This That And The Other

13. Tales from the Trenches of Food Delivery and Life's Unforeseen Moments

SquirrelGuy Media Season 1 Episode 13

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Ever had the temptation to stretch the time between hair washes? We're ripping the lid off the secrets to less oily locks and the wonders of dry shampoo. Revel in our heartfelt tribute to the unsung heroes of our lives as well, from the tenacious mothers shaping our world to the friends and family who roll up their sleeves to help out with a new nail business or a home renovation. It's a mix of gratitude, laughter, and personal anecdotes, including my own hair-raising (pun intended!) tales of hair care woes.

Sure, we commonly reach for ketchup to slather on our fries, but have you ever drizzled it over canned chili? Join us for a hearty laugh as we uncover the quirks in our eating habits, the relief of a sinus surgery that finally lets you savor a meal, and the peculiarities of enjoying Reese's cups in various states of meltiness. In a series of candid conversations, we explore the yin and yang of project procrastination and dive into the sweet triumphs of homemade gooey brownies, all while considering the thoughtful intricacies of gift-giving.

Strap in for a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a DoorDash delivery driver, where GPS reliability can mean the difference between a hot meal and a cold disappointment. We'll navigate the gig economy, the rise of robots and drones, and how these advancements are reshaping the job market. But the heart of our episode beats with the story of my son's car accident, a raw and powerful narrative that examines the spectrum of fear and anxiety that envelops us when faced with the unknown. So, buckle up for a ride through the tribulations and triumphs that bind us all.

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If you are interested in the nails or any of Amanda's social media, she talks about here is her link.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back folks to this, that Another, I'm Amanda. And I am jody and I'm gonna start the podcast off this week, so last week energized.

Speaker 2:

Are you energized? You need to be quiet. Oh, I can't talk.

Speaker 1:

No, need to be quiet. I'll be over here. So last week jody kept saying I was mean to him. So I'm gonna start this week by saying I really do have the best husband. When I come up with crazy things I want done, he doesn't hesitate to do them. He gets them done even when I'm not ready to do them. And I just throw out crazy ideas. So I don't want to hurt his feelings, so I'm sorry you're just trying to build me back up I see what you're doing. I'm sorry what?

Speaker 2:

kind of crazy things are you? There's no need to apologize. I'm about to cry. I got a tear forming.

Speaker 1:

Hand me that napkin over there, honey. I just want to tell you that. Sorry, I didn't mean to be mean and hurt your feelings.

Speaker 2:

Apology accepted Next.

Speaker 1:

So there you go.

Speaker 2:

So what are you talking about?

Speaker 1:

The crazy things that you have, well my crazy nail business and you helped me. You made my wall that I wanted. When I was just sitting on it and thinking about it and you're like no, just do it, Just do it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You do videos if I need them done.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You do build me things, you paint my room, when I just sit there and think about it. Procrastinate that's what I do I procrastinate.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And you're like no, just do it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So I just thought I would start off, Even though it's Mother's Day weekend. I'm apologizing and telling you how much I appreciate you.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you. So there you go much. I appreciate you Well, thank you.

Speaker 1:

So there you go. I appreciate that, yeah. Why's your face red?

Speaker 2:

Oh, is it red Really? Yeah, I don't know why, because it's hot in this room. I turned the air off because you know the vent blows straight on us, so I turned it off and now it's getting a little stuffy.

Speaker 1:

So, speaking of Mother's Day, hope you had a great weekend, enjoyed it with your family.

Speaker 2:

That's right. We couldn't do it without y'all. I'm speaking for the menfolk.

Speaker 1:

That's right.

Speaker 2:

And the kids. I'll speak for the kids too.

Speaker 1:

I'm done.

Speaker 2:

That's it.

Speaker 1:

That's all I got.

Speaker 2:

But when we sat down in here, right after we sat down in here, right after we sat down you said that to do this episode for your involvement, that I was gonna have to, like wash and dry your hair.

Speaker 1:

Yes, washing and drying your hair is like, oh, that's like the worst thing I hate to do. I hate to wash and dry my hair which is worse, the drying or the washing? I don't know both. I think a lot of women are like that now. Well, now the big thing is seeing how long you can go without washing it why would you do that? Because it's better for it.

Speaker 2:

You don't need to wash it every day I'm not worried about the health of my hair.

Speaker 1:

I just want to feel clean because I don't feel dirty, because I don't. It's not oily anymore, because I've trained it, so I don't have to wash it every day.

Speaker 2:

How do you train your hair?

Speaker 1:

It was a very slow process.

Speaker 2:

Well, tell me, because I have no idea. I don't know anything about this, you just get dry shampoo and you use it and you just you go.

Speaker 1:

You started off with two days no washing, then you wash it, then you'll go do a couple of times like that and then I went to three days with no washing and are you talking about using this dry shampoo the whole time?

Speaker 1:

yeah, you only had to use it one or two times, though. You want to use the dry shampoo right after you've washed your hair, like right after you've dried your hair, you want that dry shampoo on there so it will um absorb the oils, and then maybe two days later I put it on again. So then you just train it, you just keep adding days.

Speaker 1:

I'm I can go a week without washing your hair without washing my hair and you're telling people this oh, you ask most women and they'll tell you they don't wash it every day. Really, yeah, most women. I didn't say all, I said most. I don't know, because you can do different styles and stuff and not have to worry.

Speaker 2:

What? Because you didn't wash your hair, so you can do different. What do you mean?

Speaker 1:

So if I washed my hair every day.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't do these styles.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you're not a woman, you don't know.

Speaker 2:

Apparently not. You know, I did have that little small window of time.

Speaker 1:

I had long hair oh, and I loved fixing your hair but what I'm, what I'm getting at, he has goatee locks curls when he has long hair. It was longer than mine. One day I straightened it with a straightener yeah, you do.

Speaker 2:

I did anyway, so when I had long hair it was a hassle not for me.

Speaker 1:

If you would just let me do it, it wouldn't been a hassle for you I'm talking about.

Speaker 2:

It was a hassle for me to wash it wasn't it okay. That's how women feel about their long hair so they don't want to wash and dry it every day that's why I don't have long hair anymore.

Speaker 1:

But if you would, have just done what I told you to do and just put gel stuff in it and let it go, because you have curls, you have beautiful curls.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was the thing. You know. It is like a bird's nest, if you didn't.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it would get that way, wouldn't it? Yes, it was terrible, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And so that was the worst part. I did fix it on Sundays I and so that was that was the worst part. Yeah, I did fix it on sundays. I don't remember how long did I, that's, how long did I go without I guess?

Speaker 1:

that's the only time I get to fix a girl's hair not a girl's hair, but a hair because I didn't, you know, because we didn't have a girl.

Speaker 2:

So we used to fix nicholas's hair, even though mean it wasn't long, but I mean you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's not the same. Gelled it up and stuff until he got old enough, Anyway.

