REACH with Brunson Smith

Intro To Reach

March 07, 2024 Brunson Smith

Welcome to reach. my name is Brunson Smith, and I'll be your host. This is the ultimate stop for podcasters seeking to grow their show and not just seeking to grow it, but also to monetize it. I want to welcome you to the show and give you a little bit of a sneak peek on how the show is going to run some different elements that we're going to incorporate to really help you be successful in your businesses and in your shows as well as a little about myself so that you know who's going to be your host. So first thing, the show will include a couple of things, partly, It will include my journey along the way. I'm a podcaster, I've been doing this for years, however, I'm learning so much right now. And I want to share those lessons, I want to share those tips, and any little pieces of advice that I come upon along the way. The other thing that I want to bring in for you guys is top notch guests. Not just people that, talk about podcasting, but people that are truly experts. We're going to have people who teach you about how to monetize people who will teach you about SEO people teach about how to use YouTube and how to optimize in those spaces and anyone else that's going to help and bless you along your path at becoming the podcaster that you want to become I grew up in a small town in Idaho. I'm a world traveler, an enthusiast about tons of different hobbies and sports, and I love podcasting. Currently, I'm recording this episode in Thailand where I'm studying Muay Thai for three months. Well, still trying to run my business, and you'll hear a lot about that in the early episodes about how I'm incorporating my interest in constant learning and growth, as well as finding balance with my work life. And I hope that a lot of you will find that meaningful. You'll find that with me, one of my biggest beliefs is that money is meant to be spent on growth, opportunities and personal development. There was a day, I will admit it, when it was all about the nice shoes and the nice car. And those days have, have really passed for me. Now what I care about is if I earn money, that is really to be set aside for helping me become a better podcaster, a better businessman, a better man, a better future father, a better future husband. So that's the passion that drives me. So this show is not just about how to grow your show, but how to grow it in a way that actually will bless your life and help you become the kind of person you want to become. I first got into podcasting when I was 17 years old. And what happened was, I was a young window washer. I came from a very large family, and money was a little bit tight. So when