The House That Shadows Built

Part Three: Wall of Tapes

April 17, 2024 Joe Copplestone, Alix Lhoumeau

I crisscrossed the first room with torchlight revealing that the wall was floor to ceiling with stacked VHS tapes. I searched the wall for a light switch and to my surprise the light came on. I turned off the torch and then gathering my courage approached the wall of tapes…

As I got closer I saw that every video was labelled with the date and a title in careful almost runic biro script. I slid a tape out of the first stack on my right. It read “19.10.89 - Heart attacks”.  I put the video down and slid out the next video from the stack: “2.3.01 - Floods”. I put that video down as well, went back into the corridor and pushed open the door to the next room. It was bigger than the video room but equally full with stacks of  tapes...