Speaker 2:

so how long did I go with that? I don't remember how long a stretch I went with having long hair. I went.

Speaker 1:

It was at least a year, yeah, but it was Longer.

Speaker 2:

I think was it like and your hair grows fast, 14 months or something before I had a haircut Maybe I went, you know, didn't get trimmed or nothing.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Something like that. It was a while and then, yeah, then I was growing it out for a reason, but anyway. So when I got the haircut, wasn't it Me not knowing anything about hair? Y'all said something about cutting the dead. It had dead ends ends.

Speaker 1:

So it basically was slowing down growing something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah but I don't think that's true, but anyway. So supposed to be like a little trim and uh, ended up had inches cut off 10 and then, well, no, I'm, that wasn't that much I'm just saying first time, yeah I'm just saying because and then that's what caused me to I couldn't, I was not willing to continue to go trying to get the length that we needed to cut it. So, because of the trim, they were supposed to just trim a little bit and they trimmed too much and I like I can't, I can't doing this yeah, so get it gone.

Speaker 1:

Then he shaved it and we no, you didn't shave.

Speaker 2:

No, I didn't shave it, but you used't shave it. No, I didn't shave it, but you used to shave it, I used to shave it. I've been on both spectrums when it comes to hair. Completely like nothing, you know shiny head to shoulder length or long hair. I don't know how long it was, it was longer than your shoulders when we straightened it.

Speaker 1:

It was cute, I know about that I love the curls.

Speaker 2:

I don't even remember that because I, oh, I couldn't imagine having it now and that was just a few years ago. But it's like, yeah, I don't know, it was a mess yeah I don't know how guys have long hair their whole life. I mean, I just had that small little window and I didn't like it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but yours had so much curl in it. That's what made it.

Speaker 2:

If yours wasn't that tight curly, it would have been a lot easier do you see, like all these rock stars and all that they, they got a ton of curly hair well, they put perms in theirs, yeah, but they got people to fix their hair well I don't know about all that, but anyway, them days are over with and how do we get?

Speaker 1:

but I might have.

Speaker 2:

I might have tried the you know hair because you said that I had to wash and dry your hair.

Speaker 1:

If you're gonna do this podcast, but you left the other stuff out, you waited till we sat down, and then you, you told me, you left the other thing out.

Speaker 2:

I don't remember what the other thing was, you shaved my legs I never forget that that's not nice.

Speaker 1:

I've been so nice to you, you have now been, and now you're not.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, I'm not shaving your legs. My apologies.

Speaker 1:

Happy Mother's Day, yeah back to that.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, that's all I asked for. Oh, for me to do that for Mother's Day. Yeah, go get the razor.

Speaker 1:

We ain't doing no dry shave. It's going to be a dry shave.

Speaker 2:

It sure is, and we're going to do it live, oh Lord. So what's been going on this week? Anything worth talking about? Something to take a couple of minutes, don't be long-winded. So we went from last Friday you having an incident with an armadillo, oh Lord To this Friday, which is today. Today, I had an incident with a no.

Speaker 1:

You need to start wednesday. Started it at church oh, wednesday.

Speaker 2:

Uh, yeah, uh, we found a snake that was on the hill and I seen it today. I didn't know it was still there yeah, I got caught up in some netting and I need it out of there.

Speaker 1:

Y'all just don't understand what kind of anxiety it gives me just to see one, just don't look well, when you're pulling out of where it is well, don't pull out over there, where it is that's where I park well, don't park over there?

Speaker 2:

well, that's where I park I'm trying to solve this issue you have anyway. But then today I had an issue with a snake the neighbor's dog, santa Claus neighbor. His dog was going crazy over there in the backyard so I knew what it was. So I ventured over there and me and Nicholas I don't know what it was it was a snake, I killed it.

Speaker 1:

So guess what Jody's going to do tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

You think?

Speaker 1:

I know If I had to go buy it, it doesn't work. I don't care, it makes me feel better.

Speaker 2:

What makes you feel better?

Speaker 1:

Snake away.

Speaker 2:

Snake away.

Speaker 1:

Mothballs, Something I don't care. Well, yeah it smells like mothballs.

Speaker 2:

But it's that powder, little granulate stuff that you spread around your property. But the a and if you read on the bottle it says, it gives you like a list of snakes that it might, it might not affect nicholas's home there with the dogs if you heard the dogs that's, uh yeah, nicholas's home um, but it also says the ones it does affect why are you telling me this?

Speaker 1:

just let me think that it helps I'm telling the people the people don't need to know well.

Speaker 2:

The people do need to know well but if you put it like around your property, whatever snakes are on your property aren't going to leave. Why are you? It's like you feel I'm moving. It's like you fenced them in I'm moving this snake was not even on our property, so it's close enough.

Speaker 1:

You don't understand some kind of water snake, but he was, he was very aggressive and I videoed as we killed it. Well.

Speaker 2:

Would you like to see?

Speaker 1:

it. No, I would not, but he was very aggressive. Well, he needed to die.

Speaker 2:

Well they all do Poisonous or not.

Speaker 1:

They all do. Hmm, you're right, the dog didn't get bit.

Speaker 2:

No, but get bit. No, but he got, I don't know. He got close, he was going crazy and nicholas kind of held him back when we first got over there and then it took two shovels because the way he was he wasn't like okay, that's enough he wouldn't, I couldn't get a good shot really I'm serious, that's enough, but nicholas did um, that's enough all right. So there's something about fridays. I'm just saying so what's gonna happen next friday?

Speaker 1:

nothing what?

Speaker 2:

What animal am I going to meet?

Speaker 1:

Nothing, so we've just had an easy week. Maybe Neither one of us has had much going on.

Speaker 2:

It seems like it was not too bad.

Speaker 1:

It seemed like a long week.

Speaker 2:

Let's see what did I. Monday I recorded another podcast that we talked about cheater. Tuesday we normally record that other podcast, but couldn't so tuesday what did I do? Nothing.

Speaker 1:

Wednesday church church thursday we made mother's day crafts in church well, it's been raining on and off too most of them.

Speaker 2:

but today is the only day I cut grass, tried to get all that done, Didn't get it all done and I've got to do something at church tomorrow and get that knocked out. I did sit out in the sun today, you did sit out in the sun. I saw you while I was weed eating. Well, let me ask you this here we go, Some questions.

Speaker 2:

I'm just going to say what is it that I do? Since this is Mother's Day, I thought you can just like throw it all out there. What is it that I do that bothers you, that really gets under your whatever.

Speaker 1:

I was trying to be nice.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's fine, but just lay it out there and tell me, because I think I probably know all, but maybe there's something I don't know. I know probably what the number one thing is.

Speaker 1:

Eating ketchup on a canned chili.

