This That And The Other

Nose Woes, Ice Cream Nights, Netflix Letdowns, Pets Galore, and Throwback Tech Tales

SquirrelGuy Media Season 1 Episode 16

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Ever wondered why my nose only decides to run when we're recording? Well, this episode kicks off with that quirky mystery, as we recount the rollercoaster of our week, from a delightful ice cream fellowship at church to peculiar food textures like jello with pretzels. You'll laugh along as we debate whether our week was busy or lazy, and hear my frustration over a disappointing Netflix binge-watch of "Eric." We also reflect on our habit of pushing recording sessions later and later, making for an interesting discussion on procrastination.

In our next segment, we vent about the workplace dynamics when a work bestie is on vacation and imagine taking off on an impromptu trip ourselves. Pet lovers will relate to our woes as we discuss the financial strain of caring for pets, especially the high cost of flea and tick medicine for dogs. Things take a humorous turn as we share anecdotes about the overwhelming presence of cats and kittens in our lives, from feeding strays to struggles managing the growing feline population. If you’re looking for a furry friend, we might just have the perfect incentive for you!

Finally, we take a nostalgic trip down memory lane, reminiscing about the evolution of communication devices from bag phones and pagers to the first iPhones and Razors. We share heartfelt family memories, including quirky tales of "Pop" and his old-fashioned habits, like cutting mold off block cheese and narrowly missing a family member while aiming at a garden-invading rabbit. Join us for a lighthearted, humorous, and nostalgic episode filled with candid reflections and laughs about the week's events and the simple joys of yesteryear.

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If you are interested in the nails or any of Amanda's social media, she talks about here is her link.

Speaker 1:

man, it's been such a long week. It's sunday after seven o'clock and we're just now starting to record I know this thing's gonna have to be released by midnight oh, that means jody's not going to bed by eight someplace will be tired that's not good. He's got to work tomorrow. What?

Speaker 2:

happened. Yeah, what time do I get up 3 15? 3, 15 whose idea was this?

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I thought we're skipping a week I thought we usually did this like on Tuesdays, then it got pushed to Thursdays, then it got pushed to Fridays.

Speaker 1:

No, we were Thursdays. Then it got pushed to Saturdays. Now it's Saturday. No, we're Sunday. No, we were Thursdays.

Speaker 2:

It's 738 on a Sunday.

Speaker 1:

On a Sunday man. I don't know what's happened happen.

Speaker 2:

I'm just glad to be here you are. I was scared this wasn't happening.

Speaker 1:

I mean, we're borderline like this right here we've crossed the line, cross the line. Yeah, this can't happen again why did my nose not ever run until I get on here? I don't know. And then I need to sniff. Yeah, I need to sniff, are you?

Speaker 2:

gonna belch this time. All right, I'm good you won't belch this time, right, you didn't have jackson, other nothing, yeah, but we did just eat. What did?

Speaker 1:

we do. We did just eat. Where did we just come from? We just came from church. We had a big old ice cream fellowship. Jody ate so much ice cream he didn't eat regular food.

Speaker 2:

Pay for it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he will.

Speaker 2:

I had some little dessert thing, some strawberry. It was kind of like strawberry shortcake in a way.

Speaker 1:

And then when I Like a strawberry pie yeah.

Speaker 2:

So when I like dug into it.

Speaker 1:

They have jello in it. Was that jello?

Speaker 2:

Is that what that was? Yeah, maybe so.

Speaker 1:

That's what turned me off. I'm not a jello person. I don't like that texture.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but anyway, the pretzel's on the bottom. I wish you'd let me talk.

Speaker 1:

I do it on purpose, no, you don't.

Speaker 2:

You know. It's just what you do.

Speaker 1:

We said we wouldn't argue in this one.

Speaker 2:

I'm not arguing, I'm just telling you what you do. Here we go.

Speaker 1:

The people are tired of us Anyway.

Speaker 2:

No, they're not Anyway. So when I forked down into it and I thought it was walnuts, so I thought it was walnuts, so I had that walnut in my mind and then when I bit into it I was like this is not nuts. So it took me a minute to figure out what it was. And it's like the mini pretzels and they're a little soggy, just a little bit. They weren't soggy, but I mean they were fine, but it just took me by surprise. So when I gathered all my facts and figured out what was in this, it was actually pretty good. But you know, when you taste something and you don't know what it is, you're kind of surprised.

