This That And The Other

14. Goose Chases, 80's and 90's Sitcoms, Jody's New Ring, and Laughter amid Lightning

SquirrelGuy Media Season 1 Episode 14

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Remember the smell of a fresh pack of squirrel air fresheners? Neither do we, but that didn't stop Jody and me from diving into another episode loaded with humor and a healthy dose of nostalgia. We'll take you on a trip down memory lane, back to the days when Reese's cups were best served cold, and a Mother's Day ring could be a 'Walmart special.' It's a journey through our everyday misadventures, including a curious encounter with a goose and its goslings that had our dogs second-guessing their bravery.

Imagine waking up on a Saturday morning, cereal bowl in hand, ready for cartoons—except now you're all grown up and the cartoons have changed. We've got you covered with a rollicking reflection on the TV shows that molded us, from the wisecracking "ALF" to the heartfelt "Full House," and the Saturday morning powerhouses of animation. Hear us chuckle over the mix-ups and mayhem of the 80s and 90s as we question whether today's entertainment could handle the edginess of "The Simpsons" or the heartfelt adventures of "Punky Brewster."

When the skies darkened and the storm rolled in, our pets' antics gave us more than just a good laugh—it gave us warmth and a reminder of life's simple joys. Join us as we share tales of Winston the Yorkie's heroic stand, our Chihuahua's relentless spirit, and the quirky moments that bind us to our furry friends. Through all the laughter and fur-fueled drama, this episode is about embracing the unpredictable and finding the humor in the storm. So, plug in your headphones and let's weather this nostalgia-filled episode together!

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If you are interested in the nails or any of Amanda's social media, she talks about here is her link.

Speaker 1:

What time is it?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's podcast time. Welcome back folks. It's me J. Welcome back folks, it's me Jody, and this is so excited over there.

Speaker 2:

You've lost your rocker.

Speaker 1:

So I'm 75% of the excitement in your 25. It's showing through I might be 10. I'm just glad to be back.

Speaker 2:

Are you you?

Speaker 1:

hear the excitement in my voice.

Speaker 2:

I'm even talking faster. Why are you doing that? I?

Speaker 1:

don't know, because I'm just excited to be here Because we made it another week.

Speaker 2:

I just want to go take a nap.

Speaker 1:

I think this is going to be like episode 15, maybe 14 or 15?.

Speaker 2:

We've made it that far.

Speaker 1:

The last episode If you include the trailer, then we would be on 15 or 16.

Speaker 2:

The last episode.

Speaker 1:

This is the last. We're done, I'm done.

Speaker 2:

Because Jody cheats on me, so he can go have his other one.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, by the way, that other podcast I've got See. He talks about it all the time, if you want to hear another podcast with three guys me, josh and Spencer. It's called Three Wheels, no Direction. It's everywhere you listen or get your podcasts.

Speaker 2:

And, by the way, the squirrel air freshener came from Timu. You didn't find those. I got those from Timu.

Speaker 1:

I found them and you ordered them.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You didn't know what squirrel guy looked like.

Speaker 2:

I know exactly what squirrel guy looked like.

Speaker 1:

If you haven't listened to my other podcast. I'm involved with you, have no idea what we're talking about, but she's wrong, as usual.

Speaker 2:

I'm not wrong. I ordered those from Timu and I know what Squirrel Guy looks like.

Speaker 1:

And we've been married 26 years.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, not 27. Like I told you, we're not 27 yet.

Speaker 1:

I told you that this nation will be 27. We're in the 26th year. You're wrong Anyway.

Speaker 2:

You're the one that had to Google it and see, and you hate to be wrong. No, because you were making such a big deal that I had to look it up, we will be married 26 years in September 27. No sir, seven, no sir, you know it.

Speaker 1:

What's been going on this week?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Any excitement? No, any excitement, no, you know, uh, nothing. This friday was the first friday that I haven't been involved with an animal, like when animals attack. Armadillo two weeks ago, snake last week nothing uh-huh, you just.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that was today the geese or the whatever was in the yard. What's going to get, winston?

Speaker 1:

yes, I let Winston and Coco out this morning and did not know that geese were in the front yard, and so they took off and I looked out. They have babies. There's four little babies they had brought up there into the yard apparently. Well, apparently there's a granddaddy goose that.

Speaker 2:

I thought you were going to say granddaddy, long legs, no.

