This That And The Other

22. Police Teasers, Bagged Milk, The Grid, Trigger Songs, and More

SquirrelGuy Media Season 1 Episode 22

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What do Rice Krispies, catchy jingles, and late-night police visits have in common? They're all part of our latest episode packed with humor and curiosity! Join us as we kick things off with a light-hearted dad joke exchange that spirals into an intriguing discussion on why some tunes refuse to leave our heads. We also share our excitement for the upcoming college football season and the joys of grilling and chilling by the fire pit. And hold on tight, because there's a suspenseful teaser about an incident involving the police and fire department that we'll dive into on a future episode.

Ever had a rabbit wreak havoc in your garden? We have, and it sparked a lively chat on emergency preparedness. From food rationing and water filtration to the importance of having a crank radio, we find out we aren't ready. We also ponder the reliance on technology and what recent disruptions might mean for the future. To keep things light, we share some laughs about our noisy neighbor's bird and how certain phrases can instantly trigger songs in our heads, proving life is a mix of practicality and humor.

Ready for a quirky road trip? We take you on a virtual tour of Tennessee's roadside attractions, reminiscing about Little Debbie Park and gushing over the Bush's Baked Beans Visitor Center—complete with a giant bean sculpture! Our banter continues with a peek into our family life, from peculiar habits and routine quirks to a fascinating discussion on why Canadians buy milk in bags. As always, we wrap up with heartfelt thanks to our loyal listeners and a sneak peek at what’s coming next. You won't want to miss this fun-filled and engaging episode!

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If you are interested in the nails or any of Amanda's social media, she talks about here is her link.

Speaker 1:

Hello Amanda.

Speaker 2:

Hey, hey, what's up?

Speaker 1:

What do you know good?

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh, I gotta get started, because you know how I think. You know, how my brain's all over the place. And if I don't start, I'm going to forget it. Well, I'm going to start and we're just going to get right into it. How about that? That'll work All right. So attention, attention, everybody. Do not give Rice Krispies to young children.

Speaker 1:

Why's that?

Speaker 2:

Well, I ate them as a kid, and now, when I stand up, I snap Crackle Pop.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, hmm, dad joke.

Speaker 2:

Ha Ha. That's supposed to be funny. I'm disappointed in you. I'm done.

Speaker 1:

Well, I thought it was going to be some kind of study that came out and you were worried about it. I wasn't expecting a joke.

Speaker 2:

Do I look up studies? Is that my job?

Speaker 1:

I just thought you might have saw something on TV, and you're just letting me aware.

Speaker 2:

No, I saw something on the TikTok. That's not my job to look it up. How much does it cost to go swimming with?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Lord, that's not my job to look it up. How much does it cost to go swimming with?

Speaker 2:

sharks. Oh Lord, an arm and a leg. I heard that one. You did listen to my episode, nope.

Speaker 1:

I didn't Okay. Thank you for that download. She's got her hand up in my face. I got my notes.

Speaker 2:

I either got to go with it or I'm going to forget it, because for some reason, I can't remember nothing these days. Okay, do you?

Speaker 1:

know how many more days until college football. Oh, what's the?

Speaker 2:

I'm usually the one that keeps up with the college football around here.

Speaker 1:

Oh, only a couple of months. Let me see what month are we in.

Speaker 2:

July. I love football. We do a little fire pit almost 62 days 40, 40, I know it's crazy 40 this evening. Right here, this wind is blowing. We're sitting back outside. This is perfect temperature to grill, which somebody is, and I'm about to go seek it out because it smells really good. Sit out here at the fire pit. We should have the fire lit right now.

Speaker 1:

I do have a fire going back behind us.

Speaker 2:

Well, I saw that, but I mean our real thing, you know.

Speaker 1:

I could. I can build a fire anytime. You just got to tell me.

Speaker 2:

I know, I know, that scares me a little bit why, because you can build a fire anytime. You like to play in fire, you like to get burnt by fires, you like to get the cops called on you because you burn when you're not supposed to burn.

Speaker 1:

Well, you gotta do what you gotta do that's another subject, that's a story for another day, story for another day, have we not?

Speaker 2:

a story for another day, have we not?

Speaker 1:

told that story? No, we haven't. Oh, okay, and I don't feel like telling it now.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, jody, don't want to relive that one no.

Speaker 1:

At 12 o'clock in the morning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was a late night, early morning for me, that was crazy, all because he was doing something he wasn't supposed to, supposed to somebody. Just don't like him. And they called two cops. Anyway, we ain't going there. Four firefighters, stay tuned, we'll go back there one day, all right, here's just another thing that I was thinking about. So you didn't like my joke. You didn't know the answer to my question you just took me by surprise.

Speaker 1:

If you tell it another one, I might laugh, but you don't have to look one up, that's fine, you should have laughed.

Speaker 2:

No matter, you should laugh at all my corny jokes. I can't claim that when I saw it somewhere, all right. So when you hear a jingle or a song on a commercial or something like that, does it stay in your head forever? Not forever for a long time sometimes you just go humming it and singing it or whatever. Why is that?

Speaker 1:

why why is it? It's just like you just can't quit well, why is it that you think of a song or something like that that you haven't heard in a long time, and you've got it on your mind, and then you turn the radio on and bam it's playing well, like why is that?

Speaker 2:

I was scrolling and then you started singing the song five minutes after I was already scrolled by that song.

Speaker 1:

What was it?

Speaker 2:

I always feel like somebody's watching me.

Speaker 1:

Who sings that?

