Life Or Death

Youth Of The Nation: Expecting Nothing; Gaining Everything

June 29, 2024 Jes
Youth Of The Nation: Expecting Nothing; Gaining Everything
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Youth Of The Nation: Expecting Nothing; Gaining Everything
Jun 29, 2024

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Ever feel like life's challenges are insurmountable? Join us as we unravel the profound wisdom of Joshua 1:9, guiding you towards unwavering faith and courage. This episode promises to help you navigate life's uncertainties by deepening your trust in God's constant presence. Through heartfelt conversations, we reflect on how carrying God's presence within can transform our actions and perspective, bringing redemption and assurance into every aspect of our lives. Let’s shift from doubt and fear to strength and courage, supported by the belief that all of God's works are intended for our good.

But that's not all. We dive into the healing power of forgiveness and explore how our surroundings influence our responses to life's hurdles. By breaking cycles of negativity and embodying divine principles of love and compassion, we can become vessels of positive change. We'll discuss the importance of investing our emotional and spiritual energy wisely, aligning our lives with God's will and storing treasures in heaven. With references to biblical scriptures like Isaiah 41:10 and Psalms 27:14, we emphasize patience, courage, and the journey of spiritual maturity. Tune in for an uplifting conversation that will inspire you to nurture your faith and positively impact those around you.

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Ever feel like life's challenges are insurmountable? Join us as we unravel the profound wisdom of Joshua 1:9, guiding you towards unwavering faith and courage. This episode promises to help you navigate life's uncertainties by deepening your trust in God's constant presence. Through heartfelt conversations, we reflect on how carrying God's presence within can transform our actions and perspective, bringing redemption and assurance into every aspect of our lives. Let’s shift from doubt and fear to strength and courage, supported by the belief that all of God's works are intended for our good.

But that's not all. We dive into the healing power of forgiveness and explore how our surroundings influence our responses to life's hurdles. By breaking cycles of negativity and embodying divine principles of love and compassion, we can become vessels of positive change. We'll discuss the importance of investing our emotional and spiritual energy wisely, aligning our lives with God's will and storing treasures in heaven. With references to biblical scriptures like Isaiah 41:10 and Psalms 27:14, we emphasize patience, courage, and the journey of spiritual maturity. Tune in for an uplifting conversation that will inspire you to nurture your faith and positively impact those around you.

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Speaker 1:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1, 9. Good morning, come, come, welcome. You're very welcome. Come join us. Listen, if you would, have I not commanded you? Have we not been instructed? Have we not heard?

Speaker 1:

And some of us, we walk blindly within this earth as if we have no clue on what we should be doing, the shallow sense of our condemnation as our feet progress on the road or on the floor is led without directive, it's led without authority, it's led without the invitation to be strong and to be courageous. You have a spine, you have a firm footing. If you would, you're capable, you're able, you know the message, you know the story, you would, you're capable, you're able, you know the message, you know the story, you know why you're here. Right, the lost and found is not somewhere to where I can find you daily, but we find ourselves displaced in whole person mindset. I'm not sure if I should go, I'm not sure if I should leave. The questioning, the doubting, the worries, the troubles, the concern, they consume you. You're not strong, you feel weak, you're incapable, I'm not courageous, I'm not capable of taking it to that level with a sense of commitment. I'm defiled in every way, shape or form. Do not be frightened Well, frightened. Fear is a liar. We're reminded of that. The testament of him and putting our trust within him is we don't have anything to worry about and we can continue to move. Do not be dismayed, for the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go. We forget though, right, we turn them into an accessory. It's a suitcase, it's a bracelet, maybe it's a hat, or it's a throw, it's a coat, and I'm going to take him with me when it's convenient. I'm going to utilize him when I need him. You know, I don't really think I need it at this moment, and I like the effective and efficiency approach. I'm only going to use it when I need it because I would like to save, and some would say, arguably enough.

