
Why Embracing Courage, Self-Trust, Sustainability, and Expansion Matter For Better Mental Wellness

May 23, 2024 Haley Schroth, RDN, LD, CPT, RYT, CMWC Season 1 Episode 13
Why Embracing Courage, Self-Trust, Sustainability, and Expansion Matter For Better Mental Wellness
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Why Embracing Courage, Self-Trust, Sustainability, and Expansion Matter For Better Mental Wellness
May 23, 2024 Season 1 Episode 13
Haley Schroth, RDN, LD, CPT, RYT, CMWC

The latest episode of UnForked is a feast for those hungry for personal growth, as we dig into the essence of the Fulfilled Fork's mission, vision, and core values (courage, self-trust, sustainability, and expansion).

If you're ready to cultivate a life that is as fulfilling as it is flavorful, this episode of Unforked is the perfect recipe.

In Today's Episode
0:03 Empowering Fulfillment Through Wellness Transformation

8:22 The Fulfilled Fork's Mission

10:16 The Fulfilled Fork's Vision & Movement

12:05 Holistic Epigenetics and Trauma-Informed Wellness

24:09 Courage as a Core Value

25:19 Self-Trust as a Core Value

28:48 Sustainability as a Core Value

31:06 Expansion as a Core Value

Mentioned in this episode:
🔥 Claim Your Seat for Limitless: Radical Authenticity: A 3-Month Collective Self-Portrait & Creative Writing Exploration

💬 Text Haley Your Question/Feedback Here

How to Work Together

Links & Resources

Thank you to YOU, the listener, for being here on this journey together.

With a full heart (but always room for a slice of pizza),

Haley Schroth, RDN, LD, CPT, RYT, CMWC | Founder & Integrative Mental Wellness Coach

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

The latest episode of UnForked is a feast for those hungry for personal growth, as we dig into the essence of the Fulfilled Fork's mission, vision, and core values (courage, self-trust, sustainability, and expansion).

If you're ready to cultivate a life that is as fulfilling as it is flavorful, this episode of Unforked is the perfect recipe.

In Today's Episode
0:03 Empowering Fulfillment Through Wellness Transformation

8:22 The Fulfilled Fork's Mission

10:16 The Fulfilled Fork's Vision & Movement

12:05 Holistic Epigenetics and Trauma-Informed Wellness

24:09 Courage as a Core Value

25:19 Self-Trust as a Core Value

28:48 Sustainability as a Core Value

31:06 Expansion as a Core Value

Mentioned in this episode:
🔥 Claim Your Seat for Limitless: Radical Authenticity: A 3-Month Collective Self-Portrait & Creative Writing Exploration

💬 Text Haley Your Question/Feedback Here

How to Work Together

Links & Resources

Thank you to YOU, the listener, for being here on this journey together.

With a full heart (but always room for a slice of pizza),

Haley Schroth, RDN, LD, CPT, RYT, CMWC | Founder & Integrative Mental Wellness Coach

Speaker 1:

Howdy friend, welcome to unforked, an unfiltered holistic nutrition and mental wellness podcast for evolving folks that crave a delicious life of fulfillment. Haley, here I am, your host, a trauma informed functional medicine dietitian, holistic mental wellness coach and the founder of the fulfilled fork. On this show, we dish up insights and activations while learning about sustainable mind, body, soul, lifestyle practices. It's sweet, it's savory and it'll spice up your life. To stay connected, make sure you sign up for our unforked email list at thefulfilledforkcom. Forward slash links. Let's dig into the episode. Thefulfilledforkcom. Forward slash links. Let's dig into the episode. Howdy friend, and welcome back to the UnForked podcast. If you are a brand new listener, also welcome. I am so excited that you're here Today. We are going to be diving into the Fulfilled Fork's mission, vision and values.

