Life Or Death

Building a Spiritually Wholesome Life

June 30, 2024 Jes
Building a Spiritually Wholesome Life
Life Or Death
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Life Or Death
Building a Spiritually Wholesome Life
Jun 30, 2024

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Can a gentle tongue truly transform lives? Picture the power of your words as seeds that can either nurture or destroy. In this heartfelt episode, we explore how patience, kindness, and love in our speech can uplift others and reflect our spiritual journey. We share personal stories and spiritual insights, shedding light on the importance of maintaining a Christ-like demeanor even when advocating for ourselves. Delve into the significance of using our God-given gifts and the peril of letting negativity overshadow our faith.

Have you ever found yourself envious of others' successes or possessions, leading to feelings of inadequacy? We'll discuss the complexities of comparison and the pitfalls of coveting, offering guidance on how to focus on personal responsibility and faith. By aligning our decisions with godliness and cleanliness and seeking true fulfillment through a personal relationship with God, we can avoid the trap of external validation and trust in His abundance for our own paths.

As we seek to live a fulfilling and wholesome life, adhering to sound doctrine and the Holy Spirit’s guidance is paramount. Reflecting on Proverbs 15:3 and 15:5, we highlight the vigilance of the Lord and the wisdom in accepting divine reproof. We emphasize the need for spiritual preparedness, the role of failure in growth, and the value of humility. Join us as we encourage embracing Life for Death Ministries, finding purpose through daily communion, and advancing together with love, patience, and grace in the compassion of Christ.

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Can a gentle tongue truly transform lives? Picture the power of your words as seeds that can either nurture or destroy. In this heartfelt episode, we explore how patience, kindness, and love in our speech can uplift others and reflect our spiritual journey. We share personal stories and spiritual insights, shedding light on the importance of maintaining a Christ-like demeanor even when advocating for ourselves. Delve into the significance of using our God-given gifts and the peril of letting negativity overshadow our faith.

Have you ever found yourself envious of others' successes or possessions, leading to feelings of inadequacy? We'll discuss the complexities of comparison and the pitfalls of coveting, offering guidance on how to focus on personal responsibility and faith. By aligning our decisions with godliness and cleanliness and seeking true fulfillment through a personal relationship with God, we can avoid the trap of external validation and trust in His abundance for our own paths.

As we seek to live a fulfilling and wholesome life, adhering to sound doctrine and the Holy Spirit’s guidance is paramount. Reflecting on Proverbs 15:3 and 15:5, we highlight the vigilance of the Lord and the wisdom in accepting divine reproof. We emphasize the need for spiritual preparedness, the role of failure in growth, and the value of humility. Join us as we encourage embracing Life for Death Ministries, finding purpose through daily communion, and advancing together with love, patience, and grace in the compassion of Christ.

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Speaker 1:

A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but preservousness in it breaks the spirit. Proverbs 15, 4. Good morning, come, come, come and join me. You're very welcome. Come and listen, rejoice, hear and proclaim the grace, the grace that's saving you. A gentle tongue is a tree of life. We often reference the life that's growing within us. Some of us, we have ancestor trees. We're looking at different bloodlines and generations. And where did this bloodline derive from? Where did it come from? What nation, what country? But a gentle tongue is a tree of life. We notice we're slow to anger and that we slowly talk about things. It's a gentle tongue.

Speaker 1:

I don't need to be a laceration to somebody with verbal assertion. My opinion and interest in emotional attachment or personal preference doesn't need to be the catalyst that changes and ruins somebody else's day. But perseverance in it breaks the spirit and I walk within the spirit. So I'm no longer underneath the law. I like to hold on to what I have. It breaks within the spirit and the spirit's within me. It's the guiding light, if you would. I'm continuing to be led, to be advanced, to be moved. I proclaim and testify the faith, the grace, and it comes back to me, each and every one of us. We should. We should proclaim it soft, with ease. We should have love for one another.

Speaker 1:

Yes, of course, there are occurrences in life that happen, that set us back, that drive us, that have us upset, and we feel that we have to defend ourselves or we have to take action. And we have biblical presence that if we don't stand up for ourselves, nobody could. Yes, of course, trust and confide in him, with him. But you can't continue to be walked all over in any way, shape or form. You have to be capable of standing up for self and be capable of embracing the gifts that you've given. You see, this blessing of life, eternal image that you've received, it's only good, it's only valid, almost as if it has an expiration date, and it doesn't. I promise you a multitude of nations for eternity, now and forever, past, present and future. But it's only good if you're capable of utilizing it. So, the moment that that cloud gets darkened, the moment where the sun's no longer shining, the moment that that cloud gets darkened, the moment where the sun's no longer shining, the moment that the salvation, the forgiveness, is no longer relevant because you've let darkness seep on in, then you've lost hope, you've lost everything.

