Life Or Death

The Unexpected Power of Failure: Embracing Growth and Discovery

June 29, 2024 Jes
The Unexpected Power of Failure: Embracing Growth and Discovery
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
The Unexpected Power of Failure: Embracing Growth and Discovery
Jun 29, 2024

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Have you ever considered that failure might just be your greatest ally on the path to success? In this enlightening episode, we take you on a journey through the complex relationship between failure and triumph, arguing that missteps are essential for meaningful growth. We share compelling personal stories and dissect societal norms that often label failure as negative, challenging you to rethink your relationship with it. By embracing our missteps with humility, we can uncover powerful lessons that propel us forward, reinforcing the importance of persistence and resilience.

Ever wondered how making the wrong choice could lead you to an unexpected treasure trove of insights? We explore how our decisions, whether perceived as right or wrong, shape our personal evolution in profound ways. By examining the often-overlooked benefits of what seems like failure, we highlight how these experiences can illuminate new paths and lead to deeper self-awareness. We discuss the continuous nature of learning and growth, encouraging you to keep moving forward, embracing each lesson along the way. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion that will inspire you to view your journey of growth and self-discovery through a whole new lens.

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Have you ever considered that failure might just be your greatest ally on the path to success? In this enlightening episode, we take you on a journey through the complex relationship between failure and triumph, arguing that missteps are essential for meaningful growth. We share compelling personal stories and dissect societal norms that often label failure as negative, challenging you to rethink your relationship with it. By embracing our missteps with humility, we can uncover powerful lessons that propel us forward, reinforcing the importance of persistence and resilience.

Ever wondered how making the wrong choice could lead you to an unexpected treasure trove of insights? We explore how our decisions, whether perceived as right or wrong, shape our personal evolution in profound ways. By examining the often-overlooked benefits of what seems like failure, we highlight how these experiences can illuminate new paths and lead to deeper self-awareness. We discuss the continuous nature of learning and growth, encouraging you to keep moving forward, embracing each lesson along the way. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion that will inspire you to view your journey of growth and self-discovery through a whole new lens.

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Speaker 0:

Failure Is failure actually failure, though, and I know the expectations right. We're going within the topic, the assertion, the genre. We believe that there's a way that we can succeed, a way that we can have succession. I've accomplished what I wanted to accomplish. It didn't work this time. Maybe you should try again, and we kind of get over that, getting kicked in the heel a few times and it doesn't really happen.

Speaker 0:

Failure is success within the sense of discovery. I'm capable of walking within it and I've never met anybody that doesn't enjoy learning. We love to learn the species, the humanity of who we actually are. It's deranged. If you would, you're crazy. You're going bonkers. What's wrong with you? I enjoy learning. I like to suck it up, if you would. I like to absorb it. I like to suck it up if you would. I like to absorb it. I like to have my personal absorption. I like to sip coffee and talk about tea, maybe a biscuit occasionally as we pedal through brunch, and I'm not sure I go for a cycle every now and then.

Speaker 0:

We move through the life as we continue to fail, and I don't think that life exists without failure. But yeah, some of us take it so hard. I failed, I'm not good enough, I'm never going to be good enough. We resent the fact that we're actually capable and competent. Back to learning. Have you ever met anybody that doesn't like to learn?

Speaker 0:

I was once told, when I was younger and we were going through a lot of different life skills and lessons, and then we were told the moment you stop learning is the moment that you're dead. And you think about that. You're like, oh my goodness, like nobody wants to die, of course, like fear is a liar and we don't want to take it to a milestone, to where we're incapable of advancing within our own walk. But we have to be capable of failing. So I reference heaven and hell, I reference right or wrong, and then I am quick to jump to a different location. I'm like well, you missed what I said. Did you hear what I said? They're looking all around, they're scratching their heads, they're like what? Because I was like speaking in tongues or something. Everybody's expecting some message to be beamed from them from eternity and they're waiting to see what's going to happen.

