
Unforked Introduction: From Surviving to Thriving Through Holistic Mental Wellness

February 25, 2024 Haley Schroth, RDN, LD, CPT, RYT Season 1 Episode 0
Unforked Introduction: From Surviving to Thriving Through Holistic Mental Wellness
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Unforked Introduction: From Surviving to Thriving Through Holistic Mental Wellness
Feb 25, 2024 Season 1 Episode 0
Haley Schroth, RDN, LD, CPT, RYT

Embark on a journey with me, Haley, as we unlock what it takes to live a vibrant, fulfilling life. It's time to turn the tables on health, transforming from a passive observer to an active participant in your own wellbeing. As your trauma-informed functional medicine dietitian and holistic mental wellness coach, I'm dedicated to guiding you through the empowering language of health that will not just enlighten you, but also reinstill the control of your life firmly into your hands. Together, we will savor the intricacies of creating a nourishing internal and external environment, ensuring that you're equipped to face life's challenges with resilience and vitality.

This heart-to-heart is more than a mere exchange of knowledge—it's an awakening to the profound impact personal wellness has on the world around us. As we peel back the layers of self-care, we uncover the potential to step out of mere survival and into a life teeming with energy and purpose. I'll be sharing how the act of showing up for ourselves ignites a cascade of inspiration, empowering our communities and nurturing the planet for future generations. So, pull up a chair and prepare to taste the richness of a life well-lived, where mental clarity, physical energy, and a fulfilling future are on the menu.

💬 Text Haley Your Question/Feedback Here

How to Work Together

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Thank you to YOU, the listener, for being here on this journey together.

With a full heart (but always room for a slice of pizza),

Haley Schroth, RDN, LD, CPT, RYT, CMWC | Founder & Integrative Mental Wellness Coach

Show Notes Transcript

Embark on a journey with me, Haley, as we unlock what it takes to live a vibrant, fulfilling life. It's time to turn the tables on health, transforming from a passive observer to an active participant in your own wellbeing. As your trauma-informed functional medicine dietitian and holistic mental wellness coach, I'm dedicated to guiding you through the empowering language of health that will not just enlighten you, but also reinstill the control of your life firmly into your hands. Together, we will savor the intricacies of creating a nourishing internal and external environment, ensuring that you're equipped to face life's challenges with resilience and vitality.

This heart-to-heart is more than a mere exchange of knowledge—it's an awakening to the profound impact personal wellness has on the world around us. As we peel back the layers of self-care, we uncover the potential to step out of mere survival and into a life teeming with energy and purpose. I'll be sharing how the act of showing up for ourselves ignites a cascade of inspiration, empowering our communities and nurturing the planet for future generations. So, pull up a chair and prepare to taste the richness of a life well-lived, where mental clarity, physical energy, and a fulfilling future are on the menu.

💬 Text Haley Your Question/Feedback Here

How to Work Together

Links & Resources

Thank you to YOU, the listener, for being here on this journey together.

With a full heart (but always room for a slice of pizza),

Haley Schroth, RDN, LD, CPT, RYT, CMWC | Founder & Integrative Mental Wellness Coach

Haley Schroth:

Howdy friend, welcome to Unforked, an unfiltered holistic nutrition and mental wellness podcast for evolving folks that crave a delicious life of fulfillment. Haley, here I am, your host, a trauma-informed functional medicine dietician, holistic mental wellness coach and the founder of the fulfilled fork. On this show, we dish up insights and activations while learning about sustainable mind, body, soul lifestyle practices. It's sweet, it's savory and it'll spice up your life. To stay connected, make sure you sign up for our Unforked email list at thefulfilledforkcom. Forward slash links. Let's dig into the episode. First, I want to thank you for being here and for listening to this podcast, and I also want you to thank yourself too. Well, haley, that sounds super weird. Why would I thank myself for listening to your podcast? Well, I want you to thank yourself because, if you are here, I know you are the type of person that is actively taking steps towards understanding the language of health and also how you can live your most flavorful, fulfilled life. If you hear my dog shaking in the background, don't mind him. You'll meet Badger soon enough. Here on Unforked, we're going to have conversations that help you understand the language of health. When you understand the language of health, that puts you back in the position of power in your life by instilling you with the awareness, the self-trust and the ability to take sustainable action. And this is in contrast to the power being the other way around, so the power being in the hands of forces outside of yourself. Here we are all about fostering the type of confidence and inner strength that helps you slice through the ups and downs in your life with more ease than ever before. If you are the type of person who is looking to go above and beyond that generalized advice like maybe you've been googling a bunch of stuff for years and years on health and nutrition and just haven't found that it has quite gotten you to where you desire to go in your health and, honestly, in your wholeness then you are here in the right place.

