
Get to Know Haley: My Holistic Mental Health Journey

Haley Schroth, RDN, LD, CPT, RYT Season 1 Episode 1

Navigating the confusion of mental wellness and nutrition can feel like an overwhelming endeavor, but not when you have the right recipe and support. 

That's what I, Haley, aim to be for you in this heartfelt episode where I get vulnerable about my own skirmish with anxiety, depression, and the pursuit of a deliciously fulfilled life. Discover how my own moments of adversity, from childhood struggles to professional challenges as a clinical dietitian, have illuminated the path that led me to the holistic junction where nutrition meets mental health.

Embarking on a journey towards wellness isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavor. This episode peels back the layers on the personalized nature of health and the transformative power of DNA-based nutrition. 

Discover the nuanced approach The Fulfilled Fork takes to marry nutrigenomics with mental wellness. It's an exploration of the profound impact our nutritional choices have on our physical and psychological being, and how the integration of specific nutrients and bioactives can revolutionize our approach to health.

Finally, in a world brimming with misconceptions about holistic nutrition, I steer us towards an understanding that a balanced life of fulfillment is within reach without breaking the bank. I discuss cost-effective, soul-nourishing practices and advocate for a trauma-informed approach to nutrition that respects the depth of our histories. 

This episode isn't just a recount of personal experiences; it's an invitation to reevaluate your daily actions, align them with your values, and join me on a transformative journey towards a life of fulfillment that resonates deeply and personally.

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Thank you to YOU, the listener, for being here on this journey together.

With a full heart (but always room for a slice of pizza),

Haley Schroth, RDN, LD, CPT, RYT, CMWC | Founder & Integrative Mental Wellness Coach


Howdy friend, welcome to Unforked, an unfiltered holistic nutrition and mental wellness podcast for evolving folks that crave a delicious life of fulfillment. Haley, here I am, your host, a trauma-informed functional medicine dietician, holistic mental wellness coach and the founder of the Fulfilled Fork. On this show we dish up insights and activations while learning about sustainable mind, body, soul lifestyle practices. It's sweet, it's savory and it'll spice up your life. To stay connected, make sure you sign up for our Unforked email list at thefulfilledforkcom. Forward slash links. Let's dig into the episode. This is a get to know Haley episode. I thought that if you are tuning in, you probably want to know a little bit more about me. That's just my assumption. You know what that can mean, but I'll leave that up to you. I'll let you listen to the episode. I have some interview questions here, just so you can simply get to know me better. Yeah, let's jump into them. The first question can you share with us the journey that led you to found the Fulfilled Fork and start this podcast? The first piece of that is what is my journey? This is a very long, long story. However, I will give you the short version of my mental wellness journey, which is ever present and ongoing. The journey never ends. It never ends and that's not a bad thing, it just doesn't. It's a fact of life. We will always continue to grow and evolve. Having said that, that's a really big piece of my journey is the continual growth and evolving.


From a very young age. This is looking back. I didn't know, I was in it for quite a while, but from a very young age I can tell that I was depressed. I remember being very self-conscious about being around other people, like making friends, speaking out loud, typical social anxiety stuff. That was present during elementary school, middle school and I would say, when I got into middle school it was way worse. It was way worse. I remember summer nights. That's when you should be having a lot of fun. I remember some summer nights chilling. I was playing the Sims, playing the Sims, and every night we would go out and play laser tag. That was the highlight of the summers so much fun. I lived in a cul-de-sac and all the neighborhood kids would come out and we'd play laser tag. Before this, I was instant messaging a friend. It was probably on MySpace or something. Oh man, this is a walk down memory lane here. I remember telling this friend how I wanted to crawl in a deep dark hole and never come out of it. What I think I was in seventh grade, that's just an example of. I really think I was more depressed from a young age than anybody knew. I didn't even know it, right, how could anybody tell? Because outwardly I had really great grades and I had a couple of friends, I seemed to be doing just fine, I was in a lot of sports, all the things.


