Life Or Death

Sacred Motherhood: Faith, Love, and Spiritual Birth

June 27, 2024 Jes
Sacred Motherhood: Faith, Love, and Spiritual Birth
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Sacred Motherhood: Faith, Love, and Spiritual Birth
Jun 27, 2024

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How do we truly honor the profound roles that women and mothers play in our lives? This episode explores the sacred significance of motherhood, inspired by Proverbs 31:28, and dives into the spiritual depth of childbirth, often overlooked in modern practices. We delve into how integrating faith into healthcare settings, like birth centers, can sanctify these critical moments and bring divine presence into the birthing experience. Through biblical teachings and reflections, we ponder the spiritual implications of childbirth, the role of religious figures during these moments, and how to honor God's gifts in all aspects of life.

We then move on to discuss the transformative power of unconditional love and spiritual growth in parenting. By focusing on the divine gifts of faith, hope, and love, we highlight the importance of maintaining religious commitment in the face of life's pressures. Moreover, we explore the relationship between human imperfection and divine forgiveness, emphasizing the necessity of nurturing our faith and seeking Christ's counsel. This episode is a journey through confession, repentance, and the ever-present grace of God, offering insights on how to embrace and nurture faith in your daily journey. Join us for a heartfelt discussion that aims to enrich your spiritual walk and deepen your understanding of God’s love in parenting and beyond.

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How do we truly honor the profound roles that women and mothers play in our lives? This episode explores the sacred significance of motherhood, inspired by Proverbs 31:28, and dives into the spiritual depth of childbirth, often overlooked in modern practices. We delve into how integrating faith into healthcare settings, like birth centers, can sanctify these critical moments and bring divine presence into the birthing experience. Through biblical teachings and reflections, we ponder the spiritual implications of childbirth, the role of religious figures during these moments, and how to honor God's gifts in all aspects of life.

We then move on to discuss the transformative power of unconditional love and spiritual growth in parenting. By focusing on the divine gifts of faith, hope, and love, we highlight the importance of maintaining religious commitment in the face of life's pressures. Moreover, we explore the relationship between human imperfection and divine forgiveness, emphasizing the necessity of nurturing our faith and seeking Christ's counsel. This episode is a journey through confession, repentance, and the ever-present grace of God, offering insights on how to embrace and nurture faith in your daily journey. Join us for a heartfelt discussion that aims to enrich your spiritual walk and deepen your understanding of God’s love in parenting and beyond.

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Speaker 1:

Her children raise up and call her. Blessed, her husband also, and he praises her. Proverbs 31, 28. My Lord, have mercy. I think also, maybe it's the mother. Her children rise up and call her. Blessed, her husband also. He praises her. It must be the wife, it must be the spouse, it must be the mother. Yes, of course, the worth that we can find within the women. Good morning, good morning. Come join me. If you would Come, receive the grace, the good word, the good news, and share and bless the joy that we're hearing. You're very, very welcome. I'm stumbling this morning here. I did some talks last night and I'm referencing how it's relevant to us and some of the different perspectives that we have. But the stumbling in nature is no more than I'm missing out. I have a lack of inequity. You see, I think that there's a woman that's needed in my life, that I'm needing spousal support in some way, shape or form. They were talking about different aspects that they thought were relevant and I said how could that be? I said I think it's. I said I think that each and every one, I think I think man's supposed to be with woman. I think you're supposed to have pro-life love, supposed to be with woman. I think you're supposed to have pro-life Love's, supposed to multiply. You're supposed to create, you're supposed to be capable of receiving gifts, and those gifts come in the form of being with one another, whole person-wise too. Not just a shallow assertion of intimacy, but whole person. Notice the direct reference that these entities belong to God, belong to Christ, and they don't go anywhere else. I am thankful, thankful to be saved and redeemed in every state and aid and ocean. I know the multitude of nations is moved within the mother and I know you date it back to Mary Magdalene and some of the inequity that was happening. But we can't relive that. You know we can't be Christ, we can't be God. And I know it's amazing, some of the different I've got, like Lady of Sorrows, all the different shades of the ladies, it's very nice. Most of them are of Mary. I know it's very, very good and it teaches us. It teaches us of oppression, of Fatima, of so many different aspects, and it's very educational and enlightening. But we need to rise up and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praises her. What we give is what is returned to us and within that direct notoriety, I think it's a give and take aspect. We're not taking, but we're giving to one another.

