This That And The Other

23. Walmart Online Grocery Ordering, Unclaimed Baggage Retail Store, And Much More

SquirrelGuy Media Season 1 Episode 23

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Ever wondered how a week of rain could turn mundane chores into a series of hilarious misadventures? From our attempts at mowing the lawn in a downpour to dealing with water-stained truck seats, we spill the beans on how our outdoor plans took a wild turn. We also share some light-hearted family updates, including the ages and health quirks of our relatives, and recount a funny incident involving an airsoft pellet and our new studio TV. The quieter work week gave us time to catch our breath—until the last-minute hustle set in.

Grocery shopping, whether online or in-store, has its own set of challenges and unexpected twists. We candidly discuss our early morning struggles, the chaos of having too many cats, and the peculiar ways groceries are bagged during pickup orders. Ever had a single item packed in three bags? We've been there, and we're here to laugh about it! Plus, there’s the story of the time we forgot the side dishes and the ongoing saga of organizing our pantry. 

Our journey down memory lane is filled with YouTube gems and nostalgic TV shows. From unboxing lost mail with our favorite YouTube couple to reminiscing about "The Middle" and its non-existent connection to "Malcolm in the Middle," we cover it all. And let’s not forget our deep dive into the Netflix documentary "Dirty Pop," which unravels the scandalous story of NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys' fraudulent manager. Join us for a mix of humor, family tales, and nostalgic reflections that are sure to entertain and amuse!

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If you are interested in the nails or any of Amanda's social media, she talks about here is her link.

Speaker 1:

hey guys, we're back, but guess what?

Speaker 2:

am I supposed to say what, or are you asking them?

Speaker 1:

You're supposed to say what, what You're for them?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm speaking for the people You're speaking for the people.

Speaker 1:

I like that what we had. To come back inside and record.

Speaker 2:

I know right.

Speaker 1:

It's raining, been raining all week. No, we went, we needed rain.

Speaker 2:

We went July. It wasn't the driest month we've ever had on record, but we went for like three weeks with like nothing, no rain or anything, never saw a drop. And then this week I don't even know if it stopped raining. This week it has rained every day. I think it's rained every day. The water's down. I kind of thought the water would go back up some it is well.

Speaker 1:

That don't make any sense. Why is it down if it's rained every day?

Speaker 2:

well, that means they're running they're running the turbines.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so they're pulling water.

Speaker 2:

If they weren't pulling water, it would go up a little bit. Yeah, I like the rain. Only bad thing about the rain is I was getting used to the grass not growing, but now you cut it, and the next day.

Speaker 2:

Well, matter of fact that's your favorite pastime I know, but not yesterday, because me and nicholas was cutting grass and it came a downpour. We thought it was just going to go by, so we kept. I was weed eating, he was cutting and I finally just whistled at him and pointed to park it under the garage. We waited it out for about 10 minutes. It wasn't letting up, so we loaded everything up in the rain. So we got wet. The seats in the truck got wet. It was a cold ride home.

Speaker 1:

And your seats in the truck are weird when they get wet.

Speaker 2:

I know they show spots. Yeah, it's weird. No, I don't like that, that fabric. It's weird when they get wet, I know.

Speaker 1:

They show spots. Yeah, it's weird. No, I don't like that, that fabric, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

It's weird fabric.

Speaker 1:

Is it weird?

Speaker 2:

Well, I, mean it's regular fabric but it doesn't repel. You know, I bought that Scotchgard or something. I bought some stuff to put on there to clean it and then to put on there to repel water, and guess what? I never did.

Speaker 1:

So my dad's grass didn't get finished.

Speaker 2:

It looks pretty awesome right now because it was high and it's got like two loops around it. He said it wasn't bad Listen.

Speaker 1:

He said he cut it.

Speaker 2:

Let me tell you the last time you know he called you and wanted to know if I was coming down there to cut it because it had been a couple of weeks. Got down there Was not bad at all. Went down there yesterday Looked terrible. He said he got there, was not bad at all. Went down there yesterday looked terrible. I'm like I'm talking like two years to the knees and he saw it could have waited. Oh, we could have waited another week.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna get it and he got his lawnmower fixed and I was like you've got to be kidding me I mean, but he is 70 something years old and is he?

Speaker 2:

got copd and I mean, yeah, he don't need to be doing anything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've told him every other week I'm gonna cut it, he's 70, I was gonna say he's not that old he might be right at 70 but he is what I'm gonna be.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm just gonna be, you know, just like he does, just the opposite well, we're gonna have to live separate well, whatever, whatever it takes you said it I can't do when you want to start it bye tomorrow yeah, tomorrow, there you go anyway I got a room done for the well, it's not done for the studio for the studio yeah, but it's, it's almost there for the rat pack, yeah, and so I'll just start tomorrow staying in here. Got a couch that reclines back. Got a 65 inch TV.

Speaker 1:

That don't work.