Speaker 2:

Is that the number one? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Eating ketchup on the canned chili. Yeah, that's disgusting.

Speaker 2:

So when I eat like Hormel chili, I heat it up and then I put ketchup on top of it and I Eat it with Cool Ranch, with Cool Ranch Doritos. I dip it in there and there ain't nothing like it. Hey, if you like ketchup, if you like chili and you like Cool Ranch, try it out. It's a pretty good combination. I've tried to keep that a secret. I don't want many people to know that because it's so good.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, nothing bothers me, that much does it.

Speaker 2:

I smack when I eat Except you're smacking. Now.

Speaker 1:

Nicholas does it, and I'm telling you one more time and I'm just going to go thump him in the head.

Speaker 2:

He gets on to me for smacking, oh, but he's gotten really bad when he eats ramen noodles. That's not smacking though. Well, slurping smacking that's not smacking, though well, slurping smacking, but I don't realize. I'm doing it, but you can't breathe. Good, yeah, I got like a deviate. You know, I had surgery to fix this deviated symptom and then I found out.

Speaker 1:

We always talk about surgeries and our problems and stuff.

Speaker 2:

It seems like all mine revolve back to my surgeries, but you know I had that sinus surgery, and in the process of that they also worked on the deviated septum and uh and it cleared things up but then I read an article that that it's only good for like five years and sure enough it wasn't long and it kind of closed back in, but yeah it ain't nothing like it was I'm talking about the, the deviated septum I'm not talking about the sinuses. The the sinus surgery was a success.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Because I used to have terrible, terrible, terrible allergies. I'm talking, I can remember, all through school I always had a Kleenex because my nose was running, I was sneezing all the time, you know, 12 months out of the year. And then, after my son, which that was a terrible surgery to have terrible that was it was bad yeah, because they they packed the inside of your, your jaw, your, your sinuses with, with gauze and then they pull it out of your nose, the strings attached to it, like three days later they're pulling it oh yeah, just letting people know thanks.

Speaker 2:

But uh, yeah, I bet I didn't even sneeze for two years after I had the surgery because it was. But anyway, yeah, it was man, it was nice. But but yeah, you know, if you can't breathe real good out of your nose, I guess you're gonna smack when you eat why you got got them Reese cups over there.

Speaker 1:

You hiding them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I just like looking at them over here.

Speaker 1:

They just need to go in the refrigerator.

Speaker 2:

You know me and the boys on that other podcast. I bought a bucket of Reese cups.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they get a bucket. I get nothing, but you know what I was just, I get nothing.

Speaker 2:

Listen, I was just.

Speaker 1:

He brings them gifts to their podcast but he doesn't bring me anything.

Speaker 2:

You're getting me, mm. You're getting me. That should be all that matters.

Speaker 1:

So do they? No, yeah, no, mm. If they was to call right now, you'd go running.

Speaker 2:

I might not run, but I would go.

Speaker 1:

Well, okay, same, thing, so see.

Speaker 2:

Well you know you get a bunch of boys together. You know hooping and hollering.

Speaker 1:

Oh, there's the word boys.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's right. Yeah, because we act like a bunch of boys. But anyway, back to the bucket of Reese's. It's not actually Reese's cups, it's the Reese's meanies. So that's the turnoff about it. Now. They're still good, but the meanies is nothing compared to the cups.

Speaker 1:

They're not good if you don't put them in the refrigerator.

Speaker 2:

No, you can't have. Cold is terrible.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You want it almost melted. No no, no.

Speaker 1:

That's disgusting.

Speaker 2:

No, that's what makes it really good, what makes it why being cold makes it good.

Speaker 1:

Oh, they're just so good cold. I hate them melted like that.

Speaker 2:

Like crunchy. That's why you like them.

Speaker 1:

No, it ain't crunchy, it just Well, it's going to be harder, it's good, and cold and hard? I don't know.

Speaker 2:

But it's not going to mush like if it was. I don't like to mush, I do. I like to like almost melted. You're weird. No, I'm not.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you are. All right how many people comment how many people like their Reese's melted, or do you like your Reese's cool?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Cool. Melted Nope, I'm just saying room temperature or warmer yeah you don't want them any warmer, then you're just melting it, then you can't get them out of the pack.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't want them to be melted when I'm trying to dig them out of the thing to where? Yeah, no, you need to get a spoon to try and eat them out of the pack.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm not saying that, but I am saying I think we need those brownies again.

Speaker 2:

Domino's makes some killer brownies, by the way. We talked about that last week. We did. We can talk about it again. What are they?

Speaker 1:

called. I don't know. I don't know, but that sounds good. Go get us some.

Speaker 2:

Yes they're like ooey gooey.

Speaker 1:

Go get us some. It's you made them at home. It's like on the verge of not being completely cooked.

Speaker 2:

Maybe the last brownies I made were like that. Yeah, and they were. Well, I didn't get a chance, you didn't get none. I tried to give you one. I made them for the teachers, yeah no, you didn't offer me one because you hadn't made them for the teachers.

Speaker 1:

I did because I split one and I told you here, do you want half of it? Because I ate half of it. I needed to make sure they were okay was that like nine o'clock at night when? I had to go to bed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, maybe that's why well, between me being tired and I'm not gonna eat a brownie before I go to bed, well, can't do that anyway. What else bothers? Bothers you about me? What do I do?

Speaker 1:

when you get something in your head, you gotta do it right then I want to sit and stew on it a minute or day or a week or whatever months months I know not wasting time if you're not going. He goes, he goes and gets it done.

Speaker 2:

I'm all in, I know that's why are you talking about like an idea or a project or what?

Speaker 1:

anything, anything you get on your mind, you got to do it then. You can't just wait and think it out Like what Like podcast.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no, no, no, this was a long time coming. This was I've wanted to do this for a long time. You know that Because I researched equipment, reviews, reviews, all this kind of stuff. So, yeah, talked about it for over a year, probably two years.

Speaker 1:

no, I've always wanted to do it not hot, maybe you didn't, no, but I got serious about it, probably.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'd researched so much that, when I decided to pull the trigger, yeah, yeah bam I went for it. But no, don't ask. Don't act like I just woke up one morning. I'm going to do a podcast.

Speaker 1:

You did, let's order no. You started yeah, no, you're like order this, order it now.

Speaker 2:

Whatever, whatever, anyway, what else.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, there ain't nothing really I don't reckon. If it's like projects.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's something, I'm going to get it done. Like if I decide I want to put a lean-to on a little building I got out there, it's like I'm going to get the material right now. I'm going to do it Not me.

Speaker 1:

I want to sit and think about it. I don't know why. Well, maybe that is another thing. If I ask a math question or I ask something, if he's trying to explain something to me, he's got to get the paper out and draw it.

Speaker 2:

What are you talking about? A math problem, and I'm drawing out a math problem to you.

