The Podcast Jumpstart

The Power of Podcasting and WHY You Need One

February 22, 2024 Kara Gott Warner
The Power of Podcasting and WHY You Need One
The Podcast Jumpstart
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The Podcast Jumpstart
The Power of Podcasting and WHY You Need One
Feb 22, 2024
Kara Gott Warner

I know you want to get to the REAL point of podcasting, you don’t want fluff, and you want to get right to the nuts and bolts, roll up your sleeves and make sparks fly with your words.  First, we need to start at the beginning, the WHY, WHAT, WHEN so we can put it all together.

I'll start with an into about my 10-year journey, so you can know I'm the one to learn from. I'll also explain exactly what to expect in The Podcast Jumpstart, so you can feel confident that you're in the right place.

Episode highlights:

  • How to get started with the simplest, and scrappiest of tools
  • Why it all comes down to consistency and commitment
  • Why community and collaboration is the nucleus of your podcast
  • Why you need to play the long game with your podcast if you want to succeed
  • Don't shoot for the perfect "TED Talk" episode, just keep showing up!
  • Stumbling over your words is how you grow and get better overtime 

Podcasting is on fire, and it’s only getting HOTTER. Back when I started my first podcast, I knew that podcasting was a powerful tool, and I could see the growth possibilities, even though it was still a new technology.

A podcast is the BEST way to amplify your message and create a body of work that becomes a valuable asset in your business that keeps growing and growing.

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The Podcast Jumpstart
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Show Notes Transcript

I know you want to get to the REAL point of podcasting, you don’t want fluff, and you want to get right to the nuts and bolts, roll up your sleeves and make sparks fly with your words.  First, we need to start at the beginning, the WHY, WHAT, WHEN so we can put it all together.

I'll start with an into about my 10-year journey, so you can know I'm the one to learn from. I'll also explain exactly what to expect in The Podcast Jumpstart, so you can feel confident that you're in the right place.

Episode highlights:

  • How to get started with the simplest, and scrappiest of tools
  • Why it all comes down to consistency and commitment
  • Why community and collaboration is the nucleus of your podcast
  • Why you need to play the long game with your podcast if you want to succeed
  • Don't shoot for the perfect "TED Talk" episode, just keep showing up!
  • Stumbling over your words is how you grow and get better overtime 

Podcasting is on fire, and it’s only getting HOTTER. Back when I started my first podcast, I knew that podcasting was a powerful tool, and I could see the growth possibilities, even though it was still a new technology.

A podcast is the BEST way to amplify your message and create a body of work that becomes a valuable asset in your business that keeps growing and growing.

Support the Show.


Visit and book a consult call to learn more about my full-service podcast production services and let me help you keep the magic going!

So let's talk about the “what” that you're going to learn in this podcast and why I am the person to learn from, because I know you want to get to the point of podcasting. You don't want the fluff and you want someone who's been there and done that so you can get right to the real nuts and bolts. Am I right? 

 And be sure to listen to the end because I'm going to give you an action step that you can get started on before we meet for the next episode. So first we need to start at the beginning, so I'm going to share a little bit about me and my 10-year journey, and also the what and the when and how, so you'll know exactly what to expect in this podcast, so that you can feel confident that I am the guide you want to keep learning from. Okay, it all started back in 2014. So I guess you could say I am a podcasting OG. 

 I started my podcast by recording audio notes to self. It was a really quirky, scrappy experience. I was just in love with this amazing medium, and I saw it as an art form, as I still do to this day, and like this idea that I could speak into something like a microphone and share my message via audio with others blew my mind. 

 So at the time when I started in 2014, I was just out there solo podcasting, I was having fun on my phone, and I was just doing this bare bones podcast. But I was consistent, I loved it, I was committed, and I didn't miss a day, not a single day recording, and I didn't really think about it, like I didn't say I will never miss a day, I just really, I just decided like I just like this is what we're doing, I love this. Then, about a month into my journey, something really pivotal happened and I really, I really need you to hear this because it changed the trajectory of my life actually and how I podcast, but really my life and my business. 