Speaker 2:

That's on the floor. Well, it does work. It's just got a line through it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Because somebody shot an airsoft pellet into it. Wasn't me, wasn't me, wasn't you. So but you know he did pay for it. He got another TV, he paid for it. That ain't the point.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I know, I know he should have paid us for that one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, don't ask for me to pay for it.

Speaker 1:

He should have paid us for that one, because that's not equal.

Speaker 2:

There ain't nothing wrong with this TV.

Speaker 1:

He got a 32 inch we had a 60 inch Still good yeah, whatever.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Anyway, been a good week.

Speaker 2:

Has it? What all did you do this week? Good answer yeah, I was at work all week by myself.

Speaker 1:

What do this week? Good answer yeah, I was at work all week by myself.

Speaker 2:

Were you.

Speaker 1:

Not all week.

Speaker 2:

Half the week, half the week.

Speaker 1:

It was nice, got some stuff done.

Speaker 2:

Just because. I mean, why are you saying nice, it was quiet? Just because it was quiet?

Speaker 1:

Didn't have to do stuff for everybody.

Speaker 2:

Not that you mean that other people aren't there. You're just meaning that it just seems like you can get more stuff done.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they weren't there I'm just trying to make it not sound so bad well, you know how it is when people there and they want you to do this and this and this look, if it's me, I don't want nobody around, so I mean, I'm just trying to dig you out of hell.

Speaker 2:

Everybody knows how I, how I am.

Speaker 1:

I ain't in no hole. Yeah, you ain't got to dig me out, they know. Yeah, so it was quiet Until the last day. And then everybody. Then people come in when you work half a day, and then they all come in at one time wanting stuff.

Speaker 2:

Just a reminder. You work at our church in the office for people that don't know, so it can be busy at times. It can, it can be crazy, you have people come in that we don't know asking for stuff, needing stuff, questions, all kinds of stuff. Need to help church members and you're the go-to person because you know it all.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, why, why, why? I don't know what made me choose this.

Speaker 2:

It's very strange, though. You know, we built a new sanctuary and y'all are at the furthest point from the new sanctuary.

Speaker 1:

So if y'all have to go, over there.

Speaker 2:

It takes about five minutes to walk through all the hallways down steps.

Speaker 1:

We get our steps in. Sometimes we'll get up and just say, hey, let's go walk. We just get up and go.

Speaker 2:

when you've been sitting at the computer all day, you know that'd be in the evening time, not right now, especially even August with the heat, but that's a perfect place to walk. Just walk around, take you forever to walk around.

Speaker 1:

You just make a loop, yeah, around the campus From one end to the other.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but there's several members of the church that do that in the evening time.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Or do it early in the morning. That's what you ought to do.

Speaker 1:

I think we got a couple that do it early in the morning.

Speaker 2:

Do Mm-hmm, would you ever do that?

Speaker 1:

Would I do it.

Speaker 2:

All right, let me go back. I would I have done it.

Speaker 1:

Let me go back In our gym.

Speaker 2:

Say, a month ago you had some kind of thing that you did to where you were getting up at 5 o'clock. You just did it for a week.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like a challenge, mm-hmm, did you make it the full week? No, we're saying a week. Are you talking about seven days or five days?

Speaker 1:

Well, they just done it five days, she just yeah.

Speaker 2:

So it was it five days Well it was Sunday.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no, no, it wasn't. It was Monday through Friday. Monday through Friday, yeah, so I made it.

Speaker 2:

How'd it go? Struggle Struggle bus. Yeah, so was it easier towards the end, or was it the same, or was it harder?

Speaker 1:

It was easier, but, needless to say, I didn't keep doing it.

Speaker 2:

Did you ask yourself why am I doing this?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was nice because I got up and read some on the Bible app, I actually had coffee, I actually went outside and looked at the sunrise.

Speaker 2:

What I know First. I've heard of this Yep, that's nice, the sunrises are nice. Nice, are they not? Yeah, I'm sure they look nice. I'm sure they weren't cloudy or nothing those days that you did it.

Speaker 1:

It rained a couple of days. That's what I'm saying. That's the thing about my job.

Speaker 2:

I see the sunrise every day for the most part.

Speaker 1:

And some.

Speaker 2:

Some of them are pretty doggone. Awesome Yep.

Speaker 1:

They are pretty, sunrises are pretty.

Speaker 2:

So you got up early for this challenge, but did you find too much time on your hands? You're like you know, I've lost. I could have been. What time do you normally get up? Well, you get up what at six.

Speaker 1:

I still get up at six, six, ten, depending.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's not. I'm thinking you had like an hour and a half.

Speaker 1:

No, I didn't have but an hour.

Speaker 2:

I know several retired guys from the church that they get up early. I actually know one of the deacons that he might wake up at one o'clock in the morning and that's the time that he goes in there and reads his bible and studies. He feels like that's the time god allotted for him to yeah you know to take that's good yeah, because he can't sleep or whatever. So I thought.

