This That And The Other

Trials, Tumblers, and a Brush with Danger: Wildlife Wonders in Our Cozy Home

February 26, 2024 SquirrelGuy Productions Season 1 Episode 1
Trials, Tumblers, and a Brush with Danger: Wildlife Wonders in Our Cozy Home
This That And The Other
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This That And The Other
Trials, Tumblers, and a Brush with Danger: Wildlife Wonders in Our Cozy Home
Feb 26, 2024 Season 1 Episode 1
SquirrelGuy Productions

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We set out on our podcasting voyage, and it hasn't been smooth sailing. Expect a raw recount of our early struggles, from battling defective mixers to the euphoria of nailing down the perfect podcast setup. Our tale doesn't stop there; we'll pull back the curtain on the nitty-gritty of running a consignment booth, from the art of curating the right mix to the unexpected hit of press-on nails and trendy tumblers. It's a journey through trial and error, with a side of heartfelt laughter and the kind of insights only real-life experience can teach.

Now, picture this: a serene night pierced by the hiss of danger. We share a spine-tingling encounter that turned our world upside down—one venomous snake bite and the ensuing race against time. The story unfolds with suspense as we detail the split-second decisions made to protect our loved ones and seek emergency care, all while navigating the complexities of a community rallying to our aid. It's a reminder of life's unpredictability and how adversity can strike with the speed of a striking snake.

Ending on a lighter, albeit unconventional note, our home seems to be a magnet for wildlife escapades. Imagine waking to the sight of an uninvited slithery guest or a Christmas visit from a winged intruder. These tales of our cozy, wildlife-attracting abode are filled with humor and a touch of disbelief. With candid retellings of our most memorable wildlife run-ins, we aim to leave you with a sense of wonder and a good chuckle, because sometimes, life's unscripted moments are the ones that stick with us the most. Join us for these stories and be prepared for an audio adventure that's as unpredictable as it is riveting.

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-also listen to Jody and his two buddies at Three Wheels No Direction Podcast every Monday and Thursday
-Thank you so much for listening

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We set out on our podcasting voyage, and it hasn't been smooth sailing. Expect a raw recount of our early struggles, from battling defective mixers to the euphoria of nailing down the perfect podcast setup. Our tale doesn't stop there; we'll pull back the curtain on the nitty-gritty of running a consignment booth, from the art of curating the right mix to the unexpected hit of press-on nails and trendy tumblers. It's a journey through trial and error, with a side of heartfelt laughter and the kind of insights only real-life experience can teach.

Now, picture this: a serene night pierced by the hiss of danger. We share a spine-tingling encounter that turned our world upside down—one venomous snake bite and the ensuing race against time. The story unfolds with suspense as we detail the split-second decisions made to protect our loved ones and seek emergency care, all while navigating the complexities of a community rallying to our aid. It's a reminder of life's unpredictability and how adversity can strike with the speed of a striking snake.

Ending on a lighter, albeit unconventional note, our home seems to be a magnet for wildlife escapades. Imagine waking to the sight of an uninvited slithery guest or a Christmas visit from a winged intruder. These tales of our cozy, wildlife-attracting abode are filled with humor and a touch of disbelief. With candid retellings of our most memorable wildlife run-ins, we aim to leave you with a sense of wonder and a good chuckle, because sometimes, life's unscripted moments are the ones that stick with us the most. Join us for these stories and be prepared for an audio adventure that's as unpredictable as it is riveting.

-tweet us at
-find us on Instagram @thisthatandtheother_pod
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-listen every Monday wherever you get your podcasts
-also listen to Jody and his two buddies at Three Wheels No Direction Podcast every Monday and Thursday
-Thank you so much for listening

Speaker 1:

So we got ourselves a podcast.

Speaker 2:

Oh Lord, a podcast.

Speaker 1:

A long time coming. What has?

Speaker 2:

he talked me into.

Speaker 1:

I've talked about it and talked about it.

Speaker 2:

Not my thing Whether tick-tock it all day long, do live videos. I just can't sit here and just talk.

Speaker 1:

Well, I finally pulled the trigger. Here we are.

Speaker 2:

You sure did.

Speaker 1:

But it's very frustrating. Hey, if you're listening which is probably going to be very few, but if you are, I'm sure you don't know how to get a podcast started. But wow, that's all I got to say. The first equipment I ordered.

