This That And The Other

26. Late Night Laughs, Power Mishaps, Social Media Snags, and Everyday Life

SquirrelGuy Media Season 1 Episode 26

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What happens when a moonlit night turns into an impromptu recording session? Join Amanda and me as we laugh through the chaos of missed schedules, late-night chores, and a whimsical attempt at romantic moonlit podcasting. Ever had your dinner plans thwarted by a power outage? Nicholas did, and it took us back to our childhood days of frequent blackouts. From podcasting locations to feeding livestock at odd hours, this episode is filled with relatable and amusing moments that showcase the unpredictable nature of our everyday lives.

Content creation isn't as glamorous as it seems, and we spill the tea on navigating social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. With Nicholas busy working out, Amanda and I dive into weekend plans and the challenges of airport logistics. Ever wondered if men notice your nail color or earrings? We debate this, sharing hilarious anecdotes about personal grooming and travel quirks. A neighbor's barking dog and the simple comforts of home add a touch of everyday life to our conversation, making it feel like a chat with friends.

Reality TV fans, we've got you covered with our thoughts on Big Brother's evolution and our adoration for The Middle's Sue Heck. Imagine a world filled with Sue's unbreakable positivity—wouldn't that be something? We also share personal stories from the week, including a spontaneous non-trip to the dam and the hilarity of leaving the house with all the essentials. From nighttime truck camping proposals to witnessing a blood moon, our heartfelt and humorous reflections aim to spread a little more love and laughter in a world that could always use it.

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If you are interested in the nails or any of Amanda's social media, she talks about here is her link.

Speaker 1:

you know I hate to be a day late on anything. I don't like to be late on anything, period. But we're late on the podcast. Sorry, sorry folks.

Speaker 2:

Guess what.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's a little romantic out here.

Speaker 1:

It is.

Speaker 2:

It's nighttime. We're podding in the dark.

Speaker 1:

Have you seen the moon? You see how big the moon is it was big.

Speaker 2:

yeah, that's what I heard. I wasn't up that early this morning, no it was like it was last night too.

Speaker 1:

It was big I showed you that when I fed the fish it was almost dark. Look, we got home late from church sunday night. I still had chores to do outside, had to feed the livestock.

Speaker 2:

He didn't have to. Yeah, no, I had catfish to feed feed the livestock.

Speaker 1:

He didn't have to. Yeah, no, I had catfish to feed, he didn't have to. Now, they didn't tend to them very well. I just threw cups out there and then let them fend for themselves and then walked away, anyway, but then I saw the moon.

Speaker 2:

I try to be romantic. And there you go. You just ignored it.

Speaker 1:

Hold on, I'm getting back to romanticism here in a minute, isn't that?

Speaker 2:

a word. I like that word.

Speaker 1:

Romanticism, Romantic Romanticism, yeah, no. Anyway, on the 18th and 19th it's supposed to be really big and so it's like a. Is it a blood moon?

Speaker 2:

Whatever they call it tonight or a blood moon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so, anyway, Anyway. So it got so late and we waited until the last minute about podcasting, because Amanda once again didn't want to do it all week long.

Speaker 2:

I am about to throw you under the flipping bus.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to have to mute your mic for a minute.

Speaker 2:

Thursday Thursday people. I asked I'm like let's go ahead and pod. You want to pod? I'll pull up the text. I think I text you Thursday. I'm like let's go ahead and pod. You want to pod? I'll pull up the text. I think I text you Thursday. I'm going to post those pictures.

Speaker 1:

The only reason you do that is you know I'm occupied with something Right when I get in the middle of something, and you do that on purpose.

Speaker 2:

Not this time, no.

Speaker 1:

Not this time, Not this time. Did you hear that people?

Speaker 2:

On it. I was ready Thursday. I even asked Friday, friday wasn't a good day. And I even asked Saturday morning. I said let's go ahead and do it. I got things to do.

Speaker 1:

Saturday night. Saturday morning was not good. I was working on a wood project.

Speaker 2:

Saturday morning was perfect.

Speaker 1:

It was not Because you could have done that project that afternoon. No, I had to do it when I could.

Speaker 2:

No. I'm still not 100%, I've got to do things when I can do it. Well, so do I, I'm busy, are you? 100%. I gave you three chances to do it before Monday.

Speaker 1:

Are you 100%?

Speaker 2:

I'm 110%. I was saying I'm not and you're going to get stung by the yellow jacket.

Speaker 1:

So you better watch it In the dark.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

All right, so anyway. So it's a. Yeah, it's a Monday night, monday evening late getting dark, and so, yeah, we didn't get this out on time. Be all right, though.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, my bad, my fault Johnny. Slacker, yeah, but it is windy, windy it's bad.

Speaker 2:

It's like Was it windy the last time?

Speaker 1:

Yes, the last couple times we've done this.

Speaker 2:

Did we have to do it inside one time? No, we did it inside, but not because it was windy.

Speaker 1:

When We've done it outside the last five episodes or so.

Speaker 2:

One time we went back inside Recently, we did Just one yeah, no, yes, we went back inside recently we did.

Speaker 1:

Just one yeah, no, yes, we did no, we did not. We're on a streak. We have not gone back inside yet. We had to. No, you're thinking about that other podcast.

Speaker 2:

when you got no, I don't think about that other podcast. You made a guest appearance. I don't think about that other podcast.

Speaker 1:

You should feel fortunate yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's all right. You should feel fortunate that I made my presence.

Speaker 1:

Well, you drove. I didn't force you, so you went.

Speaker 2:

Not willingly. I think you had a knife to my side, had a knife in my back.

Speaker 1:

Anyway. So I got home and the power went off.

Speaker 2:

It went off, came on went off, came on, kept flickering at work, yeah it was flickering.

Speaker 1:

Then it stayed off for about 20 seconds, then it came back on. Nicholas was all right. So this is the thing when I was growing up I can remember being at home the power went off all the time. As far as I can remember growing up and when I say all the time I'm not meaning every two hours the power was going off, I don't mean that it just seemed like once a week at least the power was going off, not staying off long. Do you remember that or anything? No, it was too long ago, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Our power didn't go off.

Speaker 1:

That seems like to me, it seems like all the time. But so Nicholas was having a conniption fit because he didn't know what he was going to do, but he had the air fryer going and had chicken going in there and he just put it in. It hadn't been in there a couple minutes, so that was really how do you fix that? How do you? You throw it away.

