Raw Minds

Raw Minds Ep. 18 - Men Unmasked: Navigating Toxicity in Friend Groups & Work

February 23, 2024 Raw minds Season 1 Episode 18
Raw Minds Ep. 18 - Men Unmasked: Navigating Toxicity in Friend Groups & Work
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Raw Minds Ep. 18 - Men Unmasked: Navigating Toxicity in Friend Groups & Work
Feb 23, 2024 Season 1 Episode 18
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Have you ever found yourself drowning in the toxicity of a workplace that's sucking the joy out of your life? That's a story Joey and I know all too well, and in our heartfelt episode, we crack open the realities of such environments on mental health. We spin tales from our own lives, diving into how negative dynamics, particularly from management, can spread through our daily routines like a virus. But it's not all doom and gloom; we're here to arm you with the tools of empowerment and action. By harnessing your transferable skills and shedding the victim mentality, we're guiding you toward taking the reins of your career and personal well-being.

As we wade through the murky waters of past mistakes and the courage to apologize, we touch a tender spot in this episode. Eric and I reveal the times we've stumbled, the apologies we've made, and the liberating journey of self-forgiveness that followed. It's not just about making amends; it's about unshackling ourselves from resentment and finding freedom through forgiveness. We delve into our stories of childhood traumas and the remarkable strength that comes from letting go, making this conversation a beacon for anyone looking to journey down the path of self-discovery and healing.

Closing out with a chapter on friendship and mental health, we explore the tightrope walk of being there for friends while also nurturing our own growth. We discuss the essential practice of setting boundaries, the maturity in admitting loneliness, and the transformative power that cutting ties with negativity can bring. It's an episode that encourages you to embrace discomfort as a sign of progress, all the while making room for healthier relationships and a more resilient version of yourself. Join us as we chart these intricate paths together, because sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is prioritize your peace of mind.

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Have you ever found yourself drowning in the toxicity of a workplace that's sucking the joy out of your life? That's a story Joey and I know all too well, and in our heartfelt episode, we crack open the realities of such environments on mental health. We spin tales from our own lives, diving into how negative dynamics, particularly from management, can spread through our daily routines like a virus. But it's not all doom and gloom; we're here to arm you with the tools of empowerment and action. By harnessing your transferable skills and shedding the victim mentality, we're guiding you toward taking the reins of your career and personal well-being.

As we wade through the murky waters of past mistakes and the courage to apologize, we touch a tender spot in this episode. Eric and I reveal the times we've stumbled, the apologies we've made, and the liberating journey of self-forgiveness that followed. It's not just about making amends; it's about unshackling ourselves from resentment and finding freedom through forgiveness. We delve into our stories of childhood traumas and the remarkable strength that comes from letting go, making this conversation a beacon for anyone looking to journey down the path of self-discovery and healing.

Closing out with a chapter on friendship and mental health, we explore the tightrope walk of being there for friends while also nurturing our own growth. We discuss the essential practice of setting boundaries, the maturity in admitting loneliness, and the transformative power that cutting ties with negativity can bring. It's an episode that encourages you to embrace discomfort as a sign of progress, all the while making room for healthier relationships and a more resilient version of yourself. Join us as we chart these intricate paths together, because sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is prioritize your peace of mind.

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Speaker 2:

Welcome back everybody. Thanks for tuning in. Once again, it's a brand new night, a brand new show. We are unedited, unfiltered and we are going raw. My name is Joey.

Speaker 1:

I'm Eric and we're your hosts, and welcome to Raw Minds.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Alright, buddy, one eight like we said we doing it.

Speaker 2:

We doing it For all you guys listening. We first want to say thank you all for your support, the messages that we get, the emails that we get from even across the world. Now it is very touching and overwhelming at the same time, but we really appreciate it, and I also like to say that why we're here doing this every week is we really want to help as many people as we can. That is going through the things that we've had to go through Definitely. You know we've been through hell and back, lived in trauma and chaos since we were five years old, both of us and we really to come out of that, I should say, is not only surprising some days, but grateful and blessed for that and hopefully that we can be you know, that source for you guys or be there to help you when needed. So please reach out to us.

Speaker 2:

Rawmindspodcastcom. That is why we're here. You don't have to use your name. If you don't feel comfortable, leave your just work. If you need, just need to talk, man, if you just need to talk. That's what we're here for.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man.

Speaker 1:

Rawmindspodcastcom A little disclaimer too we are not counselors, we're not doctors. We're just two construction workers that take off our hard hats at the end of the day and put our headphones on to try to make a difference. So I mean, if you guys got any ideas you guys want us to talk about, you know, feel free to reach out. Let us know that we haven't touched on. I also want to say if you guys want to catch this recording before Friday, you're welcome to join us on TikTok. We're live right now on TikTok and that's rawmindspodcast on TikTok. Every Monday Time varies depending on our guests, if we have guests on where they are in the world. But enough about that.

Speaker 2:

Friend groups bro, toxic environments and the people you date and the people you surround yourself with and what is anybody? Anybody that you choose to spend the most time with it will either have a significantly positive or negative impact on your life. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I agree. I mean me and you are products of fucking work, toxic work environments Definitely. I'm not gonna say where, but I mean when we work together.

Speaker 2:

Definitely that was, oh man, I had to go on stress leave because it was crazy For a man to go on stress leave is very rare, so you know it's bad when you're just like I can't do this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and all it takes is that one person, man, to spread that toxicity. You know, and that shit fucking spreads like crazy too, and fast man.

Speaker 2:

You know, especially if it's coming from your bosses or upper management, right, because it all starts at the top and then it goes down. And if your boss is a miserable prick every day, then how do you think the rest of the guys underneath them are gonna feel coming to work every day? Because I've done jobs that were awesome jobs, yeah, but the people were so bad and fucking just so negative and toxic that it made you hate the job when it was actually a good job. Yeah, like I would wake up and be like I fucking hate going to work, but I actually really liked the job, but I just didn't want to because of the people that was around you, yeah, right. And then I've done really shitty jobs, like most people wouldn't do, but amazing bosses and people around you which made it that much better. So it's to you choose to be around, right, yeah, people are saying, well, I don't have a choice, it's my job. Like, yeah, you do, you have.