Having said that, there has been anxiety and depression for a good portion of my life, right? And one day in college I realized that I was just in so deep At this point. I was in a dysfunctional relationship, very dysfunctional, and it was my first relationship. So there's that. But also, looking back, I was lacking a lot of skills, so like skills in secure attachment, skills in communication and relating to people, and feeling like I deserved good things. And, yeah, there was a lot going on, right. So one day in college I just realized, holy shit, I need help. I'm having panic attacks over small things, like now this paper needs to be due tonight and, oh my God, I'm hyperventilating because I just, I just am so overwhelmed and I can't, I just don't know how to do anything. Panic attacks. I, yeah, I actually had my first panic attack in college at a concert. That was a. That was a whole treat.


So, as you can see, the anxiety heightened, the depression deepened, I would say, and still this went on for several years. Then I had some traumatic things go on during my college years. There were several traumatic events that that went on. And once I got into my dietetic internship so like I graduated right, I made it through I moved away to Montana for my dietetic internship and it was there that I, like had removed myself from the life I had known. I lived in the same town my whole life and I had the opportunity to be by myself, which was huge. That was huge. I still was anxious, you know, still depressed, still had health issues going on, like, yeah, there was, there's all of that. But once I was able to remove myself from the situations that I was in, I realized that there was something else for me outside of the life I had known, and that was really important. So still, during my internship, I woke up every single day with a racing heart like pounding, pounding with anxiety.


I still went out there, like, got through my internship, which was basically like changing jobs every couple of weeks. A few of the rotations were longer than those were a couple of months, so lots of change going on. I moved like, oh my god, one, two, three or four times during that period as well. There was yeah, it was a lot. So after my internship I moved back home to Colorado for a little while trying to figure out my life right, and that is when I went through another situation and therefore at that point my anxiety was so bad, so bad that I was like completely I was almost completely dysfunctional. I still managed to make it to the to do the jobs that I was doing, making a little bit of money, while I was trying to find a job as a dietitian. So that was when I decided I needed to do something, because if I don't go get help, I'm fucked, essentially like I'm just going to keep going down this path and it's not going to be the life that I want to live.


So I actually the first, the first time I delved into mental wellness and this is me not trying to do it on my own, with support I found a counselor, and this is after interviewing I think I interviewed like 10 counselors or something and I found the one. So I found the one. I still see her. So it's like for me it's an ongoing thing because I enjoy support and I desire support. It's just so beneficial for me to have people in my life that truly understand me. And I know not everybody finds that in their very first counselor. But If you haven't yet, if you've never tried it, definitely interview people. And also, if you have a counselor but you're not like fully vibing with them, find a new one. Find a new one. There's nothing wrong with that. Okay, that was a side note, though. So that journey was still not. That was like part of my mental health journey.


But that wasn't me diving into the fulfilled fork and unforked, hilariously. I have always wanted to own a business. I always that was like from childhood. That's a thing I knew I was going to do in my life and in college I think I was maybe like 22, 21 years old somewhere around there. I didn't know what it was going to be yet, but I bought the domain name. So I bought the website for the fulfilled fork. I thought it was going to be like something a little bit different. It wasn't completely off kilter, but it was a little bit different, anyway. So, like, I get out of my internship and I try to start this blog and write about sustainable food and kind of go down that route.


So the fulfilled fork then took a pause because I decided to move back to Wyoming and start another job. So, like, here I am uprooting again, moving to a place, super small town. I don't know anybody literally no, nobody here and I made the leap. So, as you can imagine, big life changes come with a lot of things. One of them can be anxiety, isolation. I moved to this place like, literally when Colorado shut down, for COVID is when I left in March of 2020. It was crazy. So, moving to a new place right at the start of COVID, like the world shuts down, we weren't even supposed to like go to neighboring states. So like, really, I wasn't supposed to go see my family, which is difficult. That's socially isolating. Thank God I have my dog Badger had him at the time as well. He's a huge part of my mental health journey, but I digress. So I moved to this small town.


I'm working this other job, I'm learning a lot. I'm teaching people diabetes. I am my gosh managing a nutrition department, acting as the clinical dietitian in several different spaces. There was a lot going on and I really enjoyed it. I really really enjoyed it and it also helped illuminate where I was not taking care of myself in my life. So where was I not exercising? Well, really, it hit me one day that I was super depressed and I thought, oh my God, I need help. And I had been seeing a counselor for several years at this point right. So even with the counseling, there was something else that needed to take place. I just knew it and I was.