Speaker 1:

The conversation this morning and it was terrible. They had woke me up at one in the morning and I had been tortured all morning. Lord, forgive me for the confession it was. It was terrible, my Forgive me, it was very terrible. But the conversation this morning was it's life. It's a cycle of life. It lasts for up to 120 years is what the Old Testament would remind us, but you're guaranteed to be alive and you're guaranteed to die.

Speaker 1:

Everything else really doesn't have a whole lot of meaning, or does it? If it's infested in your Creator, your Savior, your Redeemer? Yes, of course, the guided counsel of our Lord, of our Lord, of Jesus Christ. Yes, of course, then we're advancing, then we're gaining some ground. But if it's about suffering for one another, if it's about being toiled, if it's about stopping life course and purpose in any way, shape or form, then it's no longer about him, it's about us, and it's a complete loss. See, we've led each other to believe that we can suffer for one another, we can make sacrifices for one another, and here you can experience this form of life, or here you can have something that's not yours.

Speaker 1:

I was very, very blessed in my life. I'll give you my own personal testament Boy. I've been all over the world. I guess they kept me stateside. I made to Mexico once. It seemed like it was really nice. We were doing it right in Mexico. I mean, lord, help me more money. It worked, by the way, excellent Good thoughts. So I traveled this world and I had religious and I had Masonic, different types of powers and aspects, and I had teachers and guides, masters and Masons and my Lord, cardinals and Popes and Latter-day Saints and everything that you could think of, and I was blessed enough to get to see how other individuals were competent and capable in life.

Speaker 1:

We came up with this form of business at this location. This is how we establish it, this is how it is. I got to witness it, see it, in some cases even experience it, participate. But this is their business, rest assured, this is their business, it's their life. I referenced the business of God and Christ, of saving hearts, souls and minds, making sure we have an eternal belonging within heaven, within eternity. But I got to witness these businesses and at the end I told everybody. I said it's one of the most miraculous things you'll ever experience. I said you get to see different forms of life, you get to experience them, you get to live them, but they're not yours. And some individuals that's as far as they make it. They only make it to being part of one of that worker ants, or I'm helping on here, or I don't want to have my own or anything along these lines, and that's as far as it goes. And I said restitution in a sense of being paid back for the salvation of the blood of Christ.

Speaker 1:

How could you, or would you in any way, shape or form, not want to have your own life? Is it relevant to find out how somebody else was capable or able? Probably not. I mean, it might give you some insight. Observation is one of the old learning methods that we have, but it's not going to help you advance in an eternal mindset. So you need to be capable of grabbing the reins, you need to be capable of receiving forgiveness and having your own life.

Speaker 1:

Learning how somebody else has got life, what they've been capable of achieving or who they have in their life usually only makes things worse. And why do I say that? Because you still are standing on the ground. You haven't gotten anywhere. If everything that you want and need needs to come from somebody else, or now it's created inequity. Well, I've decided I need what this person's got. I need their substance. I need their spouses. I need what they have has got. I need their substance, I need their spouses, I need what they have.

Speaker 1:

Then it goes wrong. Yesterday I had to laugh. I walked down the road and somebody goes. Maybe it's because the ones that you want in your life they're not yours and they never have been. I thought to myself you've got to be kidding me. Why? Because all along, every time that I decided to wed, you were involved. Every time that I decided to have, you were involved. Every time that I decided to have children, you were involved. Anytime I decided to make any decisions, as is very, very apparent here today. God help me. I need a whip cracked on the back. Whap, just try to help a little bit, try to see if you can bleed out. You were involved and I'm not talking about Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, and I'm quick to passively let go of my own personal testament within this episode.

Speaker 1:

But each and every day, our milestones of achievement are not the inequity, suffering and bondage of one another. No, I don't want to listen to you. No, I don't want you to be part of my life. The fact arises, each and every day has become more and more apparent, that there's nowhere to go. What does this mean? They have to want you to be in their lives. They have to want you to be in their lives. This is acceptance. By the way, it's one of the lessons that they got, these life lessons. I guess they're relevant. I'm not really sure you almost die, but then to come to find out there's only life and death. Wow, it's very, very relevant, excellent. Can't waste time anymore or money. We must go immediately.