Speaker 2:

Every decision you make in your life is your choice. You choose to go to work every day and stay there for 10 years and be miserable. That's on you. You can't change how other people act and you have no control over that, but you do have control of whether you choose to stay there or not, right? And then you get all these people playing the victim all the time. Like well, I've been here for 10 years and I only make this much, but I hate my boss and fucking shut up, just something about it. Shut up, do something about it. Yeah, stop putting yourself in that environment. Well, it's not that easy. Like well, yeah, you just have to put in the work and find another job. It is easy.

Speaker 1:

Find something suitable for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you don't have problems, you just got work to do. Yeah, so you got to find something. And another thing too with that is people just don't realize like, well, I've been, I only got experience in this, but yeah, but you can try it. People don't look at the bigger picture of, like, transferring skills, even Definitely you know what I mean Like well, it has to be in the same industry, and well, why use that same management skills, your fucking people skills, whatever it is, and put it in a different industry, why not?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. Well, here let me let me say this man what? Because we work together in that same company, what was it like for you, even like in the, you just quit not too long ago or got a got out of that job not too long ago. But I mean, what was like the feeling of coming home, like how did it make you feel in that like toxic environment, like did it just exhaust you? Cause, I'll tell you this man, when I came home, man, I was exhausted and just from pretty much my own, my own mind, just not wanting to be there. You know, it's just like fuck it. It was exhausting, man. It was exhausting.

Speaker 1:

You know, I, like you said, I hated waking up in the morning. We, we both hated waking up in the morning. We lived together in the same house and drove to work together. You know, it was like when I first started, bro, we were waking up early. Yeah, let's go do this. By the end of it it was like fuck, do we really got to go to work today? You know it was. It fucking drained me, man, I don't know how, like I I'm guessing you're in the same boat of me Like, how did that make you feel mentally, definitely?

Speaker 2:

It definitely weighs on you, right, and even like, as men in general, that, like I have two kids, right, you have a daughter. Yeah, most men out there have a kid or two or a wife, or you know they're paying the mortgage and they're paying the rent and they got all this to do. So it really, when you feel this way, especially in your work environment, yeah, makes it a lot harder on us because we, we got to do it, no matter what we got to take care of our family no matter what the weight is on our shoulders the protector, the provider, and you know when we went through that, like me, it just it.

Speaker 2:

It brought me down severely, yeah, especially when you know that you work your ass off. You know how good of a job you do and it's not appreciated. There's a whole bunch of things to go with it, but as a man and you're just, it really beats you down. It really does, Because a lot of the guys you know that deal with their own other personal issues at home use work because they enjoy work and they work too much because they don't want to deal with their other shit at home.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Buddy, that's my getaway, bro, 100%. What you just said is that's my getaway, right? That's I love work. That's my getaway from getting my mind away from my home life and like the outside of it. And that's what, like a lot of people need to do, I believe, is when you go to work, you leave your home life at home, and when you come home from work, you leave your work at work, and a lot of people, I think it, I think it affects a lot of relationships too, because people come home and they bring their home, they're bringing their work with them, you know, and then they had a shitty day and they take it out on their, their partner, or vice versa.

Speaker 1:

You have a shitty day at home and you come to work and then you take it out on your workers. So I think that's a big thing that a lot of people need to learn how to, you know, stop that at home and stop that at work, separate 100%, and you know what. I've done it. I've done it, but now I'm still learning. Don't give me, but I'm I'm focusing more at work about the job and I just try to forget about the shit at home for now. But I noticed, definitely, if you're having home life shit, it affects your work when you bring it there, because all you can think about is this and that and this. What's going on? You got to learn how to shut off your brain.

Speaker 2:

It's hard. And now, and look at for you, your job that you love is you're out. Yeah, now flip that. For most guys out there that don't like their jobs, yeah, add that to it. Exactly Like you, have a bit of peace when you go to work. But I love it. Man, most people struggle at their jobs or aren't happy or fulfilled. I mean, at the end of the day, that's still your choice to be there. But the weight of that family they got to provide for and trying to find other jobs. Maybe they are putting in the work to try to find something but can't. But still got to go there every day and they're. You know, us men wake up Every morning when we walk out those doors. We put on our clothes, you brush your teeth and we put on a backpack full of bricks and we carry this backpack of bricks with us every day. Yeah, man, and a lot of women especially don't realize that, you know, and it weighs us down.

Speaker 1:

We got the pressure of providing right, that's the big one providing and they're like oh, am I not good enough? Did I not do good enough? Am I not making enough money for my family? You know, can I put food on the table? Some people are struggling to put food on the table for their kids, you know. And then trying to hold yourself together at work without feeling weak and emotional and vulnerable because you're let's face it, construction is like 98% men. It's a men-driven, and all power to the women that are in it. Don't get me wrong, but I mean it's mostly men. So you're getting all this testosterone around, you wanna act tough because you see all these other guys and you don't wanna show weakness, which is then again another fucking your mental health, you know, and it's just a fucking vicious cycle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you end up burying it because you're not talking about it, you're holding it in and that's where we start to fall apart slowly, piece by piece, definitely, because it all starts building up and building up. And that's why we're doing this and where we came from, because it built up over years for me and then it shattered me, destroyed me, and that's what we go through on the daily basis of, like I said, that backpack full of bricks. We're carrying the weight of this and hoping that our wives and girlfriends don't look at us different because we're not making as much money this month, or I can't take them on that trip yet, or whatever it may be, you know. And then we're holding it in because you don't wanna be looked at different, and that's where it comes, as a sign of weakness, like you said, as a man.

Speaker 2:

But it's. The reality is, and in my own experiences is, if I would have talked about a lot of shit back then, I wouldn't have gone through what I went through some of it because I was able to talk about and deal with it and figure it out Instead of, like most of us do, is hold it all in and in my head. In my mind, I'm gonna figure it out. I'm the man I'll figure it out on my own.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But I couldn't and I didn't, and that cost me a lot. It cost me girlfriends, it cost me friends, it cost me relationships with family because I was just, you know, and that's what we did. That's the backpack of bricks. Yeah, so being able to talk about this shit that weighs us down and to deal with our core issues, whatever they may be, and your past childhood traumas, and is releasing those bricks one by one out of that backpack, yeah, so you feel lighter when you leave your house every morning and you're happier and you're able to separate your work from your personal life. Yeah, but you know, we're not just carrying that backpack full of bricks to work. You're still wearing it when you're laying on the couch watching the TV. Yeah, you're still wearing it when you're standing in the shower. You know what I?

