Hunts On Outfitting Podcast

Aaron's Spine-Tingling Stories from the Great Outdoors

Kenneth Marr Season 1 Episode 30

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What happens when you mix a love for hunting with a dash of the supernatural? Join us on Hunt's On Outfitting Podcast as we chat with Aaron from Moncton, New Brunswick. Aaron shares riveting tales of his hunting adventures, starting with his youthful duck hunting escapades in the marshes that blossomed into a lifelong passion. We delve into diverse hunting techniques, including the art of using smokers for game preparation. The excitement ramps up when Aaron recounts a spine-tingling encounter from 25 years ago, featuring an inexplicable scream and the unnerving sound of trees snapping.

Have you ever felt truly unwelcome in the great outdoors? Aaron takes us through a profoundly unsettling experience on a new hunting property, highlighted by the discovery of an old cross and a series of bizarre events. From a mysterious hole in a truck tail to the chilling cries for help heard by only one person, these eerie occurrences challenge our understanding of the wilderness. This gripping segment raises questions about what truly resides in those remote, shadowy woods.

Join us for a rollercoaster of emotions as Aaron shares both humorous mishaps and eerie events. Starting with a near-miss rifle explosion due to a forgotten bore sighter, the saga continues with strange animal behavior and the mysterious fall of a new Benelli rifle. The highlight? An encounter with an otherworldly owl that seemed to guide Aaron down a road, leading him to ultimately abandon his hunting spot. As the story unfolds, we also explore an abandoned homestead and a well-preserved sawmill, bringing a mix of curiosity and chills to our adventurous journey. Tune in for these unforgettable tales of wildlife, suspense, and the unexplained.

Check us out on Facebook and instagram Hunts On Outfitting, and also our YouTube page Hunts On Outfitting Podcast. Tell your hunting buddies about the podcast if you like it, Thanks!

Speaker 1:

this is hunts on opening podcast. I'm your host and rookie guide, ken meyer. I love everything hunting the outdoors and all things associated with it, from stories to how to. You'll find it here. Welcome to the podcast, alrighty. Welcome to Hunt's Unopening Podcast, the only podcast brought to you by Carl's Cremations. Now you see them. Now you don't Feel the heat, don't smell the meat, carl's Alright. Hopefully none of us have to use that anytime soon. But thank you, carl, welcome to the podcast. If it's your first time here, welcome. If not, welcome back With this podcast.

Speaker 1:

This episode is a little different. We're going to be talking about some outdoor stories, some peculiar ones. If you or somebody you know want to come on the podcast, give us a shout. We're on Facebook at Hunts and Outfitting Podcast, or on Instagram Hunts and Outfitting. Sorry, it's just Hunts on Outfitting on Facebook. We're just going to jump right into it today. If you like it, share us out. Give us a review. Here we go. So this week on the podcast we've got Aaron. Aaron, welcome to the podcast. Before we get going in this very unique and special edition of Hunts on Outfitting Podcast, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you get into this great world of hunting.

Speaker 2:

Well, thanks for having me, Ken Born and raised here in Moncton, new Brunswick, always been in the woods since I was probably five years old. Just enjoy the woods and hunting and everything, and yeah, I don't know, just having a time, just love it yeah.

Speaker 2:

To the point you know, became an addiction. You know I could remember well it wasn't legal enough to go hunting by myself. My old man would drop me off at the bus stop. I'd go back home, I'd bust the 20 gauge down, hide it in a pillowcase and I'd head on down to the marsh and go duck hunting all day. Needless to say, that year, uh, we failed grade nine. Uh, days absent, had a 99 with a plus sign beside it and we had to do grade nine over from the addiction of duck hunting and partridge.

Speaker 1:

So the 99 with a plus sign wasn't from a test, it was just from days missed.

Speaker 2:

No, the marks weren't very good.

Speaker 1:

That was days absent for sure, but the hunting must have been that year because of how much time you missed.

Speaker 2:

Hunting was very successful, a lot of ducks in the freezer, a lot of partridge seen a lot of game.

Speaker 1:

So is that kind of where you you know you got going with hunting, was waterfowl 100% my uncle got me into it.

Speaker 2:

It was, you know, one of those seasons that started early and it's fun. You're always shooting the gun right, you're down on the marsh and geese as well, and, yeah, that's where it started Getting good recipes. Well, we do now, now that I'm older. Smokers for sure. Yeah, smokers, yeah, and a lot of people.

Speaker 1:

Don't like the canned goose. And there's, I grind mine up into burger and put like bacon in there. You know I like it like that, but a lot of people no duck. I find duck great.

Speaker 2:

I like duck a lot. I really like that, whether it's in a smoker or jerky.