Speaker 1:

When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish for joy that a human being has been born into the world John 16, 21. That's a tough one, though, isn't it? When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come. Hail Mary, am I hour of death? And then, with the rosary, yes, of course we're down on our knees, we're confessioning it, we're testifying it, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish for joy that a human being has been born into the world. I think different. Forgive me, and I'm not meaning to take this out of context in any way, shape or form, but what if some of these bursts and I know it's a gift from God, it belongs to him, but what if he wasn't within that picture? So when he was given the burst, the sorrow of the hour it has come. For what reason? For reason, because this is a gift of God, but a lot reason, because this is a gift of God, but a lot of us it's not a gift of God and we're not receiving it that way. It's not even a holy type of enactment in any way, shape or form.

Speaker 1:

The baby's born, they clean it up, they're putting it on a scale, they put a little wrap around it and they're looking to give it a shot and weigh it and God knows what else. And there's not even a preacher or a nun or a pastor or a cardinal or a deacon, anybody. There's nobody in the room. In fact, most times you don't even hear a prayer that's being said in any way, shape or form. It's unfortunate that we have an event that is a direct reference to. We know it belongs to God, it belongs to Christ and we're incapable of delivering and handing it back to him and immediately sanctifying it. And I know there's priorities when the babies are first born get them cleaned up, a smack on the bottom, air and breath within the lungs. But the moment that that breath enters the lungs, they even say upon conception that that baby is accepted into the kingdom. I'm not really sure, lord forgive me. So is the purgatory? And did they know, and were they mature enough to know? Different topic, different conversation. Yes, of course, very relevant, but we miss out on that.

Speaker 1:

Lacking in health, I do a lot of work with hospitals, usually a lot of Frank Heskin care facilities. We'll do Frank Heskin cares. We'll do Baptist. A lot of different health. All religion. I'm going to say no to the all but religion, religion in every way, shape and form. And so, with that mindset, it completely changes the world.

Speaker 1:

One of the centers that they like to have us in is the birth center. They like to bring me and my spouses on into the birth center. My team, I have nuns, I have friends, I have a life, I have a family. Lord, forgive me for being honest, my purest form of confession. Of course I don't see anybody in person. The inequity of dealing without the woman. Forgive me, but they bring us on into the birth centers and they want us to enlighten them, what we have to give them, what we have to offer. And I think about it. And one spot here recently there's well, we even allow you to help design the birth center or have it be the way that you want it to be, within that mindset, and it was awesome. It was amazing. It was an opportunity to truly start blessing a gift of life.

Speaker 1:

I'm a life holder me myself so they often give me babies, some of the ones that I have in my life were capable of receiving that gift of life. They really get in, tuned with it. They get assigned to a certain individual and then they help raise that baby to a certain age and then sometimes that baby will be handed off to somebody else and continue to be mentored and raised and gets handed off to somebody else. But when they're so young, when they're so young and it boom, it sparks life within you. The mind span of the mind span of the tongue, the eyes, the mouth, what they're actually experiencing, really getting into it and honing on into the sensory that they have, the, the memory that they have. Their memory span is just very limited, so so if they experience pain and it was the most dramatic thing that they've experienced if their mind starts going, their memory kicks in. They keep running over that pain because it's all that they've experienced. The memory span is very small, but you can experience it. If you have that Some of us have got it and we don't.

Speaker 1:

But the birthing centers, how often is a child born? And immediately you're thanking God, immediately you're saying grace, immediately there's a mercy, immediately it's come God, come into my heart, soul, mind, save me and redeem me. You see, they separate it right at the hospital and it makes me feel like what happened to the mother, what happened to the spouse, the wife? Right, I think different, because if you're bringing a child into this world and it's a gift of God and immediately you have, you have a team there and they're nuns and sisters and they're pronouncing this life, they're given Thanks, they're praying on it. There's rosary, it's a religious experience Immediately. Your reference to this child being born is religion. But taking it out of that context, they don't have that, they don't offer. Here's the child of life, but God and Christ aren't in the picture.