Speaker 1:

So I don't think that if you are invested in toilage and suffering and not finding the happy, the safe haven that God has provided with you, then you're not going to get what you wanted or what you need, and I find it to be ignorant. But ignorance is blessed because you're still forgiven now and forever. But we don't need to rely on one another in a sense of inequity. We should rely on one another in a sense of love, of giving, of trust and compassion. The other mindset that doesn't work. So nobody's allowed to make any decisions on anybody that would come at the cost and expense of something that would be deprived from them. God gives you an abundance of everything, and if that is true, you're capable of saying no. Having love for God might mean that you have to say no for the ones that you should have love for. It could be your own bloodline. No, I don't. What's wrong with you? My answer was no. I said you don't have to bother me anymore. I said no If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness.

Speaker 1:

1 Timothy 6, 3. My goodness, that's extreme though, isn't it? If anyone teaches a different doctrine we've heard about it, but the relevance is within the actual walks of the Testament, the external works they're bringing you closer and closer to your cross You're bearing it and you're moving within it and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ, or it's a shared. It's a shared Lord, isn't it? But the enactment of the substance, the Trinity, moves within you individually and the teaching that accords with godliness. Cleansliness is godliness, keeping your heart, soul and mind clean, and that's not saying that you can't go into a different derogatory, but if you do it, if you did and if you shall, it's nothing to do with anybody else other than you and your creator, your savior, your redeemer. It doesn't need to be something about somebody else.

Speaker 1:

A lot of us, we have this predisposed disposition in our mind that every decision that we make, if it's right or if it's wrong, there's always going to be somebody there. There's going to be an elder, there's going to be a cardinal, there's going to be an adult, there's going to be a parent, there's going to be a teacher, there's going to be somebody that's going to be capable of condemning you and truly. If I believe in God, in Christ, by the way, and I believe in them, I do. I'm trying to get them ideas in the morning. Where you're at, I think different. Then I'm not going to be derived by somebody else's mindset. I'm moving away from you, I'm advancing away from you. I tried that too. I've moved plumb to the other side of the world and here they came sloth and wrath and jealousy and envy and greed and, oh my lord, terrible. God help me. So you don't involve them where they don't belong.

Speaker 1:

And the teaching that accords with godliness. Remember the reference was cleanliness. Cleanliness is godliness. And do you know why? Because you keep your intellectual, spiritual, your whole person freed from the inequity. It's okay, your inequity lies within right, but you don't have to shine light within the subject. You don't have to drive it, you don't have to be upheaved, you don't have to be laying down on the ground, suffering bitter and bitten for one another To tell you the outright truth. All you would have had to do was ask me. I would have did everything that I could so that you could have your own. You see, there's certain entities in this world to where we're not allowed to have our own. Well, my salvation, my purest form of testament within my devoted path is mine. You can't live my life, nor can you change my outcome, but you can sure make things worse for me. While I'm on earth I honor a living God not and dying in passion in every way, shape and form. But we forget that we need to make decisions on one another.

Speaker 1:

It gets very, very sad and sound speech that cannot be condemned so that an opponent may be put to shame having nothing evil to say about us. Titus 2.8. My goodness, sound speech. You've heard me. Sometimes I got that loose tongue. I wake up in the morning and it's being cut right out of the mouth. I'm grabbing it, throwing it down on the road. See if somebody can run it over. It's terrible. They're asking what color, and I have no clue.

Speaker 1:

Sound speech that cannot be condemned, completely irrelevant. How, how Might you ask? Sound speech that cannot be condemned? Because speech that can be condemned shall not be condemned from Christ, nor should it be condemned from your creator. When's the last time God told you no and Christ gave you a yes. You are forgiven. You are redeemed now and forever, so that an opponent may be put to shame.

Speaker 1:

You don't have enemies on this earth. They're not your enemies, for if they're an enemy of you, they're an enemy of God, and it's not your battle to fight. You can't change the outcome of their life. You're not the one that gets to decide whether they're going to heaven or whether they're going to hell. So don't invest in matters that don't belong to you. For goodness sakes, do you have the deed to it? I want to see ownership. Yes, of course, having nothing evil to say about us Sounds possessive, though, doesn't it? Who is us Having nothing evil to say? We have to be very, very careful.