Speaker 2:

Send it back.

Speaker 1:

Send it back. How to send it back. I was happy with it. It was a mixer you could add in things.

Speaker 1:

It looked really cool it looked cool, it had all kinds of dials, it wasn't expensive I mean, it wasn't a low wind either but it sounded great to begin with. Then when we recorded with it, when you recorded, you heard it all the time in your ears Her static, yeah, and then static, and then your mic kept going in and out and then sometimes you couldn't hear on your headphones. So it hurt me so bad to send it back, but I did.

Speaker 2:

I thought he was going to cry.

Speaker 1:

Well, I know, because I didn't have a backup I was pumped up it was finally going to happen and then I was let down so I sent it back. But as like that night, like as I decided to, when we were going to box this thing up the next day, that night I was like YouTube and videos and equipment, this, that and other reviews, all this and finally got something. Really happy with it. We bought a bundle headphones, microphones, a recorder it's called a zoom pod track P4. So so far, very happy with it. But what's going on in your world? We just got through eating Chinese just a little while ago, so I'm happy right now.

Speaker 2:

Right now I'm just scrolling through the T-MU. Anybody addicted to T-MU?

Speaker 1:

We went through the T-MU for a while. We had a booth. I don't know if we want to talk about the booth Like a consignment store. We rented a booth. I had it for 10 months, almost a year.

Speaker 2:

I still have a booth, by the way, at a different place. Yeah, he do, doing wonderful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Anyway, we did really good with the booth. We just we finally figured that you had to have a good mix of stuff to sell. I was going to try and sell some woodworking stuff in there to start off with, and that was really slow. I sold some but I couldn't keep the pay in the rent if that's all I was selling. Then she started these nails what are they called?

Speaker 2:

Press on nails. Red-eyes been press on nails.

Speaker 1:

And so she was put some of those in there sold that. Then I got some toys. I found clearance toys, we found a few sources for this and that we got on this T-MU. Oh my goodness.

Speaker 2:

Cups. Cups were a big hit, Like your standlies, but you know they weren't.

Speaker 1:

It's just what I call it. It's the real Stanley.

Speaker 2:

They're a dupe, stanley dupe.

Speaker 1:

It's like a tumbler. It's just a tumbler. Yeah, it was a tumbler, but all colors we had blinged out tumblers.

Speaker 2:

We had cow tumblers, we had Lisa Franks tumblers.

Speaker 1:

So we sold just out of this little eight by 10 booth over a hundred of those cups.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And sell them for $24 a pop and got some depending on. That's not the thing about T-MU, that's the source we bought them from. I don't know how anybody else you could make money because you ordered them anywhere else. My goodness, they were probably $18, $16 cost, but we got ours for $10 cost $12. You could get some on T-MU where you know you bought two and you got one for your or no. You were limiting to like you could get two for like $3.99 or $3.62 a piece.

Speaker 2:

You just had to check it all the time.

Speaker 1:

You had to check it all the time and keep adding to your cart and everything. So as long as you kept checking it, you could get some really good deals. So if you're buying something at $3 or $4 a pop, like that tumbler, and you're selling it for $24, my goodness, that's how. That's how we did so good we did good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but then the clearance toys I found a bunch held onto them till it got closer to Christmas, sold a bunch of that. And the last two months we had the booth yeah, we didn't actually put any money into it. Yeah, we did really good with that and, like I said, it got into the last two months of it. We I just had just we had some totes of stuff. We had a room dedicated to you know inventory for it, but I mean it was five, six totes. It wasn't a whole lot of stuff, but that's what Cari just do is already paid for. So last two or three months, you know, we just kept you know restocking out of those totes and I did really good and cleaned that well. And come January we just decided, hey, it's about time. Plus, the rent went up. So we thought, yeah, we're out, we're out.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So so I went to a ladies boutique, put my nails in there and I'm doing better than I was at the other booth.

Speaker 1:

So well, yeah, you know, we were doing the thing where it's like vintage type, it's not, I wouldn't call it flea market stuff. It was a nice place, a new place that opened up and but your clientele, they weren't coming there, but you did sell some nails, I did sell some, yeah, but but a boutique is exactly what you needed for those nails and yeah, you're doing good.

Speaker 2:

And hair clips, that was our big thing too. Oh my Lord, we sold that heck out of hair clips.