 So I got an email from bestselling author Hal Elrod and he's the author of a book called the Miracle Morning, and he reached out and he asked me if I accepted guests and you know I didn't at all, like I was just doing this podcast on my phone, like I had no intro music, only intro music, which I still fondly think about. What I considered my intro and outro music were the chirping birds. It was so beautiful because sometimes I would start my episodes Just pausing for a little bit so you could hear the birds. Because I remember it well, I started my podcast in May and I would go out and it was glorious, it was beautiful, and I could hear those birds and I wanted you all to hear the birds too. 

 Back in those days it was really cool because the actual person who did the reaching out to be on a show was the person who reached out. So it was Hal Elrod himself that reached out to me and asked me if he could be on my show, and it really was a small world back then. But little did I know that this moment would be the catalyst to start my eventual business in podcasting.
 And I wanted to share this for a really important reason because this proves that you don't need anything fancy. You don't need to be over the top or follow what someone tells you about the perfect show notes. There are no perfect show notes. They're the show notes that you decide you want to have. There are no perfect images. You can't find the perfect stock photo. It's not going to make a difference for your episode, just saying Even the audiograms right, it's not about that.
 It really starts with your passion, your commitment, that energy that you're bringing to your podcast and the curiosity to try new things and to try to take chances and, like I said in my last episode, to be consistent, like your podcast depends on it, because actually it does, it really does. And here's the thing Even if you have episodes that don't always hit the mark, that's okay. They don't have to be like many TED Talks. So even if you stumble over your words sometimes or you get nervous because you landed that big guest, it doesn't matter. You keep going, you keep moving. Consistency and getting behind the mic matter because you know that that guest is a human just like you. I always like to bring myself back to this reality when I get nervous myself. And if they're a cool person and you're interviewing, I'm guessing, cool people they're going to understand. They're going to be like oh yeah, she's human and she messes up, but it's okay.
 So I want to tell you a little story about the first pancake, the first pancake. You know how that goes right; you already know the end of the story. But that first pancake, it never really looks the best. Sometimes it falls apart, but you know what? It still tastes freaking good. So don't worry about that first pancake, which is that first episode, or two or three, or four. That's what I'm going to teach you, don't worry about it. I'm going to teach you how to keep going, how to perfect your voice, how to find your voice, even, and so in this podcast it's going to be part coaching and mindset and also the practical tools and the strategy to build your podcast and see it grow the way you want to, not the way someone else says you should grow it the way you want to see it grow.
 So, after that first little podcast that I created in 2014 and the confidence of bringing on my first guest, I was ready to start geeking out on the tools and on putting together my second podcast, which was a top-notch, produced, all the bells and whistles, professional podcast. But you know what? That didn't come right away. Actually, that was a year later. A year later, but I was fine with that. I took my time. I really enjoyed the journey. I was focused on the process, just the process.
 I became passionate about the tech and how to edit and how to get creative on the back end, and I also began teaching at live events. So at the time, I was a magazine editor a knitting magazine editor, to be exact and I realized that I could use a podcast to reach my audience, the magazine audience, because there wasn't anything. Like you know, podcasts were new and there was, it was really hard to connect. So I did the podcast. I'd started doing live videos, so I knew that this was like my connection point with the readers. And also, I started teaching at in-person events about podcasting and how to use a podcast to leverage your business to help get the word out about your design work.
 Also, I started coaching. I had someone come up to me my very first foray into coaching. Someone came up to me after a live event at a trade event and said Well, you be my coach, and that's how that started. And it's amazing how this thing called a podcast opens so many doors for me and it can do that for you. And this is why I'm sharing this because you don't need the crystal ball, you don't need to know necessarily where you're going. Just take that first step. You know that Martin Luther King quote. I love it. You know it. Take that first step in faith and the rest of the steps are going to reveal themselves for you. But just take that first step, and so, after you know, doing these events podcasting and coaching then I started editing podcasts and producing podcasts for clients, and it was all from this little seat of excitement that started back in 2014, and it helped me to create a beautiful business that supports others on their creative podcasting path. And podcasting it's on fire it really is, and it's only getting hotter. So it's time for your podcast and, yes, there's a lot of people out there podcasting right now, but don't let that deter you, because the cream rises to the top, and when I say the cream, the cream of commitment, that's who you are.
 So, back when I started my first podcast, I knew that podcasting was a powerful tool and I could see the growth possibilities, even though it was still a really new technology. And I knew that by using this medium, I would have the power to amplify my message in a way that was never available before, and I had so much fun doing it. So we have this ability to get behind our microphones, speak our message and move mountains, and I'm going to show you how to put it all together in a scrappy way in this is like easy, bite sized way, so that you can do the darn thing and get your message out there as quickly as you want to, and you're also going to be able to create a top, the most top-notch professional podcast at the same time. And you're also going to hear from others you know from guest experts that I'm going to bring on to the show who have created success through the power of podcasting. So that means you'll get to be a fly on the wall of their brains when they come on and talk about how they did it, and also, they will maybe they'll teach you a few of their techniques, you know, in a process that you can use for your own success.
 So now I have a favor to ask you. I need your help to get the word out about this podcast so that others just like you can make those sparks. And that means that we need to rise the tide. I love that phrase. A rising tide lifts all boats, and that is 1000% true with the podcast. I believe it takes a village. I believe it takes a village to raise a podcast, and the only way that I can continue to create this podcast for you is if we can get the word out and I can get your help and to create that big wave to have that impact. So will you help me? And if the answer is yes, which I'm really hoping it is, here's what you need to do, okay?
 So there, I got four steps, four things for you. So the first is go to and, when you're there, sign up for my podcast street team so you can help spread the word. And then, after that, you'll be signed up to get more details about what to do to help. And then the next step is go to Apple podcasts to subscribe to the show. Number three leave a five-star rating and review for the podcast. And then number four well, actually, you don't have to really do anything for this fourth one, which is cool because if you do those three, you're going to be entered to win one of these awesome prizes. Are you ready? I'm going to do a drum roll. Can you hear the drum roll? Okay, okay, either, a complimentary one hour, one on one, coaching session with me where I help you put together a jumpstart strategy for your podcast.