Speaker 1:

But I saw the Jell-O and that turned me off.

Speaker 2:

I wanted a bite until I saw when you cut that and I'm like that's Jell-O.

Speaker 1:

I just can't do that texture thing with the Jell-O. I just never have been.

Speaker 2:

I like Jell-O.

Speaker 1:

I know, jello, I know I used to make it for you. We made that so you just couldn't have like a bowl of jello uh-uh, like you know, when you have like when you're gonna have surgery or something you gotta eat, um jello yeah I, I just don't eat because I can't do the jello thing. I don't know why, what about jelly.

Speaker 2:

You can eat jelly, that's the same eh, I'm still iffy on jelly.

Speaker 1:

I don't like a lot.

Speaker 2:

If jelly is cold, it's got the same texture as jello. No, yeah, no, it's different Not really it's a little different, different taste.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Same texture, I think.

Speaker 1:

We've had a pretty good week. It hadn't really been busy. We've had a pretty good week. It hadn't really been busy.

Speaker 2:

We've just been lazy. I don't know. Don't speak for yourself. How have we been lazy?

Speaker 1:

You've been into this series on Netflix for the last three days trying to get it done, so I think that's why we've waited to the last minute.

Speaker 2:

Two days, two days, I think I thought it was three days. Did I start Friday? I thought you started it friday.

Speaker 1:

Okay, maybe so do you?

Speaker 2:

it's called eric I I don't suggest it for anybody it's. I don't know how he hung I turned it off after the first episode and told myself I'm not going back to it because of the situation that was on it yeah then the next day I thought you know what? What I'm going to go back to it and let's just see how far this thing goes on this, just to see. And yeah, they took it that far.

Speaker 1:

It was bad. Yeah, not stuff that we like to watch.

Speaker 2:

And it ended up not being a good story.

Speaker 1:

But he watched it, he stuck it out to the end. You made fun of me at the very end, at the very end of it.

Speaker 2:

I gave it a thumbs down.

Speaker 1:

He end of it. I gave it a thumbs down when he sure did it said how would you rate this?

Speaker 2:

yeah, and I did the thumbs down thumbs down so thumbs down? Yeah, I can't believe you made fun of me I said I was just gonna say you stuck with it yeah, I just wanted to see what the agenda was on it, and they definitely had a couple of agendas on that movie you say that about everything.

Speaker 1:

Well, if you look I guess I just don't pay enough, if you have that in mind when you're watching things not just movies, but anything. I don't think that I just watch it and I just listen to stuff.

Speaker 2:

But you're also the one that told me that you don't ever listen to lyrics on songs to even know what they're about.

Speaker 1:

You're right, I don't.

Speaker 2:

You've got to listen to the lyrics. You just can't sing along. I don't?

Speaker 1:

I just sing it except for my praise and worship music.

Speaker 2:

No, I like it.

Speaker 1:

I listen to those, but then the music and stuff that we listen to when we're young. And now I listen to it and think, oh, that's what that was about. And my parents let me listen to this.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's just like these country songs and stuff. We're just singing to it all day long, but when you start to think about it, these are not good songs.

Speaker 1:

It's crazy.

Speaker 2:

I don't care who you are. I don't care if you're Kenny Rogers. He was not singing good songs.

Speaker 1:

Kenny Rogers. Where did that come from? I?

Speaker 2:

don't know, I don't know. I thought of him and Dolly Parton.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, well, okay.

Speaker 2:

What song did they have?

Speaker 1:

Islands in the Stream. That is what we are.

Speaker 2:

I'm stopping right there. I thought you might keep going.

Speaker 1:

I watched your facial expressions. It said stop, did you yeah?

Speaker 2:

I found myself on. Well, I was going to tell myself I wasn't going to mention the other podcast this time, but I have caught myself. I've sung on it twice so far. I mean, it wasn't impressive, it was more of like a little hum.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think you like that anyway. Goodness gracious Anyway.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, but back to your week. You've had a lazy week, huh.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I don't even know nothing I've done.

Speaker 2:

I can only speak for myself. I don't know what you've done. I worked, me too.

Speaker 1:

Oh, we was off Monday, right, was that this week?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Was that Memorial Day?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Was that last week?

