Below the Surface

#14 The Honest Truth

August 15, 2024 Gunnar Haid & James Hammond Episode 14

The EPA names and shames a consultancy for allegedly falsifying reports. Meanwhile clients are beginning to use legal privilege as a strategy to avoid potential subpoenas — just as we anticipated in The Power Grab.

On a positive note, thanks to The Policy Predicament (yay!), the EPA has made a change to their website, now featuring all policy and regulatory updates in one easily accessible location. Kudos to the EPA!

Gunnar and James take the opportunity to talk about ethics, morals and integrity in our industry. They discuss the EIANZ's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, share their approaches to navigating ethical and moral challenges, and offer suggestions on how we might be able to improve our industry's standards.

As usual, none of this sounds all that exciting. But, as usual, the episode delivers more excitement than expected. Tune in, you will come out the other end a way better person.

The episode was recorded on 2 August 2024

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The necessary disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this Podcast are the speakers’ own. They do not necessarily represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of 4Pillars Environmental Consulting Pty Ltd or any Client, Supplier or other party related to 4Pillars or the speakers.

(c) Gunnar Haid and James Hammond