Speaker 2:

I mean, the power came. Well, you give it a minute.

Speaker 1:

Well, the power came back on, yeah, two hours later. No, it went off.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, it was doing its thing.

Speaker 1:

It stayed off for a minute 30 seconds. It came back on for a couple minutes and it started back cooking and then it went off. So I'm just saying and it's been off, it just came off. It was off for three hours.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Something like that Heated up the house. It was 82 the last time I looked at the thermometer in the house, hummingbird 82.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that one's little.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we got three hummingbirds out here. We did have two that were fighting, now we've got three fighting. Can't get along.

Speaker 2:

I don't know why?

Speaker 1:

I mean, there's eight spots on that hummingbird feeder.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but they're going to every one of them.

Speaker 1:

There's enough room for three. Do the math, hummingbirds. You know what a praying mantis is, right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Who would win a battle if you had a fight between a hummingbird and a praying mantis Praying?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, you ever seen a video on that.

Speaker 2:

I think I've seen something on that. It's pretty bad. I think I've seen something. I feel really bad.

Speaker 1:

I never would have thought that. But apparently the praying mantis has got a grip. He locks down on that hummingbird and takes them out.

Speaker 2:

There comes the wind back, maybe y. So there comes the wind back. Maybe y'all can't hear it.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if the last one we had and it was really windy. If you really couldn't hear it, there's a few spots you could hear on the playback I don't know, did you ever? Do you ever listen to ours? No, you never listened to our playback.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to hear myself are you serious?

Speaker 1:

serious so when this thing comes out, you just never go back and listen to our discussion.

Speaker 2:

No, that's a little conceited if you keep listening to yourself, is it not?

Speaker 1:

Conceited? Yeah, no, but I think you could at least listen one time just to see how it sounded, if it was funny, if it was serious, if your point came across right, things like that. Well, it's too late. It's too late if it did no listen. It's not like you're listening for 45 minutes, the whole episode, and you're hitting play again and listening to it again and then you're going to listen to it again.

Speaker 2:

You do that's ridiculous. Oh my bad. You don't do this one that way. You do the other one that way. No, I don't Every time I turn around, it's on.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I can, oh, it's probably joe rogan, they're loud.

Speaker 1:

No, it's joe rogan, I know this distinct voice.

Speaker 2:

I think you're wrong. I'm not wrong. Pretty sure, pretty sure I'm not but anyway, what's going on guess what I found out today, just a little bit ago, before I got home oh I hadn't even told you what?

Speaker 1:

What you found?

Speaker 2:

out, you might not care.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, can we have dead air while I think about this?

Speaker 2:

No, no dead air.

Speaker 1:

Can I play some music while I do this?

Speaker 2:

No music. Let's see what it is. Is that any game show?

Speaker 1:

All right, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Tell me I'm number nine In. It's called Dash Dolls. That's our big team in Red Aspen. Yeah, go through. That's our big team in Red Aspen.

Speaker 1:

No, we're going back to the Press On Nails right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right, I'm number nine out of 2,000.

Speaker 1:

For people that don't know. You sell Red Aspen Press On Nails Number nine out of 2,000.

Speaker 2:

For people that don't know, you sell red aspen press-on nails, number nine out of 2,000.

Speaker 1:

In sales.

Speaker 2:

Yes or in In sales.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's pretty neat.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

If I knew, hold on. Which one do you think is?

Speaker 2:

the cheering.

Speaker 1:

Let's see.

Speaker 2:

Nope, that's not it.

Speaker 1:

All right Process of elimination. Nope, that's not. It All right Process of elimination.

Speaker 2:

Is it B or C? B B Told you.

Speaker 1:

All right, here it is.

Speaker 2:

Told you All right, congratulations, always pick C.

Speaker 1:

Congratulations, amanda, that's a big deal. That is a big deal. That's a big deal. I wish I got to see some of that. Uh, compensation if you're making all these sales. Where's that? Where's that money at?

Speaker 2:

it's taking me to indianapolis you're going to indianapolis.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, you don't know where you're going I get it mixed up. You're going to Indiana, right Indianapolis.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, you booked a plane ticket. I hope you know where you're going.

Speaker 2:

I didn't have to pay for it.

Speaker 1:

How are you getting to the airport? I was thinking about that the other day.

Speaker 2:

I didn't have to pay for it either.

Speaker 1:

How are you getting to the airport?

Speaker 2:

I guess I got to hire a driver.

Speaker 1:

What time do you have to be there and all that stuff? Is this going to affect me in any way?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I haven't been asked to chauffeur. I know I can't forget. I haven't been told what day Because you know I do have a job. So if it's like a Friday at like 9 am, I'm not going to be.

Speaker 2:

It's a Thursday, so Nicholas is going to have to work.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Or I have a buddy that told me she would take me. Thursday Like what time I just thought I was trying to be.

Speaker 1:

See, this is.

Speaker 2:

I was going to be a surprise and get you a day off.

Speaker 1:

I've just had days off, I know, but you know how I get days off I have a surgery.

Speaker 2:

No, this wasn't going to be a surgery. I was trying to get you days off.

Speaker 1:

This is organic right here. This is this is real. Yeah, this is real. This is real life, because I have no idea anything that you're telling we're yeah, we're having this discussion a lot real life, that's right that's, that's the real life. It's bad what time I forget?

Speaker 2:

about everything what time on a thursday bad I wish y'all could see my desk at work. There's so many sticky notes on my desk she had.

Speaker 1:

I forget that so many sticky notes on my desk that I forget that I got sticky notes. She has a sticky note on her desk. It says my name is Amanda.

Speaker 2:

In case she forgets, I just wear that. That's my name tag. I just wear it every day.

Speaker 1:

Hello, my name is Amanda Exactly. All right. So what time on a Thursday are we talking? Or do you even know? I mean, what time does your flight leave? I think, how long does it take to? Get there.

Speaker 2:

I think what's your itinerary.

Speaker 1:

How long are you staying? When are you flying back? I don't know any of this stuff.

Speaker 2:

I think it leaves at 6, something am.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 2:

I got a layover in Atlanta and I'm freaked out y'all. I've never flown, no by bad. I've flown one time. I've flown one time, and how about. You've flown one time and how about you flown one time, yeah, with you oh really like where do we go?