Speaker 2:

No, this week was Memorial Day this week. This past week was Memorial Day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't even know what day it is. That's right. Yeah, I think that's right. Yeah, today's the first and Memorial Day is the last Monday of the month.

Speaker 2:

That's right so that's right yeah. So yeah, so you were off, so y'all stayed home, and then when I got off work, I was at home, and then we didn't do anything. We didn't do anything.

Speaker 1:

It rained, didn't it? It rained.

Speaker 2:

I don't know it's rained so much, I don't know what day it has rained a lot Rain today, on and off today.

Speaker 1:

All right. So we had that little get together at church tonight. And what did we have to take? I got off easy.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we had to take tea.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we had to bring tea and I went up there to get tea. I went up there to get us something to drink. That was three gallons still left.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's because somebody else brought a bunch of two liters, and then we had lemonade there's a lot of lemonade left. Yeah well, I mean, I guess people wanted the the cokes if you give everybody too many options, they're going to take a little bit of all of them. Remember that so.

Speaker 1:

So we still had to go to uh gateway to get the tea. That's a little grocery store in our town, and before we went it hadn't started raining before we went, and so I needed some lotion on my legs and I don't like lotion.

Speaker 2:

I don't like the like feel of it, or whatever you don't like the texture, like jello, you don't like jello and you don't like but I wanted to put tanning drops in it, and and so Jody's usually pretty good He'll put lotion on my legs if I ask him to. But you didn't ask.

Speaker 1:

But I didn't, because I was putting the tanning drops in it. And then so I get my legs all lotioned up, I go back in the living room and it starts raining and I'm like but what does that?

Speaker 1:

have to do with your lotion and your tan. Well, if I just use tan and mousse and it gets wet, it messes it up. You'll have little drops like white spots on it. But I don't know about with the tan and drops mixed with the lotion. I'm hoping I'm not spotted when I wake up in the morning because it's a gradual tan so you're telling me the tannin.

Speaker 2:

Is this what all tannin lotion stuff do if?

Speaker 1:

you get wet when you've tanned right after it right after.

Speaker 2:

So what's the time frame to not get wet? Six to eight hours that's why you do it at night before you go to bed so, like in the morning, if you got out in some sprinkling you should be okay, I you really go wash it off.

Speaker 1:

I'm not talking about a drizzle, yeah, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

So so you won't be able to tail until hours from now. For sure I'm hoping.

Speaker 1:

Well, the tanning drops are a gradual tan, so I'm hoping we don't. The old legs are not old spotty in the morning when I get up but then you can just fix it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I just put more on.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I don't think I need any more how do you take it off? It just wears off.

Speaker 2:

And when you get in there, so if you're spotty, though, how do you fix that?

Speaker 1:

well, either you put more on or you get in and you scrub and scrub and scrub. It's not gonna come off in the first day, I mean. So it'll just have to be that way, or either I'll have to add some more. So yeah, that was the excitement of the day. I'm like I'm gonna get wet and I'm gonna be spotty but then, after all the rain, we saw a double rainbow we didn't see that double rainbow which is pretty cool that was pretty cool we didn't even know it was a double rainbow.

Speaker 1:

Somebody just come in and said hey, did you see that rainbow? So I came and told you and then you went out and videoed it and it was double. Yeah, I like rainbows. Somebody told me I look like a rainbow today. Actually, they told me, how do?

Speaker 2:

you look like a rainbow.

Speaker 1:

Can I say what they told me I was supporting?

Speaker 2:

Oh, we could.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they told me. Oh well, you're supporting the Pride Month this month.

Speaker 2:

How's that?

Speaker 1:

Because my dress was all different colors. It was like a blue, a pink, I think it had two different pink colors in it. And then I'm like no, the rainbow is God's promise. So he had it first, right. And then they said no, no, I didn't really mean that. I'm like whatever, whatever.

Speaker 2:

But you said it, you said it.

Speaker 1:

I'm like no, I don't support that, Sorry.

Speaker 2:

Hmm. So, I didn't get that when I saw you today. I didn't get that at all.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it didn't look like a rainbow, not even close. I know it was just like pastel colors, kind of like.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's called a patchwork dress, color block dress. That's what it's called.

Speaker 2:

Color block Color block.

Speaker 1:

It just had different colors on it. I'm learning something new every time we do this I know I love to teach you stuff.

Speaker 2:

I know, I'm trying to think what the garb was on the mailbox Christmas swag, swag.

