This That And The Other

Road Trips, Vacations, and Neighborly Problems

SquirrelGuy Media Season 1 Episode 7

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Ever find yourself laughing over spilled tater tot casserole one minute, and grappling with the weight of the world's news the next? Amanda and Jody here, inviting you to join us as we share those highs and lows in our latest episode. We start with a kitchen catastrophe that left us with more than just a mess on our hands, and then we move to a heartfelt discussion about Kate Middleton's recent cancer diagnosis. We unravel the web of public concern and the bizarre conspiracy theories that always seem to sprout up amidst such news. And not to be overlooked, we pay homage to the heroes of a devastating container ship accident, honoring their quick actions amid tragedy.

Life's a journey, and who doesn't love a good road trip story, especially one that involves a pit stop at Buc-ee's? Our experience was no small adventure, complete with parking lot crowds and the marvel of efficient checkout lines amid the chaos. We dissect the curious allure of Buc-ee's, from their impressive branded merchandise to the practicality of toting a cooler on any day trip. If you've ever been overwhelmed by a shopping spree or debated the merits of calling it a day after one too many impulse buys, this chapter of our podcast will have you nodding along and maybe even picking up a few lifesaving tips for your next outing.

We wrap up our episode with a dash of whimsy and a bit of wanderlust as we recount travel dreams and the beloved quirks of vacationing, like choosing mountains over beaches and the nostalgia of honeymoon chalets decorated in styles that defy description. As we muse over the idea of vacation homes vs. RV explorations, we leave you with a cliffhanger: a late-night neighborhood disturbance that promises to evolve into quite the tale. So grab your earbuds and settle in for a ride through the delightful and unexpected stops on our podcast journey.

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If you are interested in the nails or any of Amanda's social media, she talks about here is her link.

Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of this, that and the Other. I'm Amanda.

Speaker 2:

And I'm Jody.

Speaker 1:

And let me go ahead and tell you what Jody's done today. So I'm making my famous.

Speaker 2:

What have I not done?

Speaker 1:

Exactly, I'm making the old famous tater tot casserole. Oh now look, I've already swept, mopped the floors off work. Today. We're recording on a Friday instead of Thursday this week, so it's good Friday and so we're off work. I had plans cleaning the house. I'd already swept, mopped the floors. I asked Jody. I said, well, you just help me get this casserole going and we can get it in the oven, because I had to cook the hamburger meat because it was going out of date. But before that I'd already cooked like 10 corn dogs.

Speaker 2:

So but I didn't have a chance to eat that because me and nicholas had to go help move somebody into their new house yeah.

Speaker 1:

So they were off helping somebody move and then they get back and I had done the floors so that was a good time for them to go because I could get the floors done. So we're in there making it. We have one bag of tater tots that was like halfway, probably a little less than halfway, and he cut it open and we're both reaching over each other and everything you know and we got just a little bit of the casserole that needs some more tater tots on it. He goes to open the tater tots. Did you cut them or you pulled them open?

Speaker 2:

no, I cut them and I lost one tater tot, and he was barely hanging on for his life and I saved him. He was juggling it like well, no, we've got a little side table and it landed on the side table and like hit a couple of things and I was really trying to debate if I just like blew it off and put it in. In.

Speaker 2:

You know the cash because the floors are clean, I just clean, right but it didn't make it to the floor so that's why I was like, oh well, I threw it back, so I just set it on the counter yeah right.

Speaker 1:

Well, next thing, I know he's got the bag of tater tots and they're going all over the floor.

Speaker 2:

Somehow laying.

Speaker 1:

This is a brand new big bag. He didn't buy the little bag of tater tots, he bought the big bag of tater tots and half of them ended in the floor, in my clean floor.

Speaker 1:

So in the process of saving one tater tot somehow, I got the bag mixed upside down and it was funny, so we had to pause and then we had a dog clean the floor winston the yorkie came over there and grabbed a frozen tater tot and ran off with it then he got sick off of it am I on my clean floor

Speaker 1:

it just ain't meant for my floors to be clean this week. Anyway, all right, we need to talk about some things that we talked about last week and happened right after, yeah, you know, our last episode.

Speaker 2:

we talked about Kate Middleton and the next day after we had recorded what happened.

Speaker 1:

They come on the news and found out she's got cancer.

Speaker 2:

Because she released a video.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know we had talked about hey, why didn't they just the spokesman, whatever, say something to begin with, she's sick and at this time we still didn't know when we did the recording.

Speaker 1:

No, we didn't know that no.

Speaker 2:

So we, you know, did all that. And then the next day, yeah, she's got a video out saying that she's. Is it stomach cancer? I can't even remember.

Speaker 1:

I can't even remember now.

Speaker 2:

That's how much I keep up with it.

Speaker 1:

I know, I think they just want it in the spotlight.

Speaker 2:

I don't think so. I think they're trying to take some pressure off of them because everything was backfiring.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So that's the reason, because I don't. They're not the type. Well, they're in a position where they're always going to be in it so it's not like they're trying to get out of it.

Speaker 1:

I mean that's bad. I hate that, for you know. Oh, it's terrible so she's already been doing chemo. I think it said right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then I heard somebody say or one of these conspiracy theorists why haven't she lost her hair yet?

Speaker 1:

then you don't always lose your hair.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying they never stop it, lose your hair. I'm just saying they never stop. It's always some conspiracy and just like. Well, you know, since our last episode two, we had the bridge that got hit by the container ship.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I've been seeing videos about that where people say that they done it on purpose. You see the ship turning right toward the pole. I don't know, it's not called a pole the post, yeah, turn right toward it and head for it. But I mean, if they lost communication or whatever right there, it just happened to turn that way. I mean well, surely?

Speaker 2:

I mean if it was purposely done, we will find out here pretty soon and they wouldn't like yeah, you know, sweep it under the road, but I would hate to think six lives lost yeah, yeah, six people. It was confirmed now that six died.