Speaker 1:

And he ain't going nowhere. And he flapped them wings and he, him and winston kind of got into it and he like, he like, threw down with his feet towards winston. I think they've got like this little dagger claw on the back of their heel or something like that. So he meant business, he wasn't afraid of winston, but I'll give it to winston, he wasn't afraid of granddaddy either. So winston's all bark.

Speaker 2:

So that was pretty interesting so there's your animal story, so yeah, anybody that was still asleep in the bed this morning.

Speaker 1:

They heard a bunch of you and your impressions I'm just excited that you're back to do another week's episode, can't you tell so excited and I'm high on reesey cups. So I.

Speaker 2:

I just look to the left of me and I see an opened, empty Reese cup pack. Why can't it go in the garbage?

Speaker 1:

Everybody listen.

Speaker 2:

Why can't it go in the garbage? That's nice, and you don't put them in the refrigerator. It's gross, no.

Speaker 1:

All right, We'll do a poll this week. You want to do a poll?

Speaker 2:

Reese cups room temperature or cold. I have mine in the refrigerator.

Speaker 1:

Please let us know.

Speaker 2:

Which I only have one.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I have one a week.

Speaker 1:

I say we'll do a poll, and then I'll forget to put the poll at the end of the episode Exactly, so maybe not so if it's there, reply. If not, don't, all right. What else is going on Anything? If not, don't All right. What else is? Going on Anything. No, no, slow week. Rainy, stormed a little bit. Today it's going to storm some more. Can't do anything outside, so I'm stuck in here with you. Jody went shopping today. I went shopping this morning. I needed some more clothes.

Speaker 2:

Do we want to go there?

Speaker 1:

What's my price range, honey? What?

Speaker 2:

do I look for Ten and under?

Speaker 1:

I'm struggling with that too. About the best I can do is $12.99, whether it's a shirt or whatever.

Speaker 2:

I made him go up today.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I got like what $16.99 on something. I hurt, I hurt. Yeah, All right what do you want to talk about today? I?

Speaker 2:

want to talk about that present you got on your finger for mother's day.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's right tell everybody what it is looks like. I got bling. It's a shiny ring it's a new wedding ring a new wedding that he got for mother's day she got tired of my 26 year old wedding ring walmart special she has tried and yeah, it's a Walmart special Cost, probably like 40 bucks 26 years ago, and uh, she's tried to get me to change it to like what is, it Is it, the silicone bands yeah, you did not like those. Yeah, just stuff like that, and I'm just happy with the gold looking.

Speaker 2:

It ain't gold anymore Not anymore.

Speaker 1:

What is it?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Silver. Yeah, so I've changed.

Speaker 2:

And whiskey barrel wood in the middle.

Speaker 1:

Whiskey barrel wood. I look highfalutin, I really do I like it, I like it. I do like it. I just I'm not used to it.

Speaker 2:

I know I see you playing with it all the time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because it bothers me. It's been, yeah, a week now and I still I can't get used to it. Yeah, Because on my other one I wore down the edges. Yeah, this has an, It'll be all right. I was thinking about this week the TV that we grew up on in the 80s and 90s. Not everybody can say 80s because they weren't born yet. You know, that's the thing with that other podcast I do with Spencer. He was born in 2000. So a lot of the stuff that I talk about, he has no clue. He might have heard of something I'm talking about, but he doesn't know anything besides that.

Speaker 1:

So not his fault, but he's a young'un, but speaking of the 80s, you would know what I'm talking about, right.

Speaker 2:

I was young in the 80s, so maybe, so I'm just going to go through.

Speaker 1:

I watched the 90s. Let's do this. What can you think of right now? What's your earliest memory of a TV show? It might be a cartoon.

Speaker 2:

Alf just popped in my head for some reason.

Speaker 1:

But I bet that's not the earliest.

Speaker 2:

No, that's probably not the earliest, because I think that was the 90s yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure that's on our list somewhere down here.

Speaker 2:

Well, you got Bugs Bunny.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, I never was, that was our thing. I liked Tom and Jerry, I think out of all of them I wasn't Flintstones, I wasn't the Jetsons.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I loved the Flintstones. I loved the Jetsons.

Speaker 1:

Looney Tunes wasn't really a thing. I liked Looney Tunes, it was just Tom and Jerry. Well, I guess all that Sylvester the Cat.