Speaker 1:

mean, yeah, actually, you know what man Speaking of, like releasing bricks. I just wanna put this out there. I think this is good for me and good for everybody out there. I just wanna apologize to anybody out there that I've ever hurt, disrespected, was wrong to. I'm sorry. I just wanna put that out there, because that's part of it too, is you need to apologize for things to release in order for you to heal, and I think it was. I think that needs to be said. So I am sorry if I ever hurt you or crossed the path. I truly am. I've grown a lot in these years, so I just wanna put that out there.

Speaker 2:

No, that's commendable. For you saying that right and that's a big thing is to be able, is letting go, and it's not even always letting go of what people have done to you. It's letting go of things you've done to them and forgiving yourself and taking accountability and looking yourself in the mirror and saying I did that, I fucked up, I'm sorry, I'm just asking for forgiveness from that person or whoever you might have heard. That's massive in your growth as a person. We all make mistakes. We've all said shit we never meant. We've all ran off emotions on arguments and lost relationships on temporary emotions, when we really didn't want that and we were human beings. We all fucked up. None of us are perfect. We all got problems.

Speaker 2:

Every single person, male or female, has problems on some level. So for you to say that and that's big, and for the people listening, we're not real quick. Two years ago, when I was in my room for five days and I couldn't leave my room because I was so messed up and broken In that journey of coming out of that room then trying to find that switch, was learning to forgive myself and I was reaching out to exes I didn't talk to for five years and I'm just like I just wanna tell you I'm sorry and I don't want nothing back. I did was no intention behind it and whether you answered me or not, I just knew I had to say it. Anyone that I, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Well, we're live here right on TikTok and we have a comment from Tony, and Tony's right man Amends to free yourself. And that's what it is. You're freeing yourself of this and it's pushing that out into the world and if they accept it, some will, some won't, but at least you took that step to do it like I just did, and whoever that's listening that I did hurt, if I did hurt you in my past, I hope you take that step and realize that you know I truly am sorry.

Speaker 1:

So you were saying though, dropping the bricks there. You know that's me taking a brick out of my backpack. That to make it less heavy for me, and that's where I got this idea right now. You just popped it up, man. You know that's one less brick I have to carry now in my backpack.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome, man, you know. And that also goes on the other side of when people do things to you and there's a lot of shitty, shitty, fucking people and there's a lot of shitty things that's happened to me and that happens to a lot of people when they didn't deserve it, it wasn't their fault. But these things that happen to you, you also have to be able to forgive, and they always say forgiveness is not for them, it's for you. A million percent. A million percent, yeah, because if you sit there and hold on to what this person has done to you, you know you're causing yourself emotional punishment for other people's bad behaviors. Yeah, so people got to learn to let that go.

Speaker 2:

Because you hold on to these things, because I can hate a lot of people in my life, a lot. What's the point? But you know what, like you said, when you just learn to let it go and you just feel free, because you know when someone does something that's out of your control, there's nothing you can do about it, as heart wrenching is damaging, as it was, you have to be able to let it go, and we've talked about this a lot in the past is, even if it wasn't your fault, it's still your problem. Yeah, you feel. Now, what do you do? Going forward, you can go forward and you can sit and hold on to this anger and resentment, but all that's doing is blocking the universe from letting in all these other things, because you're holding on to this hate and this resentment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, how can you have love in your heart?

Speaker 2:

Right, exactly so when people start realizing that you gotta learn just to let things go and you will feel free, you will feel like a weight's been lifted, even if it was the most heartbreaking, damaging what someone could have done to you yeah, you know, not even goes back.

Speaker 1:

Read out sorry to cut you off, though Read out what Tony said, man. Read that out to the people listening here, because I think that's important. It goes to what you're saying.

Speaker 2:

Oh, 100%, because he said you stay sick over other people's actions.

Speaker 1:

No, the one yeah.

Speaker 2:

And resentment is drinking poison. Expecting the other person to die? Million percent, so true, million percent.

Speaker 1:

And that goes with what you were just saying.

Speaker 2:

And it was the heart even for me.

Speaker 2:

in my experience is letting go of certain things after what some people have done to you is extremely difficult, and you don't know how I could get over this and it took a long time for certain things that's happened, and especially when you look back at our especially people with their childhood traumas, that's where they really have a hard time letting go because my daddy touched me or whatever really bad things that's happened to people and I'm really sorry for that, but that happens, it's life. So letting go of those kind of things is extremely difficult, definitely man. But you're letting go for you, not for them. It's for you, so you can move forward in your life. Because, like I said, it's still your problem and it's still something that you need to deal with.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so do you move forward, holding onto this and, like I said, you're not letting anything new into your life. Right, it's like when you go through a breakup. My heart was broken, shattered. I'll never trust someone again, I'm not letting somebody in again, and you have this big resentment or fear of being hurt and you just push away and push away. Well, you're not allowing new love into your life because you keep holding onto what someone did to you three years ago. Yeah, yeah. And even if you get to that point, where you want it, you're not gonna find it because in your mind and you're just sitting on this and this and this, and he did this and she did this five years ago and you're not. You haven't let it go yet.

Speaker 1:

Or if you're dating someone brand new and you're bringing that into the relationship, then you're gonna be analyzing this person. You're gonna be just picking them apart, seeing, trying to find why this person if it's a good guy or good girl you're gonna be analyzing that person, driving yourself crazy, trying to find the bad things, which in turn, you're gonna fuck that relationship up. You're at the end of the day, then you're what's it called? What do you call it when you not sacrifice? Fuck? I can't even think of that. It's on the words, on the tip of my tongue here where you're setting up your for failure for failure, setting up your relationship for failure right off the start, because you're trying to pick apart all this shit.

Speaker 1:

And that goes also with friend groups too. So I mean, just be wary man. Be wary about your mindset, be wary about who you have around you, because it can affect you. Like we said before, if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room. You know you wanna grow and feed off of these people. You don't want these people to bring you down and be an anvil. It's all about leveling up, not just.

