Heroine TV Podcast

Heroine TV Podcast #031: BUFFY and ANGEL

April 25, 2013 Lucia and LaToya
The Heroine TV Podcast is back, this time with a super-sized Buffy and Angel episode. LaToya (@lafergs)--of All the TV, Pretty Little Liars Annotations, and Offscreenville--joined Lucia to discuss their Jossy obsessions. Do you want to listen to a Whedonesque therapy session, between two Buffy and Angel fans as they discuss what they love and hate about their two favorite shows? And try to work through the pain of "Seeing Red," Cordy's hair, and that Connor-Cordy scene that we pretend never happened? Then click play. The podcast starts off with a general discussion of TV, weighing in on Pretty Little Liars, Bunheads, Hart of Dixie, The Carrie Diaries, Defiance, Warehouse 13, Elementary, Southland, and more. The Buffy and Angel discussion starts in earnest at the 21:54 mark, and does contain spoilers for those two shows if you are unfortunate enough not to have watched them. (If you know nothing of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel, please contact a trusted professional as soon as possible, to get the help you so desperately need. We are here for you.) As for the Whedon veterans, the discussion includes how we got into Buffy, season and show rankings, favorite episodes and characters, least favorite episodes and characters, and a detailed history of Cordelia Chase's hair. Oh, and lots of wig talk, obviously. Lucia admitted to not liking Xander, while LaToya admitted to not liking Andrew. It was all very therapeutic. Enjoy!