Speaker 2:

You know that's a pretty good way of of uh looking. Yeah, Because you know, really like, especially with our age, it's really easy to say you get caught up in daily tasks and all that stuff and I ain't got time, I didn't have time to open my Bible, I didn't have time to read those verses that I planned on reading. But we've all got time. We just don't take the time. That's the problem, Because you know we've got time to watch Netflix. Right, we've got time to do this Watch 20 minutes. Yep, yep, so.

Speaker 1:

That was the point of our challenge, and apparently, I didn't learn. What do you mean? Because I didn't keep doing it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, is everybody else still doing it?

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I think it depends on your job and your lifestyle and all that too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean.

Speaker 2:

I would probably say something like instead of setting 5 o'clock for everybody, I would say everybody needs to challenge yourself and get up an hour earlier than they normally do. Yeah, because some people might sleep later before they have to go to work and some people might have to get up earlier.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I think that would be a better challenge. I wouldn't do the challenge, forget that get up early anyway.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying. I can't even get you to stay in the bed on saturdays.

Speaker 2:

Don't set your alarm on saturdays I wake up at my normal time, like when I get up on Saturdays. That's fine, but I'm just saying I don't get up. But I set my alarm, so after I fall back asleep I will get up.

Speaker 1:

I hate that alarm. I hate it.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to miss something. I'm going to miss something going on in the day. I've got to get up and check it out.

Speaker 1:

You're not, I promise.

Speaker 2:

I promise you're not. You're not, I don't know. The last time I would say the latest I sleep is six. That's like on Sunday mornings. I get up at 5.50. I set my alarm for 5.50. I know, and you would think I'd be able to sleep late. But I just got things to do. I got a lot of people depending on me, a lot of critters depending on me.

Speaker 1:

Well, you got that right. Them critters about to go bye-bye. Yeah, come get them.

Speaker 2:

But back to that.

Speaker 1:

Who needs a free kitten?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, for real, I wish this was like a local. I wish this was a local radio station that we were doing right now and that way we knew local people were listening. Free kittens we got free kittens Any size, shape, color, age. We got them. We got four that just started walking.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, I need them gone.

Speaker 2:

We got four that's probably 10 weeks old, and then we got three adult female cats.

Speaker 1:

They got to be gone, y'all.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what to do.

Speaker 1:

They got to be gone. That's what we do.

Speaker 2:

This is going to be a cat farm before we do it and I can't take it anymore.

Speaker 1:

They're about to go see how they swim.

Speaker 2:

They're using the gravel driveway.

Speaker 1:

I can't stand it. It smells yeah as their. Litter box. Yeah, I don't like it.

Speaker 2:

I can finish your sentence. I was going to say their crap station. Every time I walk out we got so many cats. Every time one of them's hiked up there letting it rip and he just keeps feeding them.

Speaker 1:

I'm like stop feeding them, they will go away.

Speaker 2:

I don't think they will.

Speaker 1:

I think they will. Let's try it. Stop feeding them, okay, speaking of feeding. Speaking of feeding, I haven't been fed so far tonight. I gotta go, well, get fed. So y'all know how he harped on me about the groceries last week did I you want to talk about groceries this week?

Speaker 2:

tell us the story. Two trip, tell the whole everything you know. Two trips, all that stuff, what you did, how much.

Speaker 1:

Well, I had to make two trips because you can't buy frozen items on grocery pickup.

Speaker 2:

You still can't do that. You can't do that at Walmart still no, and I'm mad.

Speaker 1:

What is the deal? I don't know. I asked the lady that's checking me out. She didn't have no clue what I was talking about Bologna.

Speaker 2:

They've got to know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, she probably didn't.

Speaker 2:

Was she new?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm sure, anyway. So Thursday I get groceries $200 and Whoa $239. $239. Now I like to keep my grocery bill under $150.

Speaker 2:

It seemed like a lot. I made a lot of trips to the car. It seemed like. But I want you to finish your story and then I've got something to say about these.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll talk about that. Yeah, all right, so we got it all out. So I usually get all the groceries out of the bag and put them on the bags and put them on the bar. And Jody puts up the canned stuff, because he's OCD and he like puts everything together and he rotates them out.

Speaker 2:

That's just the grocery. You know like canned stuff really needs to be rotated because it's got like a two-year shelf life but you better watch it.

Speaker 1:

But we've had some in there for 10 years, you won't think about it.

Speaker 2:

Next thing you know, two years has gone by and there's a can of raviolis from 2019 got pushed back in there.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, oh, 239 hurt my heart and then he's like good, we need to keep doing that. So I'm like okay.

Speaker 2:

So did I inspire you by saying that, or did you already have plans? No, I already had plans, but why didn't you do it all at one time?

Speaker 1:

Well, I can't do it at one time, because the next trip I made was nothing but frozen food. When I went on Saturday, was nothing but frozen food.

Speaker 2:

Hold on, I thought you couldn't get frozen stuff.

