Our Dead Dads

006.1 - Website is LIVE!! A Walkthrough of OurDeadDads.com

July 05, 2024 Nick Gaylord
006.1 - Website is LIVE!! A Walkthrough of OurDeadDads.com
Our Dead Dads
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Our Dead Dads
006.1 - Website is LIVE!! A Walkthrough of OurDeadDads.com
Jul 05, 2024
Nick Gaylord

Ever wondered how to navigate a brand new website packed with cool features? Join me, Nick Gaylord, as we explore the official launch of OurDeadDads.com, the new digital home for Our Dead Dads podcast. We’ll walk through every nook and cranny of the site, from the homepage’s embedded episode player to the sleek navigation designed by the talented Anisur Rahman (who also goes by A.R.) of Dotted Avenue Creative Studio. Discover how you can effortlessly listen to your favorite episodes, connect with us on social media, and even join our exclusive mailing list without worrying about spam. 

But that’s not all—we're diving into some special sections that you won't want to miss. Learn more about me and the seven friends you’ve come to know from our first few episodes by checking out the About pages. Curious about where else I’ve been featured? The "As Featured On" tab has got you covered. Whether you're on a laptop or tablet, this episode will equip you with everything you need to know to make the most out of our new website as we continue to normalize conversations about grief, trauma, and moving forward together. Ready to embark on this digital journey with me? Let’s get started!



BOOKMARK OUR WEBSITE: www.ourdeaddads.com


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ourdeaddadspod/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourdeaddadspod
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ourdeaddadspod
Twitter / X: https://x.com/ourdeaddadspod
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmmv6sdmMIys3GDBjiui3kw
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ourdeaddadspod/

Show Notes Transcript

Ever wondered how to navigate a brand new website packed with cool features? Join me, Nick Gaylord, as we explore the official launch of OurDeadDads.com, the new digital home for Our Dead Dads podcast. We’ll walk through every nook and cranny of the site, from the homepage’s embedded episode player to the sleek navigation designed by the talented Anisur Rahman (who also goes by A.R.) of Dotted Avenue Creative Studio. Discover how you can effortlessly listen to your favorite episodes, connect with us on social media, and even join our exclusive mailing list without worrying about spam. 

But that’s not all—we're diving into some special sections that you won't want to miss. Learn more about me and the seven friends you’ve come to know from our first few episodes by checking out the About pages. Curious about where else I’ve been featured? The "As Featured On" tab has got you covered. Whether you're on a laptop or tablet, this episode will equip you with everything you need to know to make the most out of our new website as we continue to normalize conversations about grief, trauma, and moving forward together. Ready to embark on this digital journey with me? Let’s get started!



BOOKMARK OUR WEBSITE: www.ourdeaddads.com


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ourdeaddadspod/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourdeaddadspod
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ourdeaddadspod
Twitter / X: https://x.com/ourdeaddadspod
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmmv6sdmMIys3GDBjiui3kw
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ourdeaddadspod/

Speaker 0:

Welcome to Our Dead Dads, the podcast, where we normalize talking about grief, trauma, loss and moving forward. I'm your host, my name is Nick Gaylord, and today it's time to share a huge announcement and the big news is that the website for Our Dead Dads podcast is finally live. It is official. The website is ourdeaddadscom, and there are some really cool features that I'm going to tell you about. I'll say up front that it would probably be best if you're in front of your laptop or tablet when listening to this, as I describe everything, but if you want to hear all the details now and check out the website later, that works too. Before we dive into the website, I'd like to take a moment to thank Anisar Rahman for all of the work that he put into building this website.

Speaker 0:

Anisar, who also goes by AR, is the owner of Dotted Avenue Creative Studio and is a master website designer. He works entirely with Squarespace websites, and Squarespace is where OurDeadDadscom is hosted. Squarespace is not paying me to say this, at least not yet, but who knows, maybe we can get them to change that one day. If you're thinking about building a website for your business, your podcast or just for fun, you need to check out Squarespace. It's very affordable. They have a ton of different templates and features that make building your website easy. But if you're like me and know next to nothing about web design, if you're not great at coming up with your own design, or if you're just feeling overwhelmed at the thought of building a website, then that's when you need to reach out to AR at Dotted Avenue. He will help you build a very professional looking website as many pages as you need, search engine optimization, all the bells and whistles. And if you want an e-commerce platform like this website we'll soon have, squarespace is also the perfect way to go for that, allowing you to sell your products and services with ease. You can contact AR directly through the podcast website and I'll tell you how to do that momentarily.

Speaker 0:

First, when you go to the website, on the homepage you will see the soon-to-be-famous picture of me with my three brothers to the left and three friends to the right. In the upper left-hand corner you'll see the Our Dead Dads logo, which will appear on every page and will always be your quickest way back to the homepage. If you scroll down on the homepage, you'll see the episode player embedded, which will always show you the 10 most recently released episodes. If you don't feel like going to your podcast listening platform of choice, you can listen to any of the episodes that are shown directly from the website. Scroll a little further down and you'll see the larger artwork images of the three most recent episodes, and if you click on any of those, it'll take you directly to the page for that episode. Episodes, and if you click on any of those, it'll take you directly to the page for that episode. Right below that, you can click the View All button, which takes you to the main page for all of the episodes. Each episode will have its own page, and more on that in a second. Then you have a box that says Join Our Inner Circle. If you'd like to sign up for the Our Dead Dads mailing list, you can do that right here, and do not worry, I will never sell or distribute anyone's email addresses or other information. I hate when I get spammed and I'm not about to let that happen to you.