Speaker 1:

100 yes yeah, uh, aaron, so you're out on this podcast tonight uh we're going to be talking about.

Speaker 1:

So a lot of us, as outdoors men and women, we uh we spend a lot of time out in the woods, as much as we can, and a lot of us will probably come across things that we're like, well, that was weird or that didn't make any sense, but we just kind of you know like, ah, it's our imagination, whatever. Or we don't want to say anything because we kind of come off as crazy. But your coworkers one of them being here tonight, denver already assumed that you are crazy.

Speaker 1:

So you're not scared to us about some of your stories and this might get some other people thinking like you know what. That happened to me and I don't think it's my imagination stuff and I don't want to freak anybody out, especially myself because, I coon hunt at night and I don't watch scary movies or anything because I don't want to be thinking about that.

Speaker 1:

But tonight you're gonna possibly freak me out. I won't be able to take the dogs out for a week or two, but that's okay, um, aaron. So let's uh, yeah, let's get into some of your.

Speaker 2:

We'll roll with the first. Yeah, we'll roll with the first one here. Uh, for sure. So this is about uh, we're probably going back 25 years for sure. I was about 22 I would say 47 now uh, hunting back near a ducks unlimited lake kind of a cool little spot, had a deer stand set up there and it was we're sitting there one night and it was just getting down to the, the witching hour where stuff's gonna start to move, wasn't? You know? It was just coming on dark, everything was perfectly calm, nothing moving, and just out of the blue I you hear this started off as just loudest scream that turned into this, a roar. It just shook the woods like. I've heard bears, roar. I've shot bears.

Speaker 2:

I've heard them you know they make, yeah, and it's quite a, it's a rattle. But this shook the woods like crazy. Before I was trying to process, like what the hell is this? You know, like what is it? And then it was the sheer sound of this thing taken off running to the woods. This thing was snapping trees off like you could just visualize it, just smashing trees.

Speaker 1:

I was running what you compared to like a moose part.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I've heard. No, not at all. It was so hard to describe it. I heard it. We'll try years later. I was watching like an expedition bigfoot or one of those shows, okay, and there and there was a guy. They had like a community hall meeting and somebody had this call on video and as soon as I heard it the hair stood right up on my arms and I said to my uncle I was sitting there washing with him I was like that's what I heard that day. That's the noise I heard and you know, maybe it was Bigfoot, maybe it's something we don't know, but like I've heard moose running, I've, you know, deer bear, pretty much seen it and heard it all and this whole different level, even the call, like I don't know, it's almost like a mix of a scream that went into a howl and then just a full out roar loud and it was fairly long too. Like it was long but that was was chilling enough, but it was the sheer sound of this thing running through the woods, like you could hear it just smashing trees.

Speaker 1:

It was just like it was snapping them off well, I mean, it's like we were talking earlier in, uh, this hunting podcast we're having some fun with. This one is the fact that, uh, you know, south america has I think it's south america, asia, whatever the orangutan. If you've ever seen orangutan before, they're freaky. If you just plopped one in the woods here, you're like that's Bigfoot, 100% yes, but that exists. So why is there not a North American version of that? And people say, well, if there was, we'd have them on trail camera and all that. There is pictures, I guess, of Bigfoot and all that on trail camera, but Everyone's like, oh, that's fake, that's fake. So I mean, it's true, you know.

Speaker 2:

It's true, and it's not something a lot of people talk about. No, either too much, because you don't want to be that guy Like. I've hardly told anybody that story, you know family and friends.

Speaker 1:

We just told a lot of the world Apparently. We just told everybody.

Speaker 2:

But I'm sure there's other people that have experienced it.

Speaker 1:

I start watching these.

Speaker 2:

Bigfoot shows You're like man. That's crazy. Like right even down to tree knocking and I'm sure some of the people out there know exactly what I'm talking about. Like I used to do a lot of hunting up here, albert County, up in a mountain. I know a lot of. You don't know where it is, but tree knocking. I heard it. You never think anything. It's remote, new Brunswick.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, pretty remote.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're up there a ways and sitting in the stand, I'd literally I'd get up there at dark, sit all day, eat my lunch, and I'd come down at dark there's times I'd hear tree knocking and I'd say, you know, what is that? What does that? A big woodpecker? Well, yeah, yeah, a monster woodpecker. But then as you get watching these shows that are available now and a lot of people do talk about this tree knocking as a communication for these primates.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, it's interesting. So it's kind of yeah, I've been really watching a lot of these shows lately. I'm pretty interested, since that experience I've had in the woods and I kind of do think that that was a experience with a big foot.