I really, really, really was reluctant to start on an antidepressant. I had tried one in the past. Oh my God, it messed me up, it gave me tremors, it was just not okay for my body. So I was like I really don't want to try one again. But at this point I realized that I needed the help so desperately because I was finding myself as a dietitian who knows what to do and can physically do the things right. I was finding myself on the couch after work like completely exhausted, just trashed from my day, physically, mentally, emotionally, and it hit me that I was really depressed. It just it hit me. I there was a point where I think I was eating pizza like four times a week because I just couldn't, I just could not get up off of the couch to go make myself something any different. You know, maybe I was eating like eggs with avocado. Sometimes that's like one of my go-to's still, so I bet you I was eating that.


It hit this point where I was so depressed and I knew that the counseling wasn't enough at this point, the meditation wasn't enough, the journaling wasn't enough. There was something biologically going on, there was something that I was missing and that led me to oh my God, I'm a dietitian. Why don't I research this? Because, if you know me, I will go down the research rabbit holes. Research is my jam. I yeah, if I'm interested in something, bet your ass I will be the weeds with this topic. So that's what happened.


That is what happened with the nutrition piece and mental health. I realized, okay, here I have this ability to understand what is going on with my body in a different way, in a deeper level, and this is in addition to all of the research I had done on the chronic health condition that I have, which is Hashimoto's. So that's hypothyroidism, if you aren't familiar. So chronic inflammation is like one of the first things that I realized I was like, oh yes, that is correct, because chronic inflammation is linked to depression. It's linked to all these other things.


I started researching the food nutrient medication interactions. Like, also, what about the epigenetics? I had studied epigenetics and DNA based nutrition in my internship. That was one of my rotations as an intern and I loved it. It made so much sense to me. And like, why aren't people using this? Why is this not a common place in the conventional healthcare system? I don't understand. So of course, I incorporated that right. That was one of the first things. I was like, wow, okay, because I know that there are probably things going on that are making me more susceptible, one to the inflammation and my autoimmune disease. And actually, let's stop there. This is a really good distinction and something that I'm trying to work on the autoimmune disease that I experience.


I prefer that language versus, like, attaching this identity to myself. That's a topic for a whole nother episode, so you won't go there. However, I just dove into all these things like the nutrigenomics and epigenetics, the specific nutrients, like individual nutrients, bioactives Some of you might know phytochemicals, so that's kind of a similar thing. Yeah, I just really dove into all of these topics and what I came out with that was I can help people with this, I can help myself with this.


So, naturally, I ordered the genetic test for myself first, because I am not about to show up and coach somebody on a genetic test if it's something I've never had. So obviously that's the first thing I did and I started using it. So I was like, okay, well, what lab test do I need to get based on this genetic test, and are there any foods that I can incorporate that really give me the bang, the biggest bang, for my buck when it comes to purchasing certain foods? So I mentioned phytochemicals and bioactives. Certain foods have these compounds in them that have different health benefits. That's the simplest definition also another topic for another episode. But I realized that, yes, there are these foods that I can start incorporating and actually I realized that for some periods of my life, it would have been really beneficial for me to have a supplement, like, say, when I was just in the throes of depression and it was difficult for me to make a healthy meal, like here I am.


I was living alone at the time, by the way, like still living alone, but living alone with my dog. So I had no help, no support, nothing. It's just me, me and my dog. And that can make it more difficult, right, I didn't have a partner to or a family that I could go over to their house and get a nice home cooked meal. Not that that's an excuse, but I just realized that during those times it would have been so nice to know that if I had this information previously, I could have been supplementing and perhaps that could have helped my energy levels, that could have helped my mood a little bit. Not that it's a cure all supplements are not a cure but they can supplement, they can be in addition to what you're doing and help fill in the gaps. So that's kind of my view on supplements as well.


If you don't know me yet which you might not if this is your first podcast episode, okay, so really long, roundabout way of saying hey, I had a mental health journey and a physical health journey with my autoimmune condition, acne, like some other health things that went on. And from that I knew that one I could help myself, not just because I'm a professional in this field of dietetics and health, right, but I knew that I could help myself by changing my outlook on life by changing my self talk. That was a huge one for me. By doing all of these different things not all at the same time, by the way, that would be overwhelming and impossible but by doing these things I essentially gave myself the ability to heal and be healthier and feel more energized and have more mental clarity and feel I wasn't fatigued anymore. I used to be super fatigued, like come home from school, take a nap and then continue my day, like take a nap at lunchtime. No, young adult should be an even teenager. No teenager or young adult should be that fatigued. Like what? No, my iron levels were just fine, by the way, the nuances yeah. So that's pretty much my health journey that led me to the Fulfilled Fork and with the podcast piece I really wanted a way to connect with my community and build community and have conversations with other practitioners and perhaps even clients.