Speaker 1:

You'll notice a lot of families, and especially young couples this day and age, in this millennial type of generational departure, will see that a lot of these individuals will be going to church together. They attend church, they're visiting, they have God and Christ being the forefront of their life. They've made commitment to one another, including God and Christ in their relationship. One of the times when they start veering away from church is one of the times when they should be entering it more often and giving more to it is when a child is born. So then a child is born, and immediately.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's too hard on me. I'm up all night and the baby's crying in bottles and he's at work all day and I just don't have enough time. And no, I'm not going to church today. I don't feel good and one thing leads to another and, before you know it, you start losing firmness in your faith, your belief, your hope. The solid foundation that you actually have and are invested in it no longer exists within every discipline and degree, and it's saddening. It's saddening.

Speaker 1:

I came up with a system that I thought that had worked. I have nuns and sisters. I mentioned that before Perpetual Adoration, frank Hiskins. We have Sisters of Adores, sisters of Life, new York. I've even picked up some sisters down in Jonesboro, holy Covenant of Angels. Yes, it's a little bit different, but them sisters.

Speaker 1:

When a child is born, the way that I think of it, it should be a nun or sister that's mentoring them immediately and that baby's paired with a nun or than a sister. And you also have individuals in the hospital that are capable of creating it and bringing it to be a religious experience. We need to be reminded that that gift, that life, the birth of it, belongs to him as an entity that he possesses and we're thankful to be capable of receiving the gift of life. We know that love multiplies in every shape, tone and color, and what better of a time to take your spiritualism, in the sense of favoring acts and deeds and labors, to a whole other level when you've got God and Christ within your life? I referenced it last night. They've seen pictures online. I was strolling through social media and I seen that there was a new baby that was being born and my reference was my Lord.

Speaker 1:

Here comes the trying times. How many of us have been given a child? We've received a gift from God and the only thing that we need to be capable and competent of is loving this child unconditionally. And it's so hard for us as human beings, as creatures, as humble servants yes, come, come into my heart, so and mind, to be capable of embracing love that way. We want to love this child. We want to love it. We want what's best for it. A lot of our emotions, our mentalities, our thoughts, the derogatory of theory and reason is that this didn't happen for me in my life. These are the mistakes I made. These are the mistakes my parents made. This is how I wanted life to be for you. We start being God within this person's life. We're incapable of acceptance.

Speaker 1:

I once heard my favorite phrase in the whole entire world and I laugh, I cut up, I laugh and I giggle at it. Now, in today's age, but it's completely different. You're going to learn your lesson, young lady. Well, and what does you're going to learn your lesson, young lady? Have to do with God, because if your confession to that child, which is a gift of God it's a child of God is no more than I'm a creature, I exist in this world to where there's all these statutes and codes of infrastructure, that doesn't work, it doesn't lead to sustainment and it's not going to provide you sustainment in any way, shape or form.

Speaker 1:

I'm also reminded of the sovereign notion of discovery. When you're capable of discovering failure, then you can find confession, forgiveness and Christ being the enactment. Enactment becomes reality. Spend your whole life never failing. You're never going to get anywhere. It's important that you fail. Discover life, if you would, so that you can seek God and Christ within it, and I'm advancing within life. I've climbed the ladder, if you would.

Speaker 1:

I'm getting a little bit worried here. I'm still seeking marriage and children. It's something that I'm invested in, that I want, and I'm hoping that my biological clock don't run out on me. I'm feeling a sense of oppression. I'm aging and there's nothing I can do about it. But my mindset and mentality reminds me that as we fail and as we progress within the world, we can continue to mature and mature in a spiritual, physical, emotional, whole person, intellectual, physical, emotional, substance, economical, every possession that belongs to God. You see, every form of life that we've been given, that we receive and that we walk within is approved by God, is forgiven by Christ, most of the time denied by creature. So we deny one another the capability of having unconditional love, we deny our own children the ability to discover life and to be capable of failing. So I think about it different, but I encourage everybody to experience discovery in this world and discover life, discover failure, discover the essence of being blessed and the essence of continuing to grow within that mindset. I'm not quite sure and I think different, but we need to be capable of unconditional love, the same type of love that God gave for us. It's blameless, there's nobody at fault, consent is valued and you're capable of turning the other cheek, repenting and walking away One of the very good facts that I brought up yesterday and everybody started scratching their head immediately and they're wondering well, my Lord, what's going to happen?

