The Ministering Angel Podcast

Divine Revelations - The Only Kind Of Christian That Frightens Satan

June 29, 2024 Ronald Myers jr Season 1 Episode 9
Divine Revelations - The Only Kind Of Christian That Frightens Satan
The Ministering Angel Podcast
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The Ministering Angel Podcast
Divine Revelations - The Only Kind Of Christian That Frightens Satan
Jun 29, 2024 Season 1 Episode 9
Ronald Myers jr

 The host for 'Divine Revelations' begins by inviting viewers on a spiritual journey to uncover the deep truths of the Holy Bible. The host focuses on practical teachings to help believers make the blood of Jesus real in their lives. It examines Revelation 12:11 and discusses the concept of overcoming Satan by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. The hist emphasizes the importance of total commitment to God's will, comparing it to a soldier's commitment in an army. The episode concludes by encouraging viewers to reflect on these divine truths and incorporate them into their daily lives to strengthen their faith and relationship with Jesus Christ.  

Episodes now
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. @12:00pm
Testimony Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm
Almighty Anecdotes - Thursday @ 6:00pm
Divine Revelations - Saturday @ 6:00pm

Contact: suggestions, comments, topics,

Thank You For Listening.

Show Notes Transcript

 The host for 'Divine Revelations' begins by inviting viewers on a spiritual journey to uncover the deep truths of the Holy Bible. The host focuses on practical teachings to help believers make the blood of Jesus real in their lives. It examines Revelation 12:11 and discusses the concept of overcoming Satan by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. The hist emphasizes the importance of total commitment to God's will, comparing it to a soldier's commitment in an army. The episode concludes by encouraging viewers to reflect on these divine truths and incorporate them into their daily lives to strengthen their faith and relationship with Jesus Christ.  

Episodes now
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. @12:00pm
Testimony Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm
Almighty Anecdotes - Thursday @ 6:00pm
Divine Revelations - Saturday @ 6:00pm

Contact: suggestions, comments, topics,

Thank You For Listening.

 Welcome to Divine Revelations, where we unlock the profound truths and life changing insights found within the pages of the Holy Bible.  Join us as we embark on a spiritual journey, uncovering the depths of God's Word and how it can transform our lives.  Each episode, we'll explore powerful revelations that will illuminate your path and strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Get ready to be inspired, encouraged, and enlightened as we dive into the divine revelations that will forever shape your faith journey. Let's begin.

Introduction and Purpose

Now, this morning, I'm going to deal with something that's extremely practical.  What I've described to you is true, it's wonderful, but in a certain sense you don't necessarily know how to make it real in your life and your experience.  So, this morning, I'm going to teach on how to appropriate the blood of Jesus. 

How to get the full effects of the blood of Jesus working in your life.  And by way of introduction, I want to turn to Revelation chapter 12 and verse 11. So, let's begin.  Revelation, the twelfth chapter, the eleventh verse.  

The Great End Time Conflict

This is speaking about what I believe to be a great end time conflict that lies ahead, at the close of the present age.

A conflict in which heaven and earth are involved.  The angels of God are involved. Satan and his angels are involved. And God's believing people on earth are involved.  And thank God that the victory goes to God and to his people.  And this passage describes how the people of God on earth, God's believing people on this earth, played their part in obtaining that victory. 

It's a statement made by the angels.  But it's made about the believers on earth.  And it says, in Revelation 12, 11, They overcame him.  Who is they?  They is people like you and me.  Believers in Jesus Christ.  Now, who is Him?  Satan, that's right. That's very important. And you see, that shows very clearly that there can be direct conflict between us and Satan.

There's no one else in between. They overcame Him.  And then it tells us how they overcame Him.  By the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.  And it also adds what kind of people they were.  They loved not their lives unto the death. 

The Commitment of True Believers

To say it in one word, they were committed.  Totally committed. And that's the only kind of Christian that frightens Satan.  Totally committed Christian. When it says they loved not their lives unto the death, what does it mean?  Well, it means for them, staying alive was not priority number one.  Priority number one was to do the will of God. 

Whether they stayed alive or not.  Staying alive wasn't the most important thing for them.  The most important thing was to be faithful to the Lord and do His will.  

Understanding the Soldier's Mindset

See, we talk about being soldiers in the Lord's army, but I think a lot of us really have got a very vague and rather sentimental idea about what it is to be a soldier.

I, by no choice of my own, was a soldier in the British army in World War II. For five and a half years. And let me tell you one thing, when I I didn't enlist, I was conscripted, but anyhow, when I got into this situation, I didn't get a nice little certificate from the commanding officer saying We guarantee you, you'll never have to lose your life. 

No soldier has ever joined an army on the condition that he will not be killed.  In fact, in a certain sense, any time a soldier joins an army one of his commitments is, I may be killed.  It may cost me my life.  And it's just the same in the Lord's army.  You've got no guarantee that you will not have to lay down your life. 

The people that Satan fears are those who are not afraid to lay down their lives.  After all, life is comparatively brief anyhow.  It's not going to go on forever, and it's not all a bed of roses, is it? 

It would be foolish to miss eternal glory for the sake of a few brief years on earth, wouldn't it? You see, I believe this is enlightened self interest.  To have a proper sense of values. 

The Value of Doing God's Will

What is more important I believe that we should say for me the most important thing in life is to do the will of God. 

There's a wonderful statement in 1 John chapter 2 verse 17.  The world passes away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.  When you unite your will with the will of God in total commitment, you become unsinkable.  You're undefeatable. You're unshakable. You're just as totally sure as God's will. 

When you identify yourself with the will of God, whether you live or whether you die is of secondary importance. But you cannot be defeated. 

Overcoming Satan by the Blood of Jesus

Now, I want to consider what it means when To overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.  This is one of the precious treasures of truth that God has given me over the years.  There's no way you could put a price on this.  You could offer millions of dollars, but it wouldn't be sufficient. 

There is no monetary value equal to the value of this truth.  I want to say it very simply, and I trust I'll make it clear. Listen carefully.  

Personal Testimony and Victory

We overcome Satan when we testify personally to what the Word of God says the blood of Jesus does for us.  I'm going to say that again.  We overcome Satan when we testify personally to what the Word of God says, the blood of Jesus does for us. 

Now rather than just leave you trying to remember that, I'm going to ask you, invite you, to say it after me. All right? To fix it in your minds.  Uh, don't try and say it with me.  I'll say it phrase by phrase, you say it afterwards. All right, are you ready?  We overcome Satan when we testify personally to what the word of God says, the blood of Jesus does  for us. 

 Thank you for joining us on this journey through divine revelations.  We hope the biblical insights and revelations we've explored today have strengthened your faith, deepened your understanding of God's word, and brought you closer to Jesus Christ.  As you go about your day, reflect on how you can apply these divine truths to your life.

And allow the transformative power of the Bible to guide your every step.  Until next time, keep seeking, keep discovering, and keep growing in your relationship with our Lord and Savior.  May God's love, grace, and wisdom be with you always.  This has been Divine Revelations, unlocking the profound mysteries of the Bible for your spiritual enrichment.