Speaker 1:

That's it. There you go. Mailbox swag.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it just means some kind of decorative something or Swag Swag.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it just means some kind of decorative something, or if you're wearing some swag, so what does that mean?

Speaker 2:

Swag can mean different things.

Speaker 1:

That's too vague or too wide. Yeah, jodi has a lot of hand gestures. I wish I could see them.

Speaker 2:

Do I really?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Well, I couldn't talk if I didn't have my hands. I'd be quiet. I don't realize it, but I'm fidgety. I'm really fidgety, I move my you know I'm just all the time moving my fingers. I don't do my toes, though, like you do.

Speaker 1:

Like me, you can't do your toes my knees always, or my toes tapping or something. Wow, what kind of week we got coming up, since we're already on Sunday. I don't know, Hot week Weeks are you know, is it going to be hot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, I mean, we're here, the hot weather is here. I just know, as you get older, the weeks fly by and it seems like to me, with my job and everything, I always say this it's like the week is done, the week is starting, and then it just seemed like tomorrow it's Friday again.

Speaker 1:

See, it don't seem like that to me it does every week, man, it flies by Next thing. I know my work bestie's not going to be there this week, though I'm going to cry Her's on vacation.

Speaker 2:

All week.

Speaker 1:

All week. I'm going to miss her.

Speaker 2:

So does anybody catch up on her work? Is she good to go?

Speaker 1:

She's good to go. She's got her ducks in a row. She know what she's doing. She's got it planned out for her. Yeah, she know what she's doing.

Speaker 2:

That's good.

Speaker 1:

She's got it handled.

Speaker 2:

Wish I was going on vacation. Me too That'd be nice, let's go, let's go, let's just up and go, nobody won't miss us. I'm sure.

Speaker 1:

Who's going to miss us?

Speaker 2:

Everybody. What Are we taking Nicholas, or are we leaving him here? We're leaving that boy here.

Speaker 1:

He wouldn't even know we were gone. He wouldn't even know we were gone. We can leave and he wouldn't know.

Speaker 2:

That's right. We walk right by him and he don't know I walk right by him and I don't even realize he's sometimes because he usually stays in one particular spot, whatever. So if he's somewhere else I don't even realize he's there.

Speaker 1:

Oh, what else do we do? I had to get the dogs darn medicine this week. Medicine I'm going to talk about a chunk out of the pocketbook.

Speaker 2:

What kind of medicine?

Speaker 1:

Flea medicine. They're flea and tick medicine.

Speaker 2:

They're pills.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they are pills. One little pill a piece, so two dogs.

Speaker 2:

both of them combined weight might be like 21 pounds.

Speaker 1:

Well, Winston is 16 compared to their records yeah, really. They had him at 16 the last time he was well, oh, he's getting a little.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to put him on a diet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so he's probably 20 pounds himself.

Speaker 2:

Coco's Coco can't be like eight or nine pounds.

Speaker 1:

I think they had her at nine okay, maybe, anyway, that hurt the pocketbook.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so two pills two pills, one a piece for them is 150 dollars yes for six months is it six or three?

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna think it's three. Well, we're going with six because we're not well, I kind of think it's three yeah because?

Speaker 2:

because we usually don't, you know, I think it's twice a year. We normally do it, and that's good enough. Because the pill usually lasts forever. They never get no fleas, no ticks, no nothing. But they just got to where they started to scratch so bad.

Speaker 1:

But they don't have fleas, so why are they scratching?

Speaker 2:

I don't know Something sensitive.

Speaker 1:

But we I don't know something sensitive, but we'd wait a little bit longer about getting we did.

Speaker 2:

We usually already have them by this time. So but yes, but still no fleece. So I'm really shocked.

Speaker 1:

I just hope those cats don't get fleece. Anybody needs a cat. We got them.

Speaker 2:

They're free you just we'll ship them ups, yes, wherever fedex wherever you need them. They're fine, I might even drive them to you Wherever you need them.

Speaker 1:

They're free.

Speaker 2:

I might even drive them to you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, road trip.

Speaker 2:

We've got two cats.

Speaker 1:

They're not even our cats.

Speaker 2:

They both had litters. They both had three apiece. Then we've got another cat, so three cats, and then three kittens and three kittens, so that's nine cats. They need to be gone and the kittens are four weeks old. This week will be four weeks old.