Speaker 1:

Now here we're going to come down to an ethical question here. Sure, If you, I'll give my answer first and then you give yours, and hopefully it's the same as mine, so I don't look like an ass. But, um, if you saw one, yeah, would you shoot it? And I'll say I would, because no one would believe you. And you'd be like, no, I did. And they'd be like no, I'm like look, you know, I'd 100% shoot one.

Speaker 2:

You know, I'd play it back too and pray to God, it's not somebody in a costume, but you know, you'd think they wouldn't.

Speaker 1:

I'd judge the area If I was way back in the woods, like if somebody's in a costume just to screw with me. They're really committed, Committed enough to take a bullet, apparently.

Speaker 2:

But no, no, I've often replayed it of it and you know it freaked me out enough that I come out of the. The bullets are very close to me when I go into the dark and I come out in the dark, let's put it that way and that stayed with me for 20, some years. Since that day that's happened to me. So you know it's one of those things you wouldn't be able to squeeze and trigger until it's happening. You know, is it just standing there looking at you? And then you know, is it just standing there looking at you? Is it threatening? But what do you think? But I do. I agree with you. Nobody's going to believe you. So would you? Would you plug it, dump it right there and drag?

Speaker 2:

it out yeah.

Speaker 1:

But I mean some people would argue, be like well, you know, I just enjoy that moment or be freaked out by it, either or and and just take it, take it in and you know, just be an experience. I'm like I would do all that and mount it on my wall, because I drop it, you know yeah exactly, exactly, no, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

It's uh, and would you have an opportunity to even squeeze one off it? Would you be in so much shock of what you're seeing? Because it's obviously something I know? Yeah, you don't know. You can play it through your head a thousand different ways and until it happens, it's pretty, uh, pretty hard'd shoot anything weird I saw in the woods.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to get myself in trouble here. Anything real weird that's not supposed to be in there in the woods. It's not a human or whatever, like, say, a mountain lion. We're not supposed to have any mountain lions here. I'd shoot it, yeah, because no one would believe you then. It's true.

Speaker 2:

And you wouldn't get in in the woods. It's not a human. Drop it because, uh, no one's gonna believe you and they probably won't afterwards anyways. But you know, yeah, absolutely so. There's a lot of weird stuff in the woods for sure.

Speaker 1:

Speaking about woodsharing, yeah, so you is it? You've got a property that you bought. Is it this property that we're going to talk about? Okay, all right?

Speaker 2:

no, it's a. This is a property. It's actually not too far from where I'm at. You know, we'd got permission to hunt this land from an older fellow that owns it, and it was a coworker and myself, and anyways we started going back there and scouting around, building some stands and just kind of always had a eerie feeling. For some reason, just I don't know, he just didn't feel welcome for whatever reason.

Speaker 1:

That's normal. I've been in areas like that before.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's just kind of creepy, you know, and oddly enough I don't know, coincidence or not there's a cross where a gentleman had passed many, many years ago, whether it was a snowmobile accident Cause this is out. It's in the middle of the woods where this cross is on a trail, but it was never really thought anything about it. So be it. And uh, so we, we set up shop, we got a couple of stands built out there and, you know, just eerie feelings, but whatever you push through had a monster buck on camera. So that was motivation enough to keep going back to this place. So it's just like a kind of a chain of events that happened at this place.

Speaker 2:

So, you know, one day I'd back my truck in, we went hunting. We come out and I come out and there's, there's just this perfect hole in my tail. I'm like, oh, you know, maybe it's a stick or something. Nobody around, yeah. So there you go, we go back and go home. You know, next weekend we go back out hunting again. I come out at dark and Jody's probably I don't know five, six, maybe 800 yards away, not not terribly far away from where I was, and it's dark, and all of a sudden I hear a man screaming, help, help. And I'm yelling back, well, my buddy's name what do you need help with?

Speaker 2:

I'm just like joe, jody, jody, are you all right? And I just kept hearing help, help, and I'm like I envisioned that my buddy just fell out of the tree, stand and bust his leg and he's he's in distress. Kind of hard to tell it was a man's voice for sure. Anyways, I jumped in the truck. I was beating it through the woods, bottom and bottom and rip it to the woods, and I'm still still. I'm running down the trail, which isn't that far from yelling Joe, joe, you okay, you okay Didn't even hear me until I got right up on him.

Speaker 2:

I seen his flashlight and he knew he's like what's wrong. I was like you okay, you okay. He's like yeah, I'm fine, why? I was like did you not hear that man screaming for help? He's like no, I never heard a thing. I was like holy shit. I said man, I thought you'd fell the nest and seriously hurt yourself because he had a sketchy ladder. Denver knows who joe is. You know he's a little clumsy at times, right? Yeah, did you hear it after you got in the truck?