Speaker 2:

What's the Well? What we used to watch.

Speaker 1:

Marvin the Martian.

Speaker 2:

On Saturday mornings was wrestling, wasn't that?

Speaker 1:

on Saturday mornings A cartoon no oh. There ended up being a cartoon wrestling.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but wasn't there wrestling? Wasn't that Saturday morning, or was that Saturday night something? Maybe that was Saturday night.

Speaker 1:

They had wrestling, Wrestling yeah, but you can't remember anything else.

Speaker 2:

My Little Pony. I wasn't much into Barbie, so it was my Little Pony. I liked my Little Pony. I wasn't much into Barbie, so it was my Little Pony. I like my Little Pony.

Speaker 1:

All right. What about Full House? Do you remember Full House? Yeah, Did you watch that Yep Did you like? From the first season to the last? I like Full House.

Speaker 2:

You used to be on that I have rewatched it on Netflix. So oh really, or whatever it was on. It was on something, or maybe I watched the new one. Yeah, maybe it's the new one, but I would watch all those shows over and over. I like them.

Speaker 1:

What about Growing Pains? Do you remember?

Speaker 2:

that one.

Speaker 1:

I remember that one.

Speaker 2:

Michael J Fox.

Speaker 1:

No, that was not. No, that was what's his name.

Speaker 2:

What was Michael J Fox on?

Speaker 1:

Family Ties.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, family ties. Well, who's on that one? It's the guy that does the jason christian movies bateman.

Speaker 1:

No, who's that? Who's chasing bateman? Bateman, bateman, he, uh, he was on uh ozark that series oh, let's not talk about that one.

Speaker 2:

I love ozark was he not on something when we were going? Yeah, he was but I can't.

Speaker 1:

Maybe if I if I'll scroll down my list right here, but I can't think of it right off um who was family ties? Michael j fox yes, we just talked about that no, you didn't ever say I said family ties I know, but you didn't say he was on it. I can't remember who was on it. Okay, I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

I was trying to figure out who was on it, and a girl too. Who was the sister?

Speaker 1:

Kirk Cameron is the guy that was on it. Alan Thicke was the dad.

Speaker 2:

You changed. Shows right Growing Pains.

Speaker 1:

Growing Pains. That's what we were talking about to begin with. Let's see 80s Rose. That's what we were talking about to begin with. Let's see 80s Roseanne.

Speaker 2:

Were y'all big Roseanne people. We watched Roseanne we watched Roseanne the Simpsons. Yes, every Sunday night was the Simpsons.

Speaker 1:

Never liked the Simpsons.

Speaker 2:

Nicholas has watched the Simpsons over and, over and over.

Speaker 1:

I started watching the Simpsons. The only time I watched the Simpsons when we were dating. When I came to your house or something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, on Sunday nights was the Simpsons night.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm just saying I never watched it, and I've never watched it since.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Don't care nothing about it. Even though they're fortune tellers, they tell. Yeah, they say I don't know, happenstance, maybe I don't know Happenstance, maybe. Yeah, let's see. Yeah, who's the Boss?

Speaker 2:

You remember that one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, alyssa Milano and Tony Danza. You were too young, but you might have watched the replays of All in the Family. Do you remember that? Archie Bunker? Yeah, yeah I never, I never really watched that.

Speaker 2:

I don't remember much about that Pee Wee's Playhouse.

Speaker 1:

Yes, how goofy is that. Now, it's a little bad. Did y'all watch Cheers? That was 70s, wasn't it? No, that was the 80s. Yeah, I think it was early 80s.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I think I was probably too young to really watch that.

Speaker 1:

How about Married With Children?

Speaker 2:

Yes, unfortunately with children. Yes, Unfortunately, you think they could do that nowadays? No, Probably not. Oh, um, um.

Speaker 1:

Family Guy. Facts of Life. Facts of Life, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Not Family Guy, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

No, I've never watched Family.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I know nothing about it. Let me see, I had wrote down something.

Speaker 2:

Punky Brewster.

Speaker 1:

Yes. That's exactly what I had.

Speaker 2:

Punky Brewster was my jam 1984 to 88. Not my jam, my show. There was a show called Jam wasn't there, I don't know Jam, it was a girl, jam J-E-M. She had.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I think so.