Speaker 1:

She would get a deal on these all size types, colors, hair clips through Tmoo, and my goodness, I never thought people needed as many hair clips as what we sold.

Speaker 2:

People's need their hair clips. They need all different colors to match their clothes.

Speaker 1:

Well, I know, but I thought you would have enough, nope.

Speaker 2:

You can never have too many clips.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of like Easter time, easter baskets. You go to Walmart. They've got a thousand on the shelf. You're thinking, do people not have them from last year? And they sell a thousand more. That's on the shelf.

Speaker 2:

No, you don't keep them, you throw them away. I guess We've been throwing away stuff around here, tired of hanging on to it. Just get rid of it. You're not using it. Get rid of it.

Speaker 1:

That's right, the thing I saw one time. It said if you're cleaning something and you come across stuff, you haven't used it in two years or longer.

Speaker 2:

Get it gone.

Speaker 1:

Yep, get it gone. Until I did my thing a couple of days ago when Cleaning out a little drawer on the desk. I just go on through just like chunking stuff and it's just a little adapter that goes in your phone that hooks up to 3.5 millimeter end and I'm like we can use this thing and forever. When they upgraded these phones and I chunked it and I'll be dog on that the next day, I did not need that. Haven't needed that thing in eight years and needed that thing to help do an adapter to go to one of these, this pod track to hook up a cell phone? I was, but that's a different story. So so maybe you don't want to live by that. So anyway, today you are gone. What'd you do today? You were at church.

Speaker 2:

I was at church, which I work at our church and we're doing a new directory and so we were. This was makeup day on pictures, so we had about 12 people come in I guess 12 couples. So I sat there from about 9 30 till 2 o'clock Letting the couples and the families come in, and we had a photographer there and she took their picture so they could get in the directory to. They missed the first time.

Speaker 1:

So I Smell like smoke Because I burnt a stump all day.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Cleaned up at my mother's house, just trying to take care of some stuff. While it was nice weather before it gets, you know, hot, hot and the snakes are out in the ticks and all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

Did you really have to say that word?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which one the ticks? Yeah, yeah, she didn't like the snake word.

Speaker 2:

Really, you're gonna keep saying it.

Speaker 1:

We'll say the s this so what was it three years ago? Until I tell this story, I might as well tell this story.

Speaker 2:

Has it been three?

Speaker 1:

I think it's been three years ago. My well, it was the first.

Speaker 2:

It was when cove, it was going on, yeah, 22.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Cova started.

Speaker 2:

And no in 20.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cova started basically in that March. All right, so July 4th we were sitting out, we cooked, we sat out on the deck Overlooking the lake and they have fireworks, and I turned off the lights. You know it was Well, yeah, that's why I turned the lights off. We were watching fireworks, because it's real nice, real beautiful, all that good stuff. I mean, if you've never seen fireworks, you know, with water I mean it's amazing, looks really good, but anyway. So we watched that and Our son we don't go in the sliding glass door we walked, walked around to the to the side door and Anyway, so he, he got up and he walked in before we did about five minutes before we did so anyway. So we decided to go in. So we walk and, like I said, all the lights outside, though, or off, you know, because all we want to see these fireworks. So we get around to the front door and Amanda's in front of me and and she opens up the door to the house.

Speaker 2:

Just the door was already open. We had left it open for some reason we don't usually do that but the door was open was open. Yeah, it was open Okay.

Speaker 1:

I thought you would. Well, he must have left it open, yeah he probably did. Okay, he probably did yeah sometimes we leave that door open. It's like a little four-year thing. So you actually go up steps and you open up another door to go actually into, like the house. So walked around there, got to the door I thought it was closed. Apparently my mind's going all of a sudden, amanda, like screams and a snake.

Speaker 2:

No, I didn't, I said, it got me. Oh it guys right.

Speaker 1:

I said I remember in the story very well at all.

Speaker 1:

It's your story and I should let you tell it. So yeah, that's right. She said and it was the weirdest voice that you say it got me. It was very dramatic, but it should have been dramatic because of what happened, but anyway, so jump in the car. Well, I know, let me get to that point. I'm telling the story, remember, as I remember it All right. So she like jumps back towards me like any other time, this should have been me, right, that would have been in front of you. So either way, it'd been you or me. So she like jumps back and, as I flip-flops on you had flip-flop as well as I did.