I would love to answer questions on the podcast from clients or from listeners, from you. I would love to answer your question on the podcast. So please visit the show notes because there is a link for you to submit a question. That way I'm just not interviewing myself all the time, right? Who knows, it might get really fun, but it might get a little weird.


So okay, question number two how do you define a delicious life of fulfillment and how does the fulfilled fork help people achieve that? All right, so to me, a delicious life of fulfillment is going to look very different, probably I would hope so than what your delicious life of fulfillment means or what that looks like. So in the intro episode for this podcast, I talked about our delicious lives of fulfillment being an internal state rather than purely external. Yes, also external can be included. Like I have a vision for my life and I am doing everything in my power to realize that vision. Like it's happening. It is happening. We're doing the things. I know it's going to turn out differently than I envision, but I have a direction and I know where I'm going. I know not everybody is like that, so your delicious life of fulfillment might just be a feeling. Mine certainly is. In addition to that identity piece Like this is where I'm going. This is my vision.


So the roundabout answer is that you get to decide what your delicious life of fulfillment looks like, no matter. If you have a really clear vision on your most aligned delicious life, we can help you achieve whatever that looks like and maybe, just maybe, working with us and being in this community. Maybe it brings you out of the depression enough, out of the anxiety enough so that you can figure that out. Most of the time, well, a lot of the time, if we're depressed, if we're anxious, we don't know, Like we don't know what the answer to that question is. What is my most delicious life? You'd be like fuck off, hailey, that is the last thing I'm worried about. So, yeah, we can help you achieve that one, just by interacting with the community and finding the awareness, finding what is possible. Sometimes we have to have all of our options to be able to pick our next step. And, that being said, a lot of times maybe your most delicious life isn't like a long-term vision, but it's an in-every-moment situation, like how do I wanna feel most of the time in my days? And for me that would be contentment and satisfaction. I wanna feel satisfied as a book. I want my life to feel like contentment. It doesn't have to be an emotional high or an emotional low, like I just want it to feel good. I can imagine that many of you probably feel the same way.


Here is the next question what are some common misconceptions people have about holistic nutrition and mental wellness? Ooh, this is such a good one. I would say that one misconception is that you have to do all the things all at once, which is so not true. So not true. You don't have to wake up, do a meditation, get out of bed, go do yoga, go exercise, go cook in amazing, delicious veggie-filled, fruit-filled breakfast with some protein and carbs and lots of bio-actives and micronutrients, and then I'm gonna go to work or do what I do to make money, and then, oh my gosh, at lunchtime I need to go for another walk, I need to do some affirmations, I need to do this, I need to do that. Like, when I get home it is a full-on self-care routine. No, we don't have to do that. It's gonna look again different for every single person, but you don't have to do all the things all at once.


For me, it is a kind of intuitive, moment by moment situation, especially if I notice something comes up for me then. Ooh, I'm noticing that I'm feeling a little bit anxious this morning. Hmm, what would best suit my needs right now? Like, what does my body need? Oh, okay, I feel like I need journaling this morning, like that would really help me. So that's just one example, but I really find the intuition is huge, like it is a major part of my practice. It's a major part of what I help people learn, like how to be in tune with your body's needs, and a lot of the times those are mental needs as well. Right, like we can't totally ignore one or the other. We have to have harmony with all of it. So that's a huge misconception is doing all the things all at once.


Another misconception about holistic nutrition and mental wellness, I would say that people think if you hear the word holistic, it has to cost a billion dollars, like it's got to be so pricey, like I have to go out and buy it all organic. This is kind of like an all or nothing thing. Again, I just see this in so many different areas in diet, culture and nutrition and wellness. Either, yeah, we're doing it all or we're not doing a damn thing. So, with the money piece on it, it does not have to cost a billion dollars for you to be on your journey, like it really doesn't.