Speaker 1:

And I said, oh my. I said don't worry. I said it's very good. Every act and work of God is good works. You shall not have anything to worry about. So then I told them. I said, think about it for a second. I said, and I'm really honing in and concentrating on it. I said what he's doing for you has to be for the good. I said it can't be for the bad. So if there's anything that's happening within your own eternal works, including the external works, it's for God's good. You can never be used for works that are not a good of God.

Speaker 1:

And so we're strangers to the children that we raise, we're strangers to ourselves, we're strangers to Christ, our Savior, redeemer. We're not even sure who they are in any way, shape or form, but redundantly, we seek, we find, we care. I've seen it be extreme, by the way. No, I have love for you and I have love for you. So I want my knowledge, my wisdom, what I've been given. Notice the reference is knowledge and wisdom. We think of the forbidden fruit, the tree of knowledge, the knowledge and wisdom that I've been given. I'm older than you are. Of course, respect thy elders, but you need to learn from the lessons and mistakes that I've made Ownership.

Speaker 1:

Ownership goes back into being capable of accepting forgiveness. Your mistakes are your mistakes. I don't want to be a part of the life that you've created. I don't worry about worries, troubles and concerns. I don't worry about the life that you found to be relevant. If it was so very relevant then you'd be seated at the right hand of God, your Savior and Redeemer.

Speaker 1:

I find it to be unpleasant that a lot of us this day and age don't have the capability, the capacity to be capable of accepting the loved ones that we care about in our lives. So I love you, and what I'm doing for you is for your own good. But if it was for my good, it would involve God, it would involve Christ, it would be unconditional love. You wouldn't be condemning me, you wouldn't be judging me, and a lot of us have this predisposed disposition. I cannot let this creature fail. This is a child of God. I do not want to see it get hurt, injured. I do not want to see it toil. I don't want to see it experience anything bad or wicked in any way, shape or form, but we prevent life from happening.

Speaker 1:

One of the joyfullest blessings of being forgiven and receiving that blessing in this world is the external works of failing Remember. Salvation is found when we're upheaved, when it's unpleasant, when we've experienced a notoriety of not being capable of making it happen. I reference to my board advisors. I'm flesh-seeking ways each and every day, and those ways that I seek are bringing in a walk of repentance, a walk of confession and a life of forgiveness, joy and happiness. If I never flesh-seek ways, then I'm actually not capable of advancing scripturally or within biblical truth. I'm being denied that presence and that presence is no longer advancing within me. So when we're given that gift of life, when we see that baby being born, when it gets smacked on the bottom yeah, we hear it cry and that breath enters its lungs we know that God immediately is accepting that child into his kingdom.

Speaker 1:

But I think that we need to do a better job on having a sense of spiritualism and having a sense of being capable of helping the woman, the mother, the spouse, the wife, if you would. And here this is this child. We're bringing it into this world. It's a child of God, you don't have anything to worry about. And I'm not suggesting we're raising this child on a community level. Here everybody gets to be on part of this child. No, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 1:

To have God in Christ, holy wholesome in every way, shape and form, you have to have privacy, because if you never have a private, intimate relationship with your creator, with your savior, with your redeemer, then you'll never get to a point, to where you're at ease, to where you're putting it back within his hands, to where you're capable of the acceptance of God and Christ. And who, if you don't mind me asking hashtag who? Who would you be trying to appease if you didn't have any personal property, if you didn't have any privacy? Living in a world where everybody knows what you're doing, thinking, saying how you're living, it's not of God, it's not of Christ. You'll notice that there's a lot of immaturity in this world and our emotional attachment to certain preferences, walks of life, discipline and degree. You're going to learn your lesson, young lady.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't quite work. It's no more than a confession of our own inequity. You see, if God has equipped us with everything that we need to advance within this world, to be capable of giving life, embracing life, bringing the religious perspective of spiritualism into that moment, that moment of success, if you would. Yes, we've received a blessing from God. There's women that wait their whole life, praying so humbly so, and they're not capable of birth. So it's not something that should be taken for granted, but when we're mature enough to take that entity and put it back within his hands immediately, then there is no mistakes. You see, every day I'm open, I'm arms wide open, I'm capable, I'm receptive, I'm bringing it on in, and what that truly means is that I'm receptive to the discovery of life. Every day, I'm also receptive to the discovery of an equity.

Speaker 1:

I'll ask you a question, and I don't mean it in a brash way. I don't mean for you to be shunned or denied or crucified, if you would. I mean a whip cracking across the back, as there's lacerations across your skin, the epidermis, and you're bleeding out, not along those lines. But I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to think about it how many of you personally and it's irrelevant what everybody else in the world's got going on, I'm talking as you, as an individual how many of you personally are incapable of living without sin? Amen, right Like right away. I see hands raising and it was amen right away.

Speaker 1:

How many of you are incapable of living without sin? And what's the good news behind the inequity, the sin, the inequity, the death, the wickedness, the shackles and chains? That you're still forgiven, now and forever, as long as you're capable of seeing it through, as long as you're capable of picking it on up, washing and cleansing of the heart, soul, mind, the thought, word and deed, washing of the feats and continuing to walk within scripture. You see, it doesn't matter how many wrongs you've made, but how many rights you've executed and been capable of sustaining, carrying within you, holding near and dear to my heart. That is the mindset, the milestone that takes you there.

Speaker 1:

So, when individuals think it's only the gospel, it's only heaven, it's only eternity that move within you, god gave you what you have in this world. So we frown upon inequity, we try to deny its presence. Within our heart, soul and mind, we see mistakes that are being happening and immediately we're not capable of discovering Christ. So when you hear you're going to learn your lesson, young lady, instead of sitting down and saying good morning or good evening, or how are you doing Now? Did you know what happened? Where was God and Christ and the Holy Spirit within that enactment and of course I'm not talking to you like a child, I'm referencing the child making a mistake.

Speaker 1:

The righteous, yes, so, very so, within your youth, we're going to continue to be righteous. We sit down, we counsel one another, we seek the counsel of who, of Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, so that we can be forgiven. The moment we seek counsel of creature, we're condemned. It's not good enough. I'm not capable, I'm not able, I'm not worthy. So you need to stray away. Stray away from creature, rebuke, Turn the other cheek, walk away.

Speaker 1:

Confession, forgiveness, repentance. Bring it back to life, put it within his hands. I am saved, I am redeemed, I walk within that glory. And, no, I shall not be executed by the execution of verbal reformation. What you're proclaiming, confession, does not belong to God. So our maturity within the mother, within the child, within the righteousness, within the little seedling, if you would. The seedling is growing and, before you know it, it needs water. Some of us were capable of cloning it and trimming it and pruning it, replanting it, and it's moving to a bigger pot and it's getting to a spot that's advancing. We move within this world because he moves within us and in every way, shape and form. We're not denied his presence, nor are we denied the presence of forgiveness.

Speaker 1:

Now, how do you know that forgiveness is real? Because I flesh-seeked it each and every day. The way that I walk, within my presence, the temple, the synagogue, the focal point, the thought, word and deed, the heart, soul, mind, the body and spirit. What he has given me, how I have been delivered, is no more than the confession that I am revived, I'm born again, I've turned over a new leaf and, yes, indeed, he has risen, hallelujah, and it lives within me. You see, I don't cast it away onto the side, I don't put it to rest, I'm not setting it up on a shelf on a shelf and looking at it and saying you know what that looks very, very nice. In fact I'm, I'm carrying it right with me, I'm walking down the road, I'm getting in the car, I'm buckled up with the God and the patience of Christ, my Savior and Redeemer. I am saved, I am redeemed and I am forgiven.