Speaker 1:

So I look down and, like I said, it's dark, so you're not seeing. I mean, it's not peach black, but you can see a little bit. So all I see is a tail Going into the house, going into the foyer right there, and I'm like, oh my good, now I've got a snake in our house, so she's. I don't know at this point if you'd gotten in the car right there and I was gone as soon as Somewhere to get off the ground All right.

Speaker 1:

So I go around, I go to the deck, I bang on the sliding glass door and I Tell Nicholas to turn the light on. You know, we call it the red room, that's the little four-year room. I said go to the. I said go to that door. I said and turn that light on. I I said and see if you see a snake, and then unlock this door and let me in. So he lets me in. So as I get in and I'm now in the house, at the door, looking down the steps at the four-year in the red room, the door still, you know, open and all I see is the back end of a snake going back outside the door. So I'm like it's a miracle. It's such a blessing, this snake, because if he got in there, if he got into the cat we had, we've got a couch, a TV or refrigerator.

Speaker 2:

Don't worry about your wife over here in the car.

Speaker 1:

No, well, I'm trying to find it. Well, I've got to figure out what kind of snake this is, but anyway. So it's like this room is almost like just a lived-in area of our son because he plays video games and and has friends over and that's where they stay, so anyway. So I'm like trying to make sure, before I came in, that that Nicholas did not open that door and let the dogs Add or anything out and, you know, to run into a snake, so anyways. So now I'm seeing the snakes tail go out of the room. So now I'm opening up the door.

Speaker 1:

I go down the steps, I'm coming up to the door that goes outside, open it up and I look and I know this snake had gone to the left. Well, to the left I've got a Electric smoker that's out there right outside the house. We'll get against them, you know, on the carport, and so it's under there. So I go, run up To the garage or actually our little building. Tell Nicholas I say, keep an eye on this, do not let that snake go. If he goes, just fall in whatever. So we get a flashlight, I run up there, get a shovel. We're coming back down by this point. Our neighbor, didn't she come down at this point?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So now I've got Amanda's in her car and the neighbor has came down and the neighbor is sitting in the passenger seat of the car.

Speaker 2:

That's great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she knew something was up. Of course, our other neighbor on the other side of us like me, whatever. So I come down there and like y'all are just sitting in the car chilling. You know, it's just a really funny picture. I'm out here trying to identify a snake, so I lean down, shoot the flashlight underneath the smoker and once I see, bam, it's a copperhead. I'm like all right, game changer. So now I'm like Do I take the time?

Speaker 2:

to move.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, do I take the time to try swelling your foot swelling?

Speaker 2:

It got me on the foot.

Speaker 1:

Right. Well, that's we figured that a given. Yeah, because you said flip-flops okay. But so now I'm like all right, I move this smoker out of the way. This thing slithers, it might get away. I won't be like banging at it with this shovel, you know whatever. Or I'm like everything says time sensitive, now she's got to get to the hospital. So I think Kelsey, didn't she? She called.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she called the ambulance to see what to do called 911.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, to see what to do. So, anyway, I'm trying to make this story short as possible, but it's not because it's still gonna go on for a while. So I get the snake out, kill it. I've got it on this show. We'll take a picture of it. She's on the phone, 911. We're gonna take her to the emergency room. I have to bring the snake with me.

Speaker 1:

So they can't so they can't take my word that this is a copperhead. I'm like I know this is a copperhead. All right, bring the snake with you. So we put this snake, and I'm not. I'm not fond of snakes either. Now I used to be really scared of my.

Speaker 1:

For some reason I'm not as bad now, maybe because of this, because you took one for the team that should have been me to yeah, so we put it in a garbage bag and I'm like I'm not, this thing is not riding in this car, just in a garbage bag.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So I get a tote. I empty a tote out, like sling something out of a tote put it in the tote, snap the top on it, open up the back of the car, throw it in there, slam it and we're gone. So we're headed to Mercer. Did I? Did I turn the flashers on? Surely I turned the flashers?

Speaker 2:

on I think so.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we've got like. We live probably 15 minutes from the hospital. All right, so we're going her foot swelling. We get to the hospital, I'll let you out at the front door, right?

Speaker 2:

remember this is during COVID I.

Speaker 1:

I'll let you out front door I.

