The Intuitive Health Podcast

Are You Living in Your Divine Feminine or Masculine Energy?

March 21, 2024 Dr Anthony Rafferty Episode 6
Are You Living in Your Divine Feminine or Masculine Energy?
The Intuitive Health Podcast
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The Intuitive Health Podcast
Are You Living in Your Divine Feminine or Masculine Energy?
Mar 21, 2024 Episode 6
Dr Anthony Rafferty

Regardless of gender, we all carry the divine masculine and divine feminine energies in our bodies. When there is balance in these polarities, people can show up with good boundaries but also with openness, vulnerability and support for themselves and others. However, when there is wounding of the divine feminine energy, people can demonstrate behaviours of neediness and manipulation or have a victim mentality. When there is wounded masculine energy, there can be elements of competitiveness and aggression, over-giving and a need to constantly "be on".  All genders can experience wounding of either energy and many of us dip in and out of both.

In episode 6 of The Intuitive Health Podcast, Dr Anthony goes into these two energies, how you can identify where there may be an imbalance and what you can do about it. From 16 minutes onwards,  Dr Anthony guides listeners through a body scan meditation to bring your attention back into the body to heal.  Music by Leigh Robinson.

Dr Anthony Rafferty is a doctor, reiki healer, shaman and intuitive healer based in Dublin, Ireland. Throughout this podcast series, Dr Anthony bridges the gap between science and holistic healing by combining evidence-based Western medicine with nutrition advice, lifestyle guidance and traditional energy practices.  

If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and share it on Apple or Spotify. Visit the Intuitive Health website to book a healing session.

Show Notes Transcript

Regardless of gender, we all carry the divine masculine and divine feminine energies in our bodies. When there is balance in these polarities, people can show up with good boundaries but also with openness, vulnerability and support for themselves and others. However, when there is wounding of the divine feminine energy, people can demonstrate behaviours of neediness and manipulation or have a victim mentality. When there is wounded masculine energy, there can be elements of competitiveness and aggression, over-giving and a need to constantly "be on".  All genders can experience wounding of either energy and many of us dip in and out of both.

In episode 6 of The Intuitive Health Podcast, Dr Anthony goes into these two energies, how you can identify where there may be an imbalance and what you can do about it. From 16 minutes onwards,  Dr Anthony guides listeners through a body scan meditation to bring your attention back into the body to heal.  Music by Leigh Robinson.

Dr Anthony Rafferty is a doctor, reiki healer, shaman and intuitive healer based in Dublin, Ireland. Throughout this podcast series, Dr Anthony bridges the gap between science and holistic healing by combining evidence-based Western medicine with nutrition advice, lifestyle guidance and traditional energy practices.  

If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and share it on Apple or Spotify. Visit the Intuitive Health website to book a healing session.

Unknown Speaker 0:

00 Welcome to the intuitive health podcast. I'm your host Dr. Anthony Rafferty, medical doctor, PhD, Shaman, I'm Reiki intuitive healer. I'm here to bring you on a journey of holistic healing that explores the science of the physical body, combined with mental and emotional well being energetic and spiritual health. I'm here to talk to you today about something that's really, really important. And something I see so regularly within my sessions and within my own physical body. And that's an imbalance within our masculine and feminine energies. And now when I talk about the masculine and feminine energy, I'm not talking about these kind of gendered ways in which we look at masculine and feminine. 54 I'm talking about it from an energetic perspective. So we could call it Yin being the feminine energy and Yang being the masculine energy, or we can look at it as just two polarities, essentially. But for the for the sake of this conversation, and to be in alignment with a lot of other sources, which you can go on and do some further research into this. I'll talk about these energies with regard to the divine masculine and the divine feminine. Now, regardless of gender,

Unknown Speaker 1:

28 all of us have masculine feminine energies within the body, we all carry the divine feminine, we all carry the divine masculine. And it's really, really interesting when we take a deep dive into masculine and feminine energies within the body. Because it reveals an awful lot to us about how we're showing up. And maybe where we have wounds that need to be healed. 58 So for someone that has a beautifully healed,

Unknown Speaker 2:

03 divine feminine energy that's very much in alignment with their divine feminine energy. They're very intuitive, they're grounded, they're receptive, they're reflective, they have very strong boundaries, they're empathetic and compassionate. They're very open to vulnerability, the very supporting of others. However, if we are operating from a space of wounded feminine energy, we can be insecure, we can be needy, there may be codependency that arises, we may manipulate situations. And this can happen on an even subconscious level, to try and provide some sort of control over circumstance. We can be over emotional, 51 or we can actually act within a victim space. 56 And you know what, sometimes we can dip in and out of these wounded spaces. And it can be really troubling for us, and sometimes for the folks that are around us.