Speaker 1:

It could have been worse. That bridge could have been full.

Speaker 2:

If they hadn't, the heroes were the ones that shut the traffic down Nice.

Speaker 1:

Sorry about that.

Speaker 2:

So I can't believe you. I didn't even notice it.

Speaker 1:

If I hadn't looked at you.

Speaker 2:

I know so they shut the bridge down. You know so luckily, if you watched it, they said the last truck went over like 30 seconds before it got hit.

Speaker 1:

But those workers on there though, oh, it was terrible.

Speaker 2:

They had no clue, they're just doing, you know, because they said they do all their construction work overnight, you know when there's less traffic and all that, and yeah and of course you have no idea that's about to happen. It's terrible, absolutely terrible, but I think that's. I guess that's the last update.

Speaker 1:

Well, we got another update where we talked about we talked about Bucky's too and then we decided to take a little road trip.

Speaker 2:

Somebody after we talked it up, I guess from the last episode. Somebody after we talked it up, I guess from the last episode, amanda talked me into taking a road trip the weekend after. Yeah, well, it had been two days after we recorded, we went.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but then when this comes out, it's going to be two Saturdays. Yeah, it'll be like two Saturdays ago.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we went up to Tennessee, but on the way Since the last episode.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we took a little road trip we. We went up to tennessee.

Speaker 2:

but since the last episode, yeah, we took a little so we went up to tennessee, and on the way there's a what do we do when we do road trips? Goodness, I wish I could talk. Can I get one sentence?

Speaker 2:

we listen to podcasts anyway, on the way up there in athens past hunts for up in athens, I think it is is where the buckies, and so we had to stop there. But along the way I thought this was just a terrible idea after I got up there, because I started watching the traffic going south and it was bumper to bumper and I thought, huh, I wonder what's going on.

Speaker 2:

It was horrible and we went 40 miles and it never changed and I started thinking it's spring break Everybody's going to the beach, we lost our minds and we're gonna have to come back in that traffic. So I'm like, before we even get all the way up there, I'm like huh we need to figure out.

Speaker 2:

Just go ahead and head back, because I don't. I don't want to deal with this, but anyway. So we thought we'll go to bucky's. Well, a few miles before we got to bucky's I started thinking well, what do you think Bucky's is going to look like? And it was a flipping mad house.

Speaker 1:

It was crazy, but they get you in and out of there. Of course us old people can't hold it.

Speaker 2:

Well, they don't get you in, like, if you're not on the property.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, once you get on the property it's a little bit easier. Believe it or not, but trying to get you know off the exit and get actually on their premises, oh my goodness, it's crazy. I mean they have a red light just for that, just for bunkies.

Speaker 2:

They have that red light well, they had people up there trying to. I mean, it was the traffic, it was a circle I don't know it was a line everywhere and I I don't. There was a tanker truck trying to get there, you know, and he finally got in the parking lot. But I'm thinking I feel so sorry for this guy, because what do you do, what do you do? But we went inside and it is.

Speaker 1:

And the bathroom line was all the way to the entrance of one side, the women's side. So I'm like I tell Jodyody, I'm like we'll just go to another one, you go the bathroom and we'll just go to another one, that'll be fine.

Speaker 2:

Well this is the well. The thing about it with this is like going to a sporting event. A sporting event yeah or a concert yeah the lines were so bad, but it's like the like they just flowed. It did.

Speaker 1:

It looks terrible, but you just I said I'll wait here till you get out and we'll see how it is. And I was right up there. So when you get in the women's restroom there's two ladies in there and they were saying come on down, come on down. And they were putting ladies in and out of that bathroom. In there they was.

Speaker 2:

They was trying to keep the traffic like cattle. Yeah, because if they weren't there, people would just stay and stand out there and it wouldn't be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they wouldn't come in.

Speaker 2:

You had so many come in, so many bathrooms, you got to come on in go all the way to the back it's a traffic jam right there, trying for the ones coming out too yeah so it's just a man. And then when we were trying to just buy some stuff except some little, you know, candy, a drink, a barbecue sandwich it was like, oh, I can't get to where I want to get to. And then when you get there, like I've got to fight to get this back. But the thing about it, once we got all that, when you checked out it was not a problem.

Speaker 1:

No, they get you in and out Unbelievable.

Speaker 2:

It's unbelievable. But I'll tell you this we were there so long, Well, between the lines and trying to maneuver and all this kind of stuff. We went to the car and ate and we went back inside and used the bathroom again before we left Because we were like you know what. I don't know how long it's going to take to get out of this joint. So wow, that's all I got to say. That was crazy, so I'm good with Bucky's for a while. I don't know I like going?

Speaker 1:

You like to take me on these spur-of-the-moment trips? Bucky's, it was. That was not my idea, though it was. I don't think so. I think so. No, I don't think so. So we got.

Speaker 2:

It was a date. Yes, right, it was a date. You said I'll take it. I'll look at you Now you're going to take credit. Nope, sorry, date day.

Speaker 1:

Nope. So he took me and spent $50 on food at Bucky's oh it was like what was it?

Speaker 2:

$49 for a couple of packs of candy.

Speaker 1:

Well, hold on. We didn't even get any drinks.

Speaker 2:

I got two barbecue sandwiches.

Speaker 1:

I got a club and they were like $8 a piece.

Speaker 2:

You got a club that's like $10. And then we got a thing of cookie dough.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, we got to have the cookie dough. That was good. Jody loves his cookie dough Like six pieces of that.

Speaker 2:

And then we got some candy, a ribbon twist thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, sour things. Oh, I got a pecan. No, not pecans.

Speaker 2:

Cashews or something. Yeah, some kind of yeah, but anyway I mean so we didn't just buy cheap stuff. So yeah, that's why it cost so much.