Speaker 1:

Not J-I-M. I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

Oh, like I can picture her. I need somebody to comment and tell me what show I'm talking about. Give me more.

Speaker 1:

You just told me a name.

Speaker 2:

She was, like I don't know, a singer, like she had a star on her eye. If I'm not mistaken, a star on her eye.

Speaker 1:

This was a cartoon or not, or you don't even know. Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, are we going to be stuck on this one for a minute? Is that what you're doing?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're stuck on this one.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's not JM. What is it Like? I can picture it coming on and I can't see the name. Though, just keep going.

Speaker 1:

Okay, what about the Cosby Show? Oh, yeah, Big Cosby people yeah I liked the Cosby Show and you said Alf.

Speaker 2:

I loved Alf. I loved Alf, I loved Alf.

Speaker 1:

Do you remember Silver Spoons?

Speaker 2:

These sitcoms don't exist anymore.

Speaker 1:

Do you remember Silver Spoons?

Speaker 2:

Not really, I guess, ricky.

Speaker 1:

Schroeder, am I right about that? Maybe yeah. What was the show? He would say what are you talking about, willis? Do you remember that show?

Speaker 2:

I think that was a little bit before my time. No. No, that's around the time of Facts of Life and all that I didn't watch that show, then I mean, I know what you're talking about, but I didn't watch that.

Speaker 1:

I can't even think of their names or the name of the show.

Speaker 2:

Well, you're so prepared for this. I know, I know. I want to know the name of this one I'm talking about. How do I figure it out?

Speaker 1:

Let's just not worry about it. How about that? Did you watch Knight Rider? Yes, did you like Knight Rider?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Did you Chips? Do you remember that?

Speaker 2:

That was a little bit before my time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Chips do you remember that that was a little bit before my time? Yeah, that was not really a girl show, I don't guess.

Speaker 2:

I don't guess DuckTales.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like DuckTales Seinfeld.

Speaker 2:

It's okay, really.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just okay.

Speaker 2:

My goodness Paul's, the important man's getting a call.

Speaker 1:

No, you know what that is 30-minute timer's up. I the important man's getting a call. No, you know what that is 30-minute timer's up, I'm done. No, that's the timer.

Speaker 2:

I've got the GoPro out there, jim, right here it is J-E-M Shawna. Tell us about it. See, I know she had like the pink yeah. I don't remember nothing about that Eyeshadow and stuff on.

Speaker 1:

It's a cartoon.

Speaker 2:

It's a cartoon. Yeah, it's like Rainbow, bride and She-Ra, so you see her right there, jim.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I guess From all the way across the room I'll just say yeah, yeah, you can't see it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No, that was my alarm for my GoPro. I've got out there time-lapsing.

Speaker 2:

Rainbow Bride. I loved Rainbow Bride.

Speaker 1:

She doesn't listen to nothing.

Speaker 2:

I Ten times ago I didn't Because you was talking. Care Bears. I liked the Care Bears Smurfs.

Speaker 1:

You on cartoons. Now I don't know where I'm going.

Speaker 2:

You said shows.

Speaker 1:

Smurfs were okay.

Speaker 2:

And then I mean, if you do that, we're talking about, and then you know what that made me think about.

Speaker 1:

Thundercats yeah, did you watch that? What about the?

Speaker 2:

California. Raisins of cartoon. Were they a cartoon or were they just? They were the figurines for a while and you went to hardy's and you could get these glasses that you drink out of that were um oh yeah, we used to get that.

Speaker 1:

California raisins hardy's was the only one that did that hardy's did serve all different commemorative. I mean, they always had something.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I can't think they were a little better than your happy meal.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I don't think anybody does glass anymore I don't know, I can't think of any. They were a little better than your Happy Meal. Oh yeah, I don't think anybody does Glass anymore.

Speaker 2:

I don't think so.

Speaker 1:

It's too expensive. I guess I don't know Dukes of Hazzard. Oh yes yes, you like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, I watch Friends now, you know, we just and Andy.

Speaker 1:

Griffin, well, yeah, we're talking 80s and 90s, but if you want to say what you watched in the 80s and 90s, yeah sure we can say that.

Speaker 2:

When was Andy Griffin?

Speaker 1:

Oh, that was the 60s.

Speaker 2:

So it's been on that one.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, yeah, that's a good show Black and white.