Speaker 2:

we've talked a lot about your partners and who you attract, but that goes for the people around you and the people you hang out with right it's. You don't attract what you want, you attract who you are, and that goes in a basis of and anybody in your life on what you bring into your life. Yeah, right, so if you're looking at your friends and all they do is go to the same pub for 20 years on a Friday night doing rails, whatever the fuck they do, but just doing the regular nine to five with no goals and no ambition, well, how is that gonna bring your life up any? You're just gonna be sitting beside them in the same pub and your life, and you'll be like most people, is just existing. You're not even living your life. You're existing.

Speaker 2:

And a lot of people are like that because they go to the job that they don't like oh, I gotta pay my bills yeah, I get it, everyone's got bills and find another job yeah, well, I've known these friends for 20 years. I'm like, okay, you can still, you don't have to cut them off completely, but you don't need to hang out with them as much as you do. Yeah, because you got to learn to look at yourself when you're in V, selfish and be like this is not benefiting my life whatsoever. And the reason you attract and the reason why these people have these friends in their lives that are negative is because they haven't fixed themselves. It's the same as when you date toxic women or men is because you haven't fixed yourself and that's what you attracted and same with friends. That's the group you brought into your life because of you. You're the same. We might not do the same actions some of them, but you're the same person. Pretty much You're the same there. You guys all have issues that you've never fixed. That's why you're hanging out together, right. So if you're always hanging out with guys that are doing this and doing that, that's that's you attracted that from into your life. You brought that into your life, yeah, million percent.

Speaker 2:

But now you have to look at your life and like, does this really benefit me hanging out with this person? Because all every time I see this person, it's negative. Every time I see this person, they're complaining and they do nothing about it. Because I hate those people, they're the worst. Get them away from you right now If you have friends that are just bitching and complaining about their life. I want to lose weight but don't go to the gym. I hate my job, but don't bother looking for another one and just complain and complain Pour me and then point fingers it's his fault. I'm like this, I'm sorry. I'm like this because of what happened to me 10 years ago. Shut up those people, literally just shut up. Nobody cares, it's just you're not doing anything about it.

Speaker 2:

So if you have people like that around you, get them away from you, because those people will drag you down. You can be a friend from a distance, you can answer a phone call once in a while, but stay away from those people. Yeah, and a lot of people don't cut it because one, they're lonely and they don't have many friends and maybe that's the only friend or two they got. But I tell you your life, you sit by yourself and go through that lonely stage and cut them off. Say you only have those two friends and you cut them off. Do you know what you can do for yourself? And in your life, when you're by yourself, most people will not see sit by themselves, they're too distracted, they're out of their relationship or they're fucking out with friends all the time and doing this and this, and they're not even focusing on their life. They're just existing and then partying and doing this and this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right Sucking the energy out of you A million percent of this.

Speaker 2:

But when you're able to sit by yourself, you'll figure out what it is that you want, who it is you are, because you're just gonna be miserable. You're gonna start. You're living to please other people and you live in a constant state of depression by doing that and that's why most people are depressed and just existing because they're not fulfilled, they're not happy. They're hanging around and there may not be losers. They're friends, they're good. I know lots of good people. They just have fucking serial drive and complain. There's still good. You know people day-to-day but doesn't mean they're good for your soul and good for your life. Yeah, you can still be good with them. You can still, but you don't need to be around that if they're going out on Friday night again, fucking and we said this before is the one word that will change your whole life is no.

Speaker 2:

Once you start learning to say no, because you got to focus on what you need to do, or you got a, you got a big, you know. Meeting in the morning for work, for a promotion, all these positive things that you're trying to do, and most people and I've done it numerous times man, you get sidetracked. You know you're supposed to be doing something that's gonna be helpful to you, but instead you're like fine, I'll go to that festival, fine, let's go. You know what I mean. And then it fucks you up. You go drinking. Then for three days you're hungover, you're not motivated. For three days you don't go to the gym, you don't do anything because you feel like shit, because as you get older it lasts more than a day. Yeah, all because you didn't say no yeah what's the battle?

Speaker 1:

it's a battle right between the good and evil on your shoulders, man, and like fucking 80% of the time people are gonna say, oh the devil, whatever, just as one time, and then you're gonna feel like shit next day.

Speaker 2:

It's just saying no, and people won't do that because I'll be bored if I just yeah. But what are you gonna do? People won't use their time that they're given wisely. Yeah, like if you sit, most people if they're sitting at home on a Friday night by themselves and they're not going anywhere, they're just watching TV and watching movies, that's it. Why are you researching? Why are you trying to figure out, if you're not happy with your job, how I can get out of it? How can I make a side hustle? How can I make extra cash? Definitely, yeah, right. Instead They'll just sit there and fucking whatever what they can talk, don't give me.

Speaker 2:

Hey, I love watching a movie, but when you're given all this free time, then Utilize it, yeah. And if you don't, that's fine, it's your life. It's your life. It's your life. Live it how you want. Doesn't matter if you, as long as you're happy. But if you choose to live that life and be miserable and don't like your job, you have zero right to complain. Zero if you just choose not to do anything about it. So if you have friends like that, that's around you. That is just complain and victims and poor me. Get them away from you right now and delete them. Fucking get rid of them.

Speaker 1:

But there's, there's also, there's also to. I mean, like I'm gonna be straight up with you, I've been not okay these last five days. I really haven't. So I've been dealing with depression and I'm actually pretty excited. Excited because, you know, we, we gotta, we gotta do what we preach. So I got a counselor, so that's, that's gonna start on Tuesday.

Speaker 1:

You know, I just been going through some stuff beside, like my mom had a heart attack and then my uncle died and then my friend died. You know there's a couple other things too. So it was a lot, man, there's a lot holding on, right. I was just fucking tired, you know, and, to be honest with you, like it was hard for me to get out of bed. You know it was, it was, it was a fucking chore, it was. I had a pull strength just to get out of the bed, man, you know I mean. So when, when you see your friends going through that, you also got to realize are they just being lazy or are they struggling? You know there's there's two sides to that shit, right? So Also, like, yeah, struggling that's that's.

Speaker 2:

That's different. You know, I'm just talking about the day-to-day negative people in life that just complain about life and fucking hate on people online and talk shit Like fuck. Get rid of those people. That's what. When you're struggling and you're a real friend, yeah, you're gonna do what you can to be that support and you can be there to help them. And sometimes you know, like you said in the beginning about being a real friend, is being a real friend, like you said, is telling the truth and saying listen.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna stop you right there, bro. I'm gonna stop you right there. I want to say thank you because you're a real fucking friend and everybody that's listening to this I had a shitty fucking day. I was almost in tears. I just couldn't take it anymore. And Joey was a real friend and he told me straight up what I needed to hear not what I wanted to hear, but what I needed to hear, you know. So you are a real friend. I just want to put you out. Put that out there. What Joey did? It helped me, and now I'm I. Do I not look and sound better than what when we talked?