Speaker 1:

Don't let the Holy Spirit lead you astray, they'd say. But if you truly follow the Holy Spirit, within initiative, within how you're being led, you shall never be led wrong, because even when you find yourself within darkness, you can be reminded that he's still there for you. So don't shun or deny the presence of inequity. There's some value in sin, wickedness and death and the mother, if you would being born into it. Often you'll find that the graduation per topic, per genre, per assertion is no more than I found light within the darkness on this one. I'm giving it back to him, I'm putting it within his hands. I'm capable of going within it.

Speaker 1:

We referenced it last night. It's the cycle of life. We plant it, we water it and it grows. And that's our seed, that's our spiritual being, that is the essence of God in Christ and it continues to move within us. So pray on the inequity, pray on the mother and pray for the women and pray for the ones that are seeking the advancements.

Speaker 1:

You think and I've referenced this before you would think in our hours of darkness, including our hours of succession, I failed in life and a divorce isn't a failure. So I failed in life. Something isn't working out or I've succeeded in life. We're having children, pro-life, pro-creation, good examples. You're still forgiven, you can still have a life, you're still allowed to have spouses, children, etc. Life goes on because you are forgiven now and forever.

Speaker 1:

But in your hours of succession, in your hours of failure, you would think that's when you'd be closer to God. But it's the exact opposite. You would think that's when we really, really need him. And even at our trying times it's troubling. Concern and worries and troubles of concern don't belong to God. But in our trying times, at these advancements, these are the times when we seek him and need him and we don't have him there for us. We talk about it, we reference it. It's a thought and theory and concept, but we don't have the practicality of putting it within flesh and walking within it. So let's not mourn on the subject, but let's continue to seek and find him each and every day as we continue to advance within this world in a spiritual sense of what he's given for us.

Speaker 1:

Let me wrap this up in prayer Graciously, heavenly Father and Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, let us seek your maternal blessing in each and every day. Let the seed of conception, of faith, of grace, of mercy, of forgiveness be planted within our souls, within our heart, our body, our blood. Let the cup of salvation breathe and bleed right within us so that we are fixed, we are saved, we are redeemed. Let the body truly be capable of embracing the life that we've been given. Let the gifts yes, the gift of, of this eternal message, each and every day, touch your heart, soul and mind, thankfully blessing you and the ones that you have in your life and I know it's hard to be Christ-like in thought and word and image and deed. But help us, as we so humbly need your help each and every day, to see God, to see that blessing, to see that maternal purpose and use within the love and character of one another, each and every day. So we so often are led astray and we can't find the blessing to be redeemed, to be saved every morning. And we need you, we need to be guided with guidance, with love, with compassion and knowledge. In the name of the Father, son and the Holy Spirit, in Christ, our Savior's name, we pray.

Speaker 1:

Be sure to follow Facebook, instagram, twitter. Check out the Buzzsprout feed. You'll see some very good upcoming events. Don't forget to GoFundMe. I'm currently working on initiatives to get a power hub for Very Well Together. You can find more information. I'll talk about it some on the talks here. Thank you for listening and thank you for your donations and thank you for your gifts and your contributions.

Speaker 1:

They go a very long ways on being a big impact on life or death, ministries and how we're moving, not only within your local communities, within your heart, your soul, your mind, intellectually, emotionally, physically, spiritually, intimately, economically, within substance, within education, within health, on some of the different perspectives how your heart, soul and mind can be touched by the grace of God. Be sure to follow each and every day and to find that love, that compassion, that interest and I know it's hard, it's hard for a lot of us, but I'm begging of you and I'm begging of myself that unconditional love that we're receiving. Don't be afraid to flesh, seek your ways within every entity and don't let it come at the cost and expense of anybody else. Be blameless, be futile in your acts and walk away from every entity not at fault. There is no fault. Because of God, you are accepted. Because of Christ, you are forgiven and you can live in a world of flesh and continue to advance in an eternal kingdom. God bless you. Thank you for listening. Have a very, very good day, thank you.

Honoring Women and Motherhood
Unconditional Love and Spiritual Growth
Seeking Forgiveness and Spiritual Advancement