbringing marked by family dysfunction, generational curses, and personal challenges, including a rare eye condition, strained parental relationships, and early parenthood. The speaker details his struggles and transformative journey through faith, discovering his calling as a prophet after facing severe trials and demonic attacks. The podcast aims to inspire listeners to understand their 'why' and embrace their truths, offering support through his testimonies and the promise of one-on-one assistance in overcoming their own challenges, ultimately guided by the wisdom of God's word.

Episodes now
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. @12:00pm
Testimony Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm
Almighty Anecdotes - Thursday @ 6:00pm
Divine Revelations - Saturday @ 6:00pm

Contact: suggestions, comments, topics,

Thank You For Listening.

Know Your Why!

 Welcome, and thank you for listening to this podcast. Today is the 21st of June. It is the day of my existence in this world.  Over the years, I've learned to take this day and reflect not just on the past year, but on my entire life and where it stands and where it's going. Today's podcast will reflect the entirety of what I've learned in the past year, as well as the why of it all. I am confident that what you hear will bring you blessings. Thank you for listening.

  Know Your Why!

Do you know why? Do you understand why things in your life have transpired the way they have? Have you been able to see the origins of why you are where you are right now in your life? These are a few of the questions I aim for you to ponder as I share my story with you.

Reflecting on Personal Struggles

I spent my entire life wondering why there were so many things I'd experienced. For example, why did my mother not do more when she found out about my eye condition? Why did my parents treat me so unlovingly compared to my siblings? Why was it that every time I took two steps forward, I went back five? Where did the love come from within me, despite the fact that I never received it growing up?

Why was my life so difficult? 

Spiritual Awakening and Seeking Truth

As I came to know Christ, a new set of questions arose. Why are people attacking me for no reason? Why do I constantly find myself in the company of dramatic individuals? Why doesn't anyone care for me the same way I do for them? I attract people, but why do they mistreat me? Why did they betray me, belittle me, disrespect me, and treat me like a mere tool for my gifts, talents, and abilities?

It's amusing, but it's not when you're the last person to know the truth. In my relationship with God, my focus was on God, and I wanted the truth. Every time I prayed, even in my thoughts throughout the day, I was asking God to show me the truth. It took over a decade, but I finally have my truth. Many of us claim to want the truth, but when we receive it, we often reject it because it doesn't fit the narrative we live in. My truth smacked me in the face, and I had no option but to accept it.

Unveiling Family Secrets

My truth begins at birth. My family was aware of my uniqueness that they sought advice from a dark arts specialist to predict my future. Indeed, my family knew early on that I was destined for greatness. That makes sense, considering how traumatic my childhood was. There's nothing good I can remember from it; it was all chaotic and dysfunctional.

Into my teenage years, I continued on a path of further turmoil. 

Facing Generational Curses

At the time, I was unaware that I was facing generational curses. My parents' involvement in Jehovah's Witnesses led me into a cult. The eye condition I mentioned earlier was a curse, passed down through my bloodline for generations, rendering the men in the family blind by the age of 30. I, of course, had it worse than any of them.

My father was the most strict with me; at the age of 14, I engaged in sexual activity, and at the age of 15, my first child was born. I take responsibility for my actions now, but back then, my father provoked me daily into doing what I did. I believe this was his devious attempt to manipulate me, given my high level of sensitivity as a child. But if you'd been through and seen the things I have, you might be sensitive too.

Tumultuous Relationships and Loss

As I entered adulthood, I experienced various circumstances with impactful consequences. In my early twenties, I had another child from a three year relationship with a decent but broken woman I met. Later in my twenties, I met and married my first wife, with whom I had yet another child. In the midst of all this taking place, there was chaos, dysfunction, arguing and fighting, abusiveness, and a host of other things happening. My life was a tumultuous emotional roller-coaster, causing me to experience intense emotions on a daily basis.

Emotional Turmoil and Self-Realization

Before I continue, allow me to give you a little background information. I didn't realize my upbringing had an impact on me until I left home in my late teens. Despite the traumatic nature of my upbringing, it had a lasting impact on my mental and emotional health. My anger typically surfaces when I endure excessive mistreatment from others. I would punch walls, admittedly abusing the women I was with; I would become enraged, all the while believing I was a good man.

I had no self-esteem; my emotions guided me. If things were good, I was good; if they weren't, I would become depressed. Fear, rejection, feelings of not being good enough, insecurity, inadequacy, and unworthiness, among other character flaws, were my constant companions. Even though I told myself that, as a man, I would not become my father, that's exactly what I had become.