Speaker 1:

I thought it was time that we chat about this for a few reasons, one being I want you to know what the deal is. I know we've talked about it before, but I want to go really deep on why I do what I do. Why the hell do I run this business right? So these values, as you will see, are also very near and dear and personal to my heart, as they should be If you're in a business, your values are going to hopefully align with your business values. So just know, all of this is coming directly from the heart here. This is me. This is me, and all of these are things that I embody and deeply desire and connect to continuously in my life. So you are not alone here. If you are on this journey, I am right there with you. We're all, at different levels, headed to the same flavorful, fucking fulfilled life, right? Whatever that looks like for you, it's going to be so different for all of us. We all have very unique purpose passions, desires, lives, all of the things, right? Okay, before we really dive into it, I wanted to take a quick second and remind you that if you are listening to this and you would love to go deeper with me and really learn how to nourish your mind, body and soul to live your most flavorful, fulfilled life and have that super profound impact not only on your own life, but the lives around you and even your greater community in the world, that is what we do here. I am here to be your guide, your mentor, your support system and teach you the tools that you need on this journey. If you want to know more about that. Head over to the Fulfilled Fork website. You'll find a big button up at the top that says free training, and that is the Ignite your Mental Wellness training. That training is going to take you deeper into all of the things we're talking about today in terms of your health and overall mental wellness and living your most fulfilled life. That is the purpose of that class. It's super, super profound and also a super special, super, super, super special thing that I am launching in my on the photography side of my businesses multiple of my businesses, multiple.

Speaker 1:

So, at Haley Schroth Photography, I am launching a, I'm going to say, collective experience, a collective exploration, and this collective exploration is going to be on self-portraits and creative writing. The program is called Limitless, radical Authenticity. Inside of it, we are going to embrace your limitless authenticity and power and unravel those layers that keep your true self, your true essence, confined. Keep your true self, your true essence, confined. We've all got them. We've all got the shadows right. Well, we've all got the stories, the limiting beliefs, and so, through creative writing, through self-portraits, those are two tools that we are going to be exploring and learning about and deepening our connection to, so that you can feel seen, valued and secure in your mind and body. We are rebelling against mindless conformity, which means all of the all of those old stories and limiting beliefs and all of those things right, and just being on autopilot. This program is a rebellion against the autopilot right, and most of the time it is an external thing, person, whatever that ignites our awareness of where we are on autopilot, and I have found that through self-portraits and creative writing. Oh my god, my transformation, my growth has fucking skyrocketed. I feel so much more self-aware. The patterns just like started coming out of the woodworks and I was like, wow, I really I thought I had transcended this and at least at that level, right, there's all it's, it's, it's a journey. It's an ever evolving journey, of course, and so there's always going to be things coming up, and that's not wrong. It just is a fact of being a human and having being alive, right. And so we are in the rebellion against the mindless conformity, we are also declaring and embracing our authentic selves. Oh, I can't wait. I cannot wait for this.

Speaker 1:

If you're interested, there will be a link in the show notes as well on this. Keeping it super simple, head to that page. You can sign up on the link. This is the very first launch of this. I envision it as an ongoing collective experience and exploration, which means I envision it just running all the time. Which means I envision it just running all the time. But that's my future vision.

Speaker 1:

So for now, we are going to be starting in June. The group is going to open up here at the end of May. We're going to be starting this exploration in June and it's only open to a select number of people. I'm capping it at 10. If you would like to join, please do so. If you want more information, feel free to email me. If you don't, if you have questions that aren't on the uh the page, the sales page. And this first round is going to be an incredible experience. Um, it's going to be and I can just feel it. It's really weird. I can just feel the space and it hasn't even started yet. I can feel like the type of person that's going to be in there and the incredible impact that we're all going to have on each other and the breakthroughs and insights. I am just so dang stoked for it. Three months is our first round and then we'll see where it goes from there. Go ahead, sign up in the show notes Awesome.

Speaker 1:

Let's move into the Fulfilled Forks mission, vision and values. All right. So let's start with our mission here at the Fulfilled Fork. Let's start with our mission here at the Fulfilled Fork. Our mission, my mission, is to empower you in your mental wellness journey as you transcend those old stories into personal alignment, and this empowers you to embody your most flavorful, fulfilled life. At the Fulfilled Fork, I guide and provide you with the resources and tools that help you reclaim your power.