Speaker 1:

They got to be a little bit older than that.

Speaker 2:

Maybe, maybe five, but not more than five.

Speaker 1:

So you need a cat.

Speaker 2:

Contact Amanda.

Speaker 1:

You need a kitten? Hit us up, because I need them gone. I might throw a $20 bill in with every cat. I'll pay you to take it. That's right, I'll buy you cat food.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cat food $20 bill. In with every cat, I'll pay you to take it. That's right, I'll buy you cat food. Yeah, cat food $20 bill. Yeah, Just get them gone A BOGO deal.

Speaker 1:

But you're not buying them. You know it's different if this was a pet that we wanted and we actually got the pet.

Speaker 2:

But no, these cats came up a year ago no, I made a mistake, it was one cat, no-transcript. And uh, a few weeks went by and I'd see her and you started seeing she's nothing, but she's getting to be skin and bones. And amanda's making fun of me because I'm doing my hands as I'm talking, so I'm gonna fold my hands together like I'm praying. Will that be all right? So, anyway, so I felt sorry for her, of course, and so I gave her some food in a spot and she finally ate it and slowly but surely I could get close enough and all that stuff. Well, anyway, so she had kittens and then. So we ended up having like five or six kittens, and then those some of them got gone. We gave away a few, whatever like that. I couldn't ever catch the two or three that we had to where I could go get them fixed, and I waited, waited around. I knew I should have done whatever I needed to do, and they ended up two out of the three got pregnant and now they've had kittens.

Speaker 1:

It's different if it's a pet that we wanted.

Speaker 2:

We've gone from never having cats to where we're now averaging nine or ten cats. For the last two years, I need them gone.

Speaker 1:

I don't like cats. They climb on your car. They rub up against you, or they don't like cats I don't either. They climb on your car.

Speaker 2:

They rub up against you or they don't rub up against me because they know I don't like them and I don't like cats either, but I find them interesting to watch to see how they eat.

Speaker 1:

You don't like cats either, but you're out there here, kitty, kitty, kitty, come here, it's time to eat. Ding, ding, ding, ding. Here's your food. You eat better than, are you?

Speaker 2:

done. No, that's not exactly how it went, because then you'll go feed the fish, and then you'll go feed the birds.

Speaker 1:

We've got all kinds of wildlife out here. They eat better than we do. I've had to cut our grocery bill out because he feeds the wildlife.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of animals that are depending on me for survival right now. Well, you've got a family that depends on you, but—.

Speaker 1:

Y'all are doing all right, trust me. Well, I had to cut our grocery bill so you could feed your wildlife.

Speaker 2:

I saw that bill. It didn't look like it got cut. But I tell you, when you buy groceries, when you throw like, if you need, like washing powder and like a you know a big pack of toilet paper or paper towels, whatever. It is like that. My goodness, that was not buying any meat.

Speaker 1:

This week I bought one hamburger meat and that was all, because I was going to get Chuck Eyes or something later on in the week at Gateway. I spent more this week because I had really let groceries get down. This is how I do it I put in my mind what I'm going to keep my grocery budget at, and then I just cut our food back and don't go over that. But then you got Jody who buys something at Walmart every darn day. Seems like he buys something at Walmart every day.

Speaker 2:

You think so?

Speaker 1:

Yes, but anyway.

Speaker 2:

So this week I was like If you check that account, the last two weeks I have not, so thank you.

Speaker 1:

So this week I was like I can't cut groceries. All right, I'm gonna give myself this budget and I'm like, well, that ain't nothing. Then I'm like I've got to get us some food.

Speaker 2:

Now we have food, but you know, but you know, you leave out that part about me buying something at walmart every time when amanda shoots me a text on hey, when you get to Walmart, pick this up for me. So it might only be a $4 or $5 or $6 purchase, but you make it sound like I'm buying $30 worth every time I'm in Every day, yeah. But that's not true to fact. Is that a true statement, true to?

Speaker 1:

fact True to fact? I don't know, but anyway.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I made that up or if I heard that that grocery budget this week was out the door. You know that's such a waste too.

Speaker 1:

Groceries are just a waste, and we still didn't have much.

Speaker 2:

As a society, we consume so much food and it's just such a waste. It just goes in and goes out.

Speaker 1:

And it's summertime, so you know where half the budget goes. Water and Gatorades popsicles, oh and popsicles, and they're, they're gone yeah, now we get the.

