Beyond The Bouquet Podcast


February 29, 2024 Zhara-Marie Henry Season 1 Episode 0

Hey, wife friend   this is Zhara  and I am absolutely thrilled to welcome you to Beyond the Bouquet. Oh my goodness, it has been a dream of mine and you guys know that I like to start things and sometimes just kind of chicken out. But I really am excited to bring this podcast to you for those who don't know me.

I am an entrepreneur. Sometimes I'm a lawyer. That's kind of like what I went to school for. I did go to law school. I do practice a lot sometimes. Anyways, but I'm a Christian creative and most importantly, a wife just like you. I've created this space for wives beyond the glitz and glamor of the wedding day, because the truth is there's a lot of conversation around engagement.

There's a lot of conversation around the wedding, around the honeymoon, people ready to ask for tips for the first night and stuff like that, but just not enough conversation around what happens afterwards. Beyond the Bouquet is really about those unspoken moments after the divorce. Sure, the things around the honeymoon and things around the wedding are important, but what about the beautiful, the messy, the downright hilarious journey  that follows?

And that's what we're really, we're really going to be diving into. So in this podcast, I envision it to be a podcast where we have heart to heart conversations with wives from different walks of life. And together we learn, and together we learn to become better versions of ourselves. I have always been very passionate about that on the online space.

I want anybody who comes in contact with anything that I create to leave better than they came, right? Including myself. Because whatever I'm doing, don't, don't worry. I'm doing this for you guys. I'm serving you, but I'm right back on it. So let me in on this.  And I mean, as together, we learned to navigate some of the complexities of married life with grace.

We want to navigate with humor. We want to, cause you know,  we have to laugh. We have to navigate it with wisdom. And together we will thrive. We're going to keep it transparent. We're going to keep it harmonious. We're going to keep it real. We're going to keep it inspirational. We're going to keep it vibrant and we're going to keep it empowered. 

Now let's talk a little bit about you, our fabulous listeners.  Whether you're an aspiring wife dreaming about the day, a newlywed, or someone with years of wifehood under their belt, seasoned, this podcast is really for you. We're covering it all. From the quirky stories in the bedroom to the ins and outs of your career.

We're covered. We're going to be talking about everything. When I say everything, I mean everything, from the quirky stories in the bedroom to the ins and outs of your career, sprinkled with a bit of therapy and healing, setting boundaries, mastering communication, exploring faith, and everything in between.

No stone will be left uncovered because we're going to be talking to people from all different walks of life. And all of us, we are going through something. You get me? Like everybody, I got through it. Nobody is perfect. And as we learn, From each other, we will share, right? I strongly believe that each session will edify me and my hope is that it edifies you as well.