The Podcast Jumpstart

#06: The first pancake

March 12, 2024 Kara Gott Warner
#06: The first pancake
The Podcast Jumpstart
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The Podcast Jumpstart
#06: The first pancake
Mar 12, 2024
Kara Gott Warner

You know what the first pancake is like... it's sloppy, it doesn't look like the right shape, but then after the pan warms up and you have the right rhythm, the pancakes all start coming out the way you want them too. Our podcasts are like this too. 

We don't need to wait until the stars align to start the projects close to our hearts.  Embrace the first few episodes as your "sloppy first pancake" and hold them with love and care. Then, you can look back and use them as a way to measure how far you've come.

In this episode, I hope you'll consider the value of the lessons learned through our less-than-perfect beginnings. Don't hold back your light because someone needs it. Get out of your own way and press record today. 

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Show Notes Transcript

You know what the first pancake is like... it's sloppy, it doesn't look like the right shape, but then after the pan warms up and you have the right rhythm, the pancakes all start coming out the way you want them too. Our podcasts are like this too. 

We don't need to wait until the stars align to start the projects close to our hearts.  Embrace the first few episodes as your "sloppy first pancake" and hold them with love and care. Then, you can look back and use them as a way to measure how far you've come.

In this episode, I hope you'll consider the value of the lessons learned through our less-than-perfect beginnings. Don't hold back your light because someone needs it. Get out of your own way and press record today. 

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Speaker 1:

Let's talk about the first pancake. You know that first pancake, right, it's kind of messy, it doesn't look that good, but what's so amazing about the pancakes that follow is that they come out perfectly. Music, look, what's up with that? And I think this is a great metaphor for our podcast, because I feel that we're not willing to have the first pancake, or two, when we start our podcasts, and so we delay, we delay, we wait a month, we wait two months, we wait longer because we're thinking well, I have to practice and I have to get better, and you know I need to be more polished, and you know that is great, that is really important to do, but not at the expense of allowing fear to take over, right? So it's about asking yourself the question okay, if I'm waiting, what's really going on? And being honest.

Speaker 1:

It's really hard to be honest with ourselves, even though no one but us know the truth. Right, we can tell, can't we tell ourselves the truth? But it's really hard to tell ourselves the truth sometimes, and I know I have a hard time with that myself. Sometimes we can't see it because we think, well, I'm a perfectionist and we already know that that used to be a badge of honor, but it is not because it just means that we're afraid. It just means that it's fear in a pretty package, or you know it looks like you know. Oh well, I want perfection, I want excellence. We might use some different phrasing, right, I'm only after, like, the top notch, you know products and content, but meanwhile you don't put it out, you don't do it, and you don't do it because you're afraid. So I want you to be willing to release those first pancake episodes and hold them as sweet little jewels in your back pocket for later on, when you can go back a year from now and listen to your first episodes to hear, you know how you've grown, because that, right, there is a gift Like the fact that you are willing to record these early episodes and not, you know, be like clunky and awkward. You're giving your you know your future self a really special gift, because then you'll be able to see, like, create your own little metrics, if you will, to see your own growth Like. These are the metrics that actually matter.

Speaker 1:

By the way, you guys, the downloads, all that stuff and that'll be another episode, but that doesn't matter the kidding it out there, making a difference with people and figuring out how to share that with those people too is more important than the downloads. But it's about risking. Vulnerability is what it is. You know, I know when I launched this podcast I'll be honest I was a little bit afraid to go all in on launching it, talking about it like crazy to new people. It's easy to talk with people that you know.

Speaker 1:

Again, I'm going down a rabbit hole because this will probably be another episode. But you know you, if you create that first pancake, just know that you're also going to help. You're going to help your future self to see how you can measure how you've grown, and also you're going to have an impact with someone who might again, I always say like you're going to land in someone's ears who needs to hear this, so that they're like yeah, this person, they're human, just like me. I needed to hear this because I feel like my life is one big first pancake over and over again, like on repeat, like the movie Groundhog Day. But the thing that's cool about that movie if you've ever seen it with Bill Murray, you should totally see it. It's like every day he kept making the same mistakes over and over again, but eventually he got it and he's like ah, okay, so if I do this, like I keep showing up, but I like I can see how, like it was easy for him to get better and do things differently because he kept doing it and in the movie he didn't have a choice, but at one point he realized that he had an opportunity. So your opportunity is to use what you're learning every time, living in the moment of okay, this isn't the best, but I'm going to get better. And every single time I get behind the microphone I'm getting better every single time. All right, that's it. That's all I got. I hope that was helpful. I'll see you next time.

Speaker 1:

Hey friend, will you help me get the word out about this podcast? I'd like to invite you to join my podcast routine. So think of it like this You're a founding member in helping this podcast get off the ground and to land in the ears of as many people as possible. So join the effort by going to karagottwarnercom forward slash podcast to join the pod team, and when you do, you'll also have a chance to win some really fun goodies too. And hey, by the way, if you're listening to this after the podcast has been out for a bit, then please join the perpetual pod team. I'm always looking for folks to help me rise the tide. And again, that's karagottwarnercom forward slash podcast. See you next time. Thanks again for listening.