Speaker 2:

What are the for the ones you freeze the?

Speaker 1:

popsicles? No, I'm not talking about the ones you buy. The ice pops, yeah, they're like the long pop ice. Is it called pop ice? Maybe the long ones, yeah they're like you buy them. They're not, they're not a big pack of yeah they're not already froze, you take them home.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about the cheap ones.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, really good that you can sit there and they're in a big pack of 50 of them or whatever. Yeah, and they're not already froze.

Speaker 2:

You take them home and you throw them in there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about the cheap ones, yeah, yeah, really good that you can sit there and eat 10, get your scissors, cut the end of them off and knock one out. Jody can't bite it off. No, I'm not going to bite off Amanda Nicholas does. No, we don Look.

Speaker 2:

I used to, when I used to fish all the time and tie and bait and I'd always bite the line you know and all that stuff. I can't do that anymore.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I just can't.

Speaker 1:

You're sensitive.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, I just can't take a chance and hurt my teeth.

Speaker 1:

Because why.

Speaker 2:

Because there'd be a bill at the doctor's office if I did something.

Speaker 1:

Because you're getting old.

Speaker 2:

No, oh, okay, nothing's got to do with age.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's another thing this week has happened to me.

Speaker 2:

What's happened to you? You've gotten old.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, my eyes are going. I think I need some readers. Your eyes have dramatically changed quickly, yes, like just in a month. It's weird. It's weird and I'm like I can still see and Jody's like well, try these readers, anyway, it's going to make it better.

Speaker 2:

I finally gave in.

Speaker 1:

But it gets me ahead of it. I mean, like, as soon as I put them on, it's like weird, like it makes my eyes cross, or something.

Speaker 2:

I'm probably just kidding. You probably just don't have the right though is there anything less than a one?

Speaker 1:

I mean a 1.25 probably not, I don't know I don't know, but, man, I've had a couple of headaches this week from my eyes and with my job. That's about all I do is on the computer, so I got to have something.

Speaker 2:

I'm glad I don't sit in front of a computer all the time.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes I just have to get up and walk go, and sometimes I'm sitting there for three and four hours at a time.

Speaker 2:

But sometimes I wish I'd had a job like that where I'm just sitting in front. But then other times I'm like there's no way.

Speaker 1:

I can do this, I'd rather do it.

Speaker 2:

It's kind yeah, but then other times I'm like there's no way I can do this. I'd rather do you know. It's kind of like whatever in life you're doing. It's kind of like the same thing with hair If you got straight hair, you want curly hair. If you got curly hair, you want straight. You know what I'm saying it's just the way it is.

Speaker 1:

I want it both ways. Yeah, so the disc job and the eyes, and I've been feeling the age. This week it's been a little cray-cray.

Speaker 2:

Cray-cray, cray-cray.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So what we got coming up this next week? Anything? I don't think so. Maybe not. Yeah, it's time to cut grass. This week. Cutting grass week at my dad's, ain't it?

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's right, that's right Every other week until this weekend. Sometime at some point sometime maybe I don't know. Plus, if it rains, that's the whole thing. Rain affects everything and just messes me up if I got a lot of stuff to do yep maybe not maybe not what you want to talk about now.

Speaker 1:

You wanted to know when I first got a cell phone I did.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to know because you know, I can remember back when I got mine which was the craze, the new thing, but of course they were the whole pay structure. Back then, when you got one was in the whole minutes and you couldn't go over your minutes and I never got one.

Speaker 1:

I didn't get one till I was married. I had a bag phone in the car, but I was threatened with my life. You better not use it because it costs us money.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I had a friend that had the bag phone.

Speaker 1:

In the Monte Carlo.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, which.

Speaker 1:

I wish I still had that thing. Yeah, that car was sweet, so I can't remember what year 95, 96, 97.

Speaker 2:

Was the year when I got a cell phone, Something like that After you graduated 94. I don't know you graduated in 94.

Speaker 1:

Did you have a phone when you graduated?

Speaker 2:

Maybe, so I don't remember them being that I don't know, I don't know about it or not.

Speaker 1:

Which in 94, I was only 14. Right, jody was graduating. Yeah, let's leave that out.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know, Because everything.

Speaker 1:

You had a pager when we got together.