Speaker 2:

I love it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just sit and let it play. Then I went to Mayberry RFD. Did you ever watch that?

Speaker 2:

No, I don't know if I watched that one. That was the colored episodes they weren't good. No, no, no, I watched some of them but they weren't good.

Speaker 1:

No, that's when Barney left and India left. But yeah, if I could grow up in a town, I'd want to grow up in Mayberry and things were simple and easy. What about Gilligan's Island?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I like some Gilligan's Island. I like Gilligan's Island.

Speaker 1:

But you know what Does TV Land have? All this now.

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Because if you go back and watch any of this stuff, we'll probably be like man. This stuff is so stupid.

Speaker 2:

Probably. You know, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Because me and the boys were talking about the monkeys. Did you ever watch the Monkees?

Speaker 2:

That's a singing group?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but they had a little show for three years, I think it was yeah. And it was very silly, very silly, but that's how I like it Kind of like that podcast he talks about.

Speaker 2:

That's a good podcast. Three wheels, no direction, very silly, it's fun.

Speaker 1:

Listen, you'll find out the Jeffersons. We watched the Jeffersons. Did you ever watch the Jeffersons?

Speaker 2:

I've watched it some, but it wasn't a not that I didn't like it, but it wasn't something that we watched all the time. I don't think.

Speaker 1:

Do you remember a great American hero? It might have been called the greatest American hero, I'm not exactly sure.

Speaker 2:

I don't think so.

Speaker 1:

He was a. I can remember the outfit he wore, but he was not very good at being a superhero. It was funny.

Speaker 2:

I don't remember a whole lot about it. I can picture the guy.

Speaker 1:

I can picture his outfit, all that stuff. Other than that, no Knight Rider.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Club. Did we say Knight Rider? No, that's a movie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you said Knight Rider.

Speaker 1:

Quantum Leap. Yeah, I love Quantum Leap. Did we say Dynasty?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Did you like Dynasty?

Speaker 2:

I don't know that I really watched it. My family watched it and I guess I was in there Now.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Now that's. I watched the new Dynasty. It's totally different.

Speaker 1:

Dynasty. That is a. I'm trying to think which one.

Speaker 2:

Who shot JR?

Speaker 1:

No, that's not Dynasty.

Speaker 2:

What is that? That is Dynasty.

Speaker 1:

No, that's not Dynasty.

Speaker 2:

What is?

Speaker 1:

it. Let me see if I can pull up a picture, picture and I will show you the characters of Dynasty.

Speaker 2:

There's two, there's a new thing of Dynasty.

Speaker 1:

We're talking about old. What's the one with South Fork and JR and Sue Ellen?

Speaker 2:

That's Dynasty, that's not Dynasty.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it is, no, it's not, I'm going to prove it.

Speaker 2:

Then just pull up JR, who shot J JR, and it'll pull up Magnum PI.

Speaker 1:

Why did I just think of that one? That is Dynasty? So there is two Dynasties.

Speaker 2:

Really, yes, there's two Dynasties the one that I, no, no, no, it's Dallas, dallas, yes.

Speaker 1:

See it just said who played JR on Dynasty. She's right, but no, here it is right here.

Speaker 2:

Dallas, yeah, dallas, no.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it was Dallas JR Ewing.

Speaker 2:

That's not what you said earlier. You said Dynasty.

Speaker 1:

No, that's what you said. You said Dynasty earlier. You said Dynasty earlier. If you're a wish brand, everybody can still hear you. You said it?

Speaker 2:

What about Magnum PI?

Speaker 1:

I liked Magnum PI. I liked his mustache and his car.

Speaker 2:

You just want his mustache.

Speaker 1:

I think everybody wanted his mustache. He's still rocking the mustache, is he? Yeah, I wonder if he's rocking Just For Men on that mustache.

Speaker 2:

You think so Probably.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, probably, maybe I should be rocking some Just For Men on mine.

Speaker 2:

No, I like the pepper, pepper salt and pepper, salt and pepper.

Speaker 1:

It's about to be all salt.

Speaker 2:

It seems like salt and pepper that's a group let's see what else I grew up with that group. Yeah, that's all on my list but you used to only have three to four channels, so you didn't have much of a choice I think, I kind of like it that way. We sit in here for 20 and 30 minutes looking for something to watch, I know, because you've got too much variety.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly Well, it's the same way of going to the grocery store and you want Pop-Tarts? Well, that's why I buy groceries online. You need it, and.