Speaker 1:

a concert or something?

Speaker 2:

a concert.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we had a con there's another one of my vacations when I went for a back surgery in. Yeah, but you enjoyed that fly, right right.

Speaker 2:

Not the way back.

Speaker 1:

Do you remember the guy that sat? I've got a picture. Hey, I need to put this picture out there. Do you remember the guy that sat in front of us, by the way?

Speaker 2:

On the plane.

Speaker 1:

That had a certain tattoo. Do you kind of maybe? The lawnmower tattoo no, no, I have to let it was on his foot, no it's on his arm.

Speaker 2:

Oh then no, I don't.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say there's a lawnmower, it's on his foot. I'm like no, it's on his arm and it was a spam can. Oh, no, I don't remember that. I had to show it to you. I've got it. Yeah, I couldn't really figure it out, but it's some kind of spam can. Spam can? Yeah, it's odd news.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, so my anxiety is pretty bad.

Speaker 1:

Just because of the layover.

Speaker 2:

Just the whole deal of it that you're not going with me Are you going to be by yourself from Birmingham to Atlanta?

Speaker 1:

Yes, and.

Speaker 2:

I got an hour-something layover in Atlanta, but the good thing is is my director, kristen. Shout out to Kristen.

Speaker 1:

Hey, kristen, is she listening?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I need to ask her.

Speaker 1:

I need to tell her you gave her a shout out. She needs to at least follow.

Speaker 2:

She actually is going to be in Atlanta too. So from Atlanta to to indy, we will ride together fly together fly together and then the shuttle picks us up, so we don't have to do anything. You know, we don't have to worry about getting a car or something to the hotel so that's a thursday.

Speaker 1:

So so thursday evening y'all have nothing going.

Speaker 2:

On friday she has the directors, she's the direct a director, so she has a director um dinner and then friday we'll start like classes and stuff and then saturday will be like an awards night and um are you getting an award? I don't know nobody knows nobody's home?

Speaker 1:

I don't think so you're gonna tick tock it live maybe how about that?

Speaker 2:

probably. I mean I'm gonna, I'm gonna video a lot, lots of pictures, lots of video.

Speaker 1:

There's Nicholas.

Speaker 2:

He's pumping.

Speaker 1:

Nicholas, would you like to say something on the microphone? He's putting the finger up in the air, going back and forth saying no, no, he's going to work out All right, be careful. See ya. So you'll hear his truck crank up here in a minute. So our apologies, but go ahead Because we're outside.

Speaker 2:

Saturday Saturday, his truck crank up here in a minute, so our apologies, but go ahead, because we're outside saturday. Saturday, we'll have a dinner. We'll have classes saturday too, I think, and then we'll have a dinner that night. They provide us lunch these days that could be good, or bad yeah.

Speaker 1:

Just depend on the type of food and then come home Sunday. So I got to pick you up Sunday too. I got to take you Thursday and pick you up on a Sunday.

Speaker 2:

Sounds like you don't want me back.

Speaker 1:

Like what time Are we talking about? Late Sunday, no.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like missing church Sunday.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Sorry, I can't miss church.

Speaker 2:

I figured you would and I figured I'd be staying there.

Speaker 1:

So I'll have to. When I get done with church I'll head that way and come get you Sounds. You can live stream it and listen to.

Speaker 2:

It Sounds good to me that work.

Speaker 1:

I'll just sit there and watch church there you go, I'll have time to cook toast right for the kids and I'll leave after that. No, okay, I'll be teaching sunday school then I know, so am I gonna have to like have a. Uh, you're gonna have to sub the first week of the new, no, the second week second, you've got to be kidding me, I know I'm horrible, I'm horrible that'll work though well, I just think but what if you have, like some kind?

Speaker 2:

of late, I've been working my butt off well to be number nine with this so.

Speaker 1:

But your, your big thing, is uh content. So with that so-called I guess you'd say job, if you just want to yeah like, uh, something you do in your spare time. Yeah, so the way that you're selling it is just having content, continuous videos on. Is it instagram, tiktok, everywhere, facebook? Are you doing it, so you're making one video and you're putting it everywhere, or are you you want to?

Speaker 2:

wave to the pontoon. Sometimes I do different videos, but I also have a booth at a local boutique store right so but you're limited on that.

Speaker 1:

You're just getting whoever comes in sees that. But when we're talking like tiktok, that's where you're getting your views and, uh, awareness. I guess you'd say awareness. I don't know why I said awareness. I'm thinking of my earbuds when it says awareness mode on, when I awareness mode off okay um, what's the word I'm trying to say? Um, you're getting it's, putting it out there. Yeah, yeah, so you got exposure there you go. That's it, you're exposing yourself on tiktok I don't know about that now. That's exactly what you're doing. I mean come on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's not nice.

Speaker 1:

I don't understand. You know I've gotten on TikTok more here lately. Well, I don't want to get off that. You keep going with what you're unless you're done with this whole.

Speaker 2:

I guess I'm done, I'm just anxious and nervous.

Speaker 1:

Well now I'm nervous because I've got to deal with driving to the airport and dealing with all that. I'm just saying that's how I am. I get antsy having to figure out where to park all that kind of stuff you could just drop me off and leave.

Speaker 2:

You don't have to park, I guess that's what you want me to do I'm scared. I'll just hit that button.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what to do let the trunk open up and say all right, see ya.

Speaker 2:

See ya later. Can you really go in? You can only go to a certain place right.

Speaker 1:

So do you really go? I don't know. You know, I remember back years and years ago.

Speaker 1:

We'd go to Atlanta because we had family there on my mom's side of the family and my granddad would drive me to the airport just to watch planes and we would go yep, because that's what I wanted to say, because I was 12, 13, I don't know something like that he 'd drive me over there and we'd go in the airport and I could remember, you know, you go all the way in there and you'd stand in there and at the glass and you'd watch these planes.

Speaker 2:

Can you do that now?

Speaker 1:

no, I don't. You know you can't without having your. There's our neighbor's dog, is a chocolate lab and she's laying there looking at me. I'm not paying her any attention, so she's barking at me well uh, yeah. So I don't know how far. You just can't go all the way in.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how far every time I've been to the airport ever since then I've always flown, so, like you, can't sit there and wait until my flight.