Speaker 1:

But but you had. You had families coming out, families like mom and dad, and just this is example that I saw. It was a mom and dad and two little boys. Those two little boys each had a monster like truck, they had a buckylike truck, they had a Bucky's stuffed animal.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they had like.

Speaker 1:

And they had a bag of food, so they spent $200 in there and I'm thinking these people are on vacation and you've spent this much. I don't know, me and Jody, we just never were like that with Nicholas he didn't get that kind of stuff. He really didn't ask for it, I mean. But I'm thinking you got two kids me and you spent fifty dollars. They got four people and probably bought food for all of them and toys.

Speaker 2:

They didn't get out of there under two hundred dollars well, the the thing about all that is, you know you take a cooler. Now I think a lot of people just have a cooler. So if you can save on your drinks, you're saving a lot.

Speaker 1:

And I guess maybe if you've never been to a Bucky's and you don't have one, then this was something to see. But I ain't buying you no monster truck in there. I can buy you one of those anywhere.

Speaker 2:

No, but apparently they know what they're doing because people are buying them anything and everything that now they got the stanley cups too.

Speaker 1:

That's got bucky on there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah crazy it's unbelievable how many of the little, the bucky beavers that are stuffed animals, big, small, huge yeah, whatever you need, and swimsuits they had swimsuits the bucky on there. Yeah, it's uh it's crazy. I don't know whoever figured this out. I meant to look that up and see.

Speaker 1:

You know, I want to see what their yearly oh yeah, income and all that stuff, because it's unbelievable, how much say so after we finally got out of bucky's we're like, okay, well, do we want to go home or what went, what else?

Speaker 2:

I was just afraid that if we didn't turn back now, yeah you know I hate to make a trip just to go to a, a huge convenience store that's basically what it was, yeah but we decided we'd keep going and we went up.

Speaker 1:

We really didn't know we really didn't know, we were just going yeah and listening to podcasts. That's what jody likes to do but we liked.

Speaker 2:

You know, we hike some, so sometimes we'll go out, you know, and try and find a place and stuff, and so this really wasn't about hiking or anything but it was one of those trips where we just want to go out and just hey if we see something on the exit, we'll take it.

Speaker 1:

We stopped at the rest area first, before Bucky's. Right, yeah, that's before Bucky's. So we got pamphlets. We're going to plan our next trip.

Speaker 2:

We might podcast on site next time, so Amanda wanted to take all the equipment and go down the road and do this.

Speaker 1:

I want to go down the road and do it.

Speaker 2:

And I told her you've lost your mind. I'm definitely not wearing these headsets.

Speaker 1:

You would have heard some words come out of Jody's mouth.

Speaker 2:

You'd have too much background.

Speaker 1:

I did good, I did not. You did good, I did not.

Speaker 2:

You did good. I have not got issues like you. Make it sound like I'm not. I'm not, I don't forget stuff because I'm old, I'm so tired. Every episode you blame me.

Speaker 1:

You just said you forgot to look this up.

Speaker 2:

No, I just said I forget stuff. But it's not because of my age. I've forgotten stuff forever. I've always done okay all right.

Speaker 1:

So we're going on our trip and we're like, well, what do we want to do? And I'm like, well, let's just look up that store we used to go to. So I googled it and it said it's closed. But there was another one the give me a five. I think we've talked about that before everything's five dollars.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, on saturday it go, on sunday it goes down to, is it?

Speaker 1:

four dollars, I don't remember monday.

Speaker 2:

It goes down to like three tuesday a dollar, wednesday 50 cents they're just trying to clean up everything that they so I said well, let's just, let's just go there.

Speaker 1:

Um, because back up a little bit after we got the pamphlets and all we said, well, this will be a better start for us, we can go home and look at those pamphlets and go to some of these hiking trails or something next time. So let's just do something little now and then head back home. So we actually found that store again. Well, it's not the same store, but it was at the same location, except it wouldn't give me a five. I can't remember the name of it, but now it's not the same store, but it was at the same location, except it wouldn't give me a five. I can't remember the name of it, but now it's $8 instead of $5.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so now I don't think I mentioned this the last time, but the fun part about these bins and it being a return center when it was give me a five was when they open up the door and you go in everybody.

Speaker 1:

It's like Black Friday.

Speaker 2:

It's just like Black Friday friday, just like black friday, black friday you're going through these bins and you're like slinging stuff, and if you think it's expensive or nice, what?

Speaker 1:

are you just grabbing?

Speaker 2:

you've got two a kia. What? How do you say it kia?

Speaker 1:

bags. Yeah, ikea, ikea so that's all.

Speaker 2:

You have those size bags, that's all. You got two bags per person and you fill them up, and once you fill them up you can't get any more. I mean you can check out.

Speaker 1:

You go see it on the wall and look through your stuff. Yeah, we sit on the wall.

Speaker 2:

You look through your stuff to make sure that it's not broke, that it's really something you thought was of value it might be junk, whatever, like that. So because we would come away with some high-dollar items, you know, and so it was really fun, so we would go, you know about, every other Saturday a few times, and then we'd skip because we wasn't as lucky or I guess you'd say, or didn't find as much, but anyway, so now everything is $8 when you go in there $8, from $5 to $8 now.

Speaker 2:

But you're not going to find any of the high dollar items now because apparently they go through it first and it's in a different section.

Speaker 1:

It's pulled off on the side.

Speaker 2:

And it's priced closer to its retail.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So it's a bummer. I wish you'd sniff one more time.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, I don't know why it's doing that.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's pollen and all that stuff.

Speaker 1:

So I mean we might try it again. Yeah, it was we might go early one time. Yeah, so we didn't get there early, early because we didn't know, it was like 12 o'clock when we got there, yeah, so you know it might have been better than what I'm thinking, but I wasn't impressed at all with this one. Since they don't I got a Simply Modern cup and a not looking pillow yeah, looking pillow. Yeah, it looks like. So we spent 16.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, but so that was our little fun trip, just something to do, you know. All right, so let's get into. I got a topic today for you let's get a topic. Yeah, let's talk about travel we just did I know, and before I get into this travel thing, I just wanted to mention this one thing no, don't mention it.