Speaker 1:

What I found and what I've learned to accept. And I'm usually a very, very calm person. Occasionally I get a little bit bent out of shape, if I'm being raped and tortured, things like this, and I know it sounds irrelevant, but occasionally I'll flesh it out, I'll let it out of me. What I found is if you let go of it, even in a constructive manner, to where it doesn't come at the cost and expense of anybody, then you feel a whole lot better about it because you got to get it out of you, you got to flesh it out. But if you hold it in, if you sweep it under the rug, if you continue to bite the tongue and you walk away and you never find to be at ease of it and you don't gain that level of acceptance, then it eats you alive.

Speaker 1:

You see, your inequity might live and lie within you, right, because that's where it exists, but you need to be capable of embracing it with love. So I tell everybody, I find light within the darkness. There's some venues of life and there's some different aspects and directives that I might experience in my life that you might not find to be relevant, but it's the life that I lead and, rest assured, I find forgiveness, expectation of eternity, yes, the promise, the inheritance, in every way, shape and form, and I'm thankful for it. But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine. Titus 2.1.

Speaker 1:

And each and every one of us should teach. But when it comes to teaching, are we capable, are we mature enough, are we able to be capable of delivering what he did for us? At our very, very best, we might be acceptable to what he's offering us. We might be capable of receiving the blessings, the 632 laws in the Old Testament or the 10 commandments that we're currently inviting on in. That might not be the derogatory that confines us, that submissively puts us with bondage and shackles and chains, as we lie on the floor screaming out for help. Raise me, save me, redeem me, yes, proclaim me. You raised me up, come, come into my heart, soul, mind. But we have to teach who. We lead our own selves. We got our own lives. We have a lamp in front of us and we're in the dark and we're walking and we're stumbling as children, righteous, so very so, and we're stumbling, we're falling, we're being upheaved. You see, discovery invites blessings. Because I'm capable of discovering life, I know where God and Christ exist within this certain topic.

Speaker 1:

A lot of us, we talk about our accomplishments in this world, especially as we advance in age. Well, this is what I was very thankful of accomplishing. This is what God has did for me. This is the life that I'm leading. But I want you to think about this when your discovery, your failures, twists, setbacks and turns, when they lead to you finding God, how often do you talk to somebody in your references?

Speaker 1:

I found God within this assertion and we should proclaim it, we should testify it so that we can learn from one another. You know, I got kicked right in the mouth by a horse as I was trying to shoe it the other day and I found God. There was a lesson, my tongue, it got bitter and what was coming out of it? Nobody wanted to hear. Very, very relevant. Things like that happen. They call it acts of God or miracles, and I believe in it.

Speaker 1:

But our purest form of testament of teaching is we teach ourselves, because why Ignorance is bliss? He's the teacher, he's the shepherd, he's the architect. Yes, he's the one that's building. He's building us each and every day and he can smile down on us when we continue to fail. We don't have to make it worse on somebody else. I'll give you an example.

Speaker 1:

Somebody comes up to me and they're offering me God, eternity and everything on earth to take it to a completely different venue. But at that exact moment, the light turns on and there's just a little bit of sunshine that seeps on through, here comes some white right, and it's white and it's bright, and here it comes, and all of a sudden, the consciousness, it's capable of being receptive to this. And I realized that if I accept this gift or this offer, that there might be somebody else that's suffering in this world, and immediately I'm saying no, you know what? I'm going to have to decline. I don't want to see anybody else suffering and somebody would say well, thank you for allowing me to experience something that wasn't mine. Your inequity is wanting something that isn't yours. It's only the beginning.

Speaker 1:

When you start that path, when you start that trail, they have a lesson. By the way, teach it back to the way that I was taught. It's not yours and it goes into their sense of it's outright yours, you own it, and it can be very expensive. I mean, lord forgive me, every breath that gets lost is not replaceable. So we need to learn what's valuable to us or what's valuable to others, because if our only assertion of offering to others, or taking instead of giving, is a deficit to them, then we've lost hope, we've lost humanity, and it isn't something good.