Speaker 1:

Well, if yeah, you want to show me how to figure it out and I don't want to show. I don't want you to show me You're math smart, I just want you to tell me maybe I'm trying to teach you I don't want to show you. You don't have to come to me to ask again. I'm too old to learn maybe I don't, maybe I like to come to you, that's nice, but maybe I don't have time to answer all your questions oh, so you don't have time for me I'm just saying sometimes you just said you don't have time for me.

Speaker 1:

No, here we go again, once again. People, I tried to be nice and you see where he goes.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm loving you being nice. You're always nice. Now, when we do this thing right here, we get aggravated, or I get aggravated, because I'll say it again it's like pulling teeth, do you not?

Speaker 1:

think I do that on purpose.

Speaker 2:

No, not now. I can tell, because you really do not like doing the podcast. If I can get you in here, start talking, you're fine. But it's like it's you're like coming in here, that's the way you are and then I like come on, you can do it. I'm like over here trying to be a motivational speaker before I ever hit that record button Pumping you up. It's like I've got an IV in your.

Speaker 1:

It's like you ask me. Every week I'm shooting you full of steroids.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to do something to get you going. Go, go, go go, Amanda, Amanda.

Speaker 1:

You ask me every week what we're going to talk about.

Speaker 2:

I'm the guest You're supposed to come up with what we're going to talk about. I'm just trying to motivate you. It don't take much if you just think of a topic and then we'll go with that.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to. I want you to. You're the leader.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but if I come up with something, you roll your eyes and I'm like I don't want to talk about that so talk about that so well, I roll my eyes with everything. So see, it's like I.

Speaker 1:

I'm not winning any of this, none of these battles, watch this.

Speaker 2:

Oh my goodness, she's like shaking.

Speaker 1:

You can't say is it?

Speaker 2:

shaking feet. You know shaking hands, yeah, but you're shaking. Each foot is attached to the other foot by its toes. That is unbelievable, what I'm looking at right now. Can I take a picture?

Speaker 1:

of that. No, yeah, if you're going to sell it for $10,000.

Speaker 2:

So each toe is interlocked to one another.

Speaker 1:

I do that all the time.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how you're doing that and I can't even explain it. They don't know what I'm doing.

Speaker 1:

You're holding hands, but it's your feet. You're holding feet. You're holding feet.

Speaker 2:

That sounds so weird. Well, can I please take a picture?

Speaker 1:

If you can get $10,000 for it, you can.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's amazing. See, my toes would get stuck if I did and then. I couldn't get them apart. You can't just do that. No, it's like you separate those toes. It's unbelievable. That is unbelievable, and you're doing it again. I sit on the couch like this all the time, but I usually have a blanket on. Does it drive you crazy when you've got socks on and then you can't do that with each toe with the other foot? No anyway, enough about, because we've talked about that, I think last time we did, it was pretty good though, yeah, I would.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to take my socks off and show out and show you what I can do with my toes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know what you can do nothing.

Speaker 2:

We got some storms this week yeah, I mean it seems like it's raining like every day or every other day or something. That's why I couldn't get anything done.

Speaker 1:

Did you? You said you listened to Rick and Bubba. Today, like I've listened to Rick and Bubba, I feel like my whole life, and now they're retiring after 31 years. Ever since I was in high school I've listened to them, but this morning he couldn't. He didn't get to work on time because he had a tree down they were at the lake.

Speaker 1:

You know, last year his house got torn up by a tornado. You're talking about bubba bubba, yeah, yeah, yeah, I thought I said that, but I didn't. I said freaking bubba. Okay, bubba's lake house um, got messed up, so they've just now got it built back. And then this they stayed there last uh, yeah, last night and had a tree down in the drive and he says he couldn't find a saw anywhere. He thought he had a sawzall, which he knew it would take him forever with a sawzall. But he said he had like a table saw or something and he was out there sawing it and then he had to saw, like he like all around it, like it wouldn't like just go through it, like a regular saw, you know. So he said he was taking that little saw and he had to saw all the way around under, get it all the way under the tree to get it out of the way. But yeah, we, yeah, we've had some storms this week.

Speaker 2:

He needed my battery operated to walk, didn't he? That's right, that would have worked.

Speaker 1:

He said he has saws, but he didn't have none out there. The reason I said that is because I saw that little battery pack and I was thinking that thing's charged now because I made you charge it last night in case we lost power.

Speaker 2:

What's it called? Is it just a battery pack? I think so, yeah, with the official. But it's, you know you, can you charge it? And it's supposed to be able to charge I can, is it? I think it said five, like five phones on one charge stuff like that. I mean, I very seldom charge this thing I know, but I run it.

Speaker 2:

Charge it last night yeah, so what I do is I hook it up to this recorder that we've got, which. The recorder runs on batteries, but if you hook it up to this battery pack, the batteries in the recorder aren't being used and uh, but anyway, I noticed this morning that the battery pack was still flashing like it was charging. So there's no way it was on charge for eight or nine hours and there's no way there's something about those white little. Is it called a block?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That you hook your cord into.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we haven't had any luck in those here lately. None of our phones are charging good off of them.

Speaker 2:

What is the official name they plug in?

Speaker 1:

It's called a block, the block that you hook your charger to. You hook the line or anything, yeah, something about them.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty sure it's called a block If you buy the don't buy them from the nearest gas station, and even the ones at Walmart, if you're not buying an official Apple. It seems like. It seems like they're not. At least for us it's not. We're not having any luck with them at all because it'll end up like well, my phone, it'll show that it's charging and you give it a minute or two and then you look over there and your phone's not charging, so you unplug it and plug it back in and does the same thing and it just can. A continuous battle. So we thought it was the cords and we start swapping stuff around and then find out it's not the cords. All we can figure out is those little white blocks Me and the other guys on the other podcast, which is called Three Wheels, no Direction by the way, why don't you just go do that podcast, because that's all you talk about?

Speaker 2:

No, I was just doing a shout out, for we had talked about our last episode, which I think it'll come out. I think this episode that we recorded it'll be the same he likes that podcast better than ours.

Speaker 1:

No I do not yeah, no, let me shout out my tiktok go ahead, shout it out let me shout out my team I've been building this week Got three new ladies. I've got that's good.

Speaker 2:

We'll talk about that in a minute.

Speaker 1:

Talk about I'm going to Indy.

Speaker 2:

Indy, whatever that is, indianapolis, mm-hmm. So anyway, we were talking about DoorDash and what we thought about it. So have you ever ordered from DoorDash?

Speaker 1:

When it first come available out here where we are. Yes, when you could get the little coupons and it wouldn't charge you, or it would only charge you. Well, explain all that to me, because I don't know anything about it so when we you said sign up, hold on.

Speaker 2:

I know, when you finally said we, when we got it out here, does that mean that it it just now came available, or?