Speaker 1:

That sense of submissive bondage is not relevant. It only shows you're in equity, ignorance being bliss, you're still forgiven, you're still redeemed. If you're looking for gains on this world, where do your eternal treasures come into play? So he's with you wherever you go, but you have to take him with you, and thought and theory and reason is not enough. You have to embrace him within the flesh, you have to be capable of carrying him and carrying him with you, and vice versa. You see, if you take him with you, everything that you've got going on is no more than a direct reflection of being Christ-like, of being moved within the Lord, your God, and I'm not sure about you. Even when you have an equity, though, you can see the light shine and you can be redeemed, you can be rejoiced and you can be saved and delivered. I know he's with me.

Speaker 1:

I might not have the brightest of days at this moment, I might not be receiving the blessings that I'm looking to receive, but I can continue to advance in every notion, knowing that the Lord is scoring and measuring for me. And notice that I referenced that the Lord is scoring and measuring for me because every one of his good works is intended for good. Spread the good news, go and fill your cups, fill your plates right, enjoy the wine, enjoy your spouses, enjoy the food. This is what we talked about rejoicing within the blessings that he's given us. If every mindset of score and measure belongs to God, it shall never be wrong. In a sense of inequity, it could never be. But if the score and the measure is handed back to creature and there is no works that never gets fleshed out and there is no level of completion, the whole person is only banished, it's strucken, it's ridden, then it's a loss for us. So remind the possessive form of beyond theory and reason, the internal works gets turned into an external goodness and every good works belongs to him and it's a power notion of him. I think a very valuable lesson that each and every one of us face or endure as we advance that theological ladder and climb in a sense of maturity to be capable of giving it back to him, is we need to advance, we need to be capable of recognizing it's his score and it's his measure.

Speaker 1:

If every time you got in trouble, you made a mistake, there was an occurrence, the score, the measure, the judgment belonged to your Trinity, your Lord, your Savior, your Redeemer. Well, you will never be led astray and be reminded that it belongs to him and that the works are of good works, that nothing he's intended for you is intended for your harm or for bad usage. So, within that mentality, regardless of what happens, you're saved, you're redeemed, you're forgiven, you don't have anything to worry about. But if you take it to a point of what happens you're saved, you're redeemed, you're forgiven, you don't have anything to worry about. But if you take it to a point of oblivion, to where there is no God, there is no Christ, there is no Lord, I don't seek that counsel anymore. I'm not looking to my Lord, my Savior, my Redeemer, to revive me, then I might not have it. You see, I like to advance within policy and within principle, but my flesh actually seeks it. My hands, my eyes, my feet, I actually move within this notion. So every score and measure for me, even when it's a good one or bad and I'm not the one that makes that decision, he's the one that makes the decision. But I know I'm forgiven now and forever completely moves me. I like to be saved, I like to be redeemed, and what good is having eternity at your fingertips, but you're not capable of utilizing it. I move within the scripture and the scripture moves within me. So do not be dismayed, do not be dismantled, destructed or falling apart. Remember the solid foundation, the firm footing that you present and possess within Christ, and it can continue to revive you.

Speaker 1:

It's a troubling topic for the youth of this nation that we have this day and age. When they make a mistake, they have to answer to their parents, to their teachers, to their pastors, to their cardinals, to the ones that are leading their life. Some of them they even have authority to figures, police departments and agents and other aspects. And you helplessly wonder, because you know that child is righteous and you know they're going to fail, you know they're going to be making mistakes and you know that they're going to be capable of finding God on the other side. But if, when we as a nation, if we as a congregation, as a church, as a body, as humble servants, as individuals, as brothers and sisters of God, yes, of course, if we fail and we don't have the ability to be capable of finding God because it's not being offered, we don't have the ability to be capable of finding God because it's not being offered, we don't have the ability to have him being the score and the measure, then we've lost hope, we've given up completely and it becomes very destructive. Think about the mentality of oppression. No, I believe in God. God help me right.