Speaker 2:

Think you ain't got a wheelchair, because I think by this time I couldn't walk on it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you couldn't walk. Yeah so I'll let you out and I'm thinking did I go park the car then I came, nobody, and then had to come back with a snake.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you had to bring the snake, Okay so I let I get there.

Speaker 1:

I don't think the security guard is out there at this time. I don't think anybody's out there. I get a wheelchair for her. We like willer in Blah, blah, blah, blah. But you know, stop me anytime, correct me if I'm wrong. This is how I'm remembering it. So then I have to pull around, find a parking place, park, and now I get. I have to bring this snake. I guess that kind of seemed like I I don't know if I walked back up there and asked him. I've really had to bring the snager.

Speaker 2:

I was already in the back when you brought it in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, you were gone. You're like, you're in the hospital, you know. So you're not a part of this, this story I'm telling now, so, but anyway. So I got the snake, I got it in the bag, I took it up there. The cop is outside at this time. So he like opens it up and this is COVID. So I like I'm like armed rent. You know, as far as I can reach, I'm handing this bag and it's like, you know, like he's got the junk, I've got the junk. You know we can't get close to each other, but anyway. So he gets the bag and he like sits it on the ground, opens it up. Yeah, that's a copperhead. I'm like, yeah, sure is. I don't know what happened to the snake. I have no idea if he took the snake inside and had to prove it to the doctor, or if he just chunked it in the garbage can right there outside, or if that's as far as it went. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I can't go inside, and you know nobody can go inside. So guess what I do? I go all the way back down to the car and I sit in the car so I'm texting Amanda. You know, hey, what's going on, all this stuff, and I don't remember the duration or how many times we take. We didn't text me any, but I just wanted to know you know what was going on and all that, and you can start in at any point of of this.

Speaker 2:

All I remember is sitting in there, they draw a big circle on my foot and we had to sit there and watch it for two hours because they were debating on whether to do the anvenom or not. Because you know, if you don't need it, you don't need it, you don't want to take it, and you know you can have reaction to the Antenna Venom too. So I really did not want it and so, basically- but you would have took it if you needed it. I would have took it yeah.

Speaker 1:

I would have took a chance on the reaction. I guess I mean, that's probably a small percentage. Go ahead. I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so I don't know. I don't know what was ever been of two to three hours. We had to sit in there and watch it and y'all just stayed outside, but that was the worst feeling ever when nobody can come in there with you. I can't imagine one other people that were really sick and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so this is the part that I didn't like is because of not being able to be in there. So when I'm texting her, like I said, I can't remember exactly how it was, but it was to the point where she was telling me you know, they've drawn a circle, a mark around it when the redness and the puffiness or whatever, when that redness gets to that mark.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was so swollen. Yeah and go well, yeah, your foot, your whole foot was swollen, but that redness kind of like a wallspot type thing Like how you watch a spider bite, if it, if the redness streaks out, or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so if the redness or streaks, whatever go past that round circle that they drew on your ankle, then it's like, uh-oh, it's, you know, game's on. So but as I'm finding this stuff out, she's telling me, yeah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, well, keep me posted. So I'm like maybe 10 minutes or something. I don't remember what our last text was. But then I text you and like, how's things going? Nothing, I get nothing. I don't hear nothing, I don't get a response.

Speaker 1:

So is she are you in cardiac arrest or did they? Will you somewhere? Is your phone dead? I don't know. Your phone's not dead, can you just not get to your phone. But I'm thinking to what. You're on an IV, you know you're having convulsions, I don't know. You know that's the worst part and I can imagine everybody and don't get me wrong, this is serious. A snake bite is serious. But I'm thinking like patient, your spouse, your grandmother's had a heart attack or something and they won't let you in and you're just like waiting for hours and hours to know she might be fine, she might be a ventilator, she might be a nice. You just don't know. You know, bless her hearts. I hate that and I felt along that lines, because I'm like, hey, if I can just walk in, if I can just get a head nod, if I can get away from the back room for my wife, I know everything's fine. But you know.

Speaker 2:

It was crazy.

Speaker 1:

It was crazy. And then but I was mad about it when I found stuff out. But you go in.

Speaker 2:

Well then, when did they start telling us they examined the snake? Remember, because they said I don't remember that. Yeah, they said that it must have been a younger snake or older snake because it only had one thing, so I got a dry bite.