Speaker 2:

no, after you got out of the truck. No, it was done at that point. As soon as I got in the truck and I fired it up, I beat it down Like I was flying through this little short stretch. It was pretty soupy, bottoming it out and everything and adrenaline was kicking at that point. So maybe, possibly when I got a truck it was still happening. I'm not really sure, cause I was just like man. I thought for sure he was busted.

Speaker 3:

And it was from his direction.

Speaker 2:

It was definitely from his direction.

Speaker 3:

A hundred direction. It was definitely from his direction 100 now. Did he hear anything? He?

Speaker 2:

didn't hear a thing. That's the thing that like really shocked me, because it was loud, like there's a man that he could hear it in his direction, I assume. So for sure, definitely, definitely, definitely. Like you know what it's like when you're yelling in the woods, right?

Speaker 1:

it just echoes yeah and it goes yeah so you would think.

Speaker 2:

But even when I was getting close to him like I'll say, 250 yards away, I'm running down the trail with a flashlight in the dark he's still yelling this name and he still didn't hear me, and so I got right up on top of them within, you know, 20 feet or so. I could see his flashlight in the woods is what you know what's wrong. So, anyways, we told him that he's like that's crazy. You know we had left. And Anyways, we told him that he's like that's crazy, you know we had left. And after that it's kind of funny, jody knew, he knew I had a big buck in at my stand.

Speaker 1:

A what Monster buck in my stand. Oh, I thought you said a big buck. I'm like geez Jody's a little judgy.

Speaker 2:

No, I had a big monster buck coming in to the stand, so there was a day I wasn't hunting. Jody snuck in to my stand and he's sitting up there, Doesn't a massive tree fall on the stand? Lucky he didn't kill him. He's like I'm taking that as karma.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm out of here. I'm out of here. So he laughed, he told me about it and, sure enough, I went back to the stand and I was like holy shit, that's a monster tree on there. Didn't do too much damage.

Speaker 3:

I was able to sneak in there underneath this log or whatever get situated, but was it rotten like a rotten tree, or was it it was?

Speaker 2:

she wasn't healthy, that's for sure. But it was a monster and just kind of you weren't expecting it to fall.

Speaker 1:

No, either was he just sitting in there minding his business, or whatever.

Speaker 2:

So, anyways, you know I'd, uh, I changed the scope on my rifle and I went back to this spot, decided because it was close and it was easy and I had a buddy with me or whatever. I had the target set up and you know it was pretty close. I had the bore sighter checking it out, saying it should be on, set the gun to tailgate, phone rang, answered the phone, looked at my buddy and said this thing should be on. I'm going gonna take a shot and see. Wow, needless to say, borosider was still inside. We blew the 30 odd six right up, split the barrel. Lucky didn't kill us. Yeah, I'd say yeah, big time kicked just like a clydesdale horse and the noise that come out of the poor thing was ungodly but a little more.

Speaker 1:

Bad luck that you need a little bit of bluing on the old barrel. Oh, man, it it's.

Speaker 2:

She was toast, so you know, I was like I don't know what it is about this place. Anyways, I went out and I bought myself a brand new Benelli R1, 30 odd six, beautiful gun, love it. So I head back to the stand. I'm like let's give this a go here today. And I was sitting there. It was afternoon time, I'm guessing, about two.30-ish, probably. I got in fairly early that day and I hear this a man singing in the woods in the middle of the afternoon. I'm like this is so odd. Me and Joe, we pretty much had the place. We had it to ourselves. Was he much of a singer? Wasn't much of a singer, but you know, it lasted for seconds, a few seconds, what song that it lasted for seconds, few seconds.

Speaker 1:

I'm like man, that's really weird.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what song I'm going to get you. I'm coming for you, no it wasn't it?

Speaker 2:

just it creeped me out a little bit. It wasn't creepy, it was just a man's voice singing in the middle of the woods in the afternoon Like hey, well, I don't know, or something, it's really I don't know.

Speaker 1:

So anyways later on, it was getting down to the witching hour.

Speaker 2:

You know 4, 30 years literally yeah, yeah, yeah literally it.

Speaker 2:

Uh, I'm sitting there, the guns leaned right up, and then, all of a sudden, every animal in the woods is losing it. The birds are squawking and flying everywhere's. I had squirrels running. I'm like, what's going on? Is there's something coming in? I'm like trying to's going on. Is there something coming in? I'm like trying to, you know, paying attention, seeing if something's creeping. Is it a predator coming in or what? And then, just out of the blue, just like somebody hauled off and kicked my gun, bang Right on the floor of the stand, like somebody booted it, took a chunk out of it Brand new Benelli. I could have cried. I'm like this is a little creepy.