Speaker 1:

So you're young, you're an adolescent, you're a child, you're a baby, you're a bottle. You're still crawling on the ground. If you would. You're lacking the maturity. You're trying to find your own vocation and a steadfast devotion, but you haven't quite got there. It takes time, don't worry, you can continue to be invested. But every thought, genre, assertion of enactment that you have in this world, it doesn't quite get you there.

Speaker 1:

And then when you make a mistake, you're not offered God and Christ. It's okay, you're forgiven. How do I know I'm forgiven? Because it's an actual enactment of flesh. I'm living it out, I'm walking within it. That helps change who you are. You know what? The person that was forgiven, the young child that was forgiven when somebody makes a mistake against them. Guess what they have to offer? Forgiveness, the only thing that they've been offered. Now, when somebody makes mistake on them at the playground and the other child who wasn't offered forgiveness, he was punished somebody made a decision on them. Guess what they have to offer? They're going to punish.

Speaker 1:

So we treat others the way that we're being treated. I know it sounds elementary the law of the land. God help us. Somebody said it's even written down somewhere. I'm not quite sure, but the relevance is within the way we walk. The not quite sure, but the relevance is within the way we walk. The possessive form of eternity comes when we're capable, when we're able and when we manifest it. We shine light within the subject and we grow and we move within it. So the kid on the playground that forgives the other kid, the light bulb gets turned on. He forgave me.

Speaker 1:

Geez, maybe when I go home tonight and one of my brothers and sisters, or my siblings, one of the congregational members, one of the individuals that I have in my life, maybe I'll have an opportunity for forgiving them. That feels good. You know, I don't have nothing to worry about. It feels very good. Maybe I'm going to start making the right decisions. I wonder how I could be a blessing in somebody's lives. So, instead of looking at the inequity, instead of, this is what I've been given. It's all I have to offer.

Speaker 1:

So what battalion do you have? What inventory? What's your arsenal? And I'm not asking you to go to war, I'm not asking you to use AI or technology and let's see who can win. Let's see who's got more missiles. And we got tanks Fire now. So in the battleship, you remember the game. You call out the number. I got E8. Now I sunk your ship and I think it's fun. I think it's fun that we continue to play, but it's a little bit different.

Speaker 1:

Our battalion, our arsenal, our inventory is for good works. It's the possessive form of what he's delivered for us, for what he's given us. He continues to move within us. So if any time something good happens too, do you praise it within God. And we miss that opportunity. We miss that calling Consecutively.

Speaker 1:

Some talk about the conversion, the being born again, the baptism, the invitation if you would. What was your calling? What's your story? How did you come to God? I'm not really one of those types of preachers. They have that type of mindset to where it's only proclaiming how God has revived you, has brought you back to life. What's your story? And this is how he's worked within you. I still find it more practical is how it's present yes, the past, present and future, but how it's being a continued enactment. So where are you going from here If it's only about? That's what happened to me and I'm converted and I can praise and sing the joy of grace and I don't really think we got anywhere.

Speaker 1:

Personal devotion and testament is actually silent. It's peaceful, it's peace and contentment, but what you've been given is what you have to offer. So in households, to where they're destructive. The parents aren't happy with one another. They're fighting, they're arguing there is no God, there is no Christ, you're never forgiven, you're never redeemed, but condemned 24-7. You're being ridiculed, you're being told no, that person you have in your life, their personal preferences are way more relevant than you being capable of asserting your own assertion. And we talk about this daily. A lot of you, life or Death Ministries, some of the members we reference it daily.

Speaker 1:

Think about what I'm saying. You belong to God and God belongs to you. So the investment is I don't have to be confined to creature, I'm not being condemned by them. It belongs to him, it's his. We don't have nothing to worry about. We can unconditionally give it back to him, put it within his hands and we don't have anything to worry about. The love, the compassion, the grace, the joy and the happiness that I'm receiving, that's all I have to give. So a byproduct of your environment.