Speaker 1:

So teach what accords with sound doctrine. Sound doctrine is relevant to you and the persona that you walk within it, the discipline and degree of the eternal works as it gets fleshed out, and what you're capable and able of. I can promise you with wholehearted certainty what some of us are capable of and what others of us are capable of is two different stories. But the comparison notion of apples and oranges, bananas and pears is not relevant. We don't need to look outside of the lines. Read between the lines.

Speaker 1:

It's biblical presentation. That's black and white. You can't take it for nothing other than what it is. The Holy Spirit will continue to guide you and to lead you and to give you the right interpretation. Don't question his existence now or forever. Very good, the eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.

Speaker 1:

Proverbs 15.3,. Keeping watch on the evil and the good. You notice that the eyes of the Lord are in every place. So and I reference taking him with me I'm going on a vacation. What is the first thing you're packing? I need to make sure that I've got God in Christ and the Holy Spirit with me in every way, shape or form. I'm looking at my inventory, my battalion. I'm looking at what I actually possess so that I know that I'm going to be equipped, sustained, capable and able, and I'm not going to be falling flat and laying down on my face. Keep in watch on the evil and the good. Why keep in watch on the evil, though? Aren't we forgiven? Aren't we quick to passively say goodbye to it? Remember it's life. There's only life and death.

Speaker 1:

Any of the filler in the meantime or the sense of the body, if it's not a directive that leads to eternity, it can be misleading, and I don't want to lead anybody else astray, because evil can be the aspects that lead you to God. You see, we need to be reminded that we need to fail, we need to fall, we need to be continuing to advance within this world. You might not believe me, but I find righteousness within evil, and each and every one of us should. I'm the righteous child. I get to continue to learn. I'm forgiven as long as it doesn't come at the cost and expense of anybody, especially your brothers and sisters of God's creation here on earth. But the biggest mindset and milestone is what, that it doesn't come at the cost and price of your own salvation For your eternity, for the blood that was shed for you came at a very high price. Yes, of course, moving on, we must advance.

Speaker 1:

A fool despises his father's instruction, but whoever heeds reproof is prudent. Proverbs 15.5. Think about what I'm saying here. A fool despises his father's instruction. It really doesn't matter what any creature, what they have to say to you, but it goes back onto your creator, your father's instruction. But whoever heeds reproof is prudent. Oh my Lord, we have pride. Some of it gets on into it. We were just. I got it. I know they don't have it.

Speaker 1:

Look, I try to humble myself like a child. I try to let it be to where. If you need anything, ask, and you shall receive. When you're in this world, when your directive is being in this world, what do you have to offer others? What you should have to offer them? Confessions, right Forgiveness, acceptance, and if you can't, this is like Bambi, the Disney movie if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Now, how come, though? Isn't my opinion important? It is. It is to your father, it is to your creator. Utilize the power of prayer. Utilize those channels. Don't become morally, spiritually weak within the wholesome value of trying to seek him within eternity. Rest assured that he hears your prayers, that your wants and needs. You can be delivered. I'm counting at about like seven plus years of celibacy here for my own personal life, and it wasn't an oath that I sworn into either. I'm actually seeking marriage, pro-life children. Yes, of course I would love to create, but he knows and he hears my prayers and some days it can be very discouraging.

Speaker 1:

I do a lot of teaching, I do a lot of referencing with the Jesuits and different universities and biblical presentation within groups and I tell them your whole person is so important to have complete that you need to be intellectually, spiritually, physically, intimately, socially, economically, substance-wise in every way, shape or form, heart, soul, mind, thought, word and deed. You need to have wholeness, you need to have fulfillment, because if there's one sector that's off, even just a little bit, then it derails everything else and it just sends you off course and you'll never seek God or you'll never have fulfillment. So we like to be present within that mindset and know that we need fulfillment. Well, our creator, our savior, yes, our father, the guiding light that we receive the purest form of testament. He knows that we need that fulfillment too. Don't let creature be the derogatory as why life does not experience satisfaction, because we need, we need and we need to be capable of living within him.

Speaker 1:

The ear that listens to life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise Proverbs 15 31. Some days you don't really have to say anything. The ear that listens to life-giving reproof. Notice it's not about condemnation Life-giving what you're offering, what you're giving to others. Is it about life, is it about sustainment? Is it creating the wholesome person? Do you see love, life and guidance and the whole person within that other person? Or is it only a shallow assertion and you actually don't have anything to offer them? Well, I'm not quite sure. And thank you for joining me. Lord, help me.