Speaker 1:

I went in Walmart and bought frozen food.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I did not know that, yes, what happened?

Speaker 1:

So I had to go in Walmart, so I had to walk by the clothes and a darn t-shirt jumped in the cart and I had to buy a t-shirt. So see, that's why I don't go in Walmart.

Speaker 2:

First I heard of this. I guess that's another reason why he said I don't need help unloading the groceries. Is that why?

Speaker 1:

I did not say that I wasn't even here.

Speaker 2:

I was cutting grass in the rain, remember.

Speaker 1:

That's right. Nicholas unloaded groceries.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, he did. I got back before.

Speaker 2:

Well, me and him was together at that time when I was talking.

Speaker 1:

You were talking about when I was going to your mom's when you was at your mom's. Yeah, okay, okay, that's when I got back. So I go get my oil changed at Speedy Oil. I don't even know if I was there five minutes.

Speaker 2:

Is that the name of it? No, I just named it. I just named it because I'm like wow, I would not go to an old changing place if it was called Speedy Oil.

Speaker 1:

Why not it just?

Speaker 2:

sounds a little shady, nah.

Speaker 1:

Well, they done better than your, carl Cannon.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I used them for the first time.

Speaker 1:

I didn't mean to name drop that, but oh, anyway, yeah, so, oops, it did not. Ten minutes I was in and out of there, then I had to go to Walmart. Oh, then I spent another hundred and thirty something dollars, so I spent four hundred dollars on groceries, minus the T-shirt. Ten dollars. Ok, take a $10 off, Give me the $10. So $120.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and what was your other one the day before?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So $340.

Speaker 1:

Round it up.

Speaker 2:

That's a lot of round Round it up.

Speaker 1:

That's a lot of taxes.

Speaker 2:

If we paid that much.

Speaker 1:

I was throwing the oil in there.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Well then, yeah, there's 400.

Speaker 1:

So yeah.

Speaker 2:

I still don't feel like it's full. You didn't look in the freezer. I never look in the freezer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you never look in the pantry. I know I buy you junk and snacks and you'll be like I wish I had some snack. Well, if you'd look in the pantry, it's been in there for two weeks. That's why I quit buying stuff, because y'all don't eat it. It just sits in there.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't snack like I used to. I used to snack like crazy Snack before supper.

Speaker 1:

You did.

Speaker 2:

Snack after supper Bowl of cereal.

Speaker 1:

You used to eat a bowl of cereal.

Speaker 2:

After supper how crazy is that, and I wouldn't even think Sniff on in there. I wouldn't Stop it. Please, no, back to the order. I have a question for all the listeners out there. Surely, how many people do you think does the online ordering at Walmart?

Speaker 1:

I feel like it's a bunch, but you know, every time I get there there's at least four cars parked in those spots with nobody in them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I'm just thinking I wonder how many people actually use the online ordering. What percent? I mean? It seemed like it'd be a lot, but it's really going to be a small number.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, yeah, I don't think it's probably as much as we think it is, so for the listeners out there that are hearing us right now that do the online ordering. Online ordering when you get your walmart pickup, do you get groceries with one item in every single bag? We will have 35 bags with 35 items and they'll put them in the back of your car that's ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we've got so many talk about waste yeah, I was thinking I thought we're you know, everybody's supposed to go green and try and do better on all this stuff. I mean I've got a can of green beans in one bag and that's it. Then I got a can of vegetable soup in another bag and then I got a pack of cheese in another bag. So I mean I've got three items. I got three separate bags, but the whole thing. There was not one single, there was not two items. I'll take that back. There was one that your cleaning detergent stuff.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and the paper plates and the paper plates.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you for putting those together, I mean.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but that was Now.

Speaker 2:

my paper plates smell like laundry soap, so that was the only bag that had two items. Everything else just had one item in it it was crazy.

Speaker 1:

It was crazy, absolutely ridiculous, but it's every time it wasn't as bad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's, I mean every time, I don't think I've ever seen it this bad because I don't buy that much well, I'm just saying but my goodness, I mean walmart's losing money if they're doing this. I guess it's the way that they do their pickup order when they're going through. I'm there when they're picking the orders from the shelves and stuff. Yeah, so if you've got like one item, but if you only can, Al.

Speaker 2:

But if you've only got like one or two items or maybe one, I think they're going ahead and bagging it and putting it in their little cart thing, and when they're going to the next aisle to get the snacks, they haven't kept that bag out to put some snacks in it too. So I think that's how that's happening. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Well, they've got to be losing money, though, with bags, but those pickers or whatever they're called Pickers, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean, they're rushing around too, so they're just doing whatever. You know, they're just trying to get the order picked and all that. So it's no fault of them, but I don't know if they're being trained that way or they're all just doing it. I'm just tired of these bags.

Speaker 1:

It's crazy it is, but it's good for our food bank because they need bags. So that's where they went.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's where.

