The Ministering Angel Podcast


June 23, 2024 Ronald Myers jr
The Ministering Angel Podcast
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The Ministering Angel Podcast
Jun 23, 2024
Ronald Myers jr

In this heartfelt episode of the Ministering Angel Podcast, hosted by Ronald Myers Jr., listeners are invited on a transformative journey to deepen their faith in Jesus Christ. Ronald shares his personal reflections on a year filled with significant life changes, including a move to Texas and the unexpected reunion with his ex-wife. His stories underscore the challenges he faced, his spiritual growth, and the affirmation of his calling as a prophet. Ronald emphasizes the importance of resilience, intimacy with God, and understanding one's identity and purpose. Through his experiences, he offers wisdom and encouragement to help others overcome their trials and grow spiritually.

Episodes now
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. @12:00pm
Testimony Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm
Almighty Anecdotes - Thursday @ 6:00pm
Divine Revelations - Saturday @ 6:00pm

Contact: suggestions, comments, topics,

Thank You For Listening.

Show Notes Transcript

In this heartfelt episode of the Ministering Angel Podcast, hosted by Ronald Myers Jr., listeners are invited on a transformative journey to deepen their faith in Jesus Christ. Ronald shares his personal reflections on a year filled with significant life changes, including a move to Texas and the unexpected reunion with his ex-wife. His stories underscore the challenges he faced, his spiritual growth, and the affirmation of his calling as a prophet. Ronald emphasizes the importance of resilience, intimacy with God, and understanding one's identity and purpose. Through his experiences, he offers wisdom and encouragement to help others overcome their trials and grow spiritually.

Episodes now
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. @12:00pm
Testimony Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm
Almighty Anecdotes - Thursday @ 6:00pm
Divine Revelations - Saturday @ 6:00pm

Contact: suggestions, comments, topics,

Thank You For Listening.

Reflections and Gratitude

 Welcome, dear listeners. It is my sincere pleasure to invite you to embark on a transformative journey with the Ministering Angel podcast, hosted by Ronald Myers Jr. Whether you're a newcomer or a returning seeker, prepare to uncover an invaluable resource in your pursuit of a deeper connection with Jesus Christ.

If you're yearning to unlock your full potential and triumph over life's challenges, visit Then Ronald, a true prophet of God, has been sent to be your guide. His words are not mere rhetoric, but a divine messenger, empowering you to conquer adversity and emerge victorious. With each episode, you'll discover a treasure trove of insights and inspiration, equipping you with the strength, wisdom, and resilience needed to overcome life's challenges.

It's not just a podcast, it's a sanctuary where faith is fortified and miracles unfold. I am truly grateful for your time and presence. Welcome to The Ministering Angel Podcast, where Ronald Myers Jr. stands as your faithful companion, leading you on a transformative journey towards a deeper understanding of your faith and a more fulfilling life.

Prepare to be inspired, empowered, and forever changed. Here's Ronald.


As my birthday has recently passed, I usually take that day to reflect on the previous year. This past year has been a roller-coaster of emotions, unexpected revelations, and life-changing moments that have changed my life forever. Before I go further, I must stress that I, on my own, have done nothing. God's mercy, love, and grace gave me the chance to speak to you.

As I'm about to share with you, the enemy has had me dead to rights many times in my life. However, God had a plan and a purpose for me. The one thing I might credit with is diligently seeking him and maintaining my belief in who I am in him. When I started my journey, I only wanted the truth, which I'll share today.

These events don't necessarily occur in chronological order, but I've done my best to document them as much as possible. 

Signs and Relocation

The events began with a series of signs informing me that I was about to relocate to a new state. What's interesting is that I saw signs of not just moving to a new state but also multiple countries. This continued for several months before settling on Texas.

I was instructed to pack and be ready to move. I gave away everything and awaited further instructions. 

Reunion and Revelation

Several months earlier, my ex-wife, who was soon to become my future wife again, moved back in due to a living situation she encountered. My former wife left me over 11 years ago, according to the backstory. Shortly after, God revealed to me that she would return and become my wife. I had no idea that it would take that long.

It was as if she never left; we had spent ten years apart; she divorced me, but she was occasionally in contact with me. We were not intimate, though we both wanted each other. I gave her a spare bedroom I had available, and I treated her like a guest. As time progressed, incidents of provocative behavior occurred.

From the beginning of her return, I saw she was different, and not in a beneficial way. In truth, she irritated me with traits we didn't share. 

Spiritual Awakening

One of those incidents resulted in a demonic manifestation, revealing my calling as a prophet of God. They spoke the exact words, "You are a prophet of God, a messenger of God."

Before I continue, I had a sense for months that this was true, but I was in a wilderness period and had no way of confirming if what I was feeling was true. This manifestation validated my calling as a prophet. It was my awakening moment for the things I'd gone through in my life.

Not recognizing what was going on completely, I allowed these manifestations to take place a few more times before I asked her to leave my home. As I had not been taught or shown how to deal with these things, I felt it was best to rid my home of the drama. Although I didn't want to, I took the necessary actions for my peace of mind and home.

It was at this point that I began to see the gifts and talents in me emerge. I started writing a book about my life's journey, which has involved overcoming numerous challenging obstacles. I've never written anything, but words and sentences were flowing like a river. Every day, new ideas for diverse income streams emerged.

All this occurred while I was growing in my spiritual maturity. 

Challenges and Growth

Then it came time to leave my home. I had given notice I was leaving, and my house had been sold. In the middle of October 2023, my son and I left the only home he's known for his entire life—at that time, 16 years. Not having gotten direction from God by this time, I took what money I had and went to a motel to stay.