Speaker 1:

You know, I mean and that's because of you, bro, that's because of you, you know, you really helped me. So here's my heart to you, buddy. Here's my little heart to you. Thank you, man, I love you brother.

Speaker 2:

No, well, that's, that's because I love you, bro. And when you are a good friend and they're struggling which is the other the difference of the complainer Then you know we all go through shit, we all struggle, we all hurt. We're human beings. Doesn't matter how big of a guy you are. You will go to your knees at one point because you are hurting and you are feeling broken and you are in that dark room.

Speaker 2:

But being a good friend in general is telling the truth and a lot of people won't do it like, oh, it's okay, you'll be fine, and then that's it like no, I'm telling you the truth. And you have to be able to tell the person that you care about or the person you love the truth, knowing that they're gonna get mad at you for saying it because they don't want to hear the truth. And most people can't take the truth or don't want to hear. And sometimes, when you know, when you're having a rough time or someone's having a rough time, they definitely don't want to hear someone tell them what they need to hear. They want to hear you tell them what they want to hear, because they're feeling shitty. They want to be.

Speaker 2:

You know, if I can pat them on the back and rub his head and tell him it's okay, when sometimes the reason they're in that I'm not talking about you, I'm just in general, yeah, yeah, and sometimes that the reason they're in it is because of their own poor choices, right, so that's where the friend comes in. Be like, listen, man. Okay, you need to fucking get up now. That's enough. Right, I'm here for you, I love you, but right now you got to knock this shit off and you got to get up, and this is what we're gonna do to start.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna get you going again and I don't care. You want me mad at me for telling you the truth here. It is yeah, because I care about you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what we're saying earlier.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, Right, so it's, it's that's. That's a big thing too. Is this just Sometimes, when you're in it and you're feeling that low and that down is you Definitely need to hear that, because the stories you're telling yourself when you're down Might not actually be what the truth is, until someone tells you what it is Right but Well, yeah, I'm.

Speaker 1:

I'm seeing on here that Gary has something to say. I'd like to bring that up.

Speaker 2:

He says the crazy.

Speaker 1:

I'll say the crazy thing people don't know how we try to deal with our mental health. We're like a volcano and it's true, like you never know, we're just ready to erupt. You know it's. It's totally true, man, like what's gonna push us over that edge? You know?

Speaker 2:

it could be the smallest thing, yeah, but again, that's because you know that's when I get to that point that that's your backpack ripping. Yeah, you're just Overloaded with bricks in that backpack and you're starting to get pulled backwards and it's starting to rip and tear and choke you. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's true, but I mean, once again, that's when you, you got to realize that you're, you're in that emotion, you're, you're, you're feeling like that, and you got to step back and and have control. I know it's fucking hard, I mean I'm no, I Deal with it on a daily basis, but I try to practice it, and I know it's hard, but I mean, you got to step back, realize, okay, this is triggering me. I got to take myself out of that situation before I explode and do something stupid. And it's all about having that mindset, because that's how you level up. Yeah, the self-awareness.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and a lot of people I heard this and Actually blew my mind that 85% of Of people in general are not self-aware. 85%, yeah, that's insane. But a reason I believe is that most people are not self-aware is because they're so caught up in Like for me, I ran on autopilot because I was so messed up with all these things going on and happened to me over the years. Yeah, that you're so focused on all this shit day-to-day that you're not focused on being self-aware. Yeah, no doubt because your mind is so polluted that it's impossible to think clearly of what you're about to do, what you're about to say or take in what's going on, because you're so Poisoned in your mind that you're just reacting to everything and emotions.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's what sets you off and that's when you blow up. Yeah, and that's why a lot of people are like that, because they're not dealing with what's going on inside or they haven't. So, yeah, it builds up, it builds up, builds up. So, now that your head is so cloudy and most people's heads are it's impossible to be self-aware, because you can't think of anything else besides, besides what's fucked you up or what, or the stresses of your life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because you're so a moment in so broken it.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean that you can't think of like the positive outcome to this or maybe I shouldn't say that because You're not even you have no train of thought in that direction. All you're thinking is how sad I am and how down I am and how angry this person is making me and how stressed I am and how I don't have enough money for this. So how can you be self-aware? You know what I mean? Yeah, definitely that was me. But Once you start to work on this, your core issues that's where I believe that 15% of people be self-aware is because They've started to work on. You know you're going with counseling and doing all these positive things, which starts to help you filter out the cloudiness in your mind and open and open it up to bring in clarity and and positivity. And then that's when the people, once you start fixing you again, better you attract the better relationships, the better friends, the better friends, and oh and then always, and you're getting the job you never thought you would get because you're just in such a better space.

Speaker 1:

Now you got good people coming in your life, like You'll have healthy women or healthy men coming into your life, you know what I mean. Like that's with me and Joey we talked about this, you know. You know, maybe I just wasn't in a good space and I was attracting unhealthy people and not and nothing against them, but they're dealing with what they need to deal with and I'm trying to deal with what I'm need to deal with and it's just like this, right, you know what I mean. It's not coming together like this, it's two people and that's that's what it is, and you know.

Speaker 2:

I'm most, yeah, most people don't see it Because they're in it and they say this person that they've attracted whether it's a friend or a fucking partner is they're saving grace. I feel happier now because them with them and they make me feel good and this and that. But really this person is fucked up as you are. You just don't even know. Yeah, because you've attracted that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, like Eric says misery loves company right. That's true.

Speaker 2:

Million percent.

Speaker 2:

it is right, so it's, yeah, it's really hard To be self-aware and be mindful of what you're seeing. When you're feeling like that, yeah, or when you're really depressed Because you just you want people to tell you it's gonna be okay. You want people to tell you you're not alone. You want people to you know, make you, try to make you smile and feel better. But it's all temporary bandings, that's all it is. When you're there, if you're not working on yourself, anything that you bring into your life after that is all bandits. So, until you start bringing in and and fixing yourself in the healing process and the healing journey or journey and going back, like I said, of being alone, if you got a cut, friends and you feel, and to be alone, that's what that's where you have to be is alone for a while, yeah, yeah, to figure out who you are and what it is that you want. Yeah, you know what. And it's okay to fucking burn bridges too, man.