You'll also have a chance to win one of three $50 Amazon gift cards. So how cool is that? So you'll get it. You'll have a chance to win one of those prizes. So, in order to qualify for a chance to win one of these gifts, you have to follow the steps I gave you, and it's about leaving a thoughtful and a heartfelt review. And please listen to these episodes that I've shared with you so far and just really leave that thoughtful review, that honest review, and then you'll be entered for a chance to win one of these prizes. Okay, so when you sign up at then be on the lookout for an email explaining exactly what to do so that you can get credit for sharing and reviewing, so that you can have as many chances to win as possible. 
So the more you share the podcast, the more chances you get for a chance to win, right? So think of it like a, like a silent auction or a tricky tray. Remember tricky trays? You guys know like you put, you have all those tickets and you put all your tickets in that one bag or that one bucket or whatever they have Like. So the more you share, the more chances that you'll tally to win. And listen. 
If you're listening, if you're tuning in after this podcast launches, still go over and see what's happening, because you can still join my perpetual pod team. I am always looking for people and I need you and also, I just want to end with this. Here's why leaving a review on Apple podcast matters. When you do, it's like you're casting your vote to keep this resource going, this free resource going. It's so valuable, you know, and it's like casting the vote not just for this podcast, but when you do this, for all of the podcasts out there that you listen to. This is such a valuable resource that I'm pouring my heart into, and many other podcasters are doing really pouring their heart into, and you're. It's like you're literally getting a university education, and this keeps the episodes going, because people like you are not just passively listening, you're actively doing your part to keep the podcast going. So I want to thank you for that. 

All right, you guys. So that is a wrap, and I will chat with you in the next episode.