Speaker 1:

Break free from those limitations, those old limiting beliefs, the old stories, the old dusty ass jacket that you've got sitting in your closet right, like we don't want to put that old thing on. We need a jacket that makes us feel empowered. We need a jacket that makes us feel badass and like ready to take on the world, right. So think of that old scratchy, dusty, dirty I don't know that old ass jacket sitting in your closet right. We are breaking free from that. We're just saying no, like we don't need to wear you anymore. Thank you, but no. And as you reclaim that power, break free from those limitations. You can step into your most authentic version of yourself with the confidence and with the clarity that's what we do here. So our mission, my mission at the Fulfilled Fork is to support you in your mental wellness journey. So we in in that you are transcending those old stories and you are transforming it into personal alignment, and that empowers you to dig into your most flavorful, fulfilled life with the utmost confidence. Oof yes.

Speaker 1:

So what is the Fulfilled Forks vision? My vision is to cook up a community where all folks are able to cultivate profound self-connection so that self-awareness and empower everyone to nourish their minds, bodies and souls and unlock the potential to live a life filled with the purpose, the passion and have a super fucking profound impact on the world, their communities and themselves. That's what we do here. If you were wondering, it's not like. Health is a very is the surface level. Health is the surface level that gets you into a clear state of mind, a clear body, a clear connection with the greater universe around you, so that you do have the energy, you do have the dreams, the vision, the passion to go out and have that profound impact. To go out and live your most flavorful, fulfilled life, like you have to be nourishing your mind, body and soul in order to do that. You have to. If you don't, you're going to burn out. If you don't, you probably will. I mean, it's not that you can't make progress, you can absolutely make progress. Will it be slower? Probably. Will it feel as good? Probably not. It won't feel as good as if you are taking care of yourself, and I see this time and time and time and time again in everyone.

Speaker 1:

This is where the epigenetics and trauma-informed mental wellness come in holistic mental wellness to be specific. So the epigenetics helps, because not even just helps, but, oh my god, it makes an incredible impact because we are able to harness science, evidence, the literal expression of your cells and your DNA, like how they are turning on and off in the world through epigenetics. That's what epigenetics does. So what you do and don't do in your life, that makes the biggest difference. Your body is always reacting and responding to the world around you, to your thoughts, to what you eat, to what you don't eat. Right, and, mind you, we have our own DNA and your microbiome, your little gut bacteria, guys. They impact our own genetic expression, but we can also influence and impact the genetic expression of the microbes that live in our gut. That can then help us feel better, have more energy, have more mental clarity, have less disease, have less disease, help us recover from illness and disease, decrease inflammation, help regulate our circadian rhythm, our body's internal clock, so that helps us sleep better.

Speaker 1:

So I know it sounds weird to be talking about, hey, let's nourish our microbes in this way, like, hey, we're going to influence their DNA, but it's true that's what we're doing and they are living in symbiosis with you. They're in your body, they're helping you out, hopefully helping you out if you're feeding them good, right, and so it's like creating a friendship, not only with your body, because most people do not even have a relationship with their bodies, let alone a friendship. So cultivating that and then taking it one step further and also optimizing the systems within our body, so not just surface level nourishment, but then also using epigenetics to really make a profound impact, really tailor nutrition and lifestyle practices so that they have the most influence on your health, the most positive influence on your health that's what we want to be doing. We don't want to be doing random shit that Google tells us or that the Instagram influencer or your friend on Instagram says that they are doing for their health, like you don't know if that's good for you, and this is what I see most people doing or reading a random book and thinking that, oh my God, this random book is the Bible of nutrition and it's going to heal me, it's going to tell me everything, but they're just outsourcing their power. When we do that, we just outsource our power to the Instagram influencer, to the random book at Barnes and Noble. That is now our nutrition Bible, the Google Bible.