Speaker 1:

See, words are hard these days you can go in so far, and wait until my flight leaves.

Speaker 2:

I can know I can meet you somewhere in there, but just Google it. I made enough money to not have to pay for this out of my pocket, really.

Speaker 1:

No, yeah, no, you haven't told me anything.

Speaker 2:

I do my goodness. What's she barking at?

Speaker 1:

Anyway, so she's barking at me At you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she is, because she's barking at me, at you?

Speaker 1:

yeah, she is, because she's looking at me, she's wanting attention. I can't see her yeah, um, back to the tiktok thing, and that's where you do most of your content. Is that where you get most of your traffic? You would say, or is that what? You dedicate most of your time to, or am I?

Speaker 2:

thinking of the lives. Once you make content, you just put it out on all three. I'm on three platforms, I mean, so once you make content, you can put it all out there. But yeah, I get most of my sales from TikTok.

Speaker 1:

But you do the lives at night on. Tiktok, you don't do anything like that on anything else, right?

Speaker 2:

I've tried it on Facebook and Instagram, but it's just not there.

Speaker 1:

But is TikTok now a bigger platform than Facebook or is it just for what you're doing? It is.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. It's a better platform for me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, anyway. So, tiktok, you know it's got a lot of stuff on there that I like to see. It figures you out and all this kind of stuff, but it's just got a lot of it. Now to me is like somebody saying hey, have you seen this video where such and such whatever like they're gonna, they're about to show you the video or something like that, and they just keep talking for the 30 seconds or whatever, and it never comes to the video or whatever. Have you seen? It, it's weird, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I'm getting a lot of that, whether it's a police chase or something like that. Somebody is talking about it and it might actually see in the background the scene and you're like they're about to. And it might actually see in the background the scene and you're like like they're about to show it and they never get to it. So it's like they're just using you to get a view or uh, whatever, you got what?

Speaker 2:

do you got on tiktok?

Speaker 1:

hey, there's bell. You scared us. If we had video right now, you'd be on camera. She closes her eyes when she comes up there and you pet her she's a good dog.

Speaker 2:

Don't lick my drink.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she'll jump. We're going to watch. So anyway, thanks for visiting us, belle, you can go home now, uh-oh.

Speaker 2:

She's climbing in the chair. She's going to be in Jody's lap, oh my goodness, she's getting in my lap.

Speaker 2:

No, no don't let her on. You Get down, go, okay, alright, okay, all right. So that's my news of the of the week. And my friend, another girl on my team, on our our team's called the dream bird tribe. That's, um, our director's team, and then there's a corporate team and then the our director team, dream Bird Tribe. So we got another girl and she's number six. I have to say I was a little jealous. I'm like, okay, I've got to beat her now.

Speaker 1:

But no, we're not like that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you need to be competitive. But I'm happy for her, so she's number six Her name's Allie. I'm happy for her, so she's number six Her name's.

Speaker 1:

Allie. But you got to think too. Is there like a? You know there's trends when it comes to selling stuff.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there is.

Speaker 1:

And when it comes to nails, when's like you've got to have like a peak season.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's about to peak. It's about to get going heavy.

Speaker 1:

Because once you hit, fall.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Football Really yeah, christmas heavy, because once you hit, fall halloween. Football football really yeah christmas when you hit all those nails.

Speaker 1:

That's when we really get some sales.

Speaker 2:

So I would say you got to work it in the summer, you got to still push it, you know. But I would think like work it good during this next season, you can really get it going so back to school seems to me like would be a time that would slow down.

Speaker 1:

It has slowed down, I have to say this is a slow month Because mom and dad's spending money on kids' clothes.

Speaker 2:

This has been a slow month for me and to say that I'm at number nine and I think my sales are not anywhere compared to what they were last month or the month before, but I'm at number nine. And we're really just halfway through, because today's today's the 19th, so you're a little more than halfway over with, but we still got two more weeks. So that means we launch nails for two more weeks and I don't know, maybe I can make that and say it's a.

Speaker 1:

It's a good time for me with the back to school because I sell what I do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, see, we're not, it's good sales.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Because last week was a good weekend and today was an exceptional day.

Speaker 2:

Good. So, I like it. I like to hear that. Ooh, that wind, that wind is a picking up.

Speaker 1:

I tell you what I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Bell's about to turn us off? No Go on. Okay, bell, you need to go home, girl. So that's my news for the week.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's exciting, though that's big time.

Speaker 2:

When you feel like it ain't going nowhere, and then you get those numbers today.

Speaker 1:

But the thing with that.

Speaker 2:

And we're in incentive period and I'm already on level two and we've got there's six levels and I'm on level two and we've got to the end of October on that incentive period. So that's pretty good too. October on that incentive period, so that's pretty good too, and I think there's only just a few of us out of our team. That's even at a level. Besides the director, she rocks it.

Speaker 1:

But the way it works with you is they don't buy directly from you. No, I don't have to keep any inventory, so yeah, not to go into too much detail, but you don't have to have inventory. You don't have to have inventory, you don't have to do the shipping or anything like that. The only thing is the store that you've got, the consignment store that you've got your stuff in.

Speaker 2:

That's the only place that you have to swap nails in and out, have a little bit of inventory and have money and what I do is I really just get them when they're on clearance or I mean sale, or I have perks so I just trade those perks in for free nails and then they're free so I just turn around and sell them at the boutique. That's most of the time what I do. Or if I get some for myself and I don't really like them, then I put them there.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, so that's nice. Uh-oh, I think I hear Bill's parents calling. I heard somebody holler.

Speaker 1:

I can't hear over the wind.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying All right. So enough about me. I just want to bring that up, Shout out my girls. Well your girls need.

Speaker 1:

Well, Kristen and Allie need to start listening I'll tell them listen to this episode I'll tell them to follow okay and that's it. They don't have to listen anymore and subscribe well, follow is the same thing as subscribing. Okay, just whatever verbiage you want to call it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, but uh, yeah so if there's any of you ladies out there interested hey, how do they save in 60 to 70 dollars?

Speaker 1:

where can they find you?

Speaker 2:

how do they find me on facebook? We'll put a uh instagram and on tiktok I'll put my link tree out. I can put my link tree out and all my platforms are on my link tree.