Speaker 1:

I know exactly what you're gonna say.

Speaker 2:

You only had 30 miles in your car when we got in it to go that is not what I was gonna say, but, by the way, when we went to bucky's, when I got in her car to crank it guess what it said 30 miles till empty.

Speaker 2:

I'm thinking really well, it was better than 25 what I was gonna say is we had some people from I'm gonna try and say this right, listen to the podcast from uh gillingham medway. It's in england. I looked it up so we've had some people from england listen to the podcast, but I was like really stoked about.

Speaker 2:

I was like, yeah, so hey, if you listen to this next one and you hear this shout out I'm doing, shoot us something on social media. Let me know exactly where you're at. It's pretty cool and how you found this. But but if you didn't like it, you know, don't respond. All right back to the whole travel thing. All right, so we don't do a whole lot of traveling unless it's local, if it's like one, not anymore we used to if it's one day and it all revolves around my job.

Speaker 2:

Yep, so I'm self-employed. I don't have, I don't take time off vacations, anything um the year. Covid started in 2020. I think. We took in that march, we took a three-day weekend and that's the last oh yeah, you're right, that is the last, that's the last time that I've had like a long weekend or anything like that.

Speaker 2:

So anyway, so we don't do any. So these questions out there, what I'm going to bring up is just stuff that we've done in the past, maybe, or what you would like to do. So I'm going to start. Do you pack well in advance or do you wait to the last minute?

Speaker 1:

Wait to the last minute, do you yes?

Speaker 2:

minute, wait till the last minute, do you? Yes, I think you have. I think you have to, though, right, because if you're packing for a tree, I mean, you can pack majority of your stuff, and then when you get your toiletries and all that kind of stuff, if you had an unlimited budget and plenty of time, where's the first place that you think you'd want to travel? It doesn't have to be in the united states. I was thinking about this. I would like to go to like anywhere in Europe, I think.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't like to trip over there.

Speaker 1:

Well, you've always said you want to go to the Atlantis, so that's where.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

So that's always kind of been my thing, where I thought we'd go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that would be fun.

Speaker 1:

If Nicholas would ever take over the job the job for a week.

Speaker 2:

But I'd like to go to Europe, somewhere like London, maybe France yeah, you got like Rome, venice, anywhere in Italy, somewhere like that, even like Ireland. I'd like all that. You know, you've got so many places, but that's the thing about it. If I had a certain amount of time to where I could really enjoy, you know, hitting all these spots Stonehenge, for example, somewhere like that, that's where. Where would you like to go?

Speaker 1:

I just told you Just that, yeah, I think so Okay. Somewhere like that, that's what. Where would you like to go?

Speaker 2:

I just told you just that, yeah, I think so okay where is one place that you've been that you wouldn't want to go back, and I was thinking considering we hadn't been many places except I would say don't say a vacation, say like if it was a day or two trip, we're mountain people like we like to go to the mountains, like we'd rather go to the mountains than the beach yeah, we're like, and nicholas has always been been that way too.

Speaker 2:

He never cared about the beach, so we always went to the mountains we're kind of halfway between the beach and the mountains if there's somewhere that we went one day on a day trip that we've been and we wouldn't go back and we wouldn't go back. I don't know. I mean, I'm kind of guess everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't guess we've been somewhere that Now we might have stayed in a hotel I wouldn't stay in again.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, it was in the mountains Family Inn, family Suites or something Family Like.

Speaker 2:

I can see the picture of it and it was like orange and it was just like ugh, just nasty picture of it, and it was like orange and it was just like, just nasty, like yeah, yeah, yeah, we would never do that. That was, uh, one of those that was the last minute trip. That one was to where we didn't have a whole lot of time to plan, so we didn't get what we wanted but if you stay in short enough chalet or something like that yeah, those are fine. But yeah, if you pick family in is like everywhere up there and don't they need need to remodel.

Speaker 1:

I think it was. Well, maybe it was, it wasn't good.

Speaker 2:

What place have you been that you would go back anytime?

Speaker 1:

You're not going to like me for this one.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say Graceland, I don't know. We've been there twice, two or three times yeah.

Speaker 1:

No, I would go back to Washington. Me and Nicholas got to go on his seventh grade or eighth grade.

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

One of those. It was when Trump was in office and Jody has always been the biggest person wanting to go to Washington to do all that stuff and we just couldn't make it happen for Jody to go. But then me and Nicholas get to go and Trump is in office and we see the motor cave, cave, okay, oops, yeah, okay, we know what you mean could have been a cave yeah, yeah, that alone that was. That was a good trip and I would love to go back to that.

Speaker 2:

See, I've always wanted to go hit all the Civil War battlefields.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all that stuff is free. I didn't know that, so you can do all that stuff up there the National Mall and all that stuff, but like the Smithsonian, smithsonian. Yeah, it's free. Is it really? Yeah, there's like six buildings.

Speaker 2:

But see if I went up there.

Speaker 1:

But we were give out by the time we got to the Smithsonian.

Speaker 2:

So Well, you're on a time schedule though, yeah. Yeah, because we went to the school. I don't want to be on that. We have the school on me, I want to be you know, so that's what we went to.

Speaker 1:

We went to that the first that next day when we got up there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I want to take my time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Well, I mean the Smithsonian's, like I think, six buildings or something, oh yeah. It's two days, if not more, worth. We did that on the last day and we were tired, so us adults sat there and the kids just went everywhere. Yeah, we went to the pentagon right?

Speaker 2:

yeah, you're asking me. I didn't go, but I, sure enough, sent me pictures every day.

