Plant a Flower Day - March 12th
Carpool Chuckle Contest - Daily Jokes for Kids
Carpool Chuckle Contest - Daily Jokes for Kids
Plant a Flower Day - March 12th
Mar 12, 2024

Send us a funny text!

"Encouraging the planting of flowers to welcome spring. Plant your feet firmly: after the joke, you've got five seconds to blossom with the answer. Ready to grow your humor?

1st Joke: Why do flowers always drive so fast?

2nd Joke: What do you say when flowers are in trouble?

3rd Joke: Why was the flower a good cheerleader?

4th Joke: What's a gardener's favorite type of music?

5th Joke: Why don't flowers use the internet?

Today's Riddle: Not a garden, but I bring beauty and bloom, with petals and scents, dispelling gloom. What am I?

Thanks for planting smiles with us today. Be sure to spread the joy and come back tomorrow for some sparkling fun on Jewel Day!

Jokes for Kids, Kid Jokes"

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