Speaker 1:

Sounds good.

Speaker 2:

You'll have to do that I can't, it won't. Let me do it on our pages.

Speaker 1:

I tried to post something. Can you do it on the subscription off of our host site for the podcast.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Because you can change it every episode. You can put different, different things in there I've kept it all the same we can go in and adjust it and see if you can put that in there and then change it back, but we can leave it in there all the time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah yeah, so if you ladies are ready to save some money, hit me up, I can help you sounds good I get people compliment my nails all the time.

Speaker 1:

I get tired of it.

Speaker 2:

Jody does, but he promotes me though. I try I like just kind of shrub it off sometimes and he's like no, she sells those things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you don't do anything with it, I just keep on and on.

Speaker 2:

We had a new choir guy come this Sunday. He said something about my nails.

Speaker 1:

At church. Yes, really.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So this is my question so do men actually? Is that something that they would notice? Is that just a happenstance?

Speaker 2:

thing he said, the only reason he really noticed, it is because two ladies that he had just talked to or saw not in our church, but somewhere else, I can't remember exactly what he said had the same color nail, and he wondered if that was the end thing. Now, that was what he was basically talking about.

Speaker 1:

See, I don't think I'd even notice that. I don't think I'd notice that. You know, I noticed that I've seen four women with purple. I know that's not your color, but I'm just saying that for example I've seen four women in two different places with purple, they say.

Speaker 2:

men recognize red nails though.

Speaker 1:

Well, because it's bright I don't know, I wear some bright nails. Think, if you wore black, I think I'd notice that Black fingernails. So I'm not going to say just red, I think.

Speaker 2:

But red light, red nail thing, that's a thing, what it's a thing, red nail.

Speaker 1:

You said red light.

Speaker 2:

Well, there is something called red light therapy.

Speaker 1:

Red light therapy. Yeah, alright, let's quit teaching jody ellis well, that's the same thing as like so do men notice? Um earrings jewelry don't get me started on that no, I'm just saying so I I, if you asked which you? Right now you are wearing a headset, so I do not know what kind of earrings, or even if you're wearing earrings, because it's something that I don't ever know. I don't ever look at, notice women's, unless they had, like a pirate's.

Speaker 2:

I'm your wife. You should notice everything about me.

Speaker 1:

If it's like a pirate with a skeleton hanging down off of their ear.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm talking about that's those nails clanking, if it was something.

Speaker 1:

Quit, please. If it was something like noticeable, yes, like a chandelier hanging off of your ear, yes, I'm going to notice that. But other than that, I will not know if it's a stud or a dangly thing. I'm just not going to notice the color, not going to notice.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, wow.

Speaker 1:

I don't think men do.

Speaker 2:

I'll quit dressing for you then.

Speaker 1:

See, I knew it. I bring something like that up. I'm just trying to bring something up, and then you get mad.

Speaker 2:

Well, you shouldn't tell me you don't notice things about me.

Speaker 1:

I notice your nails. I don't notice your earrings. I notice your glasses need to be pushed up further on your nose.

Speaker 2:

They can't go any further. My eyelashes are too long.

Speaker 1:

We can solve that. I got some trimmers in there.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely not.

Speaker 1:

Why am I wearing my glasses? So with men, would you notice what color? Sock or if it's low cut yes, would you notice if it's white socks or black socks, would you notice? For their long socks or short socks, or is it just that they're wearing?

Speaker 2:

shorts or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I noticed their socks okay yeah I would say, I notice socks more than anything. Why do you say that? I never wear socks, I know say, I notice you're about to get in trouble, oh my goodness, I'm just trying to you don't notice anything about me. Oh my goodness, here we go keep on, you ain't gonna find a ride, or you'll have to find a ride to the airport, I'll hitch it. Hitch it. I'll hitch it, thumb it.

Speaker 2:

I'll thumb it, is it?

Speaker 1:

hard to navigate the Birmingham Shuttlesworth Airport. I don't really know. I feel one time I kind of feel like it is, because I feel pressure when you pull.

Speaker 2:

Did you fly one time and I had to take you, or did you drive and left the car?

Speaker 1:

I had to go to Kansas City one time for a meeting, so did I take you, or did you drive and leave the car?

Speaker 2:

Was it, you and my sister.

Speaker 1:

Oh, maybe I think it was you two. I don't think it was mom, was it? I don't have a clue. I think it was you too. I don't think it was mom with it, I don't have a clue. I think it was you and my sister that took me then. Now, every other time that I've flown it's been mission trips, so we've all gone together.

Speaker 2:

So y'all, yeah, yeah, we don't go there, yeah, we drove herself um I don't have a clue.

Speaker 1:

When we went to Tampa.

Speaker 2:

This is how bad my memory is.

Speaker 1:

I wish you'd stop. Yours is no worse than anybody else's.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it is. No, it's not. Yes, it is.

Speaker 1:

And either me or you drove when we went to Tampa because we parked and left it in Birmingham.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, well, you drove. I had to drive home. No-transcript, I had shorts on. We should post those pictures.

Speaker 1:

Long white compression socks with flip flops.

Speaker 2:

Flip flops yeah.

Speaker 1:

So you know, I pushed that little middle thing between that big toe and that toe next to him, but I didn't care.

Speaker 2:

He just wanted to get home.

Speaker 1:

I just wanted to get home.

Speaker 2:

Yep, so what you got going on?

Speaker 1:

I'm just enjoying this evening. I'm just waiting for it to cool off in the house, but it's not bad out here, it's not bad, I have a feeling if I go inside I'm going to be cold.

Speaker 2:

Probably, probably.

Speaker 1:

It's got a nice cool breeze, so I have plans to cook supper. That's what I was going to say. So, yeah, I was stressed out because I got the text from Amanda that told me at 345.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he planned this.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell my story.

Speaker 2:

He pushed the tree down. Let me talk.

Speaker 1:

He pushed the tree down. Okay, saying that, all right, 345, start Noodles. Start boiling the noodles, uh-huh, and then cook the.

Speaker 2:

Hamburger meat.

Speaker 1:

Hamburger meat and I would do the rest. Right, and when you got home you would do the rest. And then, doggone it, the power went off. Now I know why the power went off he went and pushed the tree down, so nothing got cooked.