Speaker 1:

You were holding it.

Speaker 2:

No, it wasn't holding it, it was just, it was laying there. Yeah, leaning right up against the shooter bar kind of in the corner.

Speaker 1:

And it went down.

Speaker 2:

It went down, smack right on. I was like, well, this thing isn't going to be lined up anymore, obviously, and that's a little weird. So I packed it up, said I was pissed off and frustrated. So, anyways, I pulled pin out of there. So I get to my truck, I hop in the old truck and I start heading down the road and this massive frigging owl comes out of the woods and it's like flying in front of my truck, like guiding me down the road. I'm like, holy shit, I never see owls Okay, never. So this thing goes up into the tree. I'm like holy shit, and this time we had technology, not like my Bigfoot story. I had a phone, so I'm snapping pictures of it Like this is, this is frigging cool.

Speaker 1:

But at the same time. I'm like this is odd. Yeah, I do see a bit, yeah In the morning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, really mornings coming out to do some hunting and stuff. So I was like, okay, right on, this is cool, I put it back and drive. Start driving down the road. Doesn't the thing come back down and start guiding me back down this road again. I'm like what the hell? This is so odd. Was he hooting, no, no, hoots, nothing, like don't go, don't go. Like oh, I'm going, I'm out of the road. And after that day I was like you know, I just I've had enough of this place. It just you always felt uneasy when you went there and it just seemed like man, the shit happened would do it for me that was a little odd, but hey, there's more than you know.

Speaker 2:

You're never usually alone. Typically there's always somebody around somewheres, but this place was pretty pretty remote yeah we do. We got big, big woods here in new brunswick.

Speaker 1:

We're fortunate here in new brunswick too, in canada in general, that our population is so much smaller than the states that, like our remote areas, they are remote, they're absolutely and the chances of running into somebody else on public crown land, as you will, very slim they are, they really are yeah no, I agree.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, that place was. Uh, we didn't go back no but three stands back there too. We banged up three back there nice ones, and me or him never been back, and he'll agree with me too that it just kind of gave you an uneasy feeling every time you were back there. It's hard to describe, yeah, I just felt like you weren't supposed to be there, you know I guess we have landowners permission.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna ask what everyone on the podcast is probably thinking. Are you a recreational drug user? No, absolutely okay so this is you were sober and this is this was yeah, sober, especially when hunting in the woods.

Speaker 2:

Yeah you know, it's one thing to let your hair down when you get back to the camp with some let the pints in general and stuff Hunting in general high powered rifles keep her clean keep her sober, Keep her clean, keep her yeah.

Speaker 1:

No, I believe you about this stuff Cause, like I said, you spend enough time in the woods and outside. You're going to encounter just some weird stuff, especially in these remote areas that we go to try to find the game 100% you know, you put a lot of miles, miles on scouting and you get into some pretty pretty deep woods.

Speaker 2:

You know, yeah, like, even on the mountain, I got a trail cam picture. It's. It's. It's a very odd picture. It went around, I'd sent it. Is it a view? No, it's pretty good, it's a. It's odd man, it's a, the deer's there. There's five lights in the sky and the deer didn't. Yeah, yeah, and yeah, yeah, it's kind of shaped, almost kind of similar to like a Mercedes symbol, five lights, and it's not a piece of heavy equipment. It's up high, fairly high, 30 feet maybe, and yeah, so, like, you see the deer sitting there eating apples and we all know every three seconds we're getting that picture generated.

Speaker 2:

That deer never took off until these lights were right over its head and then it took off and so that's just kind of one of those things that just kind of makes you, you know, some guys, oh it's probably a harvester or something. No, there's nothing there. It's, yeah, pretty high up, at least 20 feet, 30 feet, yeah so there's an odd one too, right, and just the way the lights are, you know they were. It's kind of like a mercedes symbol one here, one here, one here, just odd. I still have the picture on a thumb drive at home, but it's just one of those things that make you go. Hmm, it's you know, unique.

Speaker 2:

You know where it is ken up, where the windmills are.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that way.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, really, yeah, another odd thing Didn't get to experience it, but it's a picture on a trail, cam yeah. Yeah, to say the least, so kind of different. So, yeah, you can't help but feel that there's a lot more going on in our woods and people think about, or yeah, there is.

Speaker 1:

I mean, might be thinking like well, there was that one time when I was with yes bill that we had this thing come out and pants one of us. But uh, yeah, I remember one time when I was out, uh, this is probably one of the coolest and almost freakiest things has ever happened to me in the woods. Uh, with me in denver, who's here? We're coon hunting, yeah, and um, when we first get out to this field, there's a lone coyote out there and the coon hounds they only pay attention to coons, but if there's a coyote out there, they'll put the run to it. Okay, so they ran out there, kind of you know, went at it, and all that scared it off. And then we were coon hunting. After that we shot one.