Speaker 2:

I don't go and look at all the variety. I get what I want and that's it Okay.

Speaker 1:

I'd rather go.

Speaker 2:

No, not me. Yeah, the one that won't go through a drive-thru, but he'll go in the store.

Speaker 1:

That's right. I know that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

It looks like convenience is what I would be looking for, but who got him in the drive-thru yesterday?

Speaker 1:

That's the first time in a long time time. But guess who didn't say anything?

Speaker 2:

when they said you had to lean over and order.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I don't. If I'm going to the drive-thru somebody else is ordering, I don't know if we're. We never have told anybody that though that's my weird thing.

Speaker 2:

I go.

Speaker 1:

You told your boys no, I did not that. Nothing came up about somebody else ordering oh I didn't think nothing about it. Yeah, you never order. Yeah, they'd have got a kick out of it because it was crazy. I gotta reach all the way across.

Speaker 2:

And then he closes his eyes because I'm loud, I'm like, well, I don't know if they can hear me.

Speaker 1:

You're busting my right eardrum as you're screaming out to the lady so she can hear you on the speaker.

Speaker 2:

I want a cookies and cream milkshake Extra thick.

Speaker 1:

And then they say you hear that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I said excuse, said excuse me. She said pull around. I said well, how much is it? Don't turn around, thanks because if you are with my husband, you're gonna pay cash, so I need to get my cash ready.

Speaker 1:

That's right, I ain't paying with no card. Are you gonna have to sit there and wait on me? I better get used to it because it won't be too.

Speaker 2:

I need to get my cash ready. That's right. I ain't paying with no card. Are you going to have to sit there and wait on me.

Speaker 1:

I better get used to it, because it won't be too long and it's going to be all card or nothing. Digital currency that's where we're going September United Nations. They're having a meeting.

Speaker 2:

They're going to be talking about digital currency A worldwide currency. Wait.

Speaker 1:

It's happening. Why are you pointing it's all coming true from the simpsons? No, it's called that book, called the bible from the simpsons called revelation. Oh, I'm sure you could probably go back and somewhere on one of the episodes of the simpsons they've got where we're going to a digital currency so the bible says september 2024 is when it's going to happen.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to go quite that far but I'm talking about to where everybody yeah, if you don't know what I'm talking about, read it.

Speaker 1:

How about that? Did you watch Unsolved Mysteries?

Speaker 2:

I loved Unsolved Mysteries yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's nothing like a show that you would want to watch today.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's nothing like what a show that you would want to watch today. Yeah, you know it. Yeah, so can you find most of these shows still on somewhere? Not still on, but reruns of most of these shows somewhere? Can you stream it somewhere?

Speaker 1:

oh, I'm sure you can. I would just about bet what is life with louis? 94 to 98, that's louis Anderson. That's the animation that he had.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Did you watch the Monsters? I know that's old, that's in the 60s.

Speaker 2:

Did you know that was?

Speaker 1:

only on for like two years.

Speaker 2:

You never watched, I don't.

Speaker 1:

You know, I had a time, a window of opportunity, I guess you'd say, and I think it was like when I was at my grandparents' house, like either early in the morning before school or like late in the evening when we got out of school. So whatever was on TV is what I watched, and so if it was like Gilligan's Island, the Munsters, stuff like that, then that's why I watched it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So that's why these kids nowadays don't watch it, because I mean, it's available, it's out there, but there's so much other stuff available, plus these little boxes in their hand, that they can just.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, from time they get up to time they go to bed.

Speaker 1:

Between that and gaming playing Call of Duty and Fortnite and Minecraft and whatever else. Seventh Heaven, yes.

Speaker 2:

You watched Seventh Heaven, didn't you. Yes.

Speaker 1:

Yep, what is Sweet Valley High? Do you remember that? Oh, I thought those were books it says comedy, drama 30-minute. I thought those were books, it was four years long. California Dreams 90210. 90210.

Speaker 2:

I forgot all about that.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes I put that in the category of friends.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Now I could go back and watch 90210.

Speaker 1:

90210 was an hour long, was it not? Yes, I'm pretty sure yeah.

Speaker 2:

Pretty sure, and Melrose Place and you had what's his name?