Speaker 2:

Jody can't cook two things at one time.

Speaker 1:

I can't multitask when it comes to cooking. You can forget it.

Speaker 2:

Anything else he's pretty good at. But yeah, when it comes to cooking he can't multitask Like I can throw burgers on the grill, macaroni and something else on the stove in the house and I can go back and forth in multitasking cooking.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you can forget it for me. I just can't do it.

Speaker 2:

There's no way.

Speaker 1:

No, there's absolutely no way.

Speaker 2:

You think that's just a guy thing, like on cooking.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to say Cooking and multitasking or just multitasking in general.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm not going to say multitasking, because I can multitask, I just when it comes to cooking, I can't. I'd say, if it's a guy that likes to cook I'm not talking about grilling, right, I'm just talking about maybe likes to fix a few things in the kitchen, yeah I'm, I'm sure they're fine with it. But I don't feel confident enough to know when I have to measure the milk or something there after, if I have to put a half a cup of milk in something after something's cooking and I got rice going over here. You can know there's no way that to me.

Speaker 2:

I'm overwhelmed, it's too much so when you see my stove full back there, I've got a pot or a skillet or something on every eye and the air fryer going. You can't do that oh, I'm amazed.

Speaker 1:

I'm like how does she do it? I'm like I'm watching a miracle and I don't measure. I measure with my heart, I don't measure with yeah I mean, I think I think if I cooked more I don't get.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it ain't like I don't know how to cook I'm like some meatloaf which you ain't done in a long time. How about we have that?

Speaker 1:

but I'm just saying is like, since I don't cook enough, I feel like I need to get everything just about right, like if it's a teaspoon of this or a tablespoon, I need to do it right, you know. So I'm not just going to do a splash of this, because I'm not, I don't know. I could just, if you wanted me to do that, just a splash of milk or whatever to do macaroni and cheese. Well, it's either going to be really dry or it's going to be really watery so he was kind of glad that the power went off

Speaker 2:

oh yeah, I was because we had no clue, because I kept getting text messages and it kept saying it would put 30 minutes. It would tack 30 minutes on it every time I get, yeah supposedly there's a tree down somewhere and it did say that's the first time it's ever said that new technology.

Speaker 1:

They're giving you a description now. What's going on? I guess I don't know.

Speaker 2:

So then um, I'm like well jack's it is and jack's is just a little burger place.

Speaker 1:

It's in the south. For those that don't know what it is, it's kind of like a mcdonald's on a smaller scale yeah, but they have meals, yeah.

Speaker 2:

They've got like six dollar meals yeah that's just enough to. Just enough.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it ain't they got it wrong, it will not put you over the top. I know I didn't get, of course, in his mind what I wanted.

Speaker 2:

Yours and Nicholas's is messed up.

Speaker 1:

Oh really.

Speaker 2:

Because he didn't get. I got him two potatoes, I got him mashed potatoes and french fries.

Speaker 1:

Nothing wrong with that. He don't eat green beans. He's got to have enough starch in his system.

Speaker 2:

So he got green beans and mashed potatoes and you got chopped steak instead of chicken fried chicken.

Speaker 1:

Which the chicken fried chicken is actually pretty good. I don't know, it is good. I just think it comes with a biscuit, right? Yeah, I just think if they'd give me one more biscuit. I think I could feel full, but since I'm not getting that extra biscuit, or you just get half my meal because I only eat half. Well, that's what it is. You don't eat all of yours, so I eat mine, and then what you've got left over, and that's how I feel. And that does you, but I've gained I'm proud of I've gained two more pounds.

Speaker 2:

I've gained eight pounds now using a bathroom don't, oh, my goodness yes well, it's just I have slowed down so much because I'm not working like I normally do good, you need to and I mean, and because I so you need to maintain that I know Where's it at. Though, when you're big toe, it's my belly. Oh, I see it hanging.

Speaker 1:

I know, look at that belly right there. What I know it's getting there.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we won't show bellies. Yeah, we won't talk about bellies.

Speaker 1:

So I was going to tell you I don't know, was gonna tell you I don't should I tell you or not? Oh dear, here we go so the cats are actually seen. I know we talk about the cats some, that we hate them and all that stuff, but they killed a snake so I just thought, hey, they are doing something for mankind that's what I have, you hip hip. Hip, hip, hooray to the cats.

Speaker 2:

A bad one.

Speaker 1:

I know I mean what like a copperhead? No, this was just a regular. What something.

Speaker 2:

A baby.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was small, but I did find another one dead down there on the rocks at the water.

Speaker 2:

Where I was sitting.

Speaker 1:

I I just I didn't want to tell you I'm gone you'll never get me down. He was a big one too you'll never get me down. He was just laid there and he was upside down. He's on his back and I was like, how did you get?

Speaker 2:

he didn't wash up he got struck by lightning because it wasn't up against the shore like it just got washed up, you know when it started thundering and all that, and it never rained.

Speaker 1:

Hey, it did some lightning. Lightning got him it never rained but you talk about. It was lightning on top of us. Anyway, it was strange how that snake was just there in the spot.

Speaker 2:

But hey there's two.

Speaker 1:

Two in one week gone. That's good.

Speaker 2:

I'm done.

Speaker 1:

Happy, happy.

Speaker 2:

I'm done.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what else I got going on. I mean, I haven't really told you anything I got going on, so I don't know why I'm saying what else I got going on.

Speaker 2:

I know you didn't tell me nothing.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, three weeks out from surgery.

Speaker 2:

Going into your fourth.

Speaker 1:

This is the third Monday.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, third Monday, thank you. So I'm three weeks out like I said, going into your fourth.

Speaker 1:

Whatever, you're just trying to correct me the other night, I don't know. You just ain't done nothing what are we watching on netflix? We have started um, we started a couple of days ago watching a series that, for some reason, we stopped watching several months back, and now we started back and now we don't, can't remember.

Speaker 1:

We're two seasons in and we're like who is this person? What happened here? Very confused. But of course it's a British show. Of course, because your algorithm Because well, no, my algorithm has actually gotten better, not now, and now that you popped this one back in, it's going to be messed up again. Oh, but didn't we talk about? Did we talk?

Speaker 2:

about? Did we talk about? Um, we need to talk about the NSYNC and uh, did we ever talk about? We did? I don't know. And did we talk about? We watched, or I watched Big Brother and I have found seasons one is there any Big Brother fans out there?