Speaker 1:

I was like look at this, look at that. So what's the mall? Kind of close to the pentagon is the mall.

Speaker 2:

Is that what you're asking?

Speaker 1:

yeah, there's some kind of big mall. The dogs are snoring. That's funny.

Speaker 2:

He's like really snoring it up over here.

Speaker 1:

Y'all probably going to hear it, anyway. So we got to go to the mall too. That's right there.

Speaker 2:

Are you talking about? Like the National Mall? It's the water.

Speaker 1:

No, yeah, we did that, but there's another big mall right.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you're talking about Shoppin' yeah, shop shopping mall now. Oh, thanks for clarifying.

Speaker 1:

And I was so nervous, I guess just because you had all that 9-11 stuff and I mean, I know this is years after that, but still, it's just the thought that you've been up there and you've been, you were at the Pentagon and you've seen all the little it was a memorial.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they had like benches kind of out there and it was just real cool, cool. And then you get in that mall and we just let the kids go. I could not enjoy that because I I was just nervous. I was just so nervous. But other than, I would definitely go back and do that trip again.

Speaker 2:

Maybe I'll go one day. So if you're going to go on vacation or do anything, would you prefer hot or cold climate? So if it's two days or if it's two weeks, you're staying there. I know we talked about the beach and we talked about the mountain.

Speaker 1:

I want in the middle, you want in the middle, I want in the middle. I don't want to be hot because if you're out walking and stuff, but then you it could be a little bit cool, because if you're out walking, well, you're going to get warm.

Speaker 2:

if you're out walking and moving around, yeah so we don't ever experience a whole lot of snow down here where we live so one one time, when we did go to the mountains, we almost got snowed in oh, that was before nicholas, wasn't it yeah? Yeah, it came a lot it was a lot yeah so we thought we weren't going to make it back.

Speaker 1:

That was a scary, because it was right towards the end of, yeah, our trip.

Speaker 2:

So what is the best and worst part about traveling, do you think? I think it's the people, it's the crowd, because you're always going somewhere where a lot of people, because you're not the only one that want to go there. You know so that, hidden, there's no hidden treasure out there that nobody else knows about.

Speaker 1:

The worst part is if you come home, if you don't give a day between coming home and going back to work. That's the worst part. Coming home and going back to work the next day so we are.

Speaker 2:

Maybe I made a note of this a long time ago when we did go on vacation, that I always wanted to come back on saturday because I felt like you needed that sunday to kind of just relax and then go back to work monday. I don't know how many times we rode in there.30, 9 o'clock at night ona Sunday and then having to get up and then you ain't even unpacked all your stuff. Yeah, I don't like that. What would be your top five items you would need for a road trip? You know a lot of people.

Speaker 1:

I need my contacts and glasses.

Speaker 2:

So if we're, you know a lot of people when they travel, they're always flying and doing that kind of thing. Of course we're not doing that, we're just driving. So if we're traveling, what are some things? I got to have my earbuds.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Jody has to have his. I have to have my water.

Speaker 2:

I have to have my earbuds no matter what, wherever I'm at, whatever time of day.

Speaker 1:

I don't think they ever come out of your ear.

Speaker 2:

I forget they're in my ear. Sometimes I come in here and because if I pause it or something and I walk in the house or whatever, and then I realize oh, I was talking to our preacher a week or two ago and I talked to him through this whole conversation. When I got done I realized I've had this earbud in my ear, which that's fine and all, but I'm like I don't want to end my ear care on the conversation.

Speaker 1:

And I can't stay in earbuds, they don't stay in my ear.

Speaker 2:

Well, you got messed up ears then. I guess, yeah, so I think you have to have a stash of candy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're candy people a lot.

Speaker 2:

We got to have something to, yeah, and not necessarily on the Not necessarily lunch, but Well, not on the way up or wherever we're going, but it seems like the way back.

Speaker 1:

I think it's because you get tired and you're trying to stay awake and drive.

Speaker 2:

Maybe, so I got to have my water. Like some Skittles, give me some Skittles, yeah. No chocolate stuff no, nothing like that. No hard candy yeah, sweet hard candy, yeah yeah.

Speaker 1:

Sour candy or whatever. Yeah, sour, candy or whatever, yeah, I think last weekend when we went, I took two bottles of water and a cup with water.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So, and I took a big old thing of coffee.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I'd say I have to have my water.

Speaker 2:

Other than that, I can't think of.

Speaker 1:

That I just have to have no.

Speaker 2:

My gun.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

I have to have my gun. Are you going?

Speaker 1:

to get us kicked off here for saying that one.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, maybe I can say it backwards or something yeah, yeah, I can't think of anything else. So what's a favorite memory or a moment you've had on a vacation? Can you think of something that we've done?

Speaker 1:

I can think of a picture when we oh well, this is actually at the beach. Yeah, this one was at the beach and we used to go. I used to work for a doctor's office and we could use their beach house.

Speaker 2:

The owner's beach.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and this picture I think I've got it somewhere it's of Nicholas and we're out playing putt putt and he has his tongue stuck out and doing something crazy, because he always did. But we play putt putt everywhere we go, it don't matter. So I think the playing the putt putt thing and that putt putt I don't know why that one just sticks out in my mind because I know that picture and then I think that's the same one, that there was a skeleton and when he had his picture made in front of it too, I think that was the same. I think that was the same trip, maybe not the same putt-putt. Or, if you want to go on back, you know our honeymoon. Jody rents this cabin.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh my bad.

Speaker 2:

Get this cabin chalet. Oh my bad, get it right chalet. And we go in there and there's this biggest now.

Speaker 1:

We're in the mountains. We're in the mountains, I know exactly what you're about to say we're in the mountains and we go in there and there is the biggest ugliest porcelain fish.