Unknown Speaker 3:

06 So generally speaking, I tend to see a lot of people that come through my door that tend to be over givers. They're the healers. They're the helpers. They're the people that show up for everybody around them while essentially using up any little source of energy they have within the body in order to meet everybody else's needs. For folks who come through my door that are that are in this space. Oftentimes a boundary is non existent for people. Because what happens is, anytime a boundary is erected, which keeps a safe distance between your energy and another folks energy, we begin to move it, we shift the boundary in a way that sometimes actually we're like, well, actually, let's just get rid of this boundary and allow people in full on into my energy.

Unknown Speaker 4:

00 And unfortunately, when that happens, and our boundaries, even if we didn't have money in the first place, when they go out the window, it means that our energy is open for everybody to come in and take. Now, sometimes because we live in a space of wounding with being people pleasers, 22 we actually we we give away a lot of ourself, but what we're preserving is the deep vulnerability within us. So there's a wall up, that keeps the vulnerability safe. But actually, the boundaries are gone out the window because we're happy to give our energy away. But we still don't want anybody to see the actual vulnerability that lies within. 46 And it's really, really interesting because the vulnerability is the stickiness that's the that's the space we don't feel safe sitting in. That's the space that we don't feel safe for other people to see. So

Unknown Speaker 5:

00 You know, what we do is we get really, really busy, we get really busy to distract ourselves from the stickiness that might be inside our own body. And oftentimes, we create these absolutely brilliant and beautiful facades on the outside, that protect other people from seeing the vulnerability or the stickiness that we have inside. And I was listening to this amazing 24 audio book a couple of weeks ago, that kind of went in a little bit deeper into worth and value. And I really loved the mentality 35 behind how they approach this, because I think it's a lot to do with why we tend to show up with facades or feeling we have to live in a very dominant energy of doing all the time with regard to the masculine energy, the divine masculine energy, when it's in a very healed spaces that we're deeply present, we don't judge others, we're very disciplined, we can operate from a sound sense of logic, without being too much in our head, we can provide a lovely sense of safety and security and protection for others. We're very honest and accountable. And you know, there's a lot of security and responsibility that we can show up within.

Unknown Speaker 6:

21 When we're in a wounded masculine energy, we can be very controlling, there's some aggression or unprocessed anger there, we can redraw very easily or avoid things that we aren't comfortable with. If something is triggering a deeper motion side of us, sometimes we can avoid that rather than actually approaching ahead on, we can be incredibly competitive. And sometimes aspects of our life can be a little bit unstable. archetypes of the divine masculine and feminine tend to be our mother and our father, or dominant female figures or male figures within our life.

Unknown Speaker 7:

04 Now, it's really quite interesting, because within society, how our parents have showed up for us and how generationally are people how people showed up with it within the family, that really varied Because oftentimes, our fathers were out, doing doing the work, putting the bread on the table, keeping the house over the head. However, at home, our mothers were showing up in their dominant energy, because they were the ones cook and clean and do absolutely everything, keeping the kids happy, doing the homework, they were running around, keeping everything all the fires put it out. So essentially, what we saw, what we saw, within the archetype of the feminine energy was actually they're in a very strong doing energy, you know, they're in their own sense of masculine. But where was the go with the flow energy, the connected to the earth, the lineage, the land, and also within our our paternal line, they were also strongly in their dominant or wounded masculine energy. Because there was no time to stop, the oftentimes was very challenging to find time with the kids to actually be part of the familial structure that just went with the flow.

Unknown Speaker 8:

24 It's been amazing in so many ways that we are striving towards a society that provides a lot of equality and equity. 36 But oftentimes, now, I feel a lot of the female clients that have through the door, they're under pressure now to be showing up in an in their own wounded masculine that they've to be operating so heavily within that space. That it's almost like we've all become completely discombobulation 56 to what it's like to actually just slow down and give our body a chance to think with the goal with the heart, rather than being completely open our head being stimulated on social media all the time.

Unknown Speaker 9:

10 Because our body has the answers. Our heart has the answers. Our goat has the answers. Now our head, and oftentimes, I'm so passionate about microbiome health, about gut health, we often call the gut the second brain. To be honest with you, we need to be called with the first brain and we need to stop listen to so much of the chatter that goes on up in our heads, about not being enough about running out of time. I constantly see this with my fertility clients. Women come through to me in complete distress because they've been told that the day they turned 35, their fertility goes down the tubes. That's not how that works in the body. But that's what we've been told we need to be in a constant state of doing and a constant state

Unknown Speaker 10:

00 of stress. And society is creating this, this crazy vortex of energy for us. Whereas actually, what we are craving, is connection with each other. And it's to actually take a step back, and to come into the body, and stop worrying so much about what the world around us is telling us, we're not doing quick enough or not doing enough of, and come into the body and tune into the heart and the gut and be like, you know, actually, what's my body telling me I need, maybe I actually just need five minutes to sit with myself. So actually, if I'm coming from a space, it's, it's a space that's being driven by my gut and my heart. Now, it's quite interesting, because 50 often times, 53 we can look at the balance of these energies, and how they reside on either side of the body. And this is really, really interesting, actually, because people come through to me, and they're like, everything happens on the right side of my body. Actually, the left side of my back is killing me here, there and everywhere, or, you know, all of the injuries that someone gets, it's on one dominant side of the body. And immediately I'm thinking to myself, Okay, this is really pointed me in a very strong direction here.

Unknown Speaker 11:

25 Because oftentimes, the divine feminine energy is associated with the left side of the body, it's our receiving side, how we receive intuitive messages from the universe, how we receive love, how we receive money, how we receive friendship, gifts, all of these things flow in through the left side of the body. Whereas on the right side of the body, that's our connection with the divine masculine energy that are doing energy. That's putting all that beautiful, intuitive knowledge that's come in on the left through the divine feminine, into practice to show up for ourselves to follow our path, this soul's journey, our highest self, our highest purpose, we step into doing. On the right side, we reach out with the right hand and we take what our heart's desire is. So, you know, when we're kind of getting a lot of issues on the right side, or the left side of the body kind of tells me where there's an imbalance in the energy. Is it to do with how we're allowing things flow to us? Are we open to receiving from the universe to receiving love and care and all of these beautiful things from the world around us? Or are we heavily in a dominant doing energy.

Unknown Speaker 12:

49 Now, when we are operating very much in a wounded masculine energy, we need to show up in a way in which we feel we have to constantly be doing constantly distracting ourselves constantly operating from a space where everything has to be perfect in the world around us.

Unknown Speaker 13:

11 And oftentimes, that's because we feel unsafe by just sitting within our body and feeling the sticky discomfort that goes on inside the body. But it is interesting, because when I was really leaning into even receiving my intuitive abilities to be able to feed and feed into people's energy to read their energy, I needed to be able to be in touch with my intuition, which meant I really had to do a lot of deep diving into, actually am I open to receiving here. 44 And funnily enough, 46 things like money, love, all of these things are just energies that the universe is waiting to give us. So if we aren't in touch with that slower, more intuitive, beautiful, divine feminine energy, 59 we often aren't in touch with being able to receive things like love, things like money, all of these things, because they're all just energies to the world that they're trying to the universe is trying to give those to a spot. You know, sometimes we're actually like nail tags.

Unknown Speaker 14:

16 Because there's a block, there's a block on that side of the body, there's a block, within what safety within the divine feminine energy looks like. So sometimes I tend to say to people, if they come through the door, do you have a dominance on one side of the body? Or the other? Do you get a lot of health conditions or issues within your health or physical body of one side versus the other? 43 And you know, when you actually tune into the energy of the body does one side or the other field dominant? That kind of gives a good idea as to whether we're sitting in a very dominant masculine or dominant feminine energy. 56 So generally speaking, I think

Unknown Speaker 15:

00 It's just to really bring ourselves back to this kind of feeling of connection to the land, slowing down, and being able to be in touch with our body, with the earth, and with our sense of intuition. 19 And what I'd love to do right now is to be able to bring people on a little journey, and meditative journey to come back to the body, to allow yourself to be open to receive intuitive messages, to connecting into the energy from the land, and just guiding people on a journey or just a journey through the body to actually connect through a body scan into the body, and just begin to have a little feel into, you know, am I overdoing, am I over giving, and am I open to receiving. So what I'm gonna do is just walk you through a short body scan,

Unknown Speaker 16:

08 so that you can actually be in the body. 12 And maybe this is the first time you've had an opportunity to do this today. Maybe this is the first time you've had an opportunity to do this this month or this year. So I urge you to just find a nice quiet space, even if it's sitting in your car with me and your ears, just for the next 10 minutes and come back into the body. 36 So just taking some time to close your eyes. 42 And just feeling your bum on the seat wherever you're sitting. 49 And just taking a big deep breath in through the nose. 53 Breathing deep into the lungs. deep into the belly. Feel in the belly expand as wide as possible. Deep, deep, deep breath in.