After nine years of marriage in a torture chamber, an unexpected and imaginable thing happened. My first wife is pregnant. At that point, we're looking at each other and wondering how that happened when we've not been having sex for years for various reasons, but mostly because she had a terminal lung disease. Needless to say, a pregnancy is taxing on a woman's body, and there was a chance she wouldn't survive it. 

That's what took place. In a book I've written, I discuss this and my entire life in greater detail. Due to the strain on her lungs, doctors remove the baby at 25 weeks in an attempt to save her life, but she passes away two months later. This event profoundly affected me at the time. Not only had I lost my wife, I had to raise a 1 lb, 12 ounce, 25-week-old son by myself. I didn't see that coming. 

Despite the tumultuous relationship, losing someone you love isn't easy. I spent the next few years attempting to let you in on the hurt, pain, and disappointment of my marriage. I was determined not to repeat the mistakes that I found myself making. As I mentioned earlier, one step forward often leads to five steps back. A little over a year later, I lost a daughter. In a span of less than 18 months, I lost a child and a wife. But I soldier on for my newborn's sake.

A New Beginning and Further Challenges

I then met a woman who would become my wife and change my life forever. This woman was nothing like I'd ever come across before. She possessed the qualities I sought in a wife. I had the best time of my life with her. I was also at my worst. To maintain your interest in the book, I will present it in a straightforward manner. Events in this marriage shattered me to such an extent that I welcomed the gift of salvation.

It was so bad that it took me more than three years to get over it. I spent many days weeping over her loss. What I didn't know then, but I know now, is that the enemy used her to do exactly what had happened. The enemy executed a strategic strike against me, understanding that a direct attack would not be effective, which is why they made the covert attempt. The enemy made the mistake of underestimating my resolve and divine protection.

I was in a mental and emotional tailspin after my wife left me. I was at my lowest point as I began my walk with the Lord. Knowing very little about Christianity, I dove into reading the word of God with a burning desire for the truth. The unsettling thing for me was that before accepting salvation, I thought the circumstances were a struggle before receiving salvatioun, but the circumstances got progressively worse.

I spent the majority of the next 11 years in what Christians refer to as the wilderness. 

Embracing the Prophetic Calling

It wasn't until ten years into my journey that I realized my calling as a prophet. Over the past ten years, I have faced every imaginable form of demonic attack while preparing and training for the office I will hold.  The transformation from the broken, unworthy, and emotional man I grew up into a representative of Jesus has come to an end.

I believe you would be hard-pressed to find anyone who has overcome the various things that I have. Once I fully understood what my why was, I embraced the fact that all I'd endured was for you. It was to help deliver and heal you, to help you not fall into the traps that I did. It was to help you navigate through your walk with Jesus in a less hurtful way, if possible. I consider it a blessing to have gone through what I did. The testimonies I carry will be life-saving.

This world is wicked; the people in it are wicked. Who better than someone who has faced wickedness head-on and defeated it to assist you in overcoming wickedness? You cannot run away from the truth of this world; what you can do is equip and protect yourself from its effects. We cannot afford any longer to stay in the dark, ignoring the reality we live in.

We, as the body of Christ, have an obligation to help save the lost and enslaved. We've sat on our hands for far too long, and the time has come to step up and take back territory from the enemy. God chose me to take back territory, and I will do just that. 

Encouragement and Final Thoughts

I share these things because there are many who are experiencing very similar things, just as I was once upon a time.

That's the power of a testimony—to encourage and strengthen another in overcoming. It can be disheartening and lonely to go through things believing you're all alone. Mow, you know you're not. I'm about to go deeper and show you that you're not alone. In the upcoming weeks, I will make room to assist you with whatever you may be facing.

I'm finalizing the steps needed to help you one-on-one overcome what you're facing right now. God has blessed me with many talents and gifts to aid the body of Christ. We're living in a period of transformation; avoid falling behind, as you might not be able to keep up. Please like and follow for more. 

 Your willingness to listen fills me with gratitude. I'm confident that the wisdom shared here will prove invaluable in navigating your current challenges. Let's invoke divine insight, as described in 2 Kings 6, 17, and pray for eyes to see beyond our circumstances. In Hosea 4 and 6, we're reminded of the dangers of spiritual ignorance, which can lead to our downfall.

Embrace this truth with an open heart, guided by the loving presence of the Holy Spirit. Stay encouraged, knowing that where there is great love, miracles abound. Remember, your prophet is here for you, ready to offer support and guidance every step of the way.