Speaker 0:

I said no, no, no. I said anytime there's a restriction, a fail, then there's an emotional attachment. I said it's no worth at all. I said discovery comes in the essence of actually being capable of building. And I said it's more self-defiant and it's self-righteous. So righteous becomes self and so does defiant. Failure is a self aspect. I didn't fail anybody else. Can you fail somebody else? Yes, of course, but if you fail somebody else, isn't it them that failed? They're the ones that need to accept you, or your expectation of what you wanted or who you were going to be was a little bit different. No, no, no, no, I think different. I don't want to be derogative in the walk that I walk, in the life that I lead. So when I fail, I want to be capable of embracing it.

Speaker 0:

Of course we talk about the humanity of failure. That is chaos, it's upheaving. That's so modern, it's so modest. You failed and you're humble within it. You're steadfast.

Speaker 0:

The approach that it takes and how we directly tackle some of the topics and the issues of this world. Objectional failure it's objectionable. No, I view things different. I have an emotional attachment. I'm moving along these lines. I've jumped over that and in a leap of faith, if you would lines, I've jumped over that and in a leap of faith, if you would, it's human expression.

Speaker 0:

Of course we go back into labels, topics, assertions, emotional attachment to what we believe is our personal preference. And why do I say believe? Because most of us lack the entity of being capable of fleshing it out and carrying it to that venue. Well, I like to move, if you don't mind, excuse me, yes, of course. So move and think moves on the inside, the heart of it. So the heart of your entity belongs in the sense of rapturing. And why do I say rapturing? Because it's destructive. I'm blowing it up, I'm taking it out of proportion, I'm taking the subject, I'm grasping it, I'm holding it and I'm tearing it apart, and I'm discovering what truly lies on the inside. We search for a deeper meaning and purpose along every step, along every topic and subject, as we continue to move. But some of us, we don't have it.

Speaker 0:

The negligence of the failure is so demeaning that if somebody were ever to see it oh my lord, what did you, what happened, what did you do Then it might be enough to completely catapult me. Stop the pulse, call EMT and see if you can get vitals on me real quick. I'm going down and I'm going down quick and I think we've fallen before. We learn how to build back up. We learn to avoid these spots, these sectors, these emotional attachments, possibly the venue, sometimes the demographics I'm not really sure that completely derange us. So failure happens, but it happens with grace. It happens within success.

Speaker 0:

I've also wrote down some stuff here and I think a little bit different. The clock doesn't stop, so the world keeps moving. At some point we've got to get over the hump. If the world completely stopped today, in a sense of failure, because we take it to heart, lord forgive me what would happen? The number's like nothing. Like that's it, nothing would happen.

Speaker 0:

So do you need to invest in that shadowed area, and I don't mean that in a bad spot, but in the sector that's not covered? And what do you mean? Well, within success there's life and within failure there's death. But anything in between is being invested in, probably like penny stocks or something. Not that they're not making money. Sure, there's a little bit of money coming in, but it's not a ton in any way, shape or form. So we're going backwards.

Speaker 0:

It's the generational coming of age. I move, I'm displaced, I'm advanced, I'm failing. Yes, of course failure means success. Failure is discovery in life. Yes, of course failure means success. Failure is discovery in life. When I'm failing, I know, I'm discovering, I'm seeking, I'm finding, I'm discovering who I am, what I'm capable of and I'm advancing. Success can be a limitation, it can be a restriction. So success can be a failure and failure can be life. Hard to believe, but think about it. It got turned on you. If success is no more than saying this is as far as I've got, I'm not going to be capable of getting any further. This is the life that we're leading, or this is.

Speaker 0:

I've come to terms with this topic, with this assertion, with this form of life, but who's irrelevant to it? We go back to self, not that we don't want to appease other individuals. You look nice New clothing, possibly haircut or something, I'm not sure but every day, our intuit, our inspiration being geared and driven, orientation, if you would. Who are you presenting this to? Appealing and marketing to the right audience? I need failure to be a dramatic part of my life so that I can escape in a sense of success.