Speaker 2:

I had a pager and a. I don't know why I had a pager. He was important to me. I had a pager and a cell phone, but the pager I'm just. You know.

Speaker 1:

you had a what about the little messages on the pager? You know you would try to 9-1-1. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Or you would try to put in something that you had to turn the pager the other way and it spelled yeah, something like something. Yeah, I forgot, I'm trying to think the the pay structure on the phone back there you had certain areas roaming.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what it was yeah, and roaming charges when you got out of area yeah, so you had like a map thing you could look at night time after nine o'clock was free, yeah, or something like that you could keep up with how many minutes and I can't remember what, uh, how much you had in months, but you could keep up with me and you ran over, you had to pay, you know, extra for so that's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, lord, these kids couldn't make it now no, no but that texting that was the thing.

Speaker 2:

Since you only had so many minutes, you didn't take your phone with you. Oh yeah, I left. I left mine in my vehicle.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't something that you.

Speaker 2:

No, it wasn't something that I stayed on all the time you might have had a phone, but it didn't have internet on it. Oh yeah, yeah, but I'm just saying it's like since you couldn't just use it anytime. Well, you could use it anytime you wanted to, but since you're limited on your minutes, it was something that you just didn't keep on you because you knew, hey, the only time I'm going to use it, if I make it, I call whoever about something, and you're on it and you're off, and that's it.

Speaker 1:

That'd be nice. Let's go back to it that way.

Speaker 2:

That might be nice, but that's when it was like a brick.

Speaker 1:

They were big, weren't they?

Speaker 2:

But they were, you know, they were thick, they weren't slender.

Speaker 1:

And when that iPhone come out. We thought that was the thing, well.

Speaker 2:

I would like to go back. I had a.

Speaker 1:

Razor. I liked the Razor I had.

Speaker 2:

I didn't like those.

Speaker 1:

Wasn't it a Razor yeah?

Speaker 2:

I didn't like the look of it, did it slide. No, no, the Razor closed yeah.

Speaker 1:

No, did it, I'm pretty sure. Yeah, speaking of that, always happens too. Jody always gets some kind of notification. He don't turn his stuff on.

Speaker 2:

Because I never get it until we pod, so the razor closed. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I had a sliding one too. I had a little pink one that slid.

Speaker 2:

That was back when they had Shazam. When you had that one was when Shazam came out, because you could get like five Shazams free before you would have to.

Speaker 1:

What's Shazam Songs?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the app that you can listen to if you don't know what a song is.

Speaker 1:

You Shazam it. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But you had a BlackBerry one time and you liked that didn't you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I had the BlackBerry.

Speaker 1:

Have we already talked about phones? Because for some reason I feel like we talked about a BlackBerry.

Speaker 2:

I don't think so.

Speaker 1:

Why can we not remember what we've talked about?

Speaker 2:

That's what happens after so long Hush. No, I'm not there, it is. Let me see, see.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, okay, I had a pink one.

Speaker 2:

I think mine was pink. I didn't like them, I just I liked them.

Speaker 1:

I don't think you ever had one. No, I didn't have one. Yeah, you didn't have those.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you what I did. I had a Motorola flip phone which was a small, really small, and it just everything about it. I like, because it was small, compact. I like slamming it down when you're done.

Speaker 1:

That's the problem with phones now. You can't hang up on somebody. I know Not the good way. I'm so mad at you.

Speaker 2:

I know you push a button You're like take that.

Speaker 1:

Take that.

Speaker 2:

Take that.

Speaker 1:

That was the fun. What about the phones, the real phones we used to have, and you had one phone and you had a big, long cord on it so you could walk away from your parents when you were talking yeah, but did you ever have to like get the cord?

Speaker 2:

you like took the phone off the hook or whatever?

Speaker 1:

you held it up and you held it so it would mean so it would un. Yes, all the time. Yeah, all the time which I kept the phone in my bedroom because we had a long, not the. We had a long cord that come from the wall to the phone so I could take it in my bedroom, but we also had a party line, so I didn't understand the party line the party line was like when the phone would ring, it would ring at my, at my house and my Pawpaw's house, so you didn't know who it was going to be for.

Speaker 1:

So if the phone was for Pawpaw, you had to say hold on a minute. And you have to go next door and go to Pawpaw and tell him to hey, phone's for you.

Speaker 2:

Why would you have a party line that don't make any sense?