Speaker 1:

The dogs had treed, and then we're heading back to the truck and we're talking, going on, just normal right, and then, um, I got. We were pretty near back to the truck, so I got the dogs on the leash and you know, I was getting ready to load them up and all that. Then, all of a sudden, we were in this field and then the we were parked by the woods, though, and all around that section of woods. The coyotes had moved in and they were so loud we were. How far down were we? Two feet from each other and we couldn't hear each other talking it's that loud, it's crazy too, but really completely around you okay, yeah, completely around us.

Speaker 1:

And the dogs like had the malicious they're like showing their teeth, like getting ready, they're freaking yeah yeah, well, they're, they're ready. And, um, demmer's like, what are you gonna to do? And it's like just, they come in, we just start shooting. But I mean, there was what we probably heard 20. It's a big pack At least, yeah, at least Huge pack. And then this is the first time I've ever heard that it's sketchy.

Speaker 3:

There's one during like doing like a belly roll.

Speaker 1:

It's Maybe somebody listening to this has heard this before, but it was like, like, like a, like a belly roll thing. It's weird. There's two of them doing it. You could hear that one. It was close, it was close and that woods there and it's moving back and forth in front of us there and I was reading later that if you hear, say, six coyotes going on, there's probably about 12. Yeah, cause a lot of them won't say anything. So we were like who knows how many were in that pack, but just the fact that we've been out that whole time, yeah, shooting away and all that, and that they that didn't scare them, they circled in around us, it was. It was kind of neat.

Speaker 2:

But at the same time, it's freaky that they were, they were not scared at all.

Speaker 1:

Now they didn't jump out. We got the dogs loaded up and get out of there. We're waiting someone jumps out. We're just gonna start shooting, but um, they didn't.

Speaker 3:

But boy, they, uh they they were close enough, they were the branches breaking, oh yeah like we couldn't hear each other talking is that loud is?

Speaker 1:

that this probably like what one in the morning. Yeah, give or take, you know? Yeah late.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's crazy. Never come in. I wonder if something to do with the dogs.

Speaker 1:

It's hard to say and I wonder if that's an aggression, the or something the dogs had just before we got them leashed, before we got the truck there down in that woods there, I'm like, hey, get over here, come back now. Time to leave, yep. And then that's when we just got them leashed, that's when we started it up, so they were ready to panic.

Speaker 3:

And that first one they run off. It howled for 10, by itself, Wow. And then it stopped.

Speaker 1:

It called in.

Speaker 3:

And then called the troops. Yeah, that's what I think.

Speaker 1:

They're unpredictable, but just the fact that we've been talking normal. After that, we were shooting guns.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they still came in and circled us around.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Like we weren't quiet. No, not at all.

Speaker 2:

It's funny, we had similar. We. We grew up on the marsh, you know, the Petticoatiak rivers, there's the marsh flats, anyways, we're all kids. We had a little camp built there I don't know, we're eight, nine, 10 years old, something like that and we came out in the woods and we came, came out of the woods out into an opening field and then you can see the flats and there was probably seven or eight coyotes there and we they're probably 500 yards away coming running after us. You know, we're just little kids, we run back in the woods, we're all climbing trees and everything, but you know they never come down and treat us or anything, but just the fact that as soon as they heard their voices for that pack to come running. Towards curiosity, I'm sure, but I could remember, I find you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this was middle afternoon, broad daylight winter time. Yeah, yeah, winter time, maybe hired up for food, looking for anything they could possibly get their hands on? Yeah, why, you know? Looking for pheasants and whatnot down on the marsh, I'm assuming so. And then kids' voices, probably, you know. And all the little bastards came on a tear after us and you just see a bunch of neighborhood kids running into the woods, we're all shuffling trees and anyways, they never did come.

Speaker 1:

The high-pitched voice made a broth meal. Well, that night it happened to me in Denver.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We could hear this like rabbit distress noise yeah, going on and screaming. And then we both looked at each other and realized it was me. I was freaking out.

Speaker 2:

Kenny's. Am I wheezing Denver, but I think that's attracting them. We're drawing them in here.

Speaker 1:

It was cool. It was kind of cool, but at the same time we're like it's a little sketchy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was.

Speaker 1:

And the fact that they're who knows how many there really was. Yeah, you know, they're that brave to come right in. Yeah, With your dogs too. Right, and the dogs. Yeah, a hundred percent dogs, yeah, 100.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we weren't being quiet, we had flashlights pretty brazen yeah yeah, you start hearing branches breaking around to the coyotes it does it was close, yeah, they were.