Speaker 1:

The way we don't realize where we give away our power in our health is just crazy to me. It is absolutely nuts to. When you start to notice where you are dropping your power in your health, that is the most profound thing that you can do, because that's where all transformation starts. So that's where the self-connection piece comes in. We have to have the self-awareness, we have to start cultivating a relationship and then a friendship with our minds, bodies and souls. Super important, super, super important. I truly believe that you cannot live your most fulfilled life without that. I don't even. I truly believe you can't live a great life without that, or even a good life, if I'm being really honest. So this is also where the trauma-informed piece comes in.

Speaker 1:

The trauma-informed mental wellness is so, so, so crucial, because we all have trauma. We all have trauma, whether it's systemic trauma like cultural type of trauma, whether it's trauma that happened in a family system, whether it happened in or other communities, whether it happened like in a car crash or some sort of external event like that. Trauma is a really deep and incredibly complex topic and it is so crucial to address. When it comes to nutrition, when it comes to health, when it comes to mental wellness, when it comes to just living a fulfilled life in general and having being being able to have a profound impact on the world. We have to understand and be aware of our trauma. So, not just the limiting beliefs, not just the stories. We have to be aware of the trauma. We have to be able to heal from the trauma and all this stuff.

Speaker 1:

Caveat here or something to mention, not necessarily a caveat, but we need to recognize that once we have the awareness, shaming ourselves is not going to do anything for us. It's not going to do anything positive anyway. Shame spirals just keep you down and that is another way where we unintentionally and unknowingly outsource our power. We are not taking self-responsibility when we just beat ourselves up and shame ourselves and disrespect ourselves. So instead, turning self-compassion or turning compassion inwards to make self-compassion right.

Speaker 1:

We have to have that self-compassion when we have the awareness, because if I start becoming aware of my limiting beliefs and old stories and trauma, oh boy, and I've been there, I've done it and it happens. It's just something that happens. We catch ourselves shaming ourselves sometimes. It's okay, nothing to stew over. But once we realize we're doing it or somebody else points it out to us because that happens, it happens to me still sometimes. So then that is where we can realize that oh my gosh, I have the ability to take responsibility for my life. I don't have to live in the past. I can live here and now, in the present, and I can, in here and now in the present, take care of my future self. I can take care of myself. I can have compassion for myself in all areas, because that part of me has some unhealed shit, because that part of me has some unhealed shit.

Speaker 1:

I did just want to wrap that up and say that epigenetics and trauma-informed nutrition and mental wellness are so crucial to the journey, and it is not something that I see being commonplace in the field whatsoever. At the Fulfilled Fork, I harness the power of the trauma-informed care and epigenetics for nutrition and lifestyle practices for holistic mental wellness, and so I can help you see the greater systems and influences in your life on your health. So all the things that are influencing your health, all the systems that are impacting your health. That is like connecting all those dots somehow, is like a gift for me. It's really strange. It's like a map pops up for me and I'm like, oh my god, this, this, this and this, and now I can see, and then being able to reflect that back to people and chat it out, and for people to then connect the dots in their lives through these different lenses of epigenetics, trauma-informed care, values, the systems in society, right, all of these influences on our health, all of these cultural stories and narratives and personal stories and narratives and all these things that influence our health and overall well-being and therefore influence our ability to step into our personal power and influence our ability to live a flavorful, fulfilled life and our ability to then have that profound impact and live out our purpose. We have to be able to see all these pieces and have this self-awareness and have the support of people around us and in my case, I believe mentorship and coaching absolutely needed. That's a topic for another day. But having having that support, having the people who deeply know the different areas of life, the the different fields, it's no different than like a relationship coach or a therapist. If you are hardcore, working on trauma, right, like I had to do that and it is one of the best things I've ever done in my life, hands down, was therapy everything for me? No, absolutely not. Will I preach about it and tell people to go find an incredible therapist if they have traumatic experiences that they need to unpack? Absolutely I will. And so there's, of course, all of these different areas that you could get support, and my specialty is holistic nutrition and mental wellness, and that includes the lifestyle practices to help support you and the tools and uncovering those limiting beliefs and seeing the greater systems and harnessing the power of epigenetics right. All of these things Okay. And harnessing the power of epigenetics right, all of these things Okay.