So for me, I started counseling, which was like the first piece of my journey, besides journaling, I've journaled for a long long time. Like that was the first modality, essentially, that I picked up, and then I'd say meditation, and then probably the third was counseling. Here's a plug for meditation, by the way, it's just a random thought. So meditation absolutely changed my sleep when I was in late teens, early 20s, like I was a constant ruminator, took me a really long time to get to sleep. Meditation helped me tremendously with changing that. Ok, there's my plug for meditation, how I got started in meditation. And now let's go back to the money piece. So when I started counseling, it was a flat rate per session. That was one of my like in my budget. That was my main priority. Let me pay for counseling because this is so important for me and I know that taking care of this will help take care of other pieces of my life.


Still, you don't have to go out and spend all this money on organic food and healthy, not healthy, but you don't have to spend all this money on health products. So massages and red light therapy and doing all of that Like a lot of people can't start there. Some people can if you have the funds. That is amazing. Heck yeah, and I know a lot of people cannot. So one of the misconceptions is that, yeah, I have to have a fuck ton of money to even be able to start my journey because otherwise I just can't afford it, which is so not true. Like I had zero money when I started journaling, I had zero money when I started with the meditations. Like those were meditations on YouTube changed my life. So, yeah, we're just busting that myth. I think those are some two of the biggest misconceptions about holistic nutrition and mental wellness that I have encountered. I know there's more, but we'll stop there.


Okay, what are some key principles or practices from functional medicine you think everyone should know about? Ooh, another really good one. Key principles or practices my key principle is nutrigenomics. Honestly, I guess that would be the key practice.


The key principle is epigenetics, which nutrigenomics is rooted in epigenetics. So all that means the most simple definition is what you do or do not do in your life affects the way that your genes express. So, whether you smoke, whether you don't smoke, whether you get adequate sleep, whether you don't, whether you are using a lot of toxic chemicals or coming into contact with a lot of toxic chemicals or not, there are so many different things, including nutrition, what we do or don't eat and movement, if we do or don't move, like all of these things are impacting how your genes are interacting with the environment. It's basically a light switch. It's a light switch that turns on or off depending on what you do or don't do. So epigenetics doesn't mean that your actual DNA code changes. That is not the case. We have our DNA code. We're born with it and we die with it, so that doesn't change. But we can turn those different genes on or off.


That is the key principle that I wish everyone knew about. I don't know why we don't talk about it more in healthcare and, honestly, that's why I'm here oh, I am here to evolve the mental healthcare system, especially in my communities and, like the greater communities around me, that is my mission, one of them. So with that, the Nutrogenomics piece is just focusing on the food aspect of epigenetics. That's what I really just wish that we all had as a part of our health toolbox, just because it gives us so much information and power on where we need to focus our energy potentially. Or like in my case, if I saw, oh my God, I have high cholesterol and the test said that, oh my God, I'm predisposed to high cholesterol. So then I can go and I have a super solid plan moving forward like a super solid plan. So I really find that the genetic tests are incredibly helpful, not only as like a way to think ahead and be proactive, but also like you can get deeper and find more of a root cause approach to health issues and potential treatment options with the genetic test. So if you wanna learn more about genetic testing, in the show notes there will be a link so you can check out the genetic testing, like 101 that I have on the website Alrighty.


Next question how do you approach balancing scientific research with more holistic, intuitive practices in your work? First of all, holistic and intuitive practices. Many are science-based and evidence-based, so one there's that I don't have to choose. That's why I really dove into functional and integrative medicine, which nutrigenomics just so happens to be a part of that Sort of modality. Yeah, so you don't always have to pick one over the other Any more intuitive-based practices like intuitive eating is research-based. It is a research-based, intuitive way of eating. Now, mindfulness is research-based. Eft tapping is research-based. So all of these things there's lots of scientific research, yoga research-based, like.


I won't go down that soapbox, but my approach is to really listen to my clients and understand where they are at Like, where are they right now and where are they headed. So what are their values, what are the values that they are bringing into their life and how can we practice that more through movement, through eating, through how they are showing up in their everyday life. The other thing is that even nutritional psychology so basically just nutrition and how it interacts with our mental health like that's the field of nutritional psychology that is still a very emerging science. So scientific research takes time to be implemented and integrated into the research bodies of institutions. So, say, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, for example, might be lagging on some of the modalities that are really actually evidence-based and impactful. The other thing that can come with that and this is more just on research and why certain things aren't researched it's because of the funding. So I am really passionate about research funding because if more people had the money to and had the interest, I would say had the interest and the money to invest in certain scientific research, some of these intuitive air quotes practices probably would be more science-based, right, we just might lack the research for certain topics. So there's that too. I'll put that out there. Okay, here we go.