Speaker 1:

It's a porcelain fish yes, on the table yes, it's like a centerpiece and we're in the mountains, why we got fish while we're in the mountains well, I mean, if it was like a rainbow trout or something like that maybe, but no, it was the creeks, it was ugly no, this is like some red snapper ugly song. So that's a memory. Maybe a dolphin, I don't remember, I do, but I just know it was big. Yeah, it was. It was big, other than that it was a nice place. But I don't remember, I do, but it's, I just know it was big.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was, it was big. Other than that, it was a nice place but I don't know who decorated it. What about you know?

Speaker 1:

Well, what's yours?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, there's so many, I just I'm not going to name one because there's so many wonderful memories.

Speaker 1:

You're telling a story, you just wanted to say you're fine, it was okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, I like. This was the first time that I experienced the guys that are dressed up or painted or whatever like statues. Oh, yeah, yeah and you like, go up to them or whatever. Like you get your picture made and all of a sudden he's touching you.

Speaker 1:

You know, yeah, which is funny to watch now on bloopers, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's one memory.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Nicholas didn't want to stay with us. He stayed in the kid thing, that one.

Speaker 2:

Well, nicholas had a fever. We went out on a glass-bottom boat and he ended up getting sick.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, got a fever.

Speaker 2:

We went snorkeling yeah y'all went snorkeling and he laid my lap on the glass-bottom boat while y'all had fun.

Speaker 1:

That was pretty good it was.

Speaker 2:

And then I think well, I've gone to Honduras twice and so it's not a vacation, but I had my you know, a previous job. It was vacation time. The only time I could go was if I took a vacation. But going down there for mission trips, for me that'd be a memory.

Speaker 1:

Memory of the bumpy roads, riding in the back of the truck. Yeah, the lady that was over. It didn't like you riding in the back of the truck.

Speaker 2:

No, she did not like it, so we just tried to always kind of hide from her when we did certain things. But yeah, the bumps and stuff they have speed bumps too and they're called Tumalows. I'm not going to go into all the stories, but there's so many different things that are really fun.

Speaker 1:

Well, the cool thing about that trip didn't you get a letter or something the week after?

Speaker 2:

or you got a letter from one of the little kids there so we, there's an orphanage down there that we help sponsor and uh, when you, when you go there, you know you're basically a bunch of us are helping like fix whatever, like one of the guys water filters, didn't you? Yeah, we did uh buckets with uh water filters, trying to show them how you know clean water, how to and pharmacy.

Speaker 1:

That was the. That's how you got in. There was treating people at the pharmacy. That's right.

Speaker 2:

That was our, that was your end, yeah so when we would do that, right there, people would come and then we would try and spread the gospel through that, you know, showing love of Jesus by helping them with the—we'd have doctors that time, but we'd also go in and we would like at the orphanage any kind of issue Like they had—like on the girls' side there was only like one toilet that worked out of four or five. It was just unbelievable. We'd go in there and just fix this stuff and hot. I think the hottest I've ever been was upstairs in this concrete. It's basically a concrete building. You don't have any glass on the, on the windows or anything like that, because you know it's so hot down there. But we're in there and you've got your head stuck behind the toilet, trying to, you know, tighten some of this point, and you were just like it is so hot you're dying, you know. But of course we survived it.

Speaker 2:

But, uh, you meet these little kids and they just, you know, get attached to you. There's one little girl that that, uh, I got attached to. She got attached to me and you know, and then I saw her the next year. Of course she was, you know, a year older, but she was at that age that she had sprouted up from the year before, but her story was her mother had died from AIDS and she had had like four. The thing about this orphanage is that some of these kids they've got brothers and sisters that live at home with their parents and they just they can't take care of that extra kid or that next kid or whatever it is. So they would like the brothers and sisters as they're walking to school, they would be outside the gate, outside the compound, and be like waving or they'd talk to each other.

Speaker 2:

I know, it's so sad yeah, but you do, you get attached to these kids. But there's so many good things and good stories, but some of the heartbreak that you see too, it was just, uh, it was something. But I, if you've never been on any kind of mission trip anywhere, I'd you know if that's something that you're interested in or would be interested in. I mean that's you know. Let the lord lead lead you, because, oh my, my goodness, it opens your eyes and makes you appreciate everything that you've got. When you get back home, you start re-evaluating everything that you've got compared to what you just saw, with people that don't have anything. As a child, what's a favorite memory? Do you have any memories from a vacation? I can't remember anything.

Speaker 1:

The only one. I well, I kind of do so. I remember a couple. So growing up my dad was a truck driver, so he was out on the road all the time, but we would take just a weekend trip and we would go to six, the amusement park, you know.

Speaker 1:

And so this one ride the logs yeah, the water logs, so you would ride these logs and you'd go down and it would splash right down there at the end, and so at the end of it there's a bridge up there, and so the memory I have of that is standing on that bridge, me and my stepbrother standing up there, and we didn't care to ride the ride, we just wanted to go stand on the bridge and get wet because you would get soaked standing on that bridge.

Speaker 2:

It would just about knock you off, wouldn't it? Yes, or knock you down.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so yeah, we done.

Speaker 2:

I just have memories of, of course, the windows down in the car. It'd be in the summertime, because you don't really have. I don't know if we had air conditioner, even if they had air conditioning in these cars back then, but we would take.

Speaker 1:

We had a station wagon. We called it the grocery getter.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You could ride backwards and in the windows.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and seatbelts weren't a thing, yeah, but I just remember, you know, riding all the way down to the beach just a couple of times I think. I don't think we took many vacations that I can remember when I was a kid, but I remember us going, I know one time, to the beach. I never had gone to the mountains until I was 20, 21, 22, whatever.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

What's one thing that you always look for when you travel, and when I say that like a souvenir, something like that I like to do Christmas ornaments.

Speaker 1:

I like to have a Christmas ornament every year or everywhere we travel. I don't know why. I think that's just something we started in the mountains because I had Christmas shops up there.