Speaker 2:

I took them. I went in there. When I took the bags in there the other day, they had like a whole pallet of chicken and a biscuit and all the nabisco stuff right there.

Speaker 1:

If you go, look in your pantry is there some?

Speaker 2:

you might have got some chicken. Anyway, what I was gonna say, I had a thought. I had an evil thought in my head. I thought about grabbing a box of chicken and a biscuit and walking out. But I knew it wasn't the right thing to do. So I didn't Because I was thinking they won't miss it. Look at how many they got. But you can't think like that right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I wish I had chicken and a biscuit right now.

Speaker 1:

Well, you got some in there.

Speaker 2:

I wish you'd go get it for me.

Speaker 1:

Well, I can't get it.

Speaker 2:

Pause this thing for a minute.

Speaker 1:

Pause yeah.

Speaker 2:

I've got two raspberry filled donuts in there that I think I'm going to eat. You know, it's like 830 at night, Sunday night, and I'm thinking about eating two raspberry donuts.

Speaker 1:

You better eat better food than that. I know We'll find you something to eat.

Speaker 2:

We got chicken. Oh yeah, B yeah bought rotisserie and then bought a piece chicken box. From where win dixie? And dixie which I didn't have high hopes that's not really what I wanted.

Speaker 1:

I wanted more of their they had ribs and stuff.

Speaker 2:

That's what I, you know, I didn't, I didn't even think about the sides, I did not even I know only thing that you said when I called and told you that I'm like look at their deli stuff.

Speaker 1:

They have hot food, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, they've got a good deli.

Speaker 1:

I wanted vegetables. And then he calls and says I got rotisserie and an eight-count chicken piece.

Speaker 2:

Never crossed my mind of the sides.

Speaker 1:

I said okay the side.

Speaker 2:

Okay, until you just now mentioned it. I mean, that was lunchtime today, I know that's what I wanted I would have got us some, uh, macaroni and cheese and mashed potatoes I wanted the mashed potatoes, my bad, so you can't depend on me I just thought that's what you wanted, so I I just let you go with it. Should have told me. That's the only way I would have known.

Speaker 1:

Got to tell you everything. I thought you could read my mind.

Speaker 2:

Not yet Still working on it.

Speaker 1:

Are you Yep, 27 years, 26 years?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

27. Why do you just keep thinking that I had a thing for this week? I'm stuck on this Roadside oddities. I don't know why I like looking at all this stuff. I'd like to go see some of it.

Speaker 2:

Before you get on to that, can we talk about one place in Alabama we need to go to? Yeah, it's in Scottsboro Alabama. It's called Untsboro Alabama. It's called Unclaimed Baggage.

Speaker 1:

I guess I'm going to choke on my own spit there.

Speaker 2:

She got all choked up over it. What in the world.

Speaker 1:

We've been there.

Speaker 2:

I know I'm telling everybody. I'm sure a lot of people know about it, but they've never been the first time we went. Do you want to tell the story or do you want me to tell the story?

Speaker 1:

You tell it All right.

Speaker 2:

You don't remember, oh well.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah yeah. That's the first time we went. First time we went.

Speaker 2:

Okay, all right. So we've always heard about unclaimed baggage, never really knew what it looked like, how it was set up, anything like that. But basically, uh, I think 1970 is when this thing started. I think they've got two sites, yeah, but they get. Uh, there's a certain time period that the airlines, they keep people's lost luggage, you know, for a certain amount of time until they're just never claimed, and then they sell that those items and apparently, this, this place. I don't know if they're the main people that get it or started or whatever, but anyway. So we heard about this place in scottsboro. We'd always talked about it. We thought, well, let's go up there one day. So we did so, we, we got there and when we got there there was food trucks in the parking lot. Joker was packed out. I was like this is the way it is, it's a saturday man. So we we, you know pulled in the parking lot. We're just in line extra parking lot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we weren't in the parking lot, we were like the over there on the side street parking lot, so much parking that they actually they had golf carts oh yeah they came and peeked you up and took you to the, to the building, and this was amazing. I was like this is unbelievable.

Speaker 1:

I can't believe it's like this we didn't know what was about, didn't?

Speaker 2:

know what was about to walk into. So we're getting the golf cart and riding and the guy that was driving said so you're here for the ski sale. And I was like, excuse me, I don't know. I didn't know what he meant, I had no idea. Ski sale, what is he saying? What does that mean? Ski sale? It's their winter time. They have a sale on their ski. He said it's the biggest day of the year for them and that's the day that we went to claim baggage. We're like how stupid is this, how crazy is. But I don't know, all their winter like apparel and skis and gloves and all this stuff but we didn't buy skis, did we?

Speaker 2:

no, I'm gonna do anything. You didn't even get a chance to really look.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I couldn't yeah.

Speaker 2:

We stayed like two hours in the men's section.

Speaker 1:

And then you go to the women's and there, yeah, no, you don't have any room. Yeah, I was done. I mean yeah.