Speaker 1:

So, moving on from that, let's talk about the core values of the fulfilled fork, and these are some of my core values, as I have mentioned. Actually, these probably are my core values, not even some of. So the first core value is courage. Here at the Fulfilled Fork, embracing the courage to lead your journey is everything. It takes so much courage, so much courage to look at your own shit, to even be willing to be self-aware, because most people aren't self-aware and most people aren't willing to look at the hard things and then take the self-responsibility Like it's one thing. It's a first step to just be aware, right, and that's an amazing step. And then the next step is that we have to have the courage to take personal responsibility. And so here, courage is key. Oh my God, we are the most courageous fucking bunch. So courageous Because we have to be embracing the courage to lead ourselves on the journey.

Speaker 1:

And this journey is at the fulfilled fork anyway is guided by mindfulness, intentional choices, being intentional about our values and deeply respecting ourselves and the world around us. We have to have courage to be able to take the first step on the journey. We have to have courage to be able to continue the journey. There's always a new level of courage to have. It's just a part of being human, right. And so, on this note of having courage, we also have to have self-trust. So the second value here is self-trust. What we do at the Fulfilled Fork is either discover or rediscover the power of self-trust, honoring our authentic needs, desires and inner wisdom. That's what self-trust is. I'm going to say that again. Self-trust is honoring your authentic needs, desires and inner wisdom and practicing compassionate self-acceptance and just self-compassion in general, and reclaiming your personal power from those external influences like we talked about the stories limiting beliefs, trauma, all the things and with this self-trust we can forge a new path for ourselves and for the world right, our communities in the world that is rooted in authenticity and empowerment.

Speaker 1:

If you do not have self-trust on this journey, it is really hard to get very far. It is really hard to trust your body and I see this in clients all the time your body, and I see this in clients all the time where, especially with eating, where it's hard to if somebody has eating habits that are out of whack and clinically we would call them disordered eating my brain's not working. I can't think of another way to explain it other than eating is out of whack, it's disordered, it's late right now, my brain is done for the day, but with that, if somebody is experiencing these eating habits that are unhealthy and out of whack and perhaps unhealthy and unsustainable, actually are unhealthy and unsustainable, I see it being really difficult for them to trust themselves. So, for example, if somebody is I use this example all the time if somebody is binging on sweets and candy on sweets and candy, they are going to have a really hard time usually trusting themselves around those foods and so developing a sense of self-trust around those foods so that those foods don't hold power over them anymore. That is really important. So that's just one small example of self-trust specific to nutrition and health.

Speaker 1:

And the next value is sustainability. Here at the Fulfilled Fork, we embrace sustainable growth and thriving. We are committed to nurturing ourselves, others and our resources without causing harm or depletion. We choose the pathways that honor well-being, equity and balance and cultivate harmonious relationships with ourselves and the world around us and the world around us. So sustainability is, of course, in the terms of like. We can think of sustainability and food and the earth's resources, which is amazing and very important. And, like hello, I did my dietetic internship in sustainable food systems right. So clearly this is something I value and I'm interested in.

Speaker 1:

But sustainability is not just about the resources of the world. Sustainability is also the resources of our own. So are you developing nutrition and lifestyle habits that are sustainable for you? Have you created an environment, a life and habits that are not sustainable for ourselves. We end up burnt out, we end up sick, we end up feeling depleted, we end up with diseases even. And so embracing sustainability is huge, absolutely crucial here, and our last value is expansion.

Speaker 1:

So here, at the Fulfilled Fork, we embrace expansion, and we do this by releasing those limiting beliefs, those shadows, the self-imposed boundaries, and we surrender to the unknown with grace and trust. There's that self-trust again. We live a life of limitless potential, embodying our own growth and thriving while nurturing ourselves, others and our shared resources with care and compassion. Expansion is huge. So I'm going to all of these are huge. Obviously, they're core values. They're core values, right.