Speaker 2:

It gets the heart pound a little bit. Yeah, my uncle did it, being a smart ass. We're up in the stand. I was hunting with him. We were deer hunting, heard the coyotes, and he figures, oh, I'm gonna get back here. And starts calling well, yeah, next thing you know what? They're all running around us in the woods, around the trees. How the hell are we getting out of here now? Well, we'll shoot our way out of here. But yeah, don't recommend doing that. You got to know my uncle. He's a meathead. Just shoot your way out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Well, whatever gets you out of there, I guess. Yeah for sure. But yeah, no, it's something. Yeah, the story is good. Like I said, I get other people thinking like, oh, I'm probably not going to go back to that area. No, we don't want to discourage anybody from hunting in any area.

Speaker 2:

No, 100%, 100%. Always get your permission.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think that's kind of the cool thing about the hunting that we do and the areas that we like to explore is that you will encounter some odd IDs, sometimes Like old homesteads, and this and that, yes, this and that and yes it can be neat, but at the same time. But you know, get the hair and back of your neck standing up and 100. I think that's kind of part of the fun, depending on what you see.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, my uncle and I toot the same I was talking about. We've been on a lot of hunting adventures. This guy's always had me under his wing since I was, you know, just a kid or whatever. We just kind of clicked from day one and, uh, we were out hunting. My father split up with my brother, and then my uncle and I we took off and I think we got in trail in a partridge. I was probably only, gee, seven or eight years old, just a young kid. Anyways, trailblazing through the woods we go, and sure enough don't. We come out to this homestead. It's a yellow house.

Speaker 2:

It's sunk into the ground a little bit like that oh yeah, windows, everything like crazy, in the middle of the woods barn there and everything. And I remember walking up on the front porch looking in the window man, it's like they just ran out of there Black and white pictures on the walls. There was like an old piano down there. Yeah, I swear, honest to goodness and I'm like talking to Michael, like Danaana, where was that spot like that would be awesome for us to go back, because this thing was still full of furniture. It's just like completely abandoned, like he was sketched out big time he's like we're gonna get out of here, but that one's always stuck with me.

Speaker 2:

I was just a kid when that happened, and it was a. It would have been a beautiful farmhouse back in the day. It was still in decent shape, other than you know she was sunk in a fair bit into the ground. But I remember just walking up on that patio and looking through a window and just seeing everything still there seemed so odd to me. And anyways, he didn't mess around, he uh he wanted to get out of there fairly quick.

Speaker 1:

So kind of weird.

Speaker 2:

They just like left everything it is weird and it was just so growing in like nobody. You couldn't even really figure a driveway or road or nothing into. It was just chasing a bird and come into that and it's quite something like to find it again, to be honest cool we found.

Speaker 1:

Uh. So another time me and denver were out and we had a friend of mine from college and then den's twin brother, lois, lois Lane, and, um, he's been on this podcast a few times for the bear story and all that and uh.

Speaker 1:

so we're, we're going through this swamp and we're just like out uh kind of for blood. We're after coyotes, groundhogs, you know whatever happened to come across. Yeah, and um, we're going through the swamp and all that, and we come out to this old, uh, sawmill. You remember that denver's this old sawmill? And we see it and it's really neat and it's built over this brook, so I had the uh, the wheel the wheel, yeah, water wheel, yeah, that's water power, yeah, that's awesome we go in and the outside was pretty run down.

Speaker 1:

All that I mean. This is old really old 1800s.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah yeah, but the cool thing was I don't know if the swamp kind of preserved it or not, but when we go inside it was in really good shape. It was about three stories, including like the basement area where the water wheel was, and inside that had this super old sawmill and it looked like a planer and all that magnificent shape. Couldn't believe it. And, um, we ended up getting some raccoons in there. So we're looking around, we look in this barrel, and there's these like raccoons, like looking at us. We're like holy shit, so we had, we were armed with like 22s, 223, 12 gauge and all that, and the building was, it was a little rickety, yeah Right, so I was like all right.

Speaker 1:

So me and Denver were looking in this barrel and then his twin brother and my friend from college, woodard, nick woodard, they were over in the corner. We're like all right, we're gonna shoot these raccoons. You guys don't shoot, we're gonna shoot with the 22, don't shoot with anything else, because this whole place is gonna come down, possibly right 100, yeah, so I'm like leaning over this barrel in denver's holding my arm and, uh, I'm getting ready to shoot.