Speaker 1:

Bring gasoline and light that shit on fire, man, because if it's gonna make you better, fuck who gives a shit? Man, and I'm not saying go out there and fucking literally light people's houses on fire or like, fucking hurt people, but cut them off. Burn the bridge, fucking cut them off. Tell them what you think. You know you, you're not ever elevating me in my life. I don't want you in my life, you know. And it's okay to burn those bridges Because you need to take care of number one and that's the most important thing, because how are you gonna level up when everybody's fucking bringing you down, everybody's an anchor and they're just holding you.

Speaker 1:

You're never gonna be able to level up. Like we said, man, you got to surround yourself with the people that that are gonna bring you up. Get rid of, like the toxic people. Like Joey says, that's talks negative all the time. You know that they're just spewing fucking negativity, that's just puking all over you and you're walking around with this invisible puke all over you, man, and you just stink of negativity because you're hanging out with all these negative people Million percent.

Speaker 2:

You know, you know, you won't know, you'll know that you're growing up is when you start losing friends. Yeah, when you start realizing and start realizing that what you're doing right now is not working. You're not moving up, you're not moving forward, you're stagnant.

Speaker 2:

You're existing, yeah, you're miserable, or your people around you is always complaining. Like you said, they're always complaining. He's always complaining is once you get to the point where you're like you know what I need to change and in that healing journey of whatever it is that you guys are dealing with, a big part of that is cutting people off, lose those friends. Yeah, because it is dragging you down, it is destroying your life and, like I said in the beginning, it's not a you're not. You don't have a friend circle, you're living in a cage.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And you need to. You know what I mean. You need to get out of that cage and you have to be selfish. And people don't want to do that. They don't want to be alone, they don't want to lose friends. And I get it, or feel lonely, but, like I said, you will never truly find yourself until you sit alone, until you start saying, no, I'm not going, I got to do this. No, I'm not going to worry, I can't do it and don't feel bad. Oh, I'm going to feel bad if I don't hang out with them. They asked me twice already. You know what? No disrespect to them, but you're not worried.

Speaker 2:

If you're not where you were, where you want to be in your life, then you have to keep saying no until you are. Definitely, you have to say no until you get to where you were comfortable and where you want to be. But until then, you got work to do on yourself. You got work to do. It's your job that's making you miserable. You need to change it now. Yeah, because you know. You know that just going to your job and you hate it, you're actually wasting 67% of your life. Think about that. Definitely, by going by going to work every day to a job that you hate. 67% of your life is wasted because you're miserable.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, wasted because you're not fulfilled and you're not living your life. So any changes that. You know that if you wake up every day and there's something that fucking bugs you, stresses you out every day, you need to start working on that, to clear that now. If it's a debt, start paying it off. If it's a job that you hate, start looking for another one, because there is a million jobs out there. Oh, I might not get the same money.

Speaker 2:

Well, have you looked? Have you tried? Yeah, there's nothing wrong with getting information. There's nothing wrong with research. You're just telling yourself I've been here for 20 years and I already make decent money, but I'm not going to find this anywhere else. Well, you haven't even fucking tried. So how would you know? So anything that is dragging you down, making you feel depressed, stressing you out, hit that dark cloud hanging over your head, on your day to day and adding bricks to that fucking backpack, is you got to start working and taking care of it now. Yeah, I'm like well, it'll take me fucking forever to get rid of this debt or whatever. It may be Like yeah, well, if you start now, it's going to take you a year and if you don't do anything, then you're going to have it for fucking five years.

Speaker 1:

Just going to wait.

Speaker 2:

Pick one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, do you want to add more bricks?

Speaker 2:

You're just adding more bricks to yourself. That's all you're doing.

Speaker 1:

That's me putting bricks in my backpack.

Speaker 2:

So, whatever it is you got to be selfish. You got to take care of you first. We've said it numerous times in the past. That goes for being the best parent, the best fucking husband, the best boss, the best coworker, whatever is you got to be selfish. Take care of yourself first. You have to start working on dropping those bricks out of that bag, one by one, and it's not easy and it's a tough road and everyone goes through different things and some people's road is going to be a little bit longer, losing some bricks. It's understandable. But at least you are working on dropping the weight in that bag. Yeah, right, yeah, and that's what you got to do. It's the littlest thing. And we'll go back one more time to what we said previous.

Speaker 2:

And I've said numerous times about that one degree. It's the same thing you got. And if you guys are just tuning in or just listening is, think of a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean and you offset his destination by one degree. A week later you're not going to see a change in the direction that ship was going. But you see, three months from now, where that ship ends up is in a whole, completely different destination, and that's the same with your life. Take the baby steps, one little, one percent a day, of making that one degree, yeah, after being something different. That's not in your regular routine and I promise you you do that three months from now. That bag is not even close to as heavy as it was.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, like Eric says, it's going to feel like feathers man.

Speaker 2:

That's just it and that's how. That's the way it works. But don't overwhelm yourself. Don't try to do everything, because if you have so many things on your plate that you need to fix and you got to work on and deal with this and this and that, just focus on what you have control over, not what you don't have control over first, and then tackle one problem at a time.

Speaker 2:

Baby steps, baby steps, Baby steps, baby steps small lens and if once and that one degree in your day is you know what I just I can't deal with this friend anymore. I can't talk to him right now because it's draining me. Cut it there's, there's, there's one, whatever it is, anything that's routine in your day. You need to add something different to your routine to start dropping those bricks out of that bag, because that shit gets fucking heavy and will weigh you down, and I sure as hell hated wearing it standing in the shower every day. I fucking hated it playing at the park with my kids. It killed me. Yeah, man, I could barely walk carrying that bag of bricks every day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, your shoulders are down. You just feel depressed, you know. It just drags you down. You don't want to do anything because it's just too heavy to go anywhere. And I'm not talking like physical, but it feels like it, bro. It feels like you are, you're carrying something physical, you know. And that's why they say like when you like, when I just apologized for everything I did, I felt lighter. You know what I mean? Because you're releasing that and it's true, even though I really don't have anything on my bag, we really are carrying invisible backpack and that's why I feel lighter, you know, and you will feel lighter when you let that shit go or deal with it and and and let it go. It's the true thing, man.