Speaker 1:

Because you didn't pay for two phone lines. Because we only paid for one phone line. I guess that's called a hassle.

Speaker 2:

You got that right.

Speaker 1:

I'll pay for two phones because, pop, he used to get some calls, did he really?

Speaker 2:

yeah, he had buddies hmm, he didn't seem like the guy that would talk on the phone a lot, but I guess I mean, it wasn't a lot but I mean, I know but yeah, pop, you got a Pop story, don't you? I do have a Pop story. Pop almost killed me one time with a gun.

Speaker 1:

My Pop.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, your Pop yes.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Pop. Yeah, because your Pop was a, it was country Overalls yeah.

Speaker 1:

Overalls worked in the mines.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Retired from the mines.

Speaker 2:

I can remember about him. Maybe it was a story you told me, or maybe it was us looking in his fridge, but he had like cheese in there. I came over one day because we were within walking distance.

Speaker 1:

So I go over to his house and say, pop, I need some cheese, I need to make a sandwich. Go in there and get you some. I go in there. It's got mold on it. Now this is the cheese that was in the block. You know, because we always bought the block cheese and you know you just cut your cheese off of it and cut the cheese yeah, you cut the cheese.

Speaker 2:

There comes out that five-year-old anyway, that's right fifth grader, so um he's like go in there and get you some.

Speaker 1:

I go in there and get you some. I go in there and there's mold all over that cheese. I said Pop, this cheese ain't any good, it's got mold on it. He said Honey, you just cut that mold off. There ain't nothing wrong with that. He's right yeah but I didn't do it. That's Pop, though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so he had a garden.

Speaker 1:

Big garden? Yeah, and he had a garden Big garden.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I was in the garden. I don't remember if he talked about a rabbit, kept getting in the garden or whatever like that, but it just so happened. The rabbit was in the garden when me and him was in the garden and he swung that gun around and started shooting at that rabbit and almost shot me. That's the last time I went to his garden.

Speaker 1:

It was funny. Oh, it wasn't, it was not funny.

Speaker 2:

It was not funny at all. Jody just goes running, he's got a gun. Jody thought he'd done something wrong Thought I was a rabbit for a second.

Speaker 1:

Pop didn't like those rabbits getting in his garden.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he had tunnel vision when he saw the rabbit. He didn't like those rabbits getting in his garden.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he had tunnel vision when he saw the rabbit. He didn't care about nothing else.

Speaker 2:

All he saw was Damon shooting at a rabbit. Oh, good old Pop.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I like old Pop. I miss old Pop, anyway. So we kind of had a boring week this week. Jody's mad because I forgot to do Look Up Country Song, or it Ain't? I guess we'll have to put that on the burner for next week.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't mad. I knew you wouldn't be prepared, and then you didn't even think about it. I did not, you did not think about it at all.

Speaker 1:

I did not.

Speaker 2:

I knew it.

Speaker 1:

I knew it If you don't write me a sticky note. It ain't happening. Write your own sticky note.

Speaker 2:

Well, there should have been one on there about this.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I can't help you.

Speaker 1:

Well, you can, I need help.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you better hush, you sure do.

Speaker 1:

You better hush, you're going to get in trouble, all right. Well, I guess we've rambled enough. I guess so.

Speaker 2:

Getting late.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, 7.30.

Speaker 2:

A lot 7, 30 to do 7, 30, it's 8 14 now wow I go to bed in 15 minutes but now I can't, I'm gonna get in trouble because now I have to start the process of. Uh, I say, just let this one go bloopers and all.

Speaker 2:

Because there's been some bloopers, y'all nope it'd be good you have to listen to. You have to go through and listen to it first and you add music and all that stuff. So it takes a while. So I have to go through and listen to it first and you add music and all that stuff, so it takes a while. So I have to do that. So I mean it's not like I just push a button and bam, it's gone. That'd be nice. Blam it sounded like I cussed, but I said blam.

Speaker 1:

Blam yeah, all right, I enjoyed it.

Speaker 2:

I enjoyed it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was fun.

Speaker 2:

Maybe we'll be better next week Better.

Speaker 1:

This is great Prepared Jody don't like it when I say let's just go in there and talk. He's like no, I want something to talk about.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to talk about nothing that never happened All right, folks. Hope y'all have a good week. Thanks for tuning in and we'll see you every Monday On the flip side. Bye.

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