Speaker 1:

And so the expansion piece is really important because for me, personally and professionally, as a business owner, as somebody who leads others, growth is incredibly important for me. Expanding is incredibly important for me, is incredibly important for me. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want a mentor, a coach, who is not growing. That would be silly, right, and I would never choose somebody who doesn't value growth and expansion. Not just for growth's sake, right, because there can be unsustainable growth and just consuming things and information and resources. Growth just for the sake of growth we'll put it that way versus growth for a greater purpose. So our expansion is rooted in intention. Our expansion is an incredibly important and profound piece of what we do here individually and as a community, Because, honestly, yeah, I'm here to expand myself intentionally and sustainably and within my values and making time for play and pleasure and creativity and all the things that make a life worth living.

Speaker 1:

In my opinion, it's going to be different for all of us. In my opinion, it's going to be different for all of us. Our expansion is going to be different, right, but this expansion is what allows us to get where we want to go. It gives us a rich life. It gives us a flavorful life. The expansion is what allows us to learn from our past. The expansion is what allows us to find new ways of being and release the old ways of being. Our expansion is what drives us forward. It's what drives the world forward and our communities forward.

Speaker 1:

I am here both to expand myself, to expand others and expand the world. It sounds big. Somebody's gonna be like Hayley, really, are you here to expand the world? Fuck, yes, I am. I am here to expand the world because I believe that every individual makes an impact on the world Like there is a ripple effect. I know that my presence on earth has a ripple effect to other people and yours does. All in the same, we all do it in different ways, but we are all having an impact on the people around us, on our families, our communities, and it does have the potential to trickle and change the world we live in.

Speaker 1:

I'm here to change the world we live in for the better, for the future generations, and if you're here, I know you are here to do the same. And if you're here, I know you are here to do the same. If you're here, I know that you also value courage, self-trust, sustainability and expansion. If you're here, I know that you want to cultivate self-connection and self-awareness. I know that you want to nourish your mind, body and your soul in ways that are sustainable and unique to you, so that you can unlock that limitless potential in your life and live a life that is your most flavorful, fulfilled life. That was a lot of lives and if you're here, I also know that you are, of course, a courageous human that desires to transcend those old stories and limiting beliefs and shadows shadows and move into or deepen your life of personal alignment. I know that you are here, just as I am, to embody your most flavorful fulfilled life A fucking delicious life. Okay, I feel good, I'm gonna leave you with that. That felt amazing. Okay, I feel good, I'm going to leave you with that. That felt amazing.

Speaker 1:

I hope that that enlightened you and gave you a better image of the fulfilled fork, what I do here, why it matters, what my values are, what the values of the community are and where we are going as a collective group. If you resonate, I would absolutely love to hear from you. Feel free, send me an email. Let me know your thoughts about the episode. Send me an email. Let me know your thoughts about the episode. Let me know what your values are. I would love to know. Let me know what your most flavorful fulfilled life looks like. I would absolutely love to know. And let me know if you are desiring deeper support and expansion in holistic nutrition and mental wellness. I would absolutely love to support you on your journey.

Speaker 1:

You can find all the links in the show notes and if you would love to join me in a creative self-exploration through self-portraits and creative writing, please sign up to the link in the show notes to Limitless, radical Authenticity. That is the three-month group where we will be exploring your personal power, your inner strength and cultivating a deeper sense of self-awareness, self-trust and personal power. Chat soon, my friend, I hope you have a phenomenal day. Thank you for listening to Unforged. You can find all resources and links from this episode in the show notes at thefulfilledforkcom forward slash podcast. If you enjoyed the episode, we'd love if you'd send it to a friend and rate and review the show on either Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Then email us a screenshot of your review to howdy at thefulfilledforkcom for a one-time credit to use towards our wellness services at the Fulfilled Fork. Chat soon.

Empowering Fulfillment Through Wellness Transformation
The Fulfilled Fork's Mission
The Fulfilled Fork's Vision & Movement
Holistic Epigenetics and Trauma-Informed Wellness
Courage as a Core Value
Self-Trust as a Core Value
Sustainability as a Core Value
Expansion as a Core Value