Speaker 2:

I really don't know. I'm sure you do, I know, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I know Michael Jackson does like the background. That part of it I always feel like somebody's watching me.

Speaker 2:

What's the next words? Dun dun, dun, dun, dun dun.

Speaker 1:

That's it.

Speaker 2:

Whoa, that's all I know of it. Okay, that's all I got, so you?

Speaker 1:

saw that on TikTok.

Speaker 2:

Saw what.

Speaker 1:

That song, or you heard it.

Speaker 2:

No, I was scrolling somewhere just before we came on.

Speaker 1:

Is that why I sang it, and then you started singing it. Okay, yes, okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it was on my phone before we came on. Yeah, that's why. That's why you started singing it.

Speaker 1:

So it was like a subliminal thing because I didn't even realize I heard it. I just started singing it, yep, it was. Oh, another thing, I did say a random thought. I've got a list of psychology questions and one of them says that there's no such thing as subliminal messages, yet companies use it.

Speaker 2:

All the time?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just I guess, in case. Maybe I don't know, but it's been proven that it's not true. Bologna.

Speaker 2:

I found that they don't know squat. Well, that's Nicholas. He's got to take that psych college class.

Speaker 1:

Is he taking psychology? Supposed to, is he? Well, if he's supposed to, I guess he will, won't he?

Speaker 2:

I guess. So We'll see All right. Another thought I just had. I'm just all over the place, just got to deal with me Tell me Got to deal with me today, so I went to the grocery store a while ago.

Speaker 1:

Is this a joke or are we true? Laughing at you?

Speaker 2:

No, we true laughing at you. I went to the grocery store because when I try to buy groceries I don't like going to the grocery store. I like to do Walmart pickup. I like to put my groceries in my cart, I like them to bring them to my cart and I don't want to go in there. I don't like it. So for some reason you can't get freezer stuff anymore on your grocery pickup.

Speaker 1:

Walmart, or at least I can't yeah.

Speaker 2:

Walmart, so I went to the local grocery store Hold up, hold up.

Speaker 1:

So I went to the local grocery store.

Speaker 2:

Hold up why you can't get any frozen stuff at all. It always tells me I can't. And you know, nicholas, he's got to have his Dinobots, so I've been having to make him take a look.

Speaker 1:

What's the reason for that?

Speaker 2:

I guess it's the weather, I guess it's too hot and people check in 30 minutes before they get there and then people were complaining. Maybe I really don't know and people were complaining.

Speaker 1:

maybe I really don't know. So are they saying that Walmart is having to order the stuff and it's melting out there on the sidewalk waiting on them to?

Speaker 2:

get there. Is that what they're trying to say? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

It don't work that way though.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't know. That's the only thing I can figure.

Speaker 1:

Because don't they have it in their log?

Speaker 2:

Well, they do, but if you check in till I get there, was this a problem last summer?

Speaker 1:

I don't remember it being a problem no, I've never had a problem with it so if you got two or three yahoos, that's complaining about it. Why are we adjusting and screwing this?

Speaker 2:

up for everybody. I'm just assuming, and you know what that means I thought somebody told you, didn't you? Well, I thought somebody else did say that, but I mean she did say that, but I don't know A worker.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if A rumor If somebody told her that Is this Facebook? No, did you get this on Facebook?

Speaker 2:

I did not get that on Facebook. Everything on Facebook's true, though, so If I saw it, Well, no. Everything on.

Speaker 1:

TikTok is oh Facebook half of it's true?

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay. So anyway, I had to go to the grocery store, since it's just me and no, no, no, no, no, you know I'm not going to Walmart. I went to the local grocery store, since it's just me and you this week.

Speaker 1:

Just me and you. Where's Nicholas? Just me and you.

Speaker 2:

Who knows?

Speaker 1:

He left. He left For a week.

Speaker 2:

He left.

Speaker 1:

Left today for Texas.

Speaker 2:

He gone.

Speaker 1:

On a mission trip with our church. He gone, so that's good.

Speaker 2:

So, anyway, I was just going for a couple of things. I wanted some corn dogs, jody needed drinks and I needed drinks.

Speaker 1:

Do you want to guess how much I?

Speaker 2:

spent well, I got drinks well, no, but basically dogs. A little box of corn dogs. I usually get the big box.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's usually because nicholas is here, but so I know, but it's hard to when somebody says I hardly bought anything and it was a hundred dollars. We really I need to see like an itemized list a A lot to look like. I know that it's a lot. I know I bought like six items a couple of days ago and it was $35 at Walmart and that was just for us to snack on or whatever and it was crazy and I know it's going to be that way.

Speaker 2:

You mean that was for Nicholas to take, because I didn't see no snacks?

Speaker 1:

Why are we shocked when we go? Oh my goodness, because. Why are we shocked when we go?

Speaker 2:

oh my goodness, we know, because I really wasn't going for this stuff. We're picking the stuff up, we're buying it. We know that's why I don't go to Walmart, because if I go in Walmart I buy more stuff. So I don't go to Walmart. I like what I like and I put it in my cart and they're supposed to bring it out to me. And now they're not doing it and I'm upset. So I went to get a Pepsi and some cherry Coke and some hamburger meat and some corn dogs and I be daggum.

Speaker 2:

Little Debbie drug me in had to get some Little Debbie stuff. Is that all I got? Extra Hamburger meat, little Debbie buns. I bought some stuff for church tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

but that that wouldn't five dollars, probably 72, later 72 dollars I know and like I had a point I was making and then and, like we, I can make that food last a day.

