"Encouraging honesty and transparency in all aspects of life. Honesty’s the game: after the joke, you’ve got five seconds to uncover the truthful answer. Ready to bare the fun?
1st Joke: Why does a skeleton always tell the truth?
2nd Joke: What’s the difference between a lion and a tiger?
3rd Joke: Why did the book always tell the truth?
4th Joke: Why did the baseball player tell the truth?
5th Joke: Why did the rabbit never lie?
Today's Riddle: You see two doors. One leads to ice cream, and the other leads to a dark cave. Two guards stand in front of the doors. One always tells the truth, and the other always lies. You can ask one guard one question. What do you ask?
Thanks for keeping it real with us today. Come back tomorrow for a joyful jamboree on May Day!
Jokes for Kids, Kid Jokes, Children Jokes, Funny Jokes for Kids, Silly Jokes, School Jokes, National Honesty Day Jokes"
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If you want to share your funny bone with the world, submit your joke to us at theticklepickle.com