Speaker 1:

oh no, it's been available for a while. But I mean to come out, to come to jasper and all that stuff. We were, oh, it's probably been two or three years now, I guess we're 12 miles from, yeah, probably from, jasper yeah, oh, but it didn't come to the house, it just came to where I work. So I have it delivered at work, and when I first started doing it it was fine, the people were fine, but then it just seems like we don't care what we look like or what we.

Speaker 2:

You're talking about the people that work for DoorDash. Yeah, the dashers. Is that what they're?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't know You're talking about the people that work for DoorDash. Yeah, the dashers Is that what they're called? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

That's my point, that's what I'm getting at. It kind of just turned me off, so I stopped. I hadn't done it in a long time.

Speaker 2:

I wonder if there's some kind of I don't know. Do they have a policy on how you're supposed to be, your looks, how you're supposed to present yourself if you're a?

Speaker 1:

dasher, I don't think so, because some of them would come in their pajamas.

Speaker 2:

So I guess, as long as you've got a vehicle and you're getting from point a to point b, I guess. So yeah, so is there different packaging that this food is coming in, like if you ordered from chick-fil-a mcdonald's burger king? I?

Speaker 1:

think they just tape it down so is there any?

Speaker 2:

what I'm, my point being, is I don't feel very comfortable with anybody, somebody that's delivering this to me, which we do the pizza. So I mean it really isn't that much difference, because they could do something to your food I guess, but I just feel like if I order that number seven from mcdonald's, is there a chance that they can tamper with it.

Speaker 1:

I guess so if they wanted to. But I mean you're.

Speaker 2:

But if you're saying it's kind of sealed or taped, I think some of them taped it.

Speaker 1:

Some of them did have some bags that had some different kind of seal on it, but your drinks don't.

Speaker 2:

I didn't think about the drink. Yeah, I would almost be like if the drinks wouldn't be available.

Speaker 1:

You can order the food, but no drinks because, to me as a delivery person I don't want to mess with the drink.

Speaker 2:

That's the hassle, is the drink and uh, because, yeah, because what if? What happens if you spill the drink? You're somewhere, it's completely empty, uh, and you apologize to the people.

Speaker 1:

I mean, there's no way that you can take money off or anything, well, no cause, you've already paid for it.

Speaker 2:

Right. So how does all that work?

Speaker 1:

I guess you just put a complaint in to the DoorDash people company, but I still don't see there's no way you can make a living off of doordash. Well, they up their prices, so if you're buying a meal, at mcdonald's for what we looked this up, six dollars, so let me let me tell you what we found out.

Speaker 2:

So if it's a, it's an eight dollar meal at mcdonald's, you're paying. I think it was 16, 33, it was something like that. You, basically, you're dublin or almost dublin, it might have been 15 something but, anyway, you're right at dublin.

Speaker 1:

Your price I don't remember it being that high. I wouldn't have paid that because it was well. I done it when I first started I hadn't done in a long time taxes and fees.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, this is what spencer was looking up and yeah, um put all that in there, uh, so and then you're paying like a monthly thing for the service.

Speaker 1:

Like I know, you're not just paying for the app or whatever. So you know you're paying, so let's back. You're still paying like a backup for a second.

Speaker 2:

I don't do apps. I don't order food off of an app, anything like that. What you drinking over there?

Speaker 1:

I can't tell you, it's my good old Coke. Is it Cherry Coke.

Speaker 2:

All right. So I just can't See. I was thinking I could just order this go under whatever.

Speaker 1:

No, you've got to sign up for it, so then I have to. So I I got is it like a subscription. I think so.

Speaker 2:

So I'm paying a monthly fee.

Speaker 1:

I think it was To be a member of this. Maybe Let me see if I still have my app. I don't remember what it was called, if it's just regular DoorDash or oh yeah, I do. Let me see what it says.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, check it out while you're out there, because I really don't know. Josh and Spencer tell me all the time about this stuff that I have no clue when it comes to ordering stuff off the app, you know, because I don't like drive-thrus or anything like that Jody does not like drive-thrus, but to see that I like convenience and a drive-thru is convenient. Right, you will stop and go in I know, but especially with the app, you would think that's right down my alley.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love to order with the app.

Speaker 2:

Maybe, if I would try it, maybe I would change, but I don't ever go to fast food.

Speaker 1:

Now you can order with the app and pay for it and everything. And now we just make Nicholas go get it and we don't have to get it and it's paid for, yeah.

Speaker 2:

All this is fine, because you're taking me out of it.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

And if you put me in it, that's the problem, yeah you're not. Which I don't really care to go anywhere to eat anyway. But if you want to get it for me, sure I'll eat it.

Speaker 1:

What you finding out over there. No stores available in my area because I gotta change my address.

Speaker 2:

And we also.

Speaker 1:

Get your first two months of. Get your first two months of DoorDash of Dash Dash Pass for $4.99 per month. Save 50% on your membership.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what that little thing was. I don't know what that was it, just didn't work out, just mail Tillis over there for a second. All right, so I'm paying $5 a month.

Speaker 1:

So they got the Mexican restaurant right here and it's $1.99 delivery fee. So that's added on top. And then, if you're going to leave a tip, Jax does not have a delivery fee.

Speaker 2:

Hold on. So go back to Jax and people that don't know. Just listen to what Jax is. It's just a fast food restaurant that's in the south. All right, I'm ordering a number five and it's eight dollars even if I go there and buy it, all right. So if I'm door dashing it, a big, a bigger jack combo.

Speaker 1:

So that's a big burger fry and a drink is 11 49 and you go to the store and it's like what? Six something. Or you go to the restaurant and it's like six something.

Speaker 2:

Say $7.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So it's. And then? What? Is there something else tacked on to that $11?

Speaker 1:

They don't have a fee.

Speaker 2:

All right, so a place that does have a fee, the fee is tacked on at the end, but you'll want to give them a tip. Right. So my point being is like so they give me everything's added in the all that, so it's eleven dollars, and then now they're gonna throw that dollar fifty two, two dollars three dollars delivery fee and then you've got a. Well, you don't have to do a tip, right you don't have to right but you add that in so now we're 15, 16 dollars, right?

Speaker 1:

oh yeah, so how?

Speaker 2:

$16, right.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

So how much is the Dasher getting besides the?

Speaker 1:

tip. Yeah, I don't know. I just wonder, yeah, who's getting that extra money that they just but also why do? They up their price. But also Does the Dash people get that?

Speaker 2:

Well, they're getting a portion, they're not getting all that. There's no way but for the, the chain, the restaurant, to use doordash, there's got to be agreement between that store or that restaurant and doordash.

Speaker 1:

so the restaurant's got to be given a percentage off right yeah, to doordash, so that now that doDash is making money and you can even do Dollar General and Winn-Dixie and Walgreens CVS.