Speaker 2:

It was a big thing of hamburger meat so I can split that. Corn dogs is one meal. Oh, I bought a rotisserie chicken. I thought those used to be five dollars this one was $7.99.

Speaker 1:

You made it sound like you didn't hardly get nothing now.

Speaker 2:

I didn't. You didn't get more to it, I didn't. I used to could do that.

Speaker 1:

This is ridiculous Anyway back to Walmart, the whole online ordering Coffee. I bought coffee To me. Well, there you go. It's probably $12 for the coffee.

Speaker 2:

It was not, it was on sale.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying there you go.

Speaker 2:

Well, stop drinking coffee. Yeah, I know You're the only one that drinks.

Speaker 1:

All right, let me try this one more time.

Speaker 2:

I need the other coffee, I need the next one.

Speaker 1:

So Walmart having their online orders? It seems to me like you're hurting yourself because you're not getting people inside the store. You're depending a lot of your sales on impulse items. Yeah, your sales on impulse items, yeah. And then, hey, I didn't mean to, I wasn't planning on buying this, but I came across it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's up here at the register or whatever. I pick it up and I'm buying it. So they're losing out on those impulse items.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because I can't tell you the last time I went in Walmart. Jody goes in three Walmarts every week, some of them twice a week. That's because he works it. But I'm not going in Walmart anymore. I don't know. I just can't take it.

Speaker 1:

But I'm in there early enough that it's not like a Friday evening or a Saturday that you know it's covered up with people.

Speaker 2:

Yep, so that's what I got I probably think of something else.

Speaker 1:

Well, when I unloaded it, it was like five bags.

Speaker 2:

I know that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

That's all it was you said you went and bought groceries for the week and it was five bags. I'm thinking to myself we might struggle this week. Yeah, our refrigerator is as low as it's ever been it is low for like the last two months. It's never really been built back up.

Speaker 2:

I think I'm still scared.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Well, y'all won't tell me any ideas, and I get tired of the same old stuff, so I'm just not packing it out.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to spend a lot of money on groceries, but then again I start thinking like but you think we eat out twice a week.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's just the weekend.

Speaker 1:

But we talk about the grid going down or something like that. You put us in a situation where two days. We're in trouble.

Speaker 2:

Our pantry is good Two days. Our pantry is halfway decent. I'm breaking in my neighbor's house getting in their pantry getting canned goods. The pantry is halfway decent.

Speaker 1:

That's what you think.

Speaker 2:

Because Nicholas won't eat none of that stuff.

Speaker 1:

We don't have as many noodles as we used to.

Speaker 2:

Nicholas won't eat none of that stuff, you know my philosophy.

Speaker 1:

You got to have noodles because when the grid goes down, if you can cook noodles and put a little bit of sauce on there, you got you some carbs. You can survive. I don't think we're going to do much surviving if something happens tonight.

Speaker 2:

We got plenty. We got four days. Because Nicholas ain't here, I'm going to have to start fishing tomorrow. Well, I mean, you got ducks, you got turtle, we can make some turtle soup.

Speaker 1:

What about these cats out here?

Speaker 2:

Squirrel, squirrel dumplings. You ever had squirrel dumplings?

Speaker 1:

I've had squirrel. I haven't had squirrel dumplings.

Speaker 2:

My pop used to make squirrel dumplings. Your pop almost had. Jody dumplings too one time we talked about that didn't we?

Speaker 1:

I don't know I think so, did we?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, when you was in the garden and the rabbit was out there and he shot, yeah he just wheeled around there and started taking pot shots and I had to duck and jump. I said jump and duck at the same time. You had to tuck and run. I had to. I had to roll. Tuck and roll, I had to roll. You can't tuck and run, can you? I had to get out of the way. Oh Pop, it was his birthday the other day. Miss that guy Miss that old feller.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So we would survive because Nicholas ain't here. We got plenty of time we would not survive.

Speaker 1:

We would. I used to stay on top of getting ready just in case something happened. Covid really got me into where.

Speaker 2:

Hey, that's good, then I ran out of room.

Speaker 1:

I know, let's just get a little bit prepared. Well, we didn't have like a. You make it sound like we had a whole room dedicated to survival stuff.

Speaker 2:

We did. No, we had a whole room for toilet paper, a whole room for paper towels.

Speaker 1:

We slowly built that up. We had a stack. We didn up. We had a stack. We didn't have a whole room, but no, if something happened, we're in trouble like everybody else.

Speaker 2:

No, we're not wait. What are you?

Speaker 1:

thinking we got enough.

Speaker 2:

And how long we got a month worth if you did a month you have lost your mind if you don't hoard it you gotta just eat little you can't eat just to fill up, fill up, fill up you.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to go walk in there and do a little count. I'm going to take inventory while you're talking. I'll be right back.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, whatever, you're not funny.

Speaker 1:

Be back in a minute.

Speaker 2:

Get your butt back on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you don't understand. I don't know. I don't know why people don't understand. They think they're all right, we'll be fine.

Speaker 2:

I can eat once a day and be fine, drink your water. You'll have to go out there and filter us some water out the lake.

Speaker 1:

Water I'm not worried about that's not a problem.

Speaker 2:

We got squirrel and we got duck, you think a month. Yeah, I think you only need to eat once a day. If you got a ration, it's once a day.

Speaker 1:

You're eating once a day. When we did the survival episode on the other podcast, we had talked about the crank radio that you can plug your phone in and charge and stuff like that, and I said I was going to look at them and I was going to get one and I still hadn't done it and that's been a month now. You don't. Cell towers are down, you can't use your phone still might be a good life. You got the flashlight on the thing you need might be a good life oh, I'm good with getting rid of technology.