Speaker 2:

So it's like a big, almost like a department store. I guess you'd say.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's set up kind of like that. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then you've got on one end of the building. It's kind of like an electronics type thing and all that. So you've got, you know, expensive sunglasses.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they got sunglasses and books and jewelry.

Speaker 2:

Laptops yeah.

Speaker 1:

Gaming systems, purses Sheets. You know they had watches, you know, yeah, and this stuff, a lot of some.

Speaker 2:

Some of the stuff, like they had a watch that was over two thousand dollars.

Speaker 1:

Oh, they had a lot of expensive stuff, a lot of expensive.

Speaker 2:

But you also find expensive stuff really cheap, so you just have to look.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you have to be willing to stay and look and look. And some of the stuff you got to know what you're looking for. And some of the stuff you got to know what you're looking for, like you got to know if you're looking for something expensive.

Speaker 2:

You could very easily overlook something that's expensive that you didn't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because it's been crowded every time we've went.

Speaker 2:

It has, but it wasn't nothing like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but nothing like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I loaded up on shirts, you sure did Sports jacket.

Speaker 1:

That yeah, but I loaded up on shirts. You sure did Sports jacket.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

If we get a suit, we go there. We don't go to men's warehouse. No no no, we go to baggage claim. What's it called?

Speaker 2:

Baggage claim. I can't think of what it's called. We're not at the airport. Where's your baggage claim area? What's it called?

Speaker 1:

unclaimed baggage.

Speaker 2:

My goodness Long day huh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm done.

Speaker 2:

It's fun. So if you've never been there, I don't know, maybe you live close. Well now, they have.

Speaker 1:

Since we've been, they've done a little museum thing, and that's been just within the last couple of years, because that hadn't always been there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that last year when that Because that was actually it was on the news Like Fox, maybe I remember seeing that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I remember Something, but I remember One of them. I do remember seeing it.

Speaker 2:

But it's it's stuff. It's that's you know, some old stuff or whatever that they've you know, gotten or have found or was sent to them. Whatever is unclaimed baggage and it's they're not selling it there. It's like worthy for a museum type stuff. So that's pretty neat. But I mean the museum it's nothing huge. Don't make a trip up there just to go to the museum. I mean it's nothing like that. It's just a few things that are interesting to look at. But yeah, if you just want to check it out and try and find some deals, you'll definitely find them. If you just want to fight through the people, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I bet they have too, like certain times of the year they have clearance, you know, like on summer apparel.

Speaker 1:

I think they do, because I think we went one time when they had some stuff, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know how you would hit it. Just right to know.

Speaker 1:

I mean it's how far is it from us? Is it two hours, Two and a half hours? I?

Speaker 2:

don't think it's quite that far.

Speaker 1:

Is it not?

Speaker 2:

I think two hours, I don't know it's an easy trip for us on a Saturday. If that's something you want to do, do that. Spend a few hours, just work your way back. Yeah, mentone's just a little bit further. We did that. One time there was another pallet place when we were into looking for you know pallet stuff, quantities. What was the? You know what I'm talking about. It was a big warehouse thing but they had stuff outside. It was stuff that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, sister, sister, sister I don't know, it was stuff you got mad because they got on to us for going inside.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did not know. They've got a huge warehouse full of stuff and I walk inside and they're like whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What inside? And they're like whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what I said, just outside, just the stuff that's outside. They had pallets of stuff everywhere but we didn't know, yeah. So I was like, forget this, I didn't like their attitude, so they didn't get my business, but they just had. You know, it might be like dewalt toolboxes that are boxed up.

Speaker 1:

You don't know if they're damaged or anything like that, but they weren't cheaper, though were they?

Speaker 2:

this one was not that that great a deal, so, but that was just something that we found along the way too, but they were busy oh yeah, I mean, I think they're actually, I think I think seen a thing they're going out of business really yeah well, they should let more people inside the shop instead of staying outside like that guess, so Right there. Yeah, change your attitude. You might stay open a little bit longer Speaking of that.

Speaker 1:

today I watched on YouTube.

Speaker 2:

You watched YouTube. I did watch YouTube. You don't normally watch YouTube, do you?

Speaker 1:

Well, I had to go to work for just a little bit, so I can't sit in there quiet. So I just pulled up YouTube and I watched this couple that I'm not really watching it. I'm listening to it because I'm working, but they, um, they buy mail that has been lost or whatever.

Speaker 2:

And um, I really want to do that. I really think I want to do that. Yeah, you can buy like $200 worth of they tell you how much you get right, Of course you don't know what you're getting. You just the quantity.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So many boxes or so much weight that you're getting. Is it the same one that I've watched? We've watched before.

Speaker 1:

A husband and a wife. Yeah, I don't think you like them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, he does toys too, right I?

Speaker 1:

think so he does something else, yeah.