Speaker 2:

For DoorDash, and so it's not just food anymore.

Speaker 1:

Guess not.

Speaker 2:

So they're venturing out?

Speaker 1:

Well, probably because you should have never told me that now I should have never gotten here.

Speaker 2:

So they're just delivering like small type, grocery type you know, just a few items. Like under 10 items or something like that. Yeah, that's not bad, but maybe that's because their business model isn't working quite like they thought.

Speaker 1:

And it says no delivery fee on the Dollar General. So, quite like they thought. And it says no delivery fee on the Dollar General, so let's just look and see Order some simple stuff or look at some simple stuff. You got milk $4.20.

Speaker 2:

So that's regular price.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, all right, let's get that.

Speaker 2:

You got. Can you put that in your cart and then add it up without? Yeah, all right, let's get milk. You got some trolley sour gummies All right got can you put that in your cart and then add it up without yeah, all right, let's get milk.

Speaker 1:

You got some trolley sour gummies all right, let's get the gummies.

Speaker 2:

It's a dollar that's what it is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so get that all right, you got a, you got some doritos yeah, let's get a bag of doritos 450 all right oh, that's those new kind you like, all right so sweet spicy chili so are they giving you certain items that you can, or is that just what's popping up?

Speaker 2:

it just says our picks for you oh, so they're just kind of throwing some out there, but you can actually go in there and order what you want to okay so let's stop, let's go with that, add it up, do whatever you go order some um don't order anymore, let's get this going.

Speaker 1:

let let's view my cart. All right, my sub.

Speaker 2:

Three items.

Speaker 1:

Hold on, it disappeared.

Speaker 2:

You hear hey, they're at the door, they're delivering.

Speaker 1:

You hit order. Oh, here we go. Okay, the subtotal was $9.70. Okay, it took off my delivery fee of $2.99.

Speaker 2:

Why is?

Speaker 1:

that I don't know. And then my fees and estimated taxes are $4.55. So $14.25 is what I would owe from Dollar General. So I mean they're not jacking their prices up, all right.

Speaker 2:

So the fees and taxes.

Speaker 1:

That's taxes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so what I'm saying is all right. So if you take the taxes out of that, $4.55 is fees and taxes. You take taxes out of that, Really say it's $1.75 of fees.

Speaker 1:

How is DoorDash? Okay, here we go I it had a question mark beside it, so a service fee. This service fee helps us operate doordash. The maximum you'll ever pay is 1999 well, I should hope I never reach for small orders, the minimum charge.49. And that's what we got charged $3.49. And then tax is $1.06.

Speaker 2:

So $3.00 and what $3.49. $3.49 is what DoorDash and your Dasher is splitting. You tell me how I'm a Dasher, because we're not splitting it 50-50.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know DoorDash is getting you know, so do they get those tips If you throw a tip in there?

Speaker 2:

Oh, if you do a tip, the dasher I'm sure gets the full amount of the tip.

Speaker 1:

You would hope so.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's how they're going to make their living.

Speaker 1:

This is called convenience, and I would do it if they delivered to my house.

Speaker 2:

It's all about convenience.

Speaker 1:

Because they're not jacking their other prices up. So I'm willing to pay that little fee, that $4 fee. So what's?

Speaker 2:

that $19.99?.

Speaker 1:

Is that when I've got six bags, that's when you've got big, yeah, six bags of grocery that's.

Speaker 2:

When you've got more, that's when I've ordered that case of water and some bulky stuff. All that just because you're ordering more stuff.

Speaker 1:

They're giving you.

Speaker 2:

But if it's say, for instance, if that $19.99, if you're just unlimited and you're allowed to order like $150 worth of oh yeah, then I would totally do it too, say I'm doing my grocery bill, which I couldn't make a grocery bill from Dollar General.

Speaker 1:

But I'm just saying, if I did that, well, I don't know, you could too.

Speaker 2:

I would almost pay the 19. But if we live 20 minutes from town, so but if you're doing Dollar General, five minutes from Dollar General, right, so it's not going to be like saving that 20 minutes from town, but I don't think Dollar General would deliver here, I think. But I don't think Dollar.

Speaker 1:

General would deliver here. I think, because I have my work address in here, because it tells me nothing, will deliver to our address.

Speaker 2:

I think if I was, so why is?

Speaker 1:

that right, because you got Jack's and you got Dollar General right here in our area that we're only five miles away from, but they won't deliver.

Speaker 2:

Well, maybe they don't have a Dasher. Well, that's true, they would still have to come from jasper, a jasper dollar general, not curry but if they don't, if there's no dashers available, of course they're gonna say that this, this isn't available for your area, right? Because I'm not gonna let you allow you to order all this stuff and I don't have somebody on hand that's gonna be able to deliver it.

Speaker 1:

So that's why it's probably showing up no, it's never showed up for our house. Nothing really, yeah, no, you can't get nothing all right.

Speaker 2:

And then, uh, wasn't it nicholas's friend that did that or does that on the side? And she said she had a problem one time because she could not find the house yeah. So she had to call the DoorDash people to find out what to do. There's a physical, because you've got to have a physical address, and she's got that, but it took her to a place that there's no house. So they told her to wherever it was taking her to.

Speaker 1:

Leave it at the stop sign or something.

Speaker 2:

Leave it on the curb.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And drive off.

Speaker 1:

And take a picture. She had to take a picture of it.

Speaker 2:

Take a picture and drive off.

Speaker 1:

So how's that? How you do that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's not right, but you know how, sometimes how you punch in some of these addresses and it takes you not exactly to the mailbox or to the driveway or whatever. I was just wondering.

Speaker 1:

Which I have a question that brings up a question. But go ahead, Maybe I won't forget it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, and the other thing was like when we were talking with Spencer, or no, it was Spencer that brought up. A good question was can you do? You have to have a house? What if you lived in your car? Can you do DoorDash?

Speaker 1:

I think you have to have an address.

Speaker 2:

You have to have a physical address. I understand that. But if I put an address in there and I'm parked right there on the street, I guess you could do that, because, yeah, when you see them roll up you can be like, oh, that's mine, that's mine, you know, you can wave out your window, I guess. But how do you identify a door dasher? Do they have like a sign? Do they do something like Pizza Hut does on the top?

Speaker 1:

I don't think so, nope. No like sticker that goes on the side like one of those magnets.

Speaker 2:

None that's ever delivered to me. What about Uber? They've got to have something. They have to have something that's visible.

Speaker 1:

I don't have a clue.

Speaker 2:

I just thought DoorDash would have to be the same way. I don't think so. What was your question?

Speaker 1:

Okay, so this is kind of changing the subject.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to get off of it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but go ahead it just made me think of this in the subject I don't want to get off of, okay, but go ahead. It just made me think of this since you said you know how you can put it in your gps or whatever and it takes you to wherever that spot is. So I was thinking. I saw somebody say this the other day um, do you in these new cars, do you have to manually go in and update and do downloads and stuff for the year new for like your maps and stuff on your cars?