Speaker 1:

You're growing up in a household. You're in a struggling neighborhood. Your parents have been hitting the corner for years upon end. They don't go to school, there's no real careers and there's no income. And I'm looking for a little bit of food. I mean, I'm hungry.

Speaker 1:

And we forget the original testaments. I was once blind, but now I see. I was once hungry and you fed me. I was seeking clothing and shelter and you fed me, you housed me the purest form of testament that our wants and needs can be and shall be fulfilled by him. That's a derogatory of wants and needs from creature that don't have goodness in mind. Well then, they don't belong to him.

Speaker 1:

So are you capable? And some would say are you ready? And they reference the second coming, they reference being capable, making that commitment, that testament to him, walking within those lines, advancing within the scripture but are you capable and ready? Turns the page. No, I'm capable of saying. No, I'm capable of confession, forgiveness, repentance. I can walk away Each and every day.

Speaker 1:

You as an adolescent, as a scholar and I love being the scholar, I prefer being the student. Yes, me, I raised the hand, I love learning. God, help me Every day. You should be equipping, you should be following, you should be adding to your inventory. This is of good works, what God gave me. This is more good works God gave me.

Speaker 1:

You're storing it, you're saving it, you're holding on to it and there's something that you can use. Look at what you're holding on to Look at what's relevant in your life, where you're taking it and where you're going with it. If it's of good works and it belongs to God and you're storing your treasures in heaven and it's the investment daily that supersedes, defines you and brings life not only within you but life within others, then you're probably doing something right and you probably don't have anything to worry about. But if, every day, you're manifesting on the past, on resentment, on anger, on rage, on inequity, if you're being, excuse me, condemned so you're condemning others, then those are aspects that you shouldn't be invested in. Remember the investment on what's actually relevant. We can talk about it, we can think about it, we can proclaim it, but the way you live is way more relevant than what you actually have going on in life.

Speaker 1:

Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand Isaiah 41 10. Fear not, don't be worried about some of the inequity that you're embracing. Don't worry to be hurt, to be suffering, to be tortured in any way, shape or form. I am with you and we forget that too.

Speaker 1:

How, so very, very often we find ourselves stumbling, falling, and then an equity occurs, a twist, a turn, a setback, a failure. My arsenal of having fulfillment in every way, shape and form has been depleted. Somebody captured my flag and I no longer possess my fort. Well, he is with you now, always and forever. You don't have anything to worry about. You don't have to forsake the blessing you've received. Be not dismayed. I am your God, I will strengthen you, I will help you.

Speaker 1:

So confine in him. Very often, even us that have matured, that have got to a more spiritual level, to where we're capable, we're able, we're possessing it within our hearts and souls. Good morning, yes, when we're moving within that mindset, we see his good works. We remember to confine and count on him. In my hours of success, even in my hours of failure, I see God. I don't see creature. I'm not capable of putting it in your hands, because if I were, you wouldn't be happy and neither would I.

Speaker 1:

A direct confession of where my help goes. I need it from him. I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand Notice he references his righteous hand, that it's going to be righteous. I'm going to watch you stumble and fall. Ignorance truly is blessed. Yes, you're still going to be forgiven, now and forever. So be courageous, have courage within that enactment. Don't be afraid to step out there. Ask and you shall receive, seek and ye shall find and continue to advance.

Speaker 1:

Remember the arsenal of inventory that you're building, and I reference storing our treasures in heaven. I reference biblical scripture I'm storing this in heaven. Everything that's for my use and that I can use for others is only of good works. How many things do you have entities, possessions, emotions, expressions, verbal recommendations do you have and hold on to that can be used against yourself and used against others? And if that's the case, why would you want to hold on to them? Why would you want to have them, and what is the point and purpose of having something that is not of good works of God and of Christ?