Speaker 1:

I thought they just said that it just got you with one thing and it was a dry bite. Even though it was a dry bite, you still got some.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, even though it was a dry bite, there were still some in there because it swelled.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because what they mean as a dry bite is it's not a like. Hey, we're not, it's not soaking you full of venom.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I just got one thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That was horrible.

Speaker 1:

I thought that this is the kicker that got me so this whole time they didn't have the antivenom there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they didn't even have it.

Speaker 1:

Right. So we're waiting. We're waiting on this clock. You know, hey, a certain amount of time or when this redness stuff goes outside that line, that once that happens, then we're sending you to Birmingham. Well, goofballs, if y'all would have told me what the heck? Yeah, if y'all would have told me you don't have the antivenom, bring my wife out here to me and I will drive to Birmingham and we'll be on standby in Birmingham. So when I get there and find out, hey, everything's good, it's not that bad, I'll be happy to drive me and her both back home. But don't let me sit outside wondering. We're all waiting to see how bad it's gonna get. Then we're gonna do something about it and see it fly, you drive you, ambulance, you, whatever.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that was the bad experience.

Speaker 1:

It was. That was the bad part. I was really mad about that. I'm like come on.

Speaker 2:

Then the funny thing when we finally got to come home, everything was fine.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't walk, though, but Well, no, you gotta remember this too I was thinking about. I was like I need to get you know. Nicholas was 15, 14?.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Something like that. So he's here by himself. You know what I?

Speaker 2:

was. He went with us and you brought him back home.

Speaker 1:

Oh see, I don't believe my mind.

Speaker 2:

I think he was a little scared too, so that's it, we gave him the option to go or stay.

Speaker 1:

That's a good thing you're here, because I can't Now when I tell a story people's gonna take I'm lying, but you're filling in the pieces that I forgot about. That's right. So I did. That's right because I did leave you, because I'm like there's there's nothing I could do Once I finally found out that, you know, after that long pause of not hearing from you or hearing from anybody, yeah, I took him home and yeah, but that's just a bad one. It's not, and I don't know what time 10 o'clock maybe, I mean it was. It was after. Day was July 4th. We'd watch fireworks. It probably left at like eight o'clock, eight or eight 30 when we watched the fireworks, maybe, maybe.

Speaker 2:

That was later than that.

Speaker 1:

Was it? Yeah, okay, but still so. You're dropping your child off at home. That's a 10, 11 o'clock at night and you're leaving them Going back. Oh, I would be if I was a kid. I'd be scared of it. They don't leave me out.

Speaker 2:

I'll stay with you.

Speaker 1:

No, he didn't care, but I did.

Speaker 2:

But then when we finally got to leaving, come home, the funny thing that I remember it was hard to get in the house. But so I made Jody look under our bed before I would ever get in the bed, Like he had to turn the light on, he had to shine the light under it, Like I was still kind of freaking out. I'm like I can't do it. You have to look under the bed before I can go to bed.

Speaker 1:

I thought we was going to have to move.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's not our only snake story.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's right To be honest with you. I had no idea that this episode was going to be about snake stories.

Speaker 2:

Of all the things. Our first episode is about this. This was.

Speaker 1:

The thing I hate the most. This was not the path I was going to. You know I wanted to talk about this phone outage that we had a few days ago. I know it's about the phone outage, but I was going to tell you.

Speaker 2:

We had it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but that was something I was like, you know, hey, we better For you know, I couldn't communicate you better be really get bit by snake.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, so yeah.

Speaker 1:

So we'll tell this other snake story. She will, and I'll feel, well, you gotta start it Because it starts with you, and then maybe so we can end this thing.

Speaker 2:

So Jody's job. He gets up early in the mornings and he goes to bed early at with the rooster when she says I get up, I get up at 3 am.

Speaker 1:

Every morning and he goes to bed Seven yeah, well it feels like seven eight, eight thirty, eight o'clock, I would like to be in bed. Eight thirty, I'm gonna be in bed if it's nine o'clock. That's bad for me. Now, during the weekends it's like Friday night. Saturday night is a little bit different, but I still which actually last night I stayed up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cuz. Oh, I stayed up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, my good is like almost midnight when I went to bed because I'm playing with this Podcast of trying to figure out. Hey, let me tell you, did I tell y'all about how hard this is?