A week later, broke, and having still not heard anything, I had to make a call to family for help. This was difficult, as I had cut all of them off months earlier per God's instructions. After spending five hours at Dunkin Donuts and checking out of the motel, I made the call to my mother. I sat there praying and pleading as to what I'm to do next.

At this point, I must acknowledge the blessing of my son, who had not once complained about any of what was happening. We spent a week in the motel eating pretzel dogs to save money. He lost his room, his privacy, and the comforts of his home, but he never complained. I know that there are many Christians who could be this way; I'm just saying.

Family and Faith

Her and her husband picked us up, and my life transformed spiritually from that moment. I arrived in that environment with no indication that I was the enemy. My guard was dropped, though I was where I didn't want to be and around people I had let go of. I was also confused as to what God was doing and why.

In hindsight, I look back and see that his silence was part of the plan. I believed I was among family, but I quickly realized that wasn't the truth. Remember, I always cried out to God for the truth, and in this and every other case, he revealed it to me. From the beginning, there was daily provocation. They used anything and everything to push me out of my comfort zone. During the first few months, I made numerous mistakes. I was so focused on where I was, not wanting to be there, that I wasn't looking through my spiritual eyes.

But that's why he put me there. 

Spiritual Warfare

It started back at my home with my former wife, but my eyes had gradually opened to the spiritual impact my presence was having on those around me. But it didn't stop there; I also began to see the true nature of who these people were. I could see the intentions and motives behind their words and actions.

What I'm trying to say is that I began to see that I wasn't dealing with the people themselves, but with the demons operating within them. I began seeing with my spiritual eyes rather than my fleshly eyes. This changed the game for me. Flame-throwing arrows were pelting me, and I was continuously absorbing damage. That's why, from the beginning, I started saying that my victories are God's, not mine.

If it weren't for God's protection, I wouldn't be here. I know it. Once God revealed my weaknesses and strengthened them, the flaming arrows returned to their source. Then the atmosphere changed. Instead of me being on the defensive, the enemy was on the defensive. All that remained was my departure from what I will refer to as the enemy camp.

Lessons and Insights

I have learned so much from my last year of life. I hope I can recall it all in order for you to benefit from what I've experienced. The mercy and grace of God are real, tangible things you need to be grateful for. Another scripture that we often take for granted or fail to fully embrace is "His grace is sufficient." The verse "He who is in us is greater" is a truth that far too many people fail to live by. As I've said, I would not be here without this foundation.

Diligently seeking God got me through every battle and challenge I overcame. God will go silent at times; what will you do then? Resilience is my secret weapon. I never give up or cease; I persistently engage in battles, refusing to surrender. That is my calling card. The things I've been through are too many to recall, but here I am. Perseverance and endurance lead to the perfection of God's image.

I'm so proud of who I am compared to who I was. I was easily provoked, full of pride and ego, and did not know who or what I was born to be. I exhibited traits typical of someone from an abusive background, fueled by anger and a sense of low self-worth. I was a manipulator and a liar, ran by my emotions, and was not capable of getting out of my own way.

Now, I'm a new creature in God. I am full of the fruits of the Spirit, loving others even as they attempt to destroy me. I'm consumed with the business of the kingdom of God, helping anyone I can to overcome their shortcomings. I am blessed and favored by God as a result of my love and intimacy with him. I live out the scriptures daily and bring them to life. I am a brightly shining light that the nation will be able to see.

I've become a true representative of Jesus, a witness to others. My testimonies will encourage, inspire, and provoke others to overcome whatever they may be facing. I've learned that nothing is impossible with God. Those seeds sown in fertile soil reap a fantastic harvest. God is a God of promises, and he keeps them. I've learned that persecution and haters are a blessing. Your enemies allow you to grow, develop, and mature spiritually, preparing you for God's use. Trials and tests are constant. You must constantly demonstrate your worthiness for His purposes.

No intimacy, no response. You cannot expect God to listen to you if you won't spend time with him. Humble yourself, or God will do it for you. Be genuine with God; copying others or being fake will gain you nothing. Know your strengths and weaknesses, because the enemy knows you better than you know yourself.

Know your enemy. In my experience, the enemy isn't smart; we fall for its schemes due to ignorance. Position yourself to receive from God; this only comes by hearing God's word and having intimacy with Him. Be willing to serve; the gift of salvation is for you to assist others to want what you've been given by the way you represent your creator.

There will be a price to pay if you desire to serve God's purposes. It will cost you dearly. Ensure you are a valuable asset, not merely a tool. You will make mistakes, and those mistakes will serve as your testimony. There's time for milk, but I desire meat. Today the church is watered down with milk and is nourishing. Lean not on your own understanding, because God's ways are not ours.

There's so much more I can share, but I've left enough for you to chew on. 

Final Reflections and Blessings

The last year of my life has changed me forever. I now understand my identity, my calling, and my purpose. I have a heavenly Father who loves me and has given me life in him. God has selected me for his will and purposes at this precise moment. I hope to give you what you need to succeed in God's plan.

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalms 23:6)

May "the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." (2 Corinthians 13:14)Reflections!

 Your willingness to listen fills me with gratitude. I'm confident that the wisdom shared here will prove invaluable in navigating your current challenges. Let's invoke divine insight, as described in 2 Kings 6. 17, and pray for eyes to see beyond our circumstances. In 6, we're reminded of the dangers of spiritual ignorance, which can lead to our downfall.

Embrace this truth with an open heart, guided by the loving presence of the Holy Spirit. Stay encouraged, knowing that where there is great love, miracles abound. Remember, your prophet is here for you, ready to offer support and guidance every step of the way.