Unknown Speaker 17:

05 And then just slowly let the breath down. 10 Allowing the belly to sink down. 15 Take another big deep breath in through the nose 19 like the chest to expand the belly to expand breathing deep into the body 30 and allow it to just 34 vote through the mouth through the nose. 41 And again a big deep breath in through the nose. 45 Expanding the chest expanding the tummy 53 take another little soap of air in 57 just a holding of briefly at the top

Unknown Speaker 18:

01 for you let the air out again 04 the belly to reduce down low the chest 11 to just compress again 17 I want you to do is just put your hand on your heart 25 I'm just saying setting the intention just saying to yourself 33 reveal to me what I need to know today 40 reveal to me what my body needs today 48 revealed to me 54 what my body needs today. 57 What is your intuition telling you that your body needs

Unknown Speaker 19:

07 just calling back all of your energy to your body that you've given away to every little job every person every environment over the last couple of areas of the last couple of days. 23 Just saying to your heart I call back all of my energy 31 like call back all of my energy 39 I feel all of my energy returning to my body 47 I feel all of my energy returning to my body 55 I can feel it coming back to me

Unknown Speaker 20:

02 Just imagine that beautiful energy is filling the heart space 16 and just releasing all of the energy that's not yours, sending it back to the recipients will love and light 26 I release all energy from my body that is not mine 33 I send it back 35 to the recipient with love and light 45 I feel all energy leave my body that is not mine

Unknown Speaker 21:

02 so now we're just gonna take grounder energy down into the body 11 just imagining the most beautiful light forming just above the head 21 just calling that light back into the body. 27 Imagine it moving in through the crown 34 as the light moves through the body, imagine every little part of the body touches just relaxes a tiny little bit more. 44 I have a lighter flow over the scalp 49 all the muscles in the skull 51 completely relaxing

Unknown Speaker 22:

00 allow the light to wash over the forehead, 03 retention to the forehead allowing it to completely relax 14 like moving through the brain, changing all the little neural pathways completely quieting the brain 22 quieting down all of the chatter 27 the Weiss light bringing complete calm 36 the light moving into the ears 41 relaxing the ears 48 and the dead through the face muscles really relaxing the jaw. 54 Healing all of the tension in the muscles of the face

Unknown Speaker 23:

03 just bring some attention to the tongue as the light moves in and around the mouth, relaxing the tongue in the mouth 17 allowing the light to move down now through the muscles in the neck. 23 completely relaxing all of the muscles in the neck 30 and the left side of the neck 35 the right side of the neck 42 and as the light moves down over the shoulders, imagine all of the weight that you're carrying on the shoulder is lifting off the shoulders. It's dissolving it away 58 first of all allow the light to move down over the right shoulder.

Unknown Speaker 24:

06 Now over the left shoulder 11 let the light to move down to the left 16 bicep and tricep in the upper part of the arm. 23 Over the left elbow 29 left for arm. 34 The left wrist 41 in through the hand the fingers 46 on the left hand completely relaxing all of the muscles 54 the left arm and 59 the

Unknown Speaker 25:

00 That's opening a bolt of beautiful energy or receiving energy to allow that beautiful, divine feminine energy to flow 10 a bit easier on the body 16 bring your awareness back to the right shoulder now allowing the light to flow down 25 over the right bicep 28 and tricep in the upper 34 over the right elbow 40 over the right for her 47 right hand 51 all of the fingers on the right hand 55 side

Unknown Speaker 26:

06 bringing the light back to the top of the chest 13 moving down the front of the chest 18 and had the lighter washed and the front of the chest 27 right pectoral muscle 30 the left pectoral muscle 34 near the light penetrating through the ribcage and imagine it just completely spreading within the chest 43 through the heart, 46 the lungs 49 crashing down the back 53 are all the muscles in the back the right side of the back around the shoulder blade.

Unknown Speaker 27:

02 The left side of the back 05 and the left shoulder blade. 10 I'm moving down through each one of the little vertebra of the spine, relaxing every little part of the spine 25 rolling the light down through 29 the lungs diaphragm 34 into the tummy 39 as the light moves down through the tummy completely relax all of the tummy muscles. 45 Relaxing all the tummy muscles and the right side of the body. 50 Relaxing all the tummy muscles and the left side of the body 59 now the light to move through all of the beautiful organs, all of the bow

Unknown Speaker 28:

08 everything completely relaxing and healing in the tummy. 15 Light Moving down to the lower part of the spine, every level of vertebrae 22 all of the muscles on the right side of the back relaxing 29 all of the muscles in the left side of the back relaxing 36 calling the light down into the pelvis 43 the right hip 50 the left hip

Unknown Speaker 29:

00 first to float down through 06 the left thigh 09 the left hamstrings 13 the left knee 17 left shin the left calf 24 the left ankle 29 left foot 35 back to the right hip. 40 Lay the light to move down through the right thigh 47 the hamstrings 52 the right knee 59 the right shade

Unknown Speaker 30:

00 In on the right calf

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