Speaker 1:

Who passed?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, he passed away several years ago now. No, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm. I was getting mixed up and no, yeah, mm-hmm, I was getting mixed up, and then who?

Speaker 1:

passed away on.

Speaker 2:

Friends, chandler, chandler, I can't think of his name. I can't either Chandler Bing and I didn't know, his stepdad is.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness, I can't. Why can I not think of it? He does the oh.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm thinking about it all. I can't spit none of it out.

Speaker 2:

Yep, that's why we need to end the podcast, because we're not too good. We can't remember nothing. Because your age You're older than me.

Speaker 1:

But I still got it.

Speaker 2:

As you're sitting over there and can't remember somebody's name.

Speaker 1:

What about Moesha?

Speaker 2:

Did you watch?

Speaker 1:

Moesha, no, sister, sister.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think I did the drew carey show not really grace under fire.

Speaker 1:

Do you remember that?

Speaker 2:

I remember the name, but I don't know that I watched it oh what about that? Um angel, uh no, um, oh, you're talking about me. Um Angel, uh no, oh you're talking about me.

Speaker 1:

Something, hold up, keith Morrison. That's the guy that's on Dateline.

Speaker 2:

That's got the good voice.

Speaker 1:

He's the stepdad to.

Speaker 2:

Oh, really yeah, Chandler.

Speaker 1:

Matthew Perry.

Speaker 2:

Yes, correct.

Speaker 1:

Who did you say a minute ago, luke Perry? So they're both Perry's. That's why I almost got mistaken that we were saying the wrong thing Really Is that right Matthew Perry and Luke Perry Luke.

Speaker 2:

Perry, that's right. Right, you got a box in your hand. Look it up.

Speaker 1:

We're going to go with that. Yes, I'm not looking it up.

Speaker 2:

What was that other? We talked about it not long ago. Some heaven show um highway to heaven seventh heaven no highway to heaven. Yeah, was that a show?

Speaker 1:

yeah, yeah, yeah I don't remember much about it. It's got old michael landon yeah yeah, yeah, they did little house on the prairie too.

Speaker 2:

Do you watch little house on the prairie? No, maybe before your time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's one you didn't think of the Golden Girls.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I like the Golden Girls.

Speaker 1:

Why was that so popular? They still come on. Why was that so popular, or they?

Speaker 2:

don't still come on. They're reruns. You know, I don't know, but like our age, but like why there's nothing, why kids like them.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying nothing even remotely close to interesting in my life at that age that these older ladies you know had going on they're hilarious yeah uh the nanny one of them has my name estelle, yeah, estelle giddy, yeah, uh, home improvement yes yes love home improvement.

Speaker 2:

I like his show now. What's his his show now?

Speaker 1:

I've watched more Home Improvement in the last several years last couple years than I did when it was excellent, because I don't remember really watching it. What's his show now? Last man Standing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll watch it every time it's on.

Speaker 1:

Well, until until they and they had to add another. I think that made it worse.

Speaker 2:

If it's on, I'll watch it.

Speaker 1:

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yep, yep.

Speaker 1:

Now, this was getting up into the late 90s, so is that all we used to do was watch TV. Seems like it.

Speaker 2:

That's all you had to do, because you didn't have cell phones and internet and MySpace and Facebook.

Speaker 1:

Well, you think about this well, the thing about it back then was monday through friday you had a different sitcom or something coming on every night and they're 30 minutes long, so you could have three or four different sitcoms come on per night and that's why you know so many right uh, dawson's creek oh yes, but that was like 98 or 99. Yes, I remember you liked it. Did you ever watch Third Rock from the Sun?

Speaker 2:

I didn't care for it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, Saved by the Bell.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That was good, good stuff. Did you ever watch the Wonder Years? Yes, do you know that? I know a guy that was on the Wonder Years. You know a guy that knows a guy that knows this guy. I know a guy that was on the Wonder Years.

Speaker 2:

You know a guy, that knows a guy, that knows this guy, I know a guy that was on the Wonder Years.

Speaker 1:

I went to school with him.

Speaker 2:

He was like an extra Pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you his name. You'll know him when I tell you after this episode Did we say Family Matters?

Speaker 2:

Nope, but I like it.

Speaker 1:

Did you? What was the name? Urkel?

Speaker 2:

Urkel, what was?

Speaker 1:

Rescue 911?.