Speaker 0:

The clock doesn't stop moving in every way, shape or form, and I need to know that I'm capable of breathing. I need to know that I'm capable of resting and I need to know that I can anchor of breathing. I need to know that I'm capable of resting and I need to know that I can anchor, anchor my boat to the shore and then I'm going to be, I'm going to be fine. So success is a limitation within that. Failure opens up doors. They say Any type of life, any type of format, to where there's doors being open, to, where you're not stumbled, you're not ridden, you're not laying down on the ground, you're being brought back to life. It's something that can be used for good works within you.

Speaker 0:

I think the defiance of us as creatures is laying down per topics and per assertions, to where I don't have that fulfillment in life. I'm not being taken there. I'm not sure if it's good or if it's bad, or if it's right or if it's wrong, but I'm going to try it. You know what? Let's just go with it. You don't have to do that. You're only making things worse on yourself. Sometimes opinions are completely irrelevant.

Speaker 0:

We like to find the degrees of aspects of failure that are relevant to us, but you've noticed that we like appreciation, the pat on the back. Well, you look good. No, thank you. Oh, you do Things like this. We like to be compelled. There's an emotional attachment to it. Some say there's endorphins. They spiral out of control and neurons start firing and boom, boom, boom, boom, boom and before you know it we're good to go. So new is exciting. I'm discovering something new within myself. I'm just going to try a new hobby, a new interest. I'm recreating myself A new look, a new image, a new taste, a new flavor. Some even said it's a color tone and a preference. They've heard of shades of whatever color. I'm not really sure. So learning is being compelled. In the same token, failing is continuing to advance.

Speaker 0:

What I don't like seeing in this world is the resentment of life itself. I failed or I don't have a conclusion. I've worked on the introduction, I've invested deep within the body, but when it comes down to it, I really don't have a conclusion. I don't wrap it up. So I leave a topic of assertion, a topic of interest, by only having the approval of somebody else. I'm looking to somebody that's got a degree or somebody that's been stated that they're an expert within this region, and they're the ones that's capable of telling me. And I in my head, and I shake it like the bobblehead that I was given at the baseball game I walk up to Wrigley Field and boom, you give it a little flick and it keeps going up and down, and up and down and they seem real happy. Yeah, yeah, I don't want the bobblehead. I want to know how it actually applies to me and how it's practical.

Speaker 0:

See, failure can be a compression, a compression of existence, and after it builds up for a while, it releases and here comes success. So the meaning part of it is sitting down and laying down, is resenting what somebody else discovered. But lacking to find a discovery within your own element is not going to prove to be a failure Actually existing. You know, I heard somebody cut their finger off doing that. I'd be careful if you were doing it. Some of us were so smart we need to cut our finger off. Geez, I can't believe it. I literally cut my finger off. I mean, I think different. God help me. So it's not the end of the world, but we should breathe, we should be capable of walking. Someone's running, I don't know.

Speaker 0:

You want to lay in like a hammock and toes in the water and ass in the sand. Not a worry in the world, lyrics or something. Maybe it was music. The right location, of course, demographics. So the heart of it. You're invested in it, the heart, the soul, the mind. You bring what you've got to give and what you've got to offer and you put it on the table, you throw it on the plate, you're ready to consume it, you're digesting it, you're metabolizing it and as you advance within that genre, that topic, possibly that acquaintance, you find out if it's right for you, if it's wrong for you.

Speaker 0:

But if it's right for you, you're checking on out and you're advancing, you're moving down the lines, you're saluting as you're going. If it's wrong for you, you're making the same decision. You see, when it's right, we stop and it limits growth. But when it's wrong it can be wrong for me and it can be wrong for others Then I'm going to continue to search and find. So seek, if you would, and search and continue to discover. Most of us have found and Lord forgive me that success is found within failure and light is found within darkness. So if you continue to move, the world will exist within you instead of you existing in the world. Thank you for listening. Have a very good evening.

The Concept of Failure and Success
The Power of Growth and Discovery