Speaker 1:

I just don't want to think about what's going to happen tomorrow, because today we run out of food you mean like yesterday when all the microsoft all went down.

Speaker 2:

You got up and couldn't get your handheld going I did was that yesterday?

Speaker 1:

I've always said we rely too much on technology. That's gonna be our downfall was that thursday or friday? That was friday, I can't remember, and that's my understanding they're still. Some companies are still feeling it and I don't know what in the airports? Aren't they still dealing with the airlines?

Speaker 2:

a little bit of them canceled, just a little bit, I think, maybe I don't know, oh well, no, oh well, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Good thing I don't fly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, alright, so what?

Speaker 1:

you gonna do when we all go to electric cars because they make us and then the grid goes down.

Speaker 2:

I ain't going no electric car.

Speaker 1:

You ain't gonna have a choice. They can't make me do nothing. Mr Government's gonna make you.

Speaker 2:

They can't make me do nothing, mr.

Speaker 1:

Government's going to make you?

Speaker 2:

They can't make me do nothing. That's what you think. They can't make me do nothing.

Speaker 1:

I would want to be talking about the grid going down. Forget that. But I wouldn't want to be 100% off the grid. I want solar. I'd like to have solar panels. You know what I'm saying? Yep, I'd like to be completely free of all that cut me loose from the power company. Still have to pay property tax, still have to pay insurance all that though, wouldn't?

Speaker 2:

you can't get rid of that right how come we're talking and then you just hear some words and then a song pops in your head.

Speaker 1:

We just talked about that.

Speaker 2:

No, we talked about when you hear a song. I'm talking about when somebody's talking and then they say a set of words and then you're like, oh boom, that's like a song.

Speaker 1:

It's part of the lyrics of a song. Is that what you're? Talking about yeah, Squirrel Anyway what else? Anyway, what's going on this week? What'd you do this week? What'd we have going on? I?

Speaker 2:

don't know, I don't know what we had going on. I don't remember this week.

Speaker 1:

I heard the neighbor's bird.

Speaker 2:

I sure do he's loud.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

We were in silence to see if you could hear the neighbor's bird. So we'll see if y'all heard it.

Speaker 1:

That's right. Sniff into that mic.

Speaker 2:

I know I can't help it, my nose don't start until I get on here, so deal with it.

Speaker 1:

I'm about to deal with it, or hang up or I'll quit. Hang up or I'll quit.

Speaker 2:

It's terrible, I can't help it.

Speaker 1:

What else did you say you wanted to talk about?

Speaker 2:

You saw something about that was 30 minutes ago I told you if we didn't go with it right, then I would forget it.

Speaker 1:

So I had forgot it. I was about to tell you what you said and then you interrupted me. The attractions, the one thing that you saw.

Speaker 2:

Oh, the roadside.

Speaker 1:

Attraction. Okay, so you sent me something a few days ago that you found Last week.

Speaker 2:

Did we talk about it last week?

Speaker 1:

We did.

Speaker 2:

Whatever week it was, whatever day it was, we were talking about the Little Debbie. I'm trying to make him take me there, and he won't take me yet.

Speaker 1:

Little Debbie Park, 20 minutes outside of Chattanooga.

Speaker 2:

Well, I found another one in Tennessee. You should look this up and see how far it is Dandridge, tennessee, d-a-n-d-r-i-d-g-e.

Speaker 1:

Look, I'm not even on to be able to look for it yet and you're spelling it to me. Heck, yeah, just tell me, what am I Hold?

Speaker 2:

on. So this is Bush's Bean Baked Beans Visitor Center and General Store. Jody loves some baked beans. Jody will eat baked beans out of the can, but he likes when I've been known, though.

Speaker 1:

No, I've been known to do that. Don't act like I just go in there and get them, but I've been known to do that but he does like when I doctor them up chestnut hill, tennessee no, it says dandridge dandridge d-a-n-N-D-R-I-D-G-E, Tennessee. This has got to be the same thing.

Speaker 2:

It just says Bush's Baked Beans Visitor and General Store. I just thought that one would be cool too if it was, you know, somewhere.

Speaker 1:

It's a museum of our bushes visitor center footage. So you have a museum for baked beans yeah, say no pictures I did well. I'm on and I'm just trying to look, so how?

Speaker 2:

far away is it. Well, how far is that one?

Speaker 1:

I'm looking. This doesn't have any live pictures, it's just. Uh, it's like the website. But come on now. They jamming Boat coming by this is nestled in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains.

Speaker 2:

Oh, really In.

Speaker 1:

Chestnut Hill, Tennessee, you can learn all about our history, beans and how we've spent the last 119 years separating the good.

Speaker 2:

Oh, five hours and six minutes.

Speaker 1:

I wish I could at least finish my sentence and you speak. That's the way it works.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not. I wanted you to tell me how far it was, and you've not told me yet.

Speaker 1:

Well, you just told us, so now we know.

Speaker 2:

Five hours and six minutes, so yeah.

Speaker 1:

And is that?

Speaker 2:

outside Gatlinburg from what you can tell on your map. I don't know. It says Dandridge. I don't see Gatlinburg. Which way is Gatlinburg? It's right, is it on the other side of Gatlinburg?

Speaker 1:

You know, if you probably tap on that right there, it would take you there and we'd know Cat attack.

Speaker 2:

Sneak attack. Look at that cat. He's crouching down. He's about to go for a squirrel.

Speaker 1:

He's about to get a squirrel, Go squirrel. He's about to go Squirrel. The cat hasn't moved yet.