How does the fulfilled fork differentiate itself from other nutrition and wellness platforms? First of all, we talked already about the Nutrigenomics, which is huge. Nutrigenomics paired with mental wellness mental health specifically is like mind-blowing right, but I don't see I haven't found really any specifically that are doing things the way I do it. Maybe there's somebody out there, I have no clue. If you're here, let me know. I'd love to chat and say, hey, maybe we could collaborate. That would be awesome. But the differentiating piece is the DNA-based nutrition for mental health specifically. We also cover just all health in general. We can cover certain health conditions, depending on who you are. What's going on, all the things. In addition to the nutrigenomics piece, we have the values-based piece.


So I truly believe that if we are acting into our values, we are going to be leading a more fulfilling life and, at the same time, we can analyze what we are doing in our day-to-day lives, like what are the actual actions we are taking and am I aligned with my values or misaligned? Am I saying that I value health, but every day, when I get home from work, instead of going for a walk or doing a workout, maybe I'm just going on the couch and binge scrolling on Instagram or whatever TikTok that shows me potentially it's all very dependent on person, situation, all the things, but that could tell me that, okay, if this person doesn't value I don't want to say distraction, what's the right word Dissociation If this person's main value isn't disassociating, maybe we can take that time that we are scrolling and instead act into our values. So if I really say I value my health, in that case, yeah, maybe I will go for a walk, maybe I will prep a nice dinner for myself, like a really nutritious dinner, so we can look at certain situations in our lives and what we are doing or not doing and go from there as far as our values go. The other really big differentiator of the fulfilled fork is the trauma-informed piece. I truly believe that trauma-informed nutrition is coming into fruition, as in it is going to be a major part of nutrition in the future and nutrition education and how practitioners relate with their clients and educate clients. I think that it's a really big emerging area in healthcare in general and just like in life, if we are able to talk about mental health more and talk about how trauma interacts with our bodies, like our physical bodies and the expression of certain diseases and health conditions, as well as how trauma impacts our ability to care for ourselves, such as my example of the pizza and the couch when I was super depressed.


Trauma was definitely impacting that like majorly impacting that. How, like somebody with ADHD, for example, we need to understand how the trauma can show up and how they are interacting with the world through food, through movement. They might need different things. Somebody who has experienced ADHD may need nutrition and health practices nutrition and wellness practices that honor our needs, honor our experiences. That is one of the things that I do in my practice is I'm not a counselor. However, I can help you find a great one if you need one, in addition to the support that you receive with me, if we are coaching together or if you this is a side note If you notice anything coming up in any of these episodes, please feel free reach out to me if you need support or bring whatever comes up for you to your health practitioner.


So maybe it's a counselor, maybe you're working with another dietitian, I don't know, but feel free to bring up the things that you are hearing about and learning and get the support where you need it. Okay, so I know there's some other things that differentiate the fulfilled fork, one being I'm Haley. I think I'm pretty damn cool. So there's that. If you want to come hang out with me and learn from me, that's a big differentiator, because you can't come work with me anywhere else. So otherwise, though, besides that, I think that we're just a whole other ball game. The way we combine the DNA based nutrition, the way we speak about and empower our clients, it is just a whole process that you can't get anywhere except from Haley me. So wonderful.


Well, that is all of the questions that I have for today, all of the interview questions. If you have another question for me, like I mentioned earlier, please feel free to go to the link in the show notes. Submit a question for me. I would love to answer on the podcast in a future episode, maybe on the newsletter also, you never know. So I hope you have an incredible day and I will see you next time. Thank you for listening to Unfork. You can find all resources and links from this episode in the show notes at thefulforkcom forward slash podcast. If you enjoyed the episode, we'd love if you'd send it to a friend and rate and review the show on either Apple podcast or Spotify. Again, email us a screenshot of your review to howdyatthefulfilledforkcom for a one-time credit to use towards our wellness services at the fulfilled fork. Chaindi Chaat Soon.

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