Haley Schroth:

On Unforked, we are going to focus on building a healthier internal and external environment for ourselves first. That is the key. We want to build healthier internal and external environments for ourselves first, so that we can show up for those around us with integrity and intention, and we also want the physical and mental capacity to show up in our own lives. So if we are not showing up for ourselves, we certainly do not show up in the same. Really just state right and when we are able to show up in an energetic way, where we have the mental clarity, we have the physical energy and the right mindset to go out and live our lives in the way that we want to, rather than just like in survival mode. We want a more fulfilling future in our lifetimes and for the next generations.

Haley Schroth:

So, whether you have kids or not, I am all about having a better earth right. We want a better life for those who come after us. We don't want to destroy earth. We want our communities to be strengthened. Hell yeah, that is what we are here for, and I also believe that this ripple effect so when I am taking care of myself, there is a ripple effect that happens. The people around me then see me taking care of myself in a whole new way, and many times not everyone and you know it comes at different times in people's lives, if at all but then the people around us are able to be inspired, they are able to be empowered and that is, honestly, that's like part of my life's calling, if I'm being honest. So that is why I do what I do. Or one big reason why I do what I do is because I want to teach and show those around me that this kind of life is available for them too. And when I'm talking about this kind of life, it is an internal state, an internal state of having a really juicy, amazing life, feeling gratitude and fulfillment, and not saying that every single day, every moment, is gonna be just you're on top of the world. That is so not realistic. We can recognize that there is a place for many emotions and ups and downs right, but if we are taking care of ourselves, it is a whole new world that we live in, internally and externally.

Haley Schroth:

So for many, many, many years, I was stuck in the kind of life where I felt like I was holding myself back from my potential. And I didn't even just feel like I was holding myself back, I was totally holding myself back right. I was super depressed, super anxious. I did not think that I was ever going to be able to get out of it. I truly felt that I was destined to have this life of feeling miserable and, quite frankly, like complete shit. And also I was really comfortable in that misery because I had no clue what it meant or felt like to feel calm and connected in my mind or my body. There was no such thing. It was not in my awareness, right? Not having that awareness, I felt really disconnected from my body, like I was destined for unpleasant symptoms just being commonplace in my life.

Haley Schroth:

I have chronic health condition and I suffered with acne for a really long time Like I thought that my whole life was just gonna be like health symptom after health symptom, and also that I'm going to continue abandoning myself for the things that other people are telling me I should do or whatever it is, whether it's in health or not, right, I'm a firm believer that how we do one thing in our life is how we do the rest of it. The patterns show up in many areas. If they're showing up in one area, they're probably showing up in another area, maybe not to the same degree, but it's probably also there. So I was just super afraid, honestly, that I would be lost in the band-aids of the conventional health care system and really, just yeah, that self abandonment was a really, really, really, really big piece for me.

Haley Schroth:

So if you are feeling any of these things too, or if you've ever felt them in the past, whether it's in the recent past or distant, maybe it was like a super long time ago. Just please know that you are not alone and also that I am here to support you as you step out of your comfort zone into healing, in this journey of healing, really, because healing is not a destination. Okay, so I will be back on Thursdays with brand new episodes. While we are in season, please make sure to subscribe in your favorite listening platform and share this episode with a friend. I would absolutely love, love, love, love, to stay connected with you and go deeper into our conversations. On the Unforged newsletter you can find that link in the show notes to sign up.

Haley Schroth:

Basically, we are community building here, right? I want this unforced space to be a community of folks who are evolving and who can ask questions and engage, and we can all support each other and just really not be alone in this journey, because who the hell wants to be alone in this journey? Nobody, nobody. And we're gonna learn stuff along the way. Yeah, I am just so, so excited for you to be here. Thank you again, as always.

Haley Schroth:

If you're ready for holistic support in your health and mental wellness, please visit my website, thefulfilledforkcom. There's some more resources there and we can always work together. I would absolutely love to support you on your path to healing, awareness and vibrant presence. If it is a hell yes on your end to work with me, please reach out and we will chat. I can already tell it's gonna be a hell yes to work with you too. Amazing. Well, have a wonderful day and thank you again for being here. Friend, thank you for listening to Unforged. You can find all resources and links from this episode in the show notes at thefulfilledforkcom forward slash podcast. If you enjoyed the episode, we'd love if you'd send it to a friend and rate and review the show on either Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Then email us a screenshot of your review to howdyatthefulfilledforkcom for a one-time credit to use towards our wellness services at thefulfilledfork Chat soon.