Speaker 2:

He's still hunched down.

Speaker 1:

He's bedded down.

Speaker 2:

We had to save a duck and a squirrel from a cat that's about to attack them I don't want a cat to get squirrel oh, it might be right in pigeon forge well, that's the way it made it sound so how long has it been open? And we've never been there, are you?

Speaker 1:

kidding me. Well, it just says it's new, so oh, it did say it's new tell us the pictures. You just said look at the pictures, but tell us what it is I did tell you.

Speaker 2:

I said it's a big old bean, and then you have your picture made with uh, what's his name?

Speaker 1:

the dog or what the guy what guy the guy the bushes baked beans guy is it a statue or is he like there all the time?

Speaker 2:

no, it's uh looks like a um cardboard cutout. Oh, why can't I make it bigger?

Speaker 1:

there he goes who wants to do that? Who wants to have a picture with a cardboard cutout of somebody?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I want to get a picture of the big bean and roll, but the bean, beautiful bean, what?

Speaker 1:

side. That bean is probably the size of a car, is it not?

Speaker 2:

A Volkswagen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll say a Volkswagen, but it looks like it's gold.

Speaker 2:

It does.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't look like a good color for a bean.

Speaker 2:

You don't think so.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Why not?

Speaker 1:

I think I'll pass. I just don't think that would be interesting.

Speaker 2:

Is she going to take me to the little baby?

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying, if you go, all right. So if you go in there, what are?

Speaker 2:

you just reading. Well, if hey, we started making up there.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I wouldn't make a secret recipe came from granny may and 110 years ago. And then you just show a picture of what the factory looked like and then boom, I mean now we're leaving.

Speaker 2:

We paid 12.99. 12.99, that's probably cheap if you're up there, I would go. I wouldn't make a special trip like I want to make a special trip to the little debbie yeah, I wouldn't make a special trip, but I'm just saying, if we if I'm that far from it and I know it's there and I'm in chattanooga, I mean let's say it's not chattanooga pigeon forge let's say it's downtown Gatlinburg.

Speaker 1:

You're walking the strip, I'm going and it's on the side. I don't know if I am or not.

Speaker 2:

It's got to be better than Earthquake. We rode in our honeymoon. Earthquake is terrible.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely horrible.

Speaker 2:

That was funny.

Speaker 1:

There was like an ape, like a monkey suit, like it was supposed to scare you or something on the earthquake ride, and it was so generic, it was like 1960s, it was bad. Everything was like nothing was modern. I don't know how you taught me into it.

Speaker 2:

Well, this was in 1998. Yeah, well, still but yeah, earthquake, that was our first ride together, huh.

Speaker 1:

I think it's just like Ripley's, believe it or Not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. It's going to be something like that.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't go back to that because it seemed like it was $30 a person.

Speaker 2:

I think it was.

Speaker 1:

And the last time we went into it I think me and Nicholas did and I'm like, once we got in there, I'm like you know, this is the same thing. Five years ago we went into and I don't think anything has changed.

Speaker 2:

To me, once you've been down the strip of Gatlinburg, it's basically all the same thing. They don't change it up enough.

Speaker 1:

But they don't have to.

Speaker 2:

I guess they don't. I mean because they they booming every time you go it's just like a restaurant yeah, I guess you go back, you just said we wouldn't go back in ripley's, believe it or not, but I'll tell you where I would go back in gatlinburg tell me pigeon forge. Oh, I think this one's pigeon forge ain't it?

Speaker 1:

I don't know but tell me the wax museum one's pigeon forage, ain't it? I don't know but tell me the wax museum. The wax museum was good, it was awesome. It was really amazing how realistic that these and not just realistic, I guess you'd say, but you could walk up to these because you walk all around these- oh yeah, and you can put some things on like they wore or something. If you looked at the face on these and all that. If you looked at the, the hair, the fine hair, facial hair.

Speaker 2:

How did they do that?

Speaker 1:

Anything, eyebrows, just everything on. It looks so real. It was amazing. So do they AI, generate it and then draw it out like that no, I wouldn't call it AI on this, because this has been several years ago.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, that's true. Now, ai is hot and heavy, that's true?

Speaker 1:

Uh-oh, I think it were done the old-fashioned way.

Speaker 2:

Drawn out People actually designed it. Actually designed it, maybe sculpted?

Speaker 1:

it, I guess, yeah, you can't trust nothing now. Everything's going to be AI.

Speaker 2:

No, so I started watching a show. We everything's gonna be. Yeah, yeah, no. So I started watching a show. We've watched this show for years. Jody has kind of disowned it through the years because it's has gotten crazy and it just anyway. Um, so it's it's called big brother. I don't know if y'all watch it or whatever, but so this it's on c.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this season they done a generated person and the people first come in and eight people come in first and then they put them in a box and they say OK, you're going to get to vote if you want another person in here. And I forgot what her name was, so they pulled her up on the screen. She looks just like a girl, like, just like real, like she's real, and she tells them about herself and what she does and that she really wants to be in the house and they get to vote her yes or no. And everybody votes her no because everybody's like well, that's just one more person that's got to be in here, that we got to get them out, and so then, um, when they vote or no, then she comes on and tells them that she is ai generated and she will be in the house so what was the deal with voting the?

Speaker 2:

They wanted to see if the people could tell or would do it or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Well, they should have known, though, that you're not going to want another person.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't know. I mean, some people voted yes.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I thought you meant it was overwhelmingly.

Speaker 2:

I actually think the first crew was four and four. Four voted yes and four voted no crew was um four and four.