Speaker 2:

They're really slow in opening packages and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Well, they like to talk and they just.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I'm like get to it, show us what you got and go on. But my thing is is a lot of the stuff they open is like clothing from Timu and stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

It is. I'm like I don't want that stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know I'm to get it and you don't know what it is, and as long as you're not putting too much money into it, you know I would rather do like the youtube channel we watch jamie and sarah that buys the palette of merchandise for like five or six hundred dollars but they don't do that anymore yeah, they're doing like uh, renovating houses and stuff like that. They made big time. Yep, I don't know they they did one another day did they not too long ago.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they do it every once in a while. It ain't like you know, they were doing it constant, right, but I think they were making good money off of all that to where they've kind of ventured off into buying property and stuff. But yeah, shout out. Places were closer shout out to jamie and sarah. Even though they're in michigan, we like watching them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we should make a trip to Michigan and buy some power. No, thank you, I'm not going to Michigan.

Speaker 2:

Why. I just don't have any need to go to Michigan, fine.

Speaker 1:

So that's what we've done this week yeah, nothing.

Speaker 2:

Nothing. You make it sound like nothing. I feel like I've worked my butt off all week.

Speaker 1:

You have, yeah, I.

Speaker 2:

Oh my goodness, is it the middle?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, peacock, don't let me mess you up.

Speaker 2:

Go ahead, I don't know, I just know it's always on when I walk through.

Speaker 1:

When I get on a series, it's like I want to watch it. That's all I want to do. I want to sit there and I want to watch it and finish it. So that's what I've been doing so.

Speaker 2:

I don't understand, did you say, wasn't it? I thought it was Malcolm in the Middle the whole time that you were watching it.

Speaker 1:

But then I find out it's just the middle so Malcolm in the Middle was first.

Speaker 2:

I don't know and then this is a spin off from that maybe I'm not positive on that. So seems like a little neat show, but I like it. I would have to watch it from the beginning. I don't want to just start in the middle.

Speaker 1:

Well, in the middle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, I wasn't trying to be funny but I guess I was I guess you was. We also watched on Netflix.

Speaker 1:

Dirty Pop. Yeah, you better explain that one.

Speaker 2:

Dirty Pop. It's the guy that formed or found NSYNC and Backstreet Boys.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And then some other boy bands a little bit further down that wasn't as popular. You might have heard of them, but they didn't really hit it big or anything. And spoiler alert if you're going to watch it and you don't know what, and you don't want to know what happens or whatever, then turn this off right now, because I'm going to tell you. But anyway, the guy was he. Just he lied about everything, right. He stole people's money.

Speaker 1:

Well, he was first into the airplane thing, right, and that's how he kind of got his money he, he, he, he bought airplanes yeah and he basically leased them out to companies and to rock bands and all this stuff.

Speaker 2:

And that's how he made his money, uh, to finance these boy bands. And then he, he just had connections everywhere and like in saint we're not in saint uh, backstreet boys, they started in germany, I didn't know this. They made it big in germany before they ever made it big here. They said they would come back here. Nobody knew who they were. But in germany he said it was like the beatles, you know, everybody knew him and was going crazy over him. But anyway, long story short, uh, I think all these bands sued this guy because he was stealing their money and all this stuff, and then come to find out everything he was a fraud, the whole thing, the whole thing.

Speaker 2:

He never had airplanes, he never leased them out to people, but what he did was just paperwork and stuff. He forged stuff and bank records and all this and had people just giving him hundreds of thousands of dollars. It was a Ponzi scheme, is what it was. So he was getting all this money and then finally got to a point where he couldn't he that revolving cash flow he had that he could keep people off his back. Well, he just got so, so much that he took from people.

Speaker 2:

They said that it might be as much as $500 million that he took Wow, but he was living it up the house he showed and all that. But he went to jail, died in jail all that stuff.

Speaker 1:

I think I fell asleep at the end of it.

Speaker 2:

Need to go watch it again. Sorry, I just spoiled it for you. He died in jail.

Speaker 1:

Thanks, I think I'm good.

Speaker 2:

But it was pretty interesting.

Speaker 1:

It was like four parts. It was a Sunday and it's raining. What else do you do when it's a rainy Sunday? You take a nap.

Speaker 2:

Is that what you do?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I tried. I can't take a nap.

Speaker 2:

I feel bad after I take a nap.

Speaker 1:

I feel lousy.

Speaker 2:

I'm talking lousy, so it's not worth it for me to try and take a nap.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 2:

Anything else.

Speaker 1:

Oh, back to the roadside oddities here we go. So people these days think this is a roadside oddity. Do you want to guess what it is?

Speaker 2:

I was going to say that's a little wide open. How am I supposed to guess something Kids?

Speaker 1:

these days thinks that this is an oddity.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you've got to be more specific than this. If you're talking about the whole world, is that what you're talking about?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. A worldwide oddity and you want me to guess? Well, somebody put this picture out there and it says oddities for the new generation. You're never going to guess.

Speaker 2:

Give me another.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. We don't have them anymore. We don't have them anymore.