Speaker 2:

So anyway, let's go back to the snake. Yeah, go ahead, I'm just get this all the way. So I'm sitting in the living room. I don't know how long was this after I got bit by the snake, probably just a few months was this not before, I think?

Speaker 1:

this is before yeah, because you would have.

Speaker 2:

Really, if this would have Happened after you would have moved out so I'm sitting in the living room and we have a fireplace, and how I didn't notice it before I have no clue. But out of the corner of my eye I See something on our fireplace and I look up and it's a daggum snake crawling on our fireplace. We have a mantle and and it just started crawling up it. Now it was way far up the fireplace before I ever seen it. I don't know how it got that far before I ever seen it, but I've been terrified of snakes like yeah, if they find one outside or whatever. But I calmly went back and woke Jodie up. He was in the bed and I think I just tapped on him and said there's a snake in the living room.

Speaker 1:

It's probably the calmest I've ever seen you in my life, but it was. I was like dead asleep and it's like Jodie, jodie, hey, there's a snake, something like that if I say, if I see him outside or whatever, I'm gone. Well, I know, but it's a good thing, because if you came back here and just like Jodie. Get up. You know something crazy like that. I would have thought like, yeah, there's a guy with a gun outside and you know.

Speaker 2:

So yes, so we just but it though.

Speaker 1:

Well, there's a story with that too, but anyway, so I get up and I'm Of course I don't remember what I was thinking at time but I go down for ever. I go down the hall.

Speaker 2:

Because I'm like don't break my stuff, don't break my decorations.

Speaker 1:

I'm not even to the point of we say in the snake yeah, I'm just getting out of bed. So I go down the hall Looking liver, and I'm sure enough she's right, she didn't lie, there's a snake, but it's we. Yeah, we've got a is a chicken snake? It was a, there was a, we got a matter.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we got a clock above the mantle or we did at the time, and that Joker was like halfway Wrapped around it just don't like the top and the side and then. But his head and stuff was like you know, he was still trying to climb higher and everything. It was really amazing what he was doing, but it still was like you're in my house and I don't want you in here. So now you know you're thinking I don't like snakes and I don't care what kind of snake it is, I'm gonna kill it. But also, you know, didn't want to put like a Shotgun blast into the fireplace. So now we're like trying to figure out how do I get this snake out of here and all that. And here we go again with the toe. You know I probably need to carry a tote everywhere because the tote comes in.

Speaker 1:

So, I use a tote all the time, so here we go with the tote again. We decide that, that I think we got another shovel and Nicholas, he was all about it, he was ready. Oh, he was gonna grab it.

Speaker 2:

He was just gonna grab it.

Speaker 1:

He thought he was gonna manhandle it but I thought he's big big, yeah, until he got closer to it.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, so we get this night, we, we get the tote and we like I slam it up, the tote up against the wall With the clock and the snake like falls in it and we throw the lid on it and I take it outside and I kill it Because he messed up my sleep so he deserved to die. But yeah, so it wasn't long. So all we can figure out, and we've had squirrels building this in our chimney from time to time.

Speaker 2:

We've had a squirrel in the house.

Speaker 1:

We've had a squirrel, that's right.

Speaker 2:

We've had more than one squirrel. We had a flying squirrel in the house one time when Jody worked knots and we had the couch kind of in the middle of the floor and. I was wrapping Smith's present.

Speaker 1:

I mean, this was the one when I was at the hunting club and spent the night. No, this one wasn't.

Speaker 2:

No, this was no, this was one night. One night at Christmas and I was in the floor wrapping Christmas presents and it come in From the fireplace and like it was a flying squirrel. So I didn't know what it was and I remember I jumped the couch and Jody's asleep on the couch. This is a long, it was a long time ago like this is 25 years.

Speaker 1:

This is probably like the year two. We'd been married a year probably yeah. Because I don't sleep on the couch anymore. No, that never happens. I couldn't tell you. Last time I slept on the couch.

Speaker 2:

He just slept on the couch and I seen.

Speaker 1:

I don't even remember that.

Speaker 2:

That was our first encounter of an animal, unwanted animal in our house, but the other time was I was an hour away at a hunting club.

Speaker 1:

I had a camper down there.

Speaker 2:

It was Christmas time.

Speaker 1:

It was Christmas.

Speaker 2:

Well, because it was stupid Christmas.