Speaker 1:

no well, why does mine still not pick up anywhere? Because yours is messed up it's not messed up just like your serious exam is messed up now, that is crazy how it comes in and out yeah somebody said they had to take a jump drive and get the updates for their car and then go put it in their car and download those updates.

Speaker 2:

No, there's no way. Well, I mean, I'm not, they did. No, that's fine, that's fine for them, but I'm just saying on a big scale, no, it's like automatic, it's got to be automatic updates how does it automatic update? You got that little computer I say that little computer, that your car, all it is, is run on a computer, one little thing mess up. And yeah, I mean because you can't fix nothing anymore.

Speaker 1:

You got sensors, you got all that stuff, so yeah, I just wondered that you know because have here mine will say if I put the address in my car, sometimes it'll say roads may not be detected, please drive with caution, or something like that. But it always picks up right Not always.

Speaker 2:

Is that not just something that it throws out there for a legal thing they have to put on there?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. That just made me think about that. So, if anybody knows, do you have to update your car?

Speaker 2:

No, because it does automatic updates, just like your phone does Say these.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you've got to turn the setting on.

Speaker 2:

Google Maps and all. No, your Maps and all that stuff on your phone has to do automatically. You're not going in there constantly.

Speaker 1:

My apps won't update. I go in there and I update them and I thought I had it turned on where they just automatically update.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but your maps. You've never gone in there and updated your maps.

Speaker 1:

If it has an update. Look, doordash is telling me. It looks like you left something behind.

Speaker 2:

Because you didn't finish.

Speaker 1:

I better go clear that out. Oh, we weren't able to do your order, so we have it saved for you.

Speaker 2:

But they can't deliver right. I thought you know what you just said.

Speaker 1:

To my work. They can.

Speaker 2:

No, let me just so you could go all the way with that and then when you put your address in, it's going to cancel it, mm-hmm, or give you an option to put another in.

Speaker 1:

Well, I had to put the address in to start it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I was going to say, because surely you wouldn't do the process of paying for it and then after that, you put your address in no. Technology is great, but eventually it's going to lead to. They've tested these drones, Walmart's doing these drones, these drop-offs with you know pharmacy-type stuff, and CVS has done it and all this stuff. So at what point are we going to have all these drones flying?

Speaker 1:

above our houses. That's what's creepy. It's going to be crazy At the restaurants. Now robots bring you your food. I know, I mean, no wonder some people can't find jobs.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I know they don't well, I mean, this has been a constant thing even your walmart taking away checkouts and doing self-checkout.

Speaker 1:

I hate that that takes somebody's job well, they're just trying to save money.

Speaker 2:

That's all it is. And technology does take away jobs but that's always been. It's like factory jobs and all that. It's slowly going to where machines can do all this stuff. So I mean it's like factory jobs and all that it's slowly gone to where machines can do all this stuff. So I mean it's nothing new, I guess, but I don't want it. To get to the point, it's almost like that futuristic stuff. All these movies that you've ever watched, you know where they've got computers or robots doing this and doing that and the other.

Speaker 2:

And you know, now it seems like that's the point we're getting to and I don't want to come across a robot eventually, you know, at a store or like these self-checkouts. They no longer have that one person watching over 10 self-checkouts. They'll have that robot watching over the 10 self-checkouts.

Speaker 1:

No, thank you.

Speaker 2:

You know I mean you. Just now you can't even call any of these businesses and talk to. You know they don't have a like Walmart used to, could call and talk to their phone operator and you know they'd send you wherever you, whether you need automotive or service desk or whatever. And now you can't even do that no, no technology it's gonna get us you gotta love it well, I mean it's good and bad, but now this ai, ai is really I love some ai.

Speaker 1:

I use it all the time it's amazing, it's scary.

Speaker 2:

It's very amazing what it can do, but also look at all the bad stuff that you could do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, definitely, and I.

Speaker 2:

And eventually because it can do so much fake stuff make you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you just don't know what's real anymore.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, especially with this, it's going to put people against people, nations against nations. What I think you know because propaganda, you know, when you can make a video of something that looks real well, you know it and our enemy's going to use that to their advantage, right, you know? Whatever it is, yeah, I'm gonna get off. Anyway, let's get off of that subject?

Speaker 1:

you just depressed us I'm good at that.

Speaker 2:

Hey, what's the most nervous you've ever been? Or scared?

Speaker 1:

when I got bit by a snake that wasn't nervous, but it was scared.

Speaker 2:

Scared, yeah. But do you, do you not think if you just saw it beforehand, it would have been a lot worse? Well, I think it probably wouldn't happen if I saw it beforehand no, I'm just like, because you can walk up on anything and it startled you and it gets you and that's what I mean yeah I think I guess if I would have saw it happen, I probably probably would have freaked out.

Speaker 1:

That's what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I think you know, not that I want to surprise attack, but I think in that situation it's probably better that it happened that way. Yeah, what else? Besides that, I mean that's almost a given I can understand.

Speaker 1:

Well about that. Oh yeah, I still won't park and get out on the grass, I still make. Jody pull me down to the door. Y'all just don't know.

Speaker 2:

I get it, but what's something else? I'm just saying what's something else that's made you extremely scared or nervous?

Speaker 1:

I guess surgeries make me scared Really.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, make you anxious or scared, maybe anxious. Yeah, I don't think it makes you scared.

Speaker 1:

I don't guess it. Well, if you're waiting on test results, I mean me, I'm. I don't know what makes me scared.

Speaker 2:

I ain't worried about all that, it's just me. That's like when I had my. Here we go with surgeries again.

Speaker 1:

Here we go with surgeries, you know my neck surgery.

Speaker 2:

When the anesthesiologist came in there to talk to me to explain what's all going to you know, he said you sure are calm. He made a comment like that and I was like, yeah, I mean, I'm not worried about nothing.

Speaker 1:

My hysterectomy surgery. I was, yeah. I don't know why, but Well, I was. I was probably.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know why, but Well, I was. I was probably more nervous than you were.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was a scary surgery.

Speaker 2:

Well, to me that's a major surgery. Some people wouldn't call it major because you're thinking open heart, because you're not having it Well, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. What do you mean? What makes you scared?

Speaker 2:

I mean what do you mean? I mean, you're asking me, what do I mean. Yeah, what do you mean, like I mean I don't.

Speaker 1:

What's the scaredest you've ever been, the scaredest I've ever been. I forgot the question yeah or nervous.

