Digesting the problem: Enzymes chew through plastic pollution
The biosolutions bulletin
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The biosolutions bulletin
Digesting the problem: Enzymes chew through plastic pollution
Apr 18, 2024 Season 2 Episode 3

Picture this: a world where we could capture all the nasty gases emitted when burning fossil fuels like coal and oil, then turn them right back into fuel. 

Burn, capture, use, and repeat – an endless loop of fossil fuel reuse. That would've been a game-changer, right? We would not be facing immediate threats of global warming and climate change as we do now. 

But let's face it, we all know that burning fossil fuels is a one-way street – once they're gone, they're gone.

We have a similar problem with something we use every day: plastics. 

But there might be a solution...

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