Speaker 1:

Like I just said it again, and I felt, I felt like it went yeah.

Speaker 2:

And that's the biggest thing is learning to let go of things. Let go of that relationship that didn't work, let go of what that ex-friend did to you. Just, you have to let these things go so you can bring new things into your life. Yeah, and that's because you are holding back your what's the word? Your your a real abundant life, a positive, happy life is because you just keep holding on to the negative energies and what people have done to you.

Speaker 1:

Definitely. Well, kiki, kiki girl says cut it out. Remember this one. I think it was from a full house. It's like cut here, wait, cut it out. Remember that shit. But you got to do it, man. Cut that shit out, yeah, but it's true, man, you do. You got to cut that shit out. And, like I said, fuck who cares? Burn the bridge, fuck and dump gasoline on that shit Not in real life, but I mean, burn that shit Like you're going to grow, you know. Leave those people alone, leave them behind, move forward and push forward and let them fucking sink. Don't let them bring you down.

Speaker 2:

People make their own choice. You know you can be there for your friends, like we talked about. They're your real friends. Be there, but you can also only be there as well for your friends, as much as you can. So as much as you can, because at the end of the day, it's just like an addict or an alcoholic they're not going to change or go get help until they're ready to do it. It doesn't matter what we say, friends say and it's the same thing. If someone's struggling, you be there for them, you be a friend 100%. I'll be your friend until the day I die and but at the end of the day, still, it is still up to you. And it is still up to you.

Speaker 2:

And if you are going through whatever it is that you're going through and you're listening, right now nobody is coming to save you. You have friends that will support you, but nobody is coming to save you. I'll tell you that right now, only you can save yourself. Yeah, 100%, right. So what do you do? It's okay to take a knee. We all get knocked down. Take a fucking knee, but don't lie down. Take a knee. You know, feel that emotions, whatever it is that you're dealing with, when you feel you heal.

Speaker 2:

But at the end of the day whatever it is that you're dealing with, whether it was your fault or not, it is still your problem and you need to do something about it. And you and you only. Nobody's saving you. So now it's up to you. What do you do? Going forward? Don't you play the blame game. You'll never fix what's happened. You'll never fix yourself, and if you think it's easier just to blame everybody else for the problems that you're dealing with, you're going to live a really sad life. I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

You're going to put that cape on.

Speaker 2:

You know he couldn't let it go, and that's a part of letting it go. Regardless, if it wasn't your fault, let it go. Yeah, but you have to let it go no matter what. And if you want a life where you bring in the positive people, is that's a big one. It's just let it go. Yeah, you know it's not that easy. Yeah, you're right, sometimes it's not that easy, but the forgiveness is for you, not for them and don't let people live rent free in your head man.

Speaker 1:

And like you, you know what I mean. Like it's, you're gonna drive yourself crazy, but like. What we were talking about, too, is like you know, you can. You can tell people all you want, right, but it's up to them to take that step. Well, a great saying is you can take the horse to the water, but you can't make them drink it. And it's true, you can't. You can lead your friends or you or your loved ones there, or Whoever that's dealing with something. You can give them all the advice, but it's up to them to take that step.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's sometimes man.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes, man, you know, someone just needs, I think, someone just wants a friend to come there and just sit there quietly. You know, that's, that's, that's all I wanted, and and you know what you did that man, you would come over after work, after after my fiance passed away, you would just come over and sit there. You know, you just sat there, you. Sometimes we wouldn't even talk, man, but just your presence there fucking helped me, you know, and that's that's all we need sometimes is just having someone, their energy, just beside us. You know, a lot of times like people, oh, let's talk about it, talk. Well, sometimes people don't want to talk about it, people just want to sit there and have someone beside them, just there. I Just want to say thank you for doing that for me, man. I appreciate it, of course.

Speaker 2:

Course, buddy. Anything man it's, it's a friends are for it. Yeah, yeah, man. But the biggest thing is when you guys start working on yourselves and you start being selfish, you start cutting the friends that bring you down. You will definitely go through a lonely period we all do when you're on that healing journey.

Speaker 2:

But I promise you, on the other end of that, the people that you bring into your life, when you start becoming more fulfilled, doing things that you'd love to do or really like and Work on yourself, do some counseling, reach out, talk, deal with the things that you're dealing with on the day-to-day in your head who you bring into your life will actually blow your mind. Yeah, because when I look back three years ago to now and who I've in the three years let's put it this way I looked at if I ever got married and this is three years, four years ago on who all my friends would be on my groomsman. Fast forward, four years from now, one out of five is still on that list Because of who I've attracted on my healing journey, on these people. Like I didn't know you can have friends like this.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I've never had friends like this, I've never had, you know, a relationship like this.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

I've never had. I've worked with people like this. This is awesome, yeah, because that's what I'm radiating now and this is what you need to radiate and Bring into your life is the positivity, the love, the real love, not Temporary band-aids and these toxic people.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you know I meant people are gonna struggle. I'll tell you this like cuz, you're going out of your comfort zone. It's what you're used to, you know. I mean you're used to hanging out with you know, going to the bar, fucking drinking every night or whatever it is you're doing or whatever, but people are used to that. So when you're starting to upgrade and level up and you're hanging out with these people that you know, or or I Don't know, going to karaoke instead you know what I mean or like whatever, it is right, you're not, you're not used to that because you're used to the old ways, you know, and it's okay to Not feel totally comfortable because you're stepping out of your comfort zone to going into something new, and that's when you start feeling uncomfortable. That's when you know you're starting to move forward in this life and starting to learn. When, when you're putting yourself in those situations because you're not used to it, and that's you're you're moving forward. Oh hello, pizzas here anyways. But yeah, man, I mean like.

Speaker 1:

So if you're in the process of moving forward and Changing your life and and having like a new Friend group or whatever it is that you're doing, and you feel uncomfortable, just stick to it because At the end of the day, I bet you it's gonna level you up and it's gonna be a better experience. I don't want to see you fall back into the the old ways. I mean, I've done it multiple times and you know I've, I've, I've done things and then got like, oh, this is not, I feel uncomfortable, you know, and stepped away from it and then there I am again going and doing, doing what I used to do. I'm saying, obviously in my past, but you know, it's just about being okay to Get out of that comfort zone. You need to get out of that comfort zone.