Speaker 2:

That's the only reason why I don't go back now, because I got so tired of that. You realize me and Nicholas almost died because of y'all going back.

Speaker 1:

That was your fault. You did not have to come. I can't help the dinosaur museum what nothing.

Speaker 2:

We went to this dinosaur museum right off the. It's in Pigeon Forge, the main little stretch, or whatever.

Speaker 1:

And what is that? The Christmas village.

Speaker 2:

So they dropped us off and I'll have the smart idea, you know, I'll just yeah, I'll meet y'all down there, whatever like that. So we go in this dinosaur museum and it is like it's a sham, that's all. They just took my money. They should have just robbed me, like punched me in the face and took my wallet, because that's the way I felt. It was horrible. We didn't stay, just a couple of minutes.

Speaker 2:

No, it wasn't long and y'all were down there where we were so then we I've got, I'm like three lanes I've got to cross to get to the medium and then three lanes I've got to cross to get to the other side.

Speaker 1:

With the little seven-year-old I don't know how old he was and then like two miles down the road.

Speaker 2:

I've got to walk the same line. I always look for a bobblehead figurine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, now you're into bobbleheads.

Speaker 2:

yeah, you know I'd like to say that I collect bobblehead dolls, but I really don't, because I don't even have 10 probably.

Speaker 1:

But I do look at them because I can't pull the trigger on spending 30. If it's more than $5, he ain't buying it. No, that's not true. What?

Speaker 2:

But if it gets, you know, a little expensive, you know, yeah, I'm not going to get get it but, I do have I got. I'm looking at. I'm looking at a few, but yeah, I can't say that I collect them because I don't have enough. How many do you have to have to say you're?

Speaker 1:

a collector collection. Yeah, two is a collection, more than one, so two is a couple couple three's a crowd yeah, all right.

Speaker 2:

Last last question if you had a, vape.

Speaker 1:

you better hurry up because I'm about ready to give you my rant. I'm doing Amanda rant this week, if you had a vacation home somewhere.

Speaker 2:

Where do you think you would want that home to be? So, if you just had all right, we're going to take my private jet and we're going to go to our house out in the fill in the blank.

Speaker 1:

I'm just thinking yeah, Well, we've always talked about we'd live in the mountains. I'm just thinking, yeah, we Well, we've always talked about we'd live in the mountains. I mean, I don't know, there's just something about the mountains.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying Montana because I've always wanted to go to Montana. But I get there. I might not like it, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Nicholas wants to go to Texas.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, nicholas wants to go everywhere, anywhere but here, anywhere, but here. I'd go wherever you go. I don't think I would have a house anywhere. I think if I had the money I would just get that sure enough big bus van rv thing and do some travel I think that'd be fun.

Speaker 2:

I think so too, yeah but I I don't know, would you get the big one or would you just get the small, like the mercedes one that you know? Because I'm thinking like if you get the small one you can park in regular pretty much parking places and every two or three, four days or whatever, park it at a hotel and, uh, spend the night in a hotel. Don't stay in that thing all the time, you know I guess it depends on if you want to.

Speaker 1:

If you're diehard campers, you'd want a big one you got so many, you got like if we could have whatever we wanted to have. How about we have both and, depending on where you're going, it's which one you take.

Speaker 2:

So you get the bus-looking thing and you haul a car behind it or a truck or whatever. Or you have a truck and you haul a long gooseneck trailer behind it. Or you get. I mean, there's so many options. Have you ever watched that show to where they have like RVs that people pick yeah.

Speaker 1:

And you just it's like unbelievable.

Speaker 2:

They customize it for whatever you need. It's crazy, it is crazy, but we'll never know. So that's all I got. On the vacation thing, I just thought, or travel I mean we don't do a whole lot of traveling, but I thought, hey, there's some. What if we did? What is some of the stuff that we can remember from past vacations? And if we got a chance to go somewhere we wanted to, or do something If Jody would take off work. I don't take off work.

Speaker 1:

You can't take off work and take a vacation. You don't get paid.

Speaker 2:

That's right.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 2:

So instead of Jody ranting this week, See, I'm not going to be the bad guy. I'm taking it, I'm not going to be the bad guy.

Speaker 1:

I'm taking it, I'm claiming this rant.

Speaker 2:

I've had a good week. I've seen some strange things this week that we could get into, but anyway, yeah, but there's nothing really. This I got a ton of things I can rant about, but as for this week, nothing's really yeah, nothing's really affecting me, and I can't believe what you're about to say, that I didn't know about at the time.

Speaker 1:

I can't either.

Speaker 2:

So what is Amanda ranting about this week?

Speaker 1:

So was it Wednesday.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Because I text Jody Thursday morning and said I got something for you pod tonight.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then I said what? Here we go again. I'm getting all excited Like, hey, now there's something.

Speaker 1:

And I wouldn't tell him. No, you wouldn't tell him, I would not tell him. And then we did record on Thursday. No, no, no.

Speaker 2:

Listen, listen. All you did was you put.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I put 2.30 am.

Speaker 2:

Right that I'm like 2.30 am what. So I'm starting to think did I sleepwalk, did I do something stupid in my sleep? But then you never answer again.

Speaker 1:

I was not telling him you drive me crazy when you do this. Then he got home and he wanted to know, so I kind of told him he said whoop, whoop, stop, hold up. I said save it for the podcast Because I was getting hot, yeah and then we ended up.

Speaker 2:

I didn't feel too.

Speaker 1:

I had a bad headache.

Speaker 2:

So I was like I said I can't record tonight, so so anyway. So, but she did ended up telling me and wow, I was like, go ahead, just say it no so wednesday night number one.

Speaker 1:

Wednesday's nights are my late nights. I don't get home till like almost 8 30. That's late for me because.

Speaker 2:

I usually home at 4 because we have church. Because we have church, and then you got practice. Then I have choir practice.