Speaker 2:

We don't have them anymore. There's a lot of things we don't have anymore. I don't know how to give you Cassette tapes.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how to give you an example without telling you.

Speaker 2:

Hold on Phone booth.

Speaker 1:

Yep Really.

Speaker 2:

Yep, oh my goodness, let me see. You know what, if I could run across a phone booth, like at a yard sale or something, I would buy it. I would buy it. I want a phone booth in the yard.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so somebody put that on here An oddity.

Speaker 2:

I would put it next to the mailbox. Why?

Speaker 1:

not. Why not, or how?

Speaker 2:

about put your mailbox inside of it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, there you go, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I actually did see I saw a pay phone the other day. Do I actually did see I saw a pay phone the other day? Do they still have pay phones? I mean, I don't, I don't think they do, I don't think they do either.

Speaker 1:

I mean that was a pay phone. What do you mean? Yeah, but that yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm talking about not in a bar. I'm just talking about like on the side of a.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, when we used to have a good mall and the mall stayed crowded, no, a phone booth, I'm talking about just a payphone. Yeah, and you had pay phones at the mall and you had to call your parents, my dad always made sure I had a quarter you know, and then it went up to 35 cents so I had to have a quarter and a dime you know, travis tritt had that song.

Speaker 2:

Here's a quarter. Call someone who cares, see them. It went out of style anyway. Here's a quarter dime. Here's 35 cents.

Speaker 1:

Here's a quarter dime.

Speaker 2:

Just don't have the same.

Speaker 1:

Who cares?

Speaker 2:

All right, you got anything else I got to go.

Speaker 1:

I don't guess so.

Speaker 2:

Oh, was that somewhere? Was that a place? Is that what you're talking about? It didn't say where it was. Okay, you're just talking about a specific item.

Speaker 1:

Somebody just saw it and said an oddity for today's generation because they don't.

Speaker 2:

They don't know if you're a teenager now to think back of having a phone that's corded to the wall and you could only walk so far because you know it's hooked to the wall. Or a answering machine. Do you remember answering machines? Yeah, yeah, you'd come home and the light would be flashing and you'd go hit the button and it'd tell you got four messages, or when caller id showed up. You know all this kind of stuff. That's like if you were outside doing something and you're trying to wait on a phone call that you knew you. You just waited inside because there was no.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's crazy to think and it wasn't to sit around and wait.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it wasn't that long ago, yeah, but all these little things that these kids nowadays have no clue.

Speaker 1:

Especially the phone booth is funny. I know the phone booth is funny. I think we should go back to it.

Speaker 2:

You think so yeah?

Speaker 1:

But I think I'm out of here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go eat. It's late.

Speaker 1:

It's late, it's 846.

Speaker 2:

I have to get this thing, this episode, going. I have to shoot it to Spotify or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Well, don't shoot it.

Speaker 2:

Well, I have to get the laptop out and do some stuff, add music, all that good stuff, stuff people don't know about. So, yeah, that's why I've got to get going and eat Well get going and eat, all right, every Monday. Turn that notification on so you'll know, but every Monday when we download our new episode, hey, if you haven't followed us, please follow us.

Speaker 1:

It does it helps us out A lot. It does. It helps us out A lot. It does Yep?

Speaker 2:

I enjoy doing this.

Speaker 1:

Do you?

Speaker 2:

I do. What in the world was that?

Speaker 1:

I don't know what this is. I don't know what I'm looking at. I'm trying to get off this thing and now you're going to bring up another. I'm still on the american roadside oddities. It's a okay so it's at a little place, it's called the little coney and it's a stand-up hot dog and it's waving you in oh, that's funny it's it just caught me off, sorry.

Speaker 2:

I didn't find it that funny where you kind of snorted or whatever. Well, it was funny.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, I sit on this page. I just like to see what the people come up with. We might go over some more next week.

Speaker 2:

What is it? Just oddities? Is that what it is?

Speaker 1:

America's roadside oddities.

Speaker 2:

Well, I had pulled up destinations in Alabama that might interest people but we never got to it, which is fine.

Speaker 1:

We'll do it next week, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to go over all of them, because it's got like a bunch of botanical gardens, everything. Oh yeah and stuff like that, and we don't need to go over that. But you got like the Vulcan, you know, and we need to talk about you know it, because he don't have any pants. Bye, all right, she said bye. She's not letting me talk, no more.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening. We was also supposed to talk about fire.

Speaker 2:

A fire.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

What fire?

Speaker 1:

That fire? Oh, the one you mentioned, the last episode with the cops. We're going to save it again. We're going to save it again. I heard muffins All right, sounds like Jody's getting a text. I'm getting a text late, it's after 8 o'clock and he should not be getting texts 8.49.

Speaker 2:

Somebody's pushing it.

Speaker 1:

Somebody is in trouble, that's right. All right, guys, catch us next week.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for listening, catch us every Monday. See, see, ya, she's repeating what I said, but that's fine. Love you honey, love you Bye.

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