Speaker 0:

At the very bottom of this page and every page, is another banner which has links to Our Dead Dads pages on Spotify, apple Podcasts, facebook, instagram, youtube, tiktok and the link to the Buzzsprout page, which is the website that hosts every episode of Our Dead Dads. If you go back to the top and click episodes, it takes you to the page with every episode. Click any episode and you'll see the artwork, the description and a link to listen right there. After that we have two about pages one which has a short bio about me, and the other page titled the Goodfellas. It's all about the seven guys you've come to know so well by listening to the first three episodes. Next is the, as featured on tab. This is where you can go to hear every podcast that I've interviewed with. I'll be interviewing with a lot more podcasts, so check back frequently for updates and new interviews.

Speaker 0:

Recommendations is next. Now it starts to get fun. If you hover over recommendations, you'll get a drop down list with three options books, podcasts and our friends. At lunchtime you'll see that there are three books currently featured. Two of the books the Magic of Surrender and you Are the One are written by Coot Blackson, who is my guest on episode number five. If you haven't yet listened to his interview, put it high on your things to do list. The other book is titled what to Say when you Don't Know what to Say Loving a Friend Through Grief. The author is Mark Lucero and he will be an upcoming guest on the show. His interview has already been recorded and will be dropping soon, and this book is another must-read. He's been a grief counselor for more than 20 years and he tells an incredible story about writing his book, how it almost didn't get finished and how it was something he knew he needed to see through to the end. During the interview, he also gets personal about his own story. Every book that is featured on OurDeadDadscom, like these three, will have a view book button, which takes you right to the page where books can be purchased. In the case of these three books, they're all available on Amazon and you can buy them anywhere you want, but I like to make things a little easier for the listeners.

Speaker 0:

Second is Podcasts. This page will feature other podcasts which are favorites of the show. Some of the shows that I've interviewed with and others are just there because they're shows that I think you'll love and maybe one day, hopefully, I'll interview with. Third, we have the tab called Our Friends. These are individuals who have been detrimental to the creation and success of Our Dead Dads. The four currently listed are Kim Gaylord Travel, which is the travel agency run by my wife, kim, featured on episode number four, dotted Avenue Creative Studio, who you were just introduced to a few minutes ago. Thelma Crisanti, who is the music producer who created the music for this podcast, and Kathy Quinn Kyle, the artist who gave me and all of you the logo with the two ghosts that are now synonymous with your new favorite podcasts. The picture shown on this page is just a small sample of some of the artwork that she has created over the years.

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The last drop-down section at the top of the page is Contact Us, and there are four different options here. First is Be a Guest, which contains a questionnaire that you can fill out and submit if you would like to be considered as a future guest on the podcast. Next is media inquiries. If you have a podcast and would like to have me on your show, or if you'd like to discuss me appearing on a radio or TV show, this is where you would go to send me your information. Third is a section called random questions.

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On every episode of Our Dead Dads, the interviews always end when I try to lighten up the mood after a serious and emotional discussion by asking my guests a series of questions at random. I have a lengthy list of questions which get shuffled before every interview and presented to the guest. If you've listened to an interview and thought of questions that you'd like me to ask a guest, this is your chance. Fill out the random questions form, send it in and you just might hear your questions on a future episode. The last section is called the hot seat and I'm really excited about this one. Starting in July 2024, I'll be dropping a monthly bonus episode where I will have a co-host and I'm the one being interviewed. On those bonus episodes. All of the questions asked were submitted by you, the listeners. This is your chance to play a part in interviewing me, whether it's something about the podcast, something about my relationship with my dad or just a random question for me. Ask away, fill out that form and send it in.

Speaker 0:

There are two more features to tell you about which, at the time of launch, are not visible, but will be very soon. The first one is the blog section, which will feature a blog entry about every episode, and I'll occasionally blog about other things related to the podcast. That will be up within a few days. So if you're listening to this and don't see the blog up just yet, please check back soon. The other section, as mentioned earlier, is the store, which will take a little longer to finalize, but once it's up we'll have a wide assortment of merch for sale with the podcast logo t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, mugs and so much more. So please keep an eye out for that. That's everything you need to know about OurDeadDadscom. Bookmark the page on your browser of choice and check back frequently for new episodes of this podcast or other podcasts that I either have interviewed with or will be interviewing with in the future. Thank you again to Dotted Avenue Creative Studio for all of the incredible work on this website.

Speaker 0:

If you have a Squarespace website that needs an upgrade, if you're looking to build your first Squarespace website and don't have the website building knowledge or the time to do the website yourself, reach out to AR at Dotted Avenue. You can find his contact information on the website under recommendations. And then our friends If you build your website with Dotted Avenue, mention mention our dead dads for a 10% discount on web design packages. And again, even though Squarespace is not currently a sponsor of the show at the time the website is being launched, I can tell you that you really should consider them if you want to build a website. It's incredibly user-friendly.

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Ever since the website has gone live, ar has showed me everything that I need to know to maintain the website. It could not be easier. The customer service response time is very fast, professional and thorough, and the prices are very affordable. You can sign up for monthly subscriptions or you can get a deeper discount by signing up for an annual subscription to Squarespace. If you need a domain, you can also purchase your domain through Squarespace. Thank you for listening and I hope you love the website as much as I do. Please spread the word about Our Dead Dads podcast by telling your friends and family about it, share episodes or the website on your social media pages. The easiest way for the show to get more exposure is through the help of all of my dedicated listeners, and I thank you so much for being a part of this community and for spending part of your day right here. Stay tuned for the next episode and all future episodes. This is Our Dead Dads, where we are changing the world one damaged soul at a time. See you next time.