Speaker 2:

I mean, how can I explain it anymore? When that explosion happened, you know that gas explosion to me. Yeah, that was that terrified me when it happened because the noise you know it wasn't a regular explosion noise. It was such a weird noise and we didn't know what happened and everything shaking and falling on the ceiling and, yeah, like that. That's probably might be why I tell you this, and I guess you could call it scared and nervous at the same time. It's when Nicholas had a wreck.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, that's probably the wreck. Oh yeah, that's probably the worst.

Speaker 2:

Ugh yeah. So it was a Sunday. We'd got home from church, nicholas was going to go to the movies with a couple of his buddies, and it had been raining.

Speaker 1:

It was raining yeah.

Speaker 2:

And it had started back.

Speaker 1:

I didn't want him to go. I know it's that mother's intuition, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I felt it, and so it was probably going to be a 40-minute drive, 45-minute drive, something like that, and he hadn't been driving a whole lot. Was he 17? You got to think too, this was coming out of COVID. This was coming out of COVID. He got his driver's license during COVID and he didn't have to go take the road course test, whatever.

Speaker 1:

None of them do that anymore, do they not? No, they just take their piece of paper up there. He just didn't drive, but twice in what's it called Driver's Ed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's right. Yeah, and they passed him, so it was very limited on his drive.

Speaker 1:

But he'd been driving and I'm not saying that had anything to do with it.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying he was a young driver and all that. So he'd been gone 20 minutes at the most. I get a phone call and when I look at my phone, nicholas's name has popped up. And that's when I'm like I know he's driving, so I know he can't call me. He shouldn't be calling me if he's driving. So you know, I got a little anxious when I opened, when I, you know, answered the phone. And why are you looking like that? I don't know you're looking like. I'm not, like this is not the right story. I mean, ever since I said it was 20 minutes away, you're looking at because I think it was a little bit longer than that it?

Speaker 1:

No, it wasn't.

Speaker 2:

I mean we don't go, get in the car and we drive it toward.

Speaker 1:

The bug tussle yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I answered the phone and he is like hysterical. You know he's had a wreck and the whole time I'm just trying to find out is everybody okay? That's the main thing. And so, finally, you know, we're starting to sort this through, I'm finding out and I'm finding out, all right, is your truck in the road, out of the road? I'm just trying to make sure everybody's okay and we're not going to get in another situation. And as a driver boy, all this, you know, he's kind of in shock too. So he's not giving me complete truths on this because he's just, you know, he's just really here and there when he's answering, you know, my questions. So, because I need to know, you know, do we need to call? You know, 9-1-1? I mean because if he's in there, is it one vehicle, two, we got what do you?

Speaker 1:

so we take off and first I get the was going to say.

Speaker 2:

It's just a few minutes after that. We're like about to head out the door and then go into him.

Speaker 1:

I get the drive 360, live 360 alert. Nicholas has had high impact breakage. I forget what it said, but if I had got that before he called, that would have been a different story.

Speaker 2:

It was such a blessing that we didn't receive that notification first, because if we'd have got that, I don't know it would have been bad, just because your mind would have gone in a thousand different directions.

Speaker 1:

And I think I made you just park the car and I took off running. Yeah, I'm pretty sure, hold on, I skipped it. You skip all the I I took off running.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm pretty sure, hold on. You say you skipped it. You skip all the.

Speaker 1:

I just want to the end. I don't like this story Fast forward. I don't like this.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, so you got that notification and so we left and we got down to where he had had a wreck at and it was still raining, and all of a sudden we get in, there's just a line of traffic and I'm like, well, this is, he made it sound like his truck was like on the corner of a ditch and that we might be able to pull it out, that's what. But when we got down there, there's a you know, the fire and rescue is, you know, trying to direct traffic and all this stuff. So anyway, we like tell the guy, hey, we're his parents, you know, that's our son that's down there. And, uh, did you get out?

Speaker 2:

right, then you might have got out yeah, I didn't wait for nothing I ended up parking, you know, on the side of the road where I could, and went down there and when it stopped, I got out and went so we went down there and, uh, it was such a blessing that they weren't, didn't get killed or anything, because the truck it was, they had spun around.

Speaker 2:

He lost control when he done I think it was two loops, he'd spun around twice and they're going in backwards when they hit a pine tree. So the pine, he centered the pine tree with his tailgate and the bumper, perfect, and it just crushed, it busted all the windows, all the winds, all the airbags went out. You know his good buddy, they had two friends with him but uh, one of them had a concussion, was throwing up all that kind of stuff and uh, all right, let's get off this yeah, I'm done with this.

Speaker 2:

I don't like it, but that was yeah yeah, that probably was the most scared that was yeah, yeah, you never want to get that call from your child.

Speaker 1:

But still, I'm so glad that live 360 did not notification did I know, because that yeah that was strange how it was about five minutes it's always that way, even when he gets home or gets to a location, like if I know he's already been there, and especially when he gets home, and then it never tells me until five minutes later, because it waits a little bit before it, you know, to make sure the journey has ended. You know whatever, just trip Trip.

Speaker 2:

That's the word. That's what I'm here for. Trip, that's the word. That's what I'm here for. Yeah, filling them blanks, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, so yeah, I guess that is the. That was the longest ride ever.

Speaker 2:

Anything else, anything else that you've been nervous about?

Speaker 1:

I don't think so. Your wedding day. Was you nervous on your wedding day, lord?

Speaker 2:

I was a bundle of.

Speaker 1:

I was a squall bag on the wedding day.

Speaker 2:

Can you remember that far back?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I forgot the sandwiches and I didn't have anybody to record it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't remember the sandwiches For.

Speaker 1:

For after the wedding day.

Speaker 2:

After the wedding I wouldn't say that's a major factor. It would be okay. Whatever, all right. So I guess we'll wrap this baby up, unless you got anything else.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm good, alright. Happy Mother's Day to all the mother figures out there.

Speaker 2:

I'm just glad to be here. That's right. We should all be glad to be here Sometimes, sometimes All the time, all the time, yeah, positive, you got to think positive.

Speaker 1:

I was positive when we started it and you made me seem like I'm mean again. How did I do that? I did not, Mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

What? By asking you, what all the crazy stuff I do that bothers you, mm-hmm. That's not being mean, that's just being truthful. And so, by me asking that question, I'm trying to better myself so that I won't get on your nerves so much. See, that's all it is.

Speaker 1:

It's all about you. Yeah, okay. That should make you feel good right there, alright, folks, hope you've enjoyed this crazy episode. You never know where we're going to take you.

Speaker 2:

What are they supposed to do?

Speaker 1:

They know what they're supposed to do.

Speaker 2:

Like. Follow notification. What I?

Speaker 1:

don't know All that stuff.

Speaker 2:

All that stuff. Yeah, thank you for listening.

Speaker 1:

Alright, we appreciate you listening. Catch you on the flip side, Well new episodes come out every Monday.

Speaker 2:

We'll see you Bye.

Speaker 1:

Well, bye.

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