Speaker 1:

No, because hunting season is around Christmas time. Yeah, so anyway. So there's no cell service, so I have no idea. Any of this stuff has happened while it been going. So when I get back you know that's Sunday- I had to call my brother-in-law. Yeah, I get home and she's like you know, you had to call Tim, your brother-in-law, you know, to come get the squirrel out of the house. All the Christmas tree, yeah, so.

Speaker 2:

But anyway, so our first episode and we're talking about I mean we could go into squirrels forever because we had we had two pet squirrels.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we had squirrel. We've got had a boat dock in the, a squirrel we called Barbie that had no tail. She had a nest in the, the outside closet on that boat dock. Yeah and then the, the wind, the storm came and it knocked it all over and Anyway, that's another story for another day. Anyway, so what we did with the chimney when I'm trying to get to is that we've had since those instances and since the snake. The snake was the one that said all right, we're done, we don't.

Speaker 2:

That or run out of this house.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I don't build a fire in that fireplace anymore. We used to years and years ago, because the wind off the lake, the way the flu is, you know, sitting man, it just always we just could not keep smoke from coming back in the house. And I'm sure there's plenty of people that says, oh, there's an easy fix for that. But trust me, I couldn't figure it out. So so we just never had, and I like a good fire. But so I decided that I was going to get up on the roof, me and Nicholas, and we fixed it, and to where the squirrels couldn't get inside, from up there and then from inside the chimney from in the house, I basically, you know, got some plywood, all that stuff and filled it up, Sealed that thing up.

Speaker 2:

So whoever buys this house after we're gone, or whatever out on here they're, they're going to wonder what in the world. We should really write a letter and tell why we did that.

Speaker 1:

And I could, I could, I could lay inside the chimney and I could write on that plywood.

Speaker 2:

I could write the stories, stories of the critters.

Speaker 1:

We know the people that have these older houses when they're like remodeling, you hear these stories. If they knocked this wall out and they found love letters from so and so, or this, that another, so yeah, so there's that story.

Speaker 2:

Is. This first episode has been crazy and everywhere not really what we expected. But hey, you get what you get.

Speaker 1:

Well, this is kind of what we're talking about. We're just going to talk about. You know, some stuff doesn't make sense. Some stuff is just every day, like this is just everyday life. You know stories, everybody's got a story. You got something crazy that's happened in your life more than one thing, and this is a few that I've forgotten totally about and I had never even thought about that at all. I was basically talking about it on a podcast or anybody. So but yeah, hey, hey, I enjoyed it. What do you think? It was fun. And it went by. We're like almost 36 minutes into this thing and it just like flew by and my back is killing me because I'm leaning up this whole time talking in this mic.

Speaker 2:

So see, I'm chilled out over here on the couch.

Speaker 1:

She's sitting on the couch. She's I don't know what you got. She's curled up with a blanket.

Speaker 2:

I'm cold. He won't turn the heat on. He's cold, I'm hot.

Speaker 1:

You know how that goes. But yeah, hey, we pray. If you're listening, we appreciate it and we just want to have fun with this thing. And if you do listen, we hope you enjoy it.

Speaker 2:

If you have any suggestions, let us know. Comment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah whatever. Yeah, we're off of a buzz sprout. We've got a website by the same name as the podcast, all that.

Speaker 2:

We're going to have. I used to just do in tick talk, so I tell people just to comment on my tick talk, so I don't know how this works.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we've got, we're going, we've got Instagram.

Speaker 2:

We'll have a YouTube.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll have a. We're going to start video at some point. I want to jump in all that one time and I found out real quick.

Speaker 2:

I got slapped in the face by all this you got to slow your roll.

Speaker 1:

I got to slow my roll and figure all this out, especially the editing, the post production part of this, right here. Let me tell you it is something I thought you could just throw and go.

Speaker 2:

Hey, just get in here and record. You got it out there.

Speaker 1:

Hey, let's talk, let's hit play, let's hit stop and let's hit send and it's out there. And it's not that way no it didn't work that way, but anyway. So yeah, it was fun.

Speaker 2:

It was fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but we're on Instagram right now. We'll have the Facebook account set up, we'll have tick talk. We'll eventually have the YouTube when we start the videos and all that stuff. So I mean, if you want to watch that way or see anything on there, hey, there you go. And yeah, we just appreciate it and you got anything else.

Speaker 2:

Good. Thank you for listening.

Speaker 1:


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