Speaker 1:

Our wholesome person is dedication and devotion to who he is within us. It is the white flag, it is I surrender, I'm putting it back within his hands, I don't want to suffer, I'm not going to suffer. And mistakes and excuses, they don't need to happen because they're not of God. Remind yourself that worries, troubles and concerns don't belong to him, but any sense of fulfillment, right. And I referenced that wholesome person and I gave you that and a whole entity comes from him. So seek the wholesomeness that you can be possessive of each and every day. Look for ways that you can help have God and Christ within others' lives by giving, by tending, by helping, and look how you are capable of receiving them in a sense of receptiveness.

Speaker 1:

Let me wrap this up in prayer Our graciously heavenly Father in Christ, our Savior, redeemer, with strength, guidance, knowledge, wisdom, passion, integrity, devotion. Let our whole hearts, our bodies, our souls, our spirits seek the delightfulness of your blessings. Let us not be condemned when troubles and worries have accompanied us or surrounded us. Rather, let our entities, our possessions, yes, the disciplines of degrees of life that we've chosen as we continue to walk within this earth, not be scorned but be blessed, be forgiven and be praised Each and every day. Remind us of the now and forever. Create an inventory, if you would Allow us to keep saving our lives, our loves, and invest in our treasures in heaven and eternity, so that we can continue to advance in what we find to be relevant, the wholesome nature of our heart, souls, and remind us that if we shall have unconditional love that is blameless, that there is no fault to where consent is valuable that we will see true fulfillment in one another and love and patience and grace. Continue to guide us with strength, with knowledge, and wash us and cleanse us of our sins and our inequities, and continue to keep us safe in your eternal image. In the name of the Father, son, holy Spirit and Christ, our Savior's name, we pray Amen. Thank you for listening, thank you for your donations, thank you for your contributions.

Speaker 1:

Sounds like there's going to be a state down south and it's really going to be rocking on and that sounds crazy. Yesterday I came up with a good concept for church. I'm trying to raise money for fundraising to build our own church. We could have EMTs, we could do firefighters, we could do like a street dance charbroil chicken I was thinking somewhere down south advertise a little bit TV radio, I don't know maybe social media and I thought it's so nice outside car washes. So do like the $20, $20-some car washes, maybe for the big vehicles a little bit more, and you have good-looking individuals out there in bikinis Lord forgive me, I'm not trying to be mean or rude washing vehicles and it works. It's a fundraiser. We're building a church, different concepts and different ideas, to continue to contribute so that we can get a very well church and we can get our own location. We can have our own county, our own balance, our own budget, and I've already been approved.

Speaker 1:

So let's pray for a growth within Life or Death Ministries within the body, within the congregation, hoping and praying and knowing that we are being delivered for our wants and our needs. And that is only the beginning, that each and every one of us also have our own personal testaments of devotion that can continue to advance within this world. I'm kind of disappointed. I'm searching for correspondence. I want to see some fan mail, I want to hear some questions. I want to hear you, individuals, what your thoughts are, your testimonies, how it's moving you, how it's touching you and how it's delivering you. I would like to, each and every day, continue to bless you so that you can be blessed and so that you can receive the gift that I'm receiving. Think of creative ways that continue.

Speaker 1:

By the way, I've got some aspects online. I've got flyers online. Be sure to follow the Bus Pro social media Facebook, instagram, twitter. But on Facebook I've got some flyers. If you want to go online for Death Ministries on the Facebook page you'll see it, and I've got the flyer, you can print them out, you can share it with your friends.

Speaker 1:

Feel free to follow and to check it out so that we can get where we're trying to get and we can advance faster, with love, with patience, with grace, as, of course, let your wholesome body be embraced with the compassion of love in the body of Christ and the blood of Christ, or the body and the blood, if you would, so that each and every day you can be fixed, you can receive the communion and you can find wholeness and purpose within life. Thank you for listening and thank you for being a valued part of Life for Death Ministries. I'm very excited to keep you updated, to keep you part of the ministry of the church, the body, and your input and your likes and your interest, wants and needs are very, very relevant. Don't be afraid to reach out to me so that you can continue to bless others just as you are being blessed. Have a very, very good day. Remember wholesome, find love within the inequity. God bless you. Thank you for listening.

The Power of a Gentle Tongue
Embracing Acceptance and Sound Speech
Living a Fulfilling and Wholesome Life
Embracing Wholesome Love and Purpose