Speaker 1:

Four voted yes and four voted no. But so I saw it's uh I guess it's the chinese version on the uh where they had a picture of a loved one that had passed away, like a grandma or grandpa, and then a picture of a loved one that was still alive, and then underneath it it had the same picture and the pictures underneath. All of a sudden they came to life and they crossed over into each other's picture and they hugged one another.

Speaker 1:

And the bottom pictures were AI generated off of the real pictures, and you could not tell that that was, you know, engineered or whatever. It looked so real but you couldn't tell the difference that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

How do you know anything is real anymore?

Speaker 1:

I don't know it this I'm telling you it's gonna have to get to the point to where there's gonna be regulations, to where, if you put a video out there, if it's on YouTube or Instagram or Facebook or whatever it is you're rolling it out there trying to make people think that it's real. There's going to have to be some kind of disclaimer or something on the bottom of the screen that lets you know that it's.

Speaker 2:

AI, I think on TikTok. It says is this made or generated with AI?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is. Somewhere it does made or generated with ai. Yeah, somewhere it does. And then you know, on tiktok, when uh on the I tried to post something for the podcast, I had ai generate a, uh, a social media content about a episode, you know, and it did. It sounded perfect and so I went into tiktok, downloaded to it. And then next thing I know it tells me I've gone against community guide. Yeah, community guidelines, because I used ai technology that's because it's run by.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I knows but I mean it wasn't but it's nothing but it. I mean it was just some content about what the episode was about. It was nothing. And then you flip through there and I watched an alligator eat a dog. You know it caught a dog on the side of a pond. I'm like I get that's okay, yeah, but I can't. But since I used ai to think for me on a post, I can't do that.

Speaker 1:

So that's right take that, jody all right, jody, what you got your turn I've put 50 or maybe 60% into this episode so far. I'll let you have the first five minutes and I've taken 18 more minutes.

Speaker 2:

I've had the first 20 minutes. Whatever, whatever.

Speaker 1:

It's just about time you take lead on this thing.

Speaker 2:

This is your thing. This is your baby. I can't be in charge of it. I love to be in charge of everything. Go ahead.

Speaker 1:

Take over, no, take over, no, take it no. You're doing a good job Fantastic. I don't use fantastic enough, you're doing a fantastic job.

Speaker 2:

Word of the day. You remember word of the day.

Speaker 1:

I do.

Speaker 2:

They used to do that on the radio.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I used to do it.

Speaker 2:

We used to do this week. Since Nicholas ain't here, nothing any different. We never know he's here anyway, except for we won't hear that hollering at night time.

Speaker 1:

I know that the dogs will get fed on time because I'll be feeding them. I know all the lights will be off doors will get locked lights will go off somebody won't fall asleep in the recliner watching TV, which will be him. Refrigerator doors won't be left open. Speaking of. I know.

Speaker 2:

That's why I'm saying it I walk down here and he's standing outside in the refrigerator down here in the sunroom. That's what I'm going to call it. It's wide open.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's because I got his attention, because I asked him something from outside and he walked away. You closed the door, oh, I know.

Speaker 2:

You closed the door.

Speaker 1:

He just forgot that he had it open when I pulled him away.

Speaker 2:

No, he's not old enough to forget, so I don't want to hear that excuse. Only I can use that excuse.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm just telling you, that's what it was. There's no excuse for it.

Speaker 2:

He's the messiest crap head ever.

Speaker 1:

He's not.

Speaker 2:

Leaves empty boxes in the refrigerator, in the freezer, in the that's because he's a boy. So you do it too. I'm not a boy, I used to. That's what. I's a boy, so you do it too. So is it you, or?

Speaker 1:

him. Then I'm not a boy. I used to. Oh, that's what I used to do oh, okay. Okay, I showed him how to do it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I said, let me show you how to get under Amanda's nerves. Leave these empty boxes in here. Leave the refrigerator door open, Well.

Speaker 2:

I'm about to go all kung fu. To go all kung fu.

Speaker 1:

Our water bill will be down this week, kung fu on him.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you got that right Anyway.

Speaker 1:

As the boats go by. Our wind has stopped and the sun's going down, but it's a nice evening though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not like it was last week, Like I was ready to be done because I was sweating.

Speaker 1:

This right here is just well. Yeah, it's not, I'm fine.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, I'm getting ate up though.

Speaker 1:

I wish people could really I mean this right here, this is really relaxing right now Kick back in a. Whatever this chair is leans back a little bit further than other chairs.

Speaker 2:

I can't get my nail off.

Speaker 1:

I notice you straining over there.

Speaker 2:

Because I ain't doing it right.

Speaker 1:

How's the nail business? Slow, slow, everything's slow. I know my job's slow right now.

Speaker 2:

I need it to pick up.

Speaker 1:

Me too.

Speaker 2:

We're halfway. And I'm not halfway of where I was last month, you'll be all right.

Speaker 1:

I need it to be. You'll be all right. What else? You're dragging your feet now. You came in here and wasn't even going to. Let me say a word, because you're like, you're ready to go.

Speaker 2:

And then now you're like I got my stuff out, that's all I need.

Speaker 1:

You ain't got nothing else.

Speaker 2:

Ain't got nothing else. We had a good lunch today, my kind of lunch. I didn't have to worry if Nicholas would eat it or not, right?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Rotisserie chicken.

Speaker 1:

That was good.

Speaker 2:

Macaroni and cheese.

Speaker 1:

It's really good.