Speaker 1:

It's like jumping on a plane like we talked about before. You know it's uncomfortable. You're not like, oh shit, I'm gonna jump out of the plane and, like we said, you're, you're scared to the point when you're falling out of the sky and as soon as you're falling on the sky, like, holy fuck, what am I scared of? This was fun, you know it's that. It's that first portion of getting to where you need to get to. That's uncomfortable, but when you get there you're gonna love it, you're gonna have fun, you're gonna meet new people or whatever the hell you're doing. It's about leveling up.

Speaker 2:

And getting out of that comfort zone in terms of your Even with your dealing with your traumas on even on that's on the mental side of it. You know there's getting out of your comfort zone on maybe a career and a relationship and people. There's also the out of your comfort zone in your, on the mental side and getting uncomfortable Talking about something that you haven't talked about ever or Whatever. It is because, just like you about having fun, think about how you're gonna feel when you finally let that go and you finally find the tools, because unless you go and try to Find the resources and the sources to deal with it, you're not gonna find the tools either unless you're looking. So imagine how you're also gonna feel Getting through that uncomfortable place to finally feel uncomfortable, finally, feeling like you can live again, finally, not beyond, not be on autopilot like I ran for 15 years and Be anxiety driven every single day, depressed every single day, suicidal, attempted suicides. All that back to back to back, because I never dealt with it. I didn't Wasn't, I didn't want us, you know, talk about it. I didn't want to, there was too much for me. But you have to. You have to because, like Eric said, you get out of that comfort zone and anything in your life. That's where you grow the most and that's. That's a part, and that's the same as that. One degree every day Pushes you into a different direction, pushing you out of that comfort zone, because that's not your daily routine, that's not your daily habit. So the mental and the physical side of getting out of your comfort zone is you have to, and I promise you how you will feel when you go through that and deal with it on the other end is the most clarity you will ever feel in your life.

Speaker 2:

Because if you're it, if your mind was as poisoned as mine for that long and, to Be as clear as it is today, I never thought that would have been possible. But I put in the work. I, I did everything I could, did not feel like that anymore and it was fucking hard. All right, man, you, you got to put in that work if you want to come out that other side. And that's what we're here and that's why we're doing what we're doing and that's why we want you guys to reach out to us. That's why, if you guys don't know how to figure out how to get out of that comfort zone or how to Find the light in that room, in that dark room. That's what we're here for.

Speaker 1:

Definitely, man, definitely, we just want to. We just want to change the world one, one person at a time. That's it. At the end of the day, we don't want to see anybody else lose their life over this shit. You know, that's it's. It's enough, is enough. Enough is enough. We should all Come together, break this fucking stigma and know that men have feelings. You know, I mean I'm look, I'm going through shit right now. I've got a counselor, you know, but it's, tomorrow is gonna be a new day, and then after tomorrow, the next day is gonna be a new day, and so on and so on. You know, you just got to keep on fighting forward. Yeah, I was knocked down, I was like so we said I was on my knee, one knee, but Joey helped me, help pick me up, you know, and I appreciate that. And if, if you don't have a friend to help you pick up, let us know, reach out to us, we'll help pick you up. So we want to do honestly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, raw minds podcast at gmailcom. Please, if you're hurting, you're struggling, you're broken, email us. We're here to talk. You don't have to use your real names. If you want to leave, your phone number will call you. If you don't know how to find resources in your town, and even if we don't live there, we will help you find them. We will do some research for you. We will help you out the best that we can. You know Eric's head at the beginning. We are not doctors or psychiatrists, but I promise you the resume of trauma and chaos that we have lived through and abuse and loss Is why we are here doing what we do, still going through 100%, and that's life.

Speaker 1:

The light life is.

Speaker 2:

No matter how good your lives are, life is gonna come around the corner and fucking punch you in the face from time to time.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I feel like I got beat up by Mike Kyson the last three weeks here.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you that but here we are now. But now it's the tools that you've learned as on your healing journey so that when these things happen again, how to get up a lot faster Exactly, man, that's it you know and how to deal with it a lot better this time. And that clarity of the self-awareness that we were talking about yeah, that is a huge one, because I learned on on how to really be the most self-aware in general is because I cleared out that poison in my mind after all those years yeah, man, and now I'm able to stand back and like is it worth it? Should I say this and make positive decisions and not emotional Decision you know temporary decisions on you know what I mean or permanent decisions on temporary emotions, motion, exactly, and a most people do that because a few days later you look back and like, what the fuck did I say that? Why did I do it? I did it the other day.

Speaker 2:

So it's get through that healing journey, step out of that comfort zone, reach out. If you don't know, if you have no one to talk to you, you're not alone. I promise you you're not alone and you probably feel like it, but you're not. So, yeah, hit it, hit us up raw minds podcast at gmailcom. We drop episodes every Friday on I don't know how many platforms now iTunes, spotify on everything, man you.

Speaker 2:

Amazon music. I heart radio.

Speaker 1:

Platform sluts right now oh we're on an apple pot.

Speaker 2:

Hey, do you see the email we got the other day? We're one of the very well ranked podcast in Canada.

Speaker 1:

Now 147 or something like that, or some shit like that.

Speaker 2:

So we're getting there, we're getting there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, so thank you.

Speaker 2:

Thank you to everyone. It's always a pleasure to come out here and talk to you guys. But, on that note, if you can't find good people, be good people and I just want to apologize to to all our Raw minds community.

Speaker 1:

Like I said earlier in the podcast, I was going through some shit, going through some serious shit, so I've been slacking on my part. But I'm back and we're gonna start pushing out the content again. So I just want to apologize. Life happens, I get it, but yeah, it was just hard. But thanks for Joey for kicking me in the ass here and smart me up. I appreciate it as a true friend. Love you, brother. Shit's gonna pop off again. So thank you everybody. I mean it. Thank you so much on the bottom of our hearts, um, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, the comeback, the comeback is always greater than the setback.

Speaker 1:

Fucking rights, man Fucking rights. And on that until Go ahead. Peace. See you guys. Next week, be good, or be good at it. Bye.

Toxic Work Environments and Mental Health
Letting Go for Personal Growth
Navigating Mental Health Struggles and Friendships
Letting Go and Moving Forward
Supporting Mental Health Journey