Speaker 1:

And then I hear this like that, we look over and there's like two raccoons growling at his brother and Woodard in the corner. They're like we're shooting. I'm like no, no, you're gonna knock the whole place down Cause they had the two 23 and the 12.

Speaker 1:

Don't do it. I was like let's just let me shoot these ones, Then we'll deal with those ones over there. They're like okay, and they're trying, we're shooting. It just opened far and the whole place like creaking and going. It's like the wild west shooting arcade in there and um anyways all said and done uh, a little bit of it collapsed and we got four raccoons out of it, so I mean not, not too bad you're shooting coons in a barrel.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, basically right, no one got hurt, except for the raccoons and a bit of the building, but I think I got a splinter in my nail, but other than that it was not too bad. That's a pretty cool spot. Yeah, it was a cool spot to find though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you do see a lot of cool stuff in your travels.

Speaker 1:

You do?

Speaker 2:

yeah, exactly. Yeah, I like it's fun going to new spots and just exploring stuff too right.

Speaker 2:

That's a cool thing about the woods you'll find old bird wire fence and then some rocks and all that and a bit of a whole homestead. You realize this area was cleared at one point. This is all fields and now it's woods in the middle of 100 apple trees and yeah, yeah, kind of tells a story. Yeah, the old stone foundations, usually the best areas for hunting partridge. Yeah, really, you know, definitely, definitely, definitely, yeah. Or like you and I were talking denver here about just coming up to these random cemeteries in the middle of the woods, just going what?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, those freak me out a little bit, me too yeah.

Speaker 2:

We were talking he'd found one before. He was talking about the creep show right, yeah, Shouldn't, but it does.

Speaker 1:

I know people got to die, but I just don't want to be like you know, dancing around on them by accident after they're dead and realized that someone had a cemetery. I don't know. It's just weird. It is, it should be weird, but it is Right in the middle of the woods, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like they're old markers, the ones that I'd found, like they're the ones that were like right in the ground, right.

Speaker 3:

In stone.

Speaker 2:

Basically just a date, but, yeah, similar to what you saw too, that.

Speaker 3:

Just random. Yeah, you know the woods. Yeah, half an hour from the nearest house. Yeah, yeah, nothing upkept.

Speaker 1:

It's like that story we have in New Brunswick. You watch me butcher this. Speaking about a butcher, there is one in it, so the Dungarvin Hooper. So in Miramichi, new Brunswick area, in the Dungarvin area, yeah yeah, there's this old, old logging camp and there's a chef there and they had the road washed out so they couldn't have any fresh supplies come in. These loggers are out there working. They were working all day and maybe some of the night and all that, and they want some fresh meat. And they go out to work that day and they tell the chef they're like we want some fresh meat tonight when we get back, instead of just frigging garden scraps or whatever, we're going to be eating you.

Speaker 1:

So the chef kind of took that to heart and there's this young helper there named ryan. It's either garvin or dungar, I think it is ryan dungar and that's what the area is named after. I mean this back in the 1800s, yeah, and he, um, his mom's sick and he's out working at this logging camp to, you know, earn money to send home for. And uh, the chef is desperate and he's like ryan, can you come help me out here with this? Ryan comes out, chef, takes snacks, splits them, oh, chops them up and all that feeds them for the next little bit.

Speaker 1:

To the loggers right, and everyone's like where's ryan? Like oh, don't worry about it. You know he went home. His mom's doing worse, he wanted to go see her and all that and it wasn't found out I guess, until years later that they actually ate Ryan. That area's been haunted by him since. I know some guys I've talked to that are very established woodsmen and not liars at all or anything like that. They said that to this day you can hear the whooping sound of Ryan haunting the area and stuff.

Speaker 1:

It's a really, really remote area. It's a very famous tale here in new brunswick and a lot of people swear they've, they've heard them?

Speaker 2:

yeah, no, for sure. I have heard that. Uh, that tale for sure. I think, jody, he's from maramichi right too.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, he'd know it then.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah and dunn garvin is just and hooper, right yeah yeah.

Speaker 1:

But I mean no matter where you're listening to this, from anywhere, canada, the US, or anywhere else in the world I'm sure there's a Spot in your state or province With a similar.

Speaker 2:

Story Similar tale.

Speaker 1:

Similar areas and stuff and For sure. Yeah, just something to think about Going into this Year's deer season, when you're out in the stand early and thinking about, you know, is that a squirrel, is it a deer? Is it the right to gervin?

Speaker 2:

or whatever.

Speaker 1:

But the weber yeah, side hill gouger yeah so well, uh, aaron, I appreciate you coming on and thanks for having me it's fun. It's been an interesting podcast for sure, a little different. I like that, like the variety. So right on until next time, guys see ya.