Speaker 1:

because me and Amanda used to be. We would watch it every year it was, it was appointment tv and then they'd all have appointment tv then they'd have celebrity big brother every once a while it was okay which was not great great but but anyway. So as big brother has gone, year after year after year, it's gone downhill.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, to make it not like what we, what we like, like you having trouble, that mic over there.

Speaker 1:

I am you want me to hold it for you Please? So it's gone towards the younger crowd. I think I remember there used to be some older people on it yes.

Speaker 1:

Just a couple, whatever. I know we cater to the younger crowd because they're the ones that are watching all this stuff. But now it's gotten and for those that watch it will know. But they make alliances. They get in these groups, these secret alliances, they do things like that. It's stuff that they used to not do and now the game's kind of revolved just around those certain things and it's made the game not as fun to me, not as appealing.

Speaker 2:

That's true, and so Jody made the comment the other day that said, if we could find those first seasons, I'd watch them, guess what.

Speaker 1:

You found them I?

Speaker 2:

found them.

Speaker 1:

So how many seasons Is it all of them? It says 26. 26?

Speaker 2:

It says 26 seasons and like on season one, there's like 70 episodes.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Well, that's three episodes a week right, wasn't it I?

Speaker 2:

know what thursdays sundays is it wednesday, thursday sunday, so if you're doing three a week was it for 90 days?

Speaker 1:

I thought it was 60.

Speaker 2:

It still don't make sense yeah, it sounds like too many, but anyway I don't know. But so we may go back and start watching old episodes. I don't make sense. Yeah, I don't know it sounds like too many, but anyway it might be, I don't know. So we may go back and start watching old episodes. I don't know if I can.

Speaker 1:

I said I could, but now that I think about it I don't know if I can. It's hard to go back and watch older stuff sometimes.

Speaker 2:

It is.

Speaker 1:

Something like that.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. Well then we need. We haven't watched it in a few days because you got mad.

Speaker 1:

The middle have we talked about the middle?

Speaker 2:

We have. Yeah, you got mad because I started watching it, but you won't watch it with me. Oh no, you're not giving me an option.

Speaker 1:

It's like I come in there and you're watching it without me. I got to see my girl, sue. I got to see what she's doing because she's got the best personality. Hey, I don't.

Speaker 2:

Joe loves Sue yeah.

Speaker 1:

Sue is great. If y'all watch the Middle, you know what I'm talking about. But, people on this earth need to be like Sue. There would be no violence, there'd be no hatred in the world, there'd be nothing but love. Because you can't bring this girl down no, you can't. She sees the positive in everything, and it's just so funny.

Speaker 2:

One episode she was playing tennis, tennis, yeah, tennis, and she was complimenting the other girl and the other girl was beating her, and then the other girl finally got frustrated and Sue won.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, you go.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So Jodi likes Sue, sue, think about it. If there was love in the world, we wouldn't have all this other stuff, right, love in the world, more of it. Okay, if all, if everybody, if you just loved, everybody just love on everybody right, wouldn't be all this hatred and violence and all that stuff sounds so easy right.

Speaker 2:

So easy, it is so easy right.

Speaker 1:

So easy it is.

Speaker 2:

So easy.

Speaker 1:

All right, I'm trying to think what's the week to come, what's going on this week? I?

Speaker 2:

guess nothing, I guess nothing Since all the silence, the water is dropping, since we're not a planner.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the water at the lake is dropping. It's that time of the year it drops a couple inches daily or every two days.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, Jody, like Saturday Think it was Saturday. He's like let's ride down to the dam. And I'm like okay. And then he's like, no, I don't want to go nowhere. I'm like, really, I worked myself up. He's like, no, I don't want to go nowhere.

Speaker 1:

Like, really I worked myself up Like you know what.

Speaker 2:

He wanted to go to the dam and then we know.

Speaker 1:

The best part about going down there to the dam is if you look to see when the generation schedule is, when they turn the turbines on Turbines, turbines when you go down there and when they sound the alarm, the warning alarm, and then you see that water start churning and the water comes up and it's moving. It's really awesome, really need to see it. But I just wanted to go down there and just check it out because I mean, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I thought he wanted to just go ride with his wife, but then the next thing I know he's like meh, I ain't going.

Speaker 1:

This was a little bit after you asked about podcasting that morning, remember that, yeah, yeah. So I thought well, you know, we'll go down there, because I was working on that wood project and I thought we'll go down there, you know, check it out, and it didn't take me just a couple minutes Like nah.

Speaker 2:

I ain't going down there, I ain't going down there, I'm staying here. I got there. I'm staying here. I gotta finish all this up too much of a hassle.

Speaker 1:

Everything's a hassle. Yeah, no, look, leaving the house is a hassle sometimes it is.

Speaker 2:

That's why it is for you, because it takes you forever to get ready. You gotta get you.

Speaker 1:

I'm just staring at her I get you extra pair of shoes.

Speaker 2:

You gotta get your hat. You gotta get your earbuds, you gotta get you, get you, get you. Well, pair of shoes. You got to get your hat, you got to get your earbuds, you got to get you, get you, get you.

Speaker 1:

Well, actually, if we take my truck, I don't have to get you, get you nothing.

Speaker 2:

It's all in my truck Because we was going to ride together to church last night, and then I just couldn't wait on you no more and I left you.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, because you was pressuring me like goodness I got to church 10 minutes before you did. More like five.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Well, that's fine. I was not in a hurry. Well, I was, you were fine. And then I was like we're going to ride together. Then, all of a sudden, you were in a hurry and I was not. The nurse Listen, and I was not in a hurry. So whatever changed your mind between that, just go. Go your mind between that Just go, go.

Speaker 2:

I have to be there by 5.

Speaker 1:

It's a two mile drive. I'm sorry we didn't go together we never get to ride together for church. If you'd have gave me five more minutes you could have rode with me.

Speaker 2:

I'd have been ten minutes late. Real life, folks, real life. This is organic. We do love each other.

Speaker 1:

Most of the time, sometimes most of the time, sometime Most of the time, which is better If I told you I said I love you sometimes, or if I said I love you most of the time. Most of the time sounds a lot better, so I love you sometime.

