Two Grumpy Farmers

Two Grumpy Farmers Gripe About EID's

Two Grumpy Farmers Season 1 Episode 4

If you are a rancher/cowboy/cattleman, (unless you've been living under a rock) you've more than likely heard about the USDA working on rules to mandate electronic identification tags (EID's) in all cattle across the United States.  One of our two grumpy farmers had originally bought into the USDA's supposed reasoning behind wanting to mandate these EID's: Disease Traceability.  Unfortunately, things are not all the seem with the USDA and there may be more nefarious purposes behind this new regulation.  And that is what your Two Grumpy Farmers are griping about today.  Listen to what they have to say, do your own research, and if you agree with our conclusions, please contact the USDA and tell them NO EID Mandate.  

The Article Mentioned In The Episode:
Bullard: Say “No” Now to Stop Mandatory EID |

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