Speaker 2:

Which Nicholas don't like now, for some reason, he likes shells and cheese and that's it. He's completely off the macaroni and cheese I don't know, I'm done with him and field peas he won't eat that either.

Speaker 1:

He's gotten real picky, I mean if it's pizza or chicken.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I mean Chicken, that's about about it.

Speaker 2:

That's about all he used to eat sandwiches all the time I know he'll say buy some lunch meat and bread this week, two months later, the pack of lunch meat is still in there, not even been open.

Speaker 1:

I know I do that too. I'm bad about it oh it's like bread. It's like when you don't have it.

Speaker 2:

You wish you had it they'll be like why don't you got it? Well, because last time I bought it it said in there for same thing with milk, yeah, so yep, milk is just not something we use a lot. But it's cheaper to buy the gallon than it is. The half a gallon what?

Speaker 1:

What's the price of milk? Is milk expensive right now?

Speaker 2:

$4?. Is it Three, something maybe, I don't know. I don't know. I just put it in my cart and I don't look at it the price because I'm going to buy it anyway, right.

Speaker 1:

Spencer told me that in Canada they put their milk in bags. They don't have it in plastic containers. Because we were talking about in Honduras when I was there. You buy water and it's in bags. And then he said in Canada they have it in bags.

Speaker 2:

So he's been to Canada.

Speaker 1:

No. He just knew that they had theirs in bags why? I don't know. I guess the cost is cheaper. But to me, I thought, water's one thing. If you bust a hole in it, you're not losing much on your cost as a company Right Now. Milk is a different story. You put milk in a bag and you bust it open. It's a little bit more expensive. You don't want to be wasteful on that, so to me it looks like you would want it in a jug, so if you bust, is it in little bags.

Speaker 1:

I have no idea.

Speaker 2:

I need more information on this.

Speaker 1:

Talk and I'll look it up.

Speaker 2:

Can you call Spencer? Yeah, he's in Texas.

Speaker 1:

He's in Texas.

Speaker 2:

Hey, Spencer, shout out to Spencer. He's took our youth to Texas.

Speaker 1:

By himself? No, he's not by himself.

Speaker 2:

No, he's not by himself. No, he's not by himself. He got some more peoples with him. Our children's director shout out Jania, she's there with him. Then our pastor's going this week shout out it's just going to be me and Wendy at work. Oh, and Steve, it's going to be a quiet week. It's going to be me and Wendy at work. Oh and Steve, it's going to be a quiet week. It's going to be nice, I might get something done.

Speaker 1:

All right, I'm going to try not to make noise when I'm putting my glasses on my readers, because I found an article on why.

Speaker 2:

You got to put your readers on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm trying not to drop the microphone. Speaking of readers your new glasses might be here Monday, that's good, Because when we're sitting up outside I have to hold the microphone the way I'm sitting. So I try and be as quiet as possible because any little that's me moving right there.

Speaker 2:

So are you saying you need a boom arm for Christmas?

Speaker 1:

Yes, before Christmas, because we're working on the room. I worked again on our little podcasting room, our little studio I'm trying to set up Today. Almost done, I'm done with the floor, almost done with the one wall, put a new window in baseboard. I still got to do.

Speaker 2:

I told him he wouldn't get in that room until my bedroom was done, but I'm in a hurry now I've got to get this done and then hopefully I can get most of it done this week. Yeah you've got to get my house put back together.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a mess Because everything I've taken out of that room.

Speaker 2:

I've just it's an mess Because everything I've taken out of that room.

Speaker 1:

I've just it's an 11 room. Yeah, it's a mess, so I've got to hurry and get that done. But what I wanted to do was I've got a table up in my building. I made it into a workbench, but it's a tabletop from an old restaurant and it's got.

Speaker 1:

You know, people have carved their names into it, it's got gum under it, it's got some gum and there's probably 60 year old gum that's under and all that stuff. And I thought and I bought it at a like an estate sale for ten dollars and this is a you were so excited about that purchase it was a hey, oh, it's so heavy.

Speaker 1:

It's just a tabletop and it's so heavy. So I used two by fours and all that and I, uh, framed it out and I made a workbench out of it. Now I want to stain the two by fours that's surrounding it and the legs and I want it to be the table top. I want to use it as the table for the podcasting. The thing is yeah, you've lost your mind. No, it would be perfect.

Speaker 2:

It would be perfect you have lost your it's tall yeah, I know do you know how short I am?

Speaker 1:

No, I'm not, we would have to get yeah seats for it.

Speaker 2:

I don't do tall seats because my legs dangle.

Speaker 1:

I think this would be a very neat, my legs dangle.

Speaker 2:

I know, but this would be a very neat table to have my legs dangle and I go to sleep.

Speaker 1:

I've got the little cross pieces on the table, though that if I put my feet, on it. No, you'd be fine, but anyway, what I'm saying is on that table. I could drill holes in it and we could put the boom arms on it, and it'd be perfect.

Speaker 2:

Jody you got distracted. You're supposed to be looking up the milk. I know I'm still looking at it. You gotta look up the milk you got me excited.

Speaker 1:

I was talking about the room. The only problem is is that table. I can't squeeze it into the house. To get it into that room, oh my. So I'd have to take like parts of it off. So that would be a major undertaking, but it would look so good. You don't think staining it and then put a gloss on it.

Speaker 2:

I don't like the color of that tabletop. It's ugly. It's fine, it is ugly, all right.

Speaker 1:

If I can think about it, I'm going to go up in the build. I'm going to take a picture of it. It's ugly Now. It's going to have some tools and stuff on it, so I'm not going to clear off the top of it just for the picture. So it's going to be a little messy. Well, you've, if I stain the 2x4s that surround this, framed it out if it would look good as a table.