Speaker 2:

I don't know that one. All right. I think we've talked about shows enough.

Speaker 1:

I'm not done. I've still got a few more.

Speaker 2:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, northern Exposure.

Speaker 2:

Don't know that one.

Speaker 1:

You didn't watch Northern Exposure. No, er er.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I never watched it yes, watched er with the doctors. The cutie patootie doctors I don't know about that.

Speaker 1:

Um, power rangers, nope, no, thank you. Everybody loves raymond. I watched the episode of that yesterday. It just so happened I was walking through.

Speaker 2:

I didn't watch it when when it first come on, but we've watched it more.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I mean, I don't consider it like a great, great show.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

What about that 70s show?

Speaker 2:

You liked it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, back when it was on, but I mean, I wouldn't watch it nowadays for nothing. Not that it was bad, but I just don't. None of these are good influences. You know if you look back at it, especially Friends. No, you know, because all they talked about, or everything, was about sex, mm-hmm. You know, did we realize that at the time?

Speaker 2:

As kids? We probably didn't. But our parents did, they should have I don't know the King of Queens. Yeah, I liked that one I never really got into it.

Speaker 1:

I like it In. Living Color that was more like a Saturday Night Live thing, wasn't it? Yeah, that's where Jim Carrey you know he came from, that In.

Speaker 2:

Living Color. You can do what you want to do In Living Color.

Speaker 1:

Who sings?

Speaker 2:

that I don't know. You know, I don't know. That's why you asked me.

Speaker 1:

Well, I was going to tell you to leave it to them, but Done.

Speaker 2:

See ya, no, she's putting. I was going to tell you to leave it to them, but Done.

Speaker 1:

See ya, no, she's putting the headset up. Put them back on.

Speaker 2:

Did you hear that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you woke the dog up.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm done.

Speaker 1:

Put them back on.

Speaker 2:

I'm done.

Speaker 1:

We got two more minutes. No, give me two more minutes.

Speaker 2:

I'll give you long enough. I give you my life.

Speaker 1:

I left the most important to last Walker, Texas Ranger. Never seen it. You've never seen that.

Speaker 2:

Your dad is a huge fan, my dad is, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I think every time I've ever gone to his house it's on yeah, so I get caught up on it.

Speaker 2:

Either that or John Wayne. So Well, I'll take John Wayne. He can't find John Wayne anymore. I don't think.

Speaker 1:

You know, and I'm Chuck Norris. I'm a Chuck Norris fan, but I'm not a Walker Texas Ranger fan, Not at all. Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Can you hear that on there? That was a big old slap of thunder.

Speaker 2:

So we're going to go now before we get electrocuted.

Speaker 1:

My GoPro's, like two inches from the lake out there recording this and I might need to go get it before it comes out.

Speaker 2:

All right, it's been fun. Folks Wash it away. Oh yeah, this was a bunch of hodgepodge, nothing.

Speaker 1:

Take that back. We're just reminiscing about some TV shows. That's a heck of a thing to say.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm so excited.

Speaker 1:

Doc, your pay on this episode?

Speaker 2:

Yes, how about fire me?

Speaker 1:

Nope, there's no Fire me.

Speaker 2:

Fire me, yep.

Speaker 1:

It is what it is. All right, folks, until next week. When can they catch us honey? When does this come out?

Speaker 2:

Why do you think I know I don't listen to it? Oh, my goodness, ah, what day of the week does this come out on?

Speaker 1:

Monday, every Monday, every Monday, and it is flooding outside. I hear it raining now. I have waited too long. I should have gone in there.

Speaker 2:

I hear our dog trying to get in the door is what it is we got Winston the Yorkie laying there, it's stuttering and she's having a fit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's just looking at me, he looks like he's scared. Yeah, he's just looking at me, he looks like he's scared. And then you got the Yorkie. She's sticking her nose and her paw underneath the door trying to get in she's not a Yorkie, he's a Yorkie. I mean the Chihuahua, chihuahua. Whatever she is, she's an apple head, so that head ain't fitting underneath the door. I'll tell you that she's all head and legs.

Speaker 2:

She's an ankle biter. All right folks, All right, go get your GoPro. We got to go. We appreciate y'all listening.

Speaker 1:

We might get blown away and hopefully this is not our last episode. Maybe not, as the storms roll in. Thank y'all for listening.

Speaker 2:

See you next week.

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