Speaker 1:

Wait for the Lord, be strong and let your heart take courage. Wait for the Lord, psalms 27, 14. Wait for him. Does that mean that I shouldn't be seeking and I shall not find? Does that mean that I ask and you shall not receive? It's the exact opposite. It means that don't be troubled, don't be quick to anger. Wait for him to make that decision in your life, follow the Holy Spirit, follow the enactment, troubled individuals in this world. They question it, they doubt it, they have no. It's worries, it's troubles, it's concerns. I have no way of knowing if it's going to work within my life, if I'm going to be capable of advancing, if I'm going to be capable of moving. I know I have love, patience, grace and acceptance. But if I don't ever climb that theological ladder of maturity, or some of us, if I don't gain the approval of my spouse, if I don't gain the approval of my boyfriend, my girlfriend, my pastor, my preacher, then I'm never going to get anywhere.

Speaker 1:

Your investment, the bread of your life, the cup and blood and body of your salvation. Notice, I'm referencing you. It's not an outside entity. I'm bringing it on in and fleshing it out, I'm working within it. Right, I'm planting the seed, I'm watching it grow. There's a level of maturity At some point. You harvest it, you give it back to him. Think about the advancement. You need to work on you so that your inner dynamics yes, your inner works, have a sense of fulfillment, so you are capable, able of giving it to them, everything that they want and what they want to receive.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to be dismayed. I don't want to be upheaved and I don't want to be turned around. Rather, I want to be blessed, I want to be saved, I want to be redeemed. So, our troubling youth of the nation, if you would also very, very righteous and I still enjoy failing myself today often, so that I can find God and Christ within it. It's very discouraging when you feel you're making the right decisions and when you make a mistake. Sometimes we don't want to hear it from our peers, we don't want to hear. I know my parents, they know better, they're older, I get it. It's aggravating, it's like putting salt on the wound. It's drying it out, it's festering and it doesn't work. And I'm getting assaulted here. Can somebody please help me?

Speaker 1:

Christianity is not the sovereign, submissive walk of being scorned, of being bitter and of being condemned. And everything that I choose, what I see, what I think and every action that I take within cause and effect, is never going to be good enough for those that are in my life, continuing to be my creator and my savior, my redeemer. If you were to get to the truth of the youth of the nation, of these precious hearts, souls and minds, and you were to ask them. What is the variable, what is the medium, what's standing in between you and fulfillment of God, fulfillment of eternity, christ being the forgiveness, the enactment that's within your life, the counsel and the shepherd that you seek? And a lot of them would say it would be their brother, their spouse, their parent. No, no, my parent condemns me. They're God in my life. They tell me what's right or what's wrong for me.

Speaker 1:

Some of us, as adults, we can confess the inequity. I've dealt with somebody that didn't want to be alive. They didn't believe in God. They were allowed, capable and able to prevent me from having God and Christ within my life. So now I sit and now I suffer and I live without and I'm not allowed to be alive. Does that sound familiar? I'm not allowed to have everything. Oh, forgive me, we're teaching a lesson. Oh, we wanted everybody. Well, here we were doing this for these poor children, these poor individuals.

Speaker 1:

When one heart, soul and mind starts suffering in any way, shape or form and there's a loss of life, a loss of love and a loss of eternity, and that wickedness spreads like wildfire all throughout the heart, souls and minds. How dare you, lord, forgive me, you shall only have one Lord and we need to be reminded who our Lord is, how we're seeking him and how we're finding him. If what you have to offer yourself and offer others, in a sense of humanity, deprives, eliminates, takes away some of the aspects of fulfillment, forgiveness, life, life for life, eye for eye, love for love, then you should change your arsenal. You should clean out your closet and you should change the inventory that you're holding on to Look, I'm that type of person. If there's anything and I mean literally anything that I can do for you, that'll help you see clear now your perception. You're capable, you're able, you're walking, you're f fleshing it out, you're capable of receiving it, you're receptive to it, and it'll get closer to your savior, your redeemer.