Speaker 1:

So it's 8.30 or so when I get home and I don't get home and go to bed. I'm a late person anyway. I'm in the bed. All of the sudden this music starts blaring. I jump up. I mean, I jump up. I can't believe you didn't?

Speaker 2:

feel me because you're asleep.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was asleep 2 30 in the morning I jump up trying to figure out. First of all I thought it was nicholas and then I'm like he ain't that stupid you thought he snuck out or he was coming back from I didn didn't know, I just thought it was Nicholas.

Speaker 2:

Because you were still half asleep, because I was still half asleep and well.

Speaker 1:

So when I go to bed, of course Nicholas stays up, you know, and I always leave the kitchen light on and he turns the kitchen light off when he goes to bed. So the kitchen light was off. Finally figured out his kitchen light was off. So I'm like, ok, it's not Nicholas. So the kitchen light was off. So I'm like, okay, it's not Nicholas. So I'm laying there and this music is blaring. It's like, I don't know, like music, if you was working out or if you was trying to get pumped up.

Speaker 1:

Like a motivational type thing Like I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Was it rap, like hip hop? I don't think it was rap.

Speaker 1:

No, anyway, it's our neighbor. Our neighbor is blaring his music.

Speaker 2:

Santa Claus neighbor.

Speaker 1:

And I don't care if he knows, because he almost knew, because I come really close to texting him and telling him to turn it down. He has speakers on the outside of his house and our bedroom is right in the back of his. Our bedroom is in the I mean, it's on down the hill, it's not like right in the back of his. Our bedroom is in the I mean, it's on down the hill, it's not like right in it. But our bedroom is on the side where his speakers are, and for an hour he blared that dang music and I debated on whether to wake jody up, but I knew jody would be worse than I would. Hey, jody would have went out there, he'd have laid on the horn.

Speaker 2:

I would have drove up there to his house and found out. What is your problem, dude?

Speaker 1:

so neighbors, people have respect. 2, 30 in the morning is not right and if he does it again, no, I still want to know what kept you from texting him.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I mean if it lasted that long it did.

Speaker 1:

I laid there, I could not sleep, it was going off and I don't know. I just didn't text him, but I was real close to it and he finally turned it off.

Speaker 2:

But I'm saying like five, ten minutes, ten minutes max. I don't know if I'd last that long, but I'm just giving him about that long because I'm thinking, well, there's a mistake, he didn't realize he's turned it on, something like that. But if it's like if an hour and you didn't wake me up and you didn't do anything, maybe it wasn't quite an hour, it felt like an hour, say 45 minutes that's still and then he's, and then his neighbor because then I heard your alarm clock by the time I drifted.

Speaker 1:

Because then I heard your alarm clock by the time I drifted back off. I heard your alarm going off.

Speaker 2:

So my alarm goes off at 305. Yeah, so.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you know. So that's my rant. People have respect. Where is the respect?

Speaker 2:

Well, the thing about it is the neighbor on the side of him is really close, really close. Really close Like you could.

Speaker 1:

I don't know you can reach out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you could almost reach out and touch fingertips if you wanted to yeah so I'm sure they really, and I'm surprised they didn't and they might have.

Speaker 1:

Hey, maybe they did and I don't know. But that's it, I'm done I'm done if it happens again.

Speaker 2:

Well I do remember I'm done If it happens again. Well, I do remember when Nicholas was younger and it was Halloween. Oh, yes, did the same thing and he had spooky.

Speaker 1:

And Nicholas could not sleep. Yeah, it was howling.

Speaker 2:

It was scary music. It was scary music.

Speaker 1:

When he was young. Yeah, it was like whoo. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

All the ghost sounds and all that stuff and it scared him to death and it was like you've got to be kidding me.

Speaker 1:

He's always had the music. Yeah, always, yeah, the music.

Speaker 2:

And that's fine. I mean, if he does it in the daytime, it's fine in the day.

Speaker 1:

I give you to 11, 12 o'clock at night. Okay, on the weekend we're talking about the flipping week People is working, people is working. I don't know so.

Speaker 2:

I don't have any. I don't. I would never do anything like that. You try and think of it, or at least me. I try and think of everybody else before you think of yourself. Yeah, and especially something like that. I don't know, I would just think it's a mistake, but if you, you would know, right? I'm thinking that those speakers are hooked to something else in his house. So if he's listening like the radio, while you're listening to it at 2 30 in the morning, I have no idea I don't care why.

Speaker 2:

That's your business, I don't want to hear it, but what I'm saying is if it's hooked into, like his speaker inside the house yeah, and it's blaring out well, he would know that too, right, you would think maybe it's not as loud in there, maybe sound.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I know sound carries but I mean, oh yeah, people Turn your music down at 2.30 in the morning.

Speaker 2:

Huh Well. So, how about that? All right, All these rants you got I tell you.

Speaker 1:

I'm good now. I got that off my chest. I've been holding it for two days.

Speaker 2:

We'll pray for you. Yeah, you need to. We'll pray for a neighbor too.

Speaker 1:

Need to.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Happy Easter, by the way, that's right. We're recording on Good Friday.

Speaker 2:

He is risen. Yeah, good news. Everybody's got hope. If you don't know the Easter story, I hope you Send us a message.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll talk to you about it.

Speaker 2:

Hey you hey that's another thing too, like we're not afraid to pray for anybody or anything like that. So if anybody has like a prayer request and I know this is like reaching way out there, but you don't have to be specific on anything but if you've got a certain request and you want to email it to me, I guarantee that I'll pray, pray for you and Amanda will pray for you. But if it's unspoken, you just want to send out the hey, please pray for me, or pray for the situation I'm in. Hey, do it. The main thing is we've got to pray for each other, not just for yourself, but everyone around you.

Speaker 1:

And, with that being said, I hope y'all have a great week and we'll catch you on the flip side.

Speaker 2:

See y'all later. Thanks for listening.

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