Speaker 2:

It's ugly brown.

Speaker 1:

For a podcast.

Speaker 2:

It's ugly brown.

Speaker 1:

All right, All right. So the title of this? This is from an article called Eater.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Eater E-A-T-E-R Milk in bags explained. Why does dairy in america still shun the milk bladder, when it's commonplace in so many other countries? It's talking about a bag. They're calling it a milk bladder, all right. The average american in the united states drank about 17 gallons of milk last year.

Speaker 2:

Good night, that doesn't include me we're not average, then no, because we don't drink that. I might have had a pint. Jody definitely doesn't drink milk.

Speaker 1:

And whether whole, skim, 2% or even chocolate milk. So all of them include even chocolate milk. Chances are that milk came in a plastic jug or a paper carton. You don't find milk in a paper carton as much as you used to Just buttermilk, let's see. But hop over the border to Canada and the story is very different. In certain regions, mainly in the country's eastern half, consumers favor milk sold in floppy plastic pouches. The concept might seem odd to those who didn't grow up drinking bagged milk, but to roughly half of Canadian milk consumers the milk bladder is a way of life. It's estimated that 75 to 85 percent of Ontario residents purchase their milk in a pouch. But Canadians aren't the only dairy drinkers reaping a sack milk. I just don't like that. I know People in India, china, israel, russia, ukraine, iran.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Uruguay, argentina, hungary, south Africa and even some parts of the US drink milk in bags. Let me finish this sentence, which some argue is a more economical and environmentally friendly packaging style. Go ahead, amanda, I forget.

Speaker 2:

So is it like a Ziploc bag you can zip it back up.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. Do you want me to continue reading?

Speaker 2:

Not really, I don't Okay.

Speaker 1:

Then we'll never know, maybe.

Speaker 2:

Do you know how to skim an article? Just skim it.

Speaker 1:

There's no skimming, you gotta skim it, no.

Speaker 2:

You gotta skim it.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking, I'm looking.

Speaker 2:

I'm looking.

Speaker 1:

Let's see Plastic milk bladders adapted more easily to the new metric standards and thus gained an edge in some parts of the canadian market okay how do you drink milk out of a bag, you ask.

Speaker 1:

Bagged milk is uh solid. And oh, excuse me, it's sold. And I was gonna say why is it solid? Yeah, bagged milk is sold in loose pouches ranging from half a liter to 1.33 liters, depending on the country. In Canada's case, the milk comes in a larger package stuffed with three bladders adding up to four liters. Because the bags aren't rigid like a bottle, some bag milk fans argue that they're easier to store in the refrigerator. The trade-off, of course, is that they're unwildly Unwildly what and can't be refilled after opening. I don't know, maybe that's a misprint. To use the plastic bladder, consumers generally purchase a special reusable pitcher and place the unopened bag inside in a corner facing the poor spout. So does that explain it?

Speaker 2:

So basically, it's like hey buy the bladder, but hey you gotta buy a container, you gotta put it in a container to put it in, so that makes no sense.

Speaker 1:

So you're buying it in a bag, but you're putting it in a container when you get home.

Speaker 2:

You're putting it in a tea pitcher.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

A milk pitcher, so just put it in a bottle or a jug Excuse me, a milk jug.

Speaker 1:

But it's saying right here that it's not quite sure if it's environmentally friendlier than the plastic container. So if that's what you're going for, but I guess I think it's more of a cost thing If I can put it in a plastic, I think it's more of a cost thing, if I can put it in a plastic bag. It's going to be cheaper.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if it's a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

I don't want milk in a bag?

Speaker 2:

I don't either, but I bet you can get a coater.

Speaker 1:

Don't you think you can get a coater in a bag?

Speaker 2:

We really only use milk to cook with Nicholas eats cereal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, milk to cook with nicholas eats cereal, yeah, but he don't, he don't do much of that anymore.

Speaker 2:

No, me and you don't really.

Speaker 1:

I think I just used it to cook with shout out to spencer for giving me that, uh, information about the milk bladder. All right, all right, we gotta go. You know why? Because the battery on this recorder is almost dead, and if it dies during the recording, we lose everything that we've recorded.

Speaker 2:

It's all red. Why is it all red? Is it always all?

Speaker 1:

red. Yeah, those are always red.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And these right here are red because I muted these mic openings.

Speaker 2:

Your cat's about to eat your dog food.

Speaker 1:

That's fine. No, that's catfish food. She's digging in. She's digging in Because it's catfish food. Ha Ha, I got to go feed them. All right, folks, all right. We appreciate you listening every Monday, and then the following Monday, and then the following Monday, and then the following Monday, and then the following Monday.

Speaker 2:

See you later, we out.

Speaker 1:

Listen to us on Spotify. If you can't listen to us on Spotify, we're everywhere else.

Speaker 2:

Right, but we prefer Spotify you can tell Alexa to play. Spotify is good to us. You can tell Alexa to play this, that and the other podcast and she plays it?

Speaker 1:

what about Three Wheels, no Direction? I don't know, what that is. That's the other podcast.

Speaker 2:

The other podcast that doesn't play in my house I've done good, I've only mentioned it once. Well, twice three wheels no direction bologna three wheels, no direction and then you hush.

Speaker 1:

When you mention ours, you're like, oh, that one all right, we really do appreciate you listening and listen to our next episode, when you might hear Amanda say hear turkey, turkey, turkey, turkey, turkey, music, music, music, music, music music.

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