Speaker 1:

Hit me up. You know what I'm saying, text me, hit me up on social media, let me know, call me. Is there something I can do for you? Oh, good morning, think about, think about the introduction, good morning. Well, who are you? Where'd you come from? And, by the way, if you don't mind me asking, where are you going? Because each and every one of us is searching for a direction. We're just searching for the spot to where we can rest our head on the pillow and be at peace and contentment.

Speaker 1:

I've experienced love, joy, happiness and grace, and I've got to a relevant point of stature. I walk straight. My crooked ways have been made straight. I've turned over a new leaf. I'm born again Also very good.

Speaker 1:

So don't let the self-doubting notion get turned into the possessive form of hate. And by the way, isn't it so very relevant? I know some of you parents. I'm trying to put you back in preschool and I'm not judging. Raise the hand of hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Think about what I'm saying. You offered your child hate, condemnation. You didn't have love and you didn't have acceptance. Now, when you want something from them, how? So very relevant. Here comes God acting in your life. All that child has to offer you is hate, is condemnation and a sense of resistance, because that's what you've taught them, that's what you've given them. It's not of God and it's not of good works, it's of creature and it's of inequity.

Speaker 1:

Well, the submissive form of our life through salvation needs to be more of a relevant than walking within the testament and drinking within the cup. I better be capable and able within my eternal and external works, or I shall not be capable of helping anybody in any way, shape or form. Let me wrap this up in prayer. Our graciously Savior Christ and Savior Redeemer, in every way, shape and form the purest form of our testament. As we have youth, as we are righteous in this world, as we continue to advance, as we continue to grow, let us not be reminded of the truth of the scripture that all of his works are for good works and good deeds, and they shall continue to advance within us. Let us not be reminded of the truth of the scripture that all of his works are for good works and good deeds, and they shall continue to advance within us. Let us be reminded that what we hold on to near and dear to our hearts, souls and minds is something that you can recognize worth in and something that you're capable and able of helping us with. For if we seek eternity, if we seek fulfillment, happiness, joy, repentance, then that's what we shall be delivered. Remind us of the purest form of devotion, of testament, of the law of the land.

Speaker 1:

Yes, of course, to treat others the way that we want to be treated, and I know it sounds brilliant, I know it sounds like the world's been turned completely over again, but each and every one of us needs to learn how to treat others the way that we want to be treated and be capable of saying no and be capable of saying yes. It's okay to say no. We need to be reminded of that. With love, with patience, with grace, continue to guide us and lead us and provide us with the fulfillment, favor and generosity so we can provide the fulfillment to others. And with love, compassion, grace, name of the Father, son, holy Spirit and Christ, our Savior's name, we pray Amen. Thank you for listening. Thank you for your contribution, your donations. Don't forget about the GoFundMe raising money to build the church. It sounds like it's going to be Tennessee. We got a lot of individuals moving looking to purchase real estate residential and commercial and we're going to have a big advancement.

Speaker 1:

Each and every day, remind us, as believers, to not score, to not condemn, to not judge, because the score, the measure, belongs to God, belongs to Christ. The moment you're going to use a blessing and it's going to get turned into a curse against others, it doesn't belong to Christ. Thank you for listening. Check out the social media, the Buzzsprout, instagram, facebook, Twitter feeds. See what we've got going on. You might see something you like. It might enlighten you, it might touch you Each and every day. Search for an unconditional act of kindness to where you can advance within scripture, within testimony, within your fleshing out of your ways, walking within biblical presence and the truth of the world that you've been given. Have a very, very blessed day. Remember the score, the measure, the mark, if you would. It belongs to God and all of his good works are intended for good. Have a very, very blessed day. God bless you. Thank you for listening.

Be Strong and Courageous, Beloved Worshiper
Journey of Faith and Forgiveness
Storing Treasures in Heaven