Speaker 2:

See, See Well. I don't know about you, I'm tired anybody else won't join in on this, because there's about to be a vacant spot all right, I'm waiting on this big moon to show it.

Speaker 1:

Get out behind these trees so I can check it out this blood moon or whatever? If not, I'll just have to check it out when I get up three o'clock in the morning was it?

Speaker 2:

was it big when you left this morning?

Speaker 1:

yeah, it was about the same time. I mean it was bigger than normal. I mean it's not. It wasn't you could when you left this morning?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was about the same.

Speaker 1:

I mean it was bigger than normal. I mean it's not, it wasn't you could. When you saw it, you noticed that it's bigger. But it's not like oh my goodness, Look at the size of it. It wasn't anything like that. But I think Tonight, Tonight, or by in the morning, it's supposed to be pretty amazing. But you when they call for the blood moon or whatever, because it's supposed to be red or whatever, I have never seen it red. I see a tinge of orange.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm sure you got to see it with your phone or something. You know how you had to do that.

Speaker 1:

Those northern lights? The northern lights, yeah, you can check them out. Oh, but you have to have a certain setting on your phone. That's a lie. That's a lie.

Speaker 2:

So I got to tell everybody what you asked me if I wanted to do.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Did you ask me yesterday or Saturday, or would I do this?

Speaker 1:

Would you do this? Don't know. I have no clue what you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

He wants to take a mattress.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that was last night.

Speaker 2:

Okay, he wants to take a mattress and put it in the back of the truck and camp.

Speaker 1:

She gave me nothing for this, and camp and I'm doing little quotations. Air quotes.

Speaker 2:

Air quotes and camp outside in the back of the truck. I'm like why don't we just sleep in a bed? But we're not under the stars.

Speaker 1:

Tell me when you're done and I'll talk.

Speaker 2:

Go ahead, no all right. I knew I didn't have it right.

Speaker 1:

No, you're fine, Let me just explain. So if I threw a 10 out here in New York, are you going to get in it like?

Speaker 2:

camp? Of course you're not. We did that back in the 30s and that didn't work when we was in our 30s, 1930, and that didn't work when we was in our 30s 1930s. That's what I thought, yeah, when we were in our 30s and Nicholas was little, we didn't make it all night.

Speaker 1:

So my point being is I know you're not going to camp out in the yard and I know you've got this phobia of snakes. Now I'm just trying to get you off the ground. So I thought you know what? We can throw it in the back of the truck, right here. Right here, let me talk. I know you try you're trying about to mute your mic because you're trying to butt in. If we throw cover, a mattress, whatever, in the back of the truck, put the tailgate down, we can pop it back up after we get in there and, just like 10 o'clock at night, hop on in the truck, look at the stars, act like you're camping. You're not on the ground, you ain't got to worry about nothing crawling in your sleeping bag or nothing like that, and just enjoy the night.

Speaker 2:

You think you can make it.

Speaker 1:

I know it's not going to be a mattress. I mean we just can't throw a mattress in the back of the truck. But I'm saying, if it was a mattress, yes, but no, I can't make it with just regular sleeping bag or nothing. There's no way. Comfort-wise is what I'm talking about. I couldn't do it If it wasn't for that. Yeah, my point being is nobody ever looks up anymore at this guy. You know we had a meteor, but we're at the house.

Speaker 2:

I feel like, if we're at the house, just sleep in the bed.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to be romantic. You tell me I'm not ever romantic and I'm trying to be romantic. So, anyway, we had a meteor shower about a week ago, I think it was.

Speaker 2:

It was supposed to be 100 meteors an hour. Possibly that you could see With a setting on your phone.

Speaker 1:

No, you're actually supposed to see it. I'm just saying, just like I see sunrises every morning, the majority of people don't get up early enough to see them and I get to enjoy them. And the morning before last it was pretty awesome what the Lord did, what I saw with the oranges and the red colors and all that stuff with the sunrise, it was amazing. So I'm saying I get to enjoy this almost all the time. Nobody ever looks up. Do you ever look up and see the stars? Look at the stars, see if you see any shooting stars. I'm inside, anything like that Exactly. So I thought, hey, if it's a nice, clear night, not too hot, not too cold, sleep out outside.

Speaker 2:

I thought we was going to have to sleep out tonight if the air didn't come back on.

Speaker 1:

Mankind used to have to do it all the time to survive right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

What's so?

Speaker 2:

scary, this wind's getting up yeah.

Speaker 1:

Everybody's got to stay in a box. Now, right Called your house Got to close that door behind you. There ain't no way you can stay outside. Everybody's scared. Ooh, outdoor's, outdoors, gonna get you. I'm done, you done? Yeah, I guess I'm done. Looks like you're checking out, so I'll check out too.

Speaker 2:

I've carried most of the show, so oh my goodness, I'll let you carry the first part, I'll let you start talking about fingernails. Yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yep, all right, folks, we're going to get out of here. Jody's out.

Speaker 2:

I can sit here and talk another hour.

Speaker 1:

We're not out folks. Here's Amanda, I'm out. We appreciate you listening, we do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this hush-push I really don't know why.

Speaker 1:

You would right. You've got to enjoy if you listen to this, you've got to enjoy it what are you? Saying I mean sometimes it's just like a rambling mess if you want to know about somebody's life rambling mess. Sometimes that's the thing about, and you know and that's why I listen these some of these podcasts are like this, like because you just hear people's life and you find out, hey, they're living life just like I am. They got similar things going on and all that kind of stuff. Was you about to say something?

Speaker 2:

I don't know what I was about to say. The little hummingbirds just amaze me, they're so small.

Speaker 1:

Back to the hummingbirds. Yes, I don't know how they can fly in this wind, but they can.

Speaker 2:

All right guys. Thanks for tuning in.

Speaker 1:

Every Monday. Maybe, you never know. We try to keep it on Mondays, but sometimes life happens. I know Life happens. This is coming out on Tuesday.

Speaker 2:

Coming out on Tuesday One day late, one day late.

Speaker 1:

One day late.

Speaker 2:

A dollar short.

Speaker 1:

I wasn't going to say it, I don't want to be one of those people.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I guess I'm one of those people.

Speaker 1:

All right, Thanks for listening and we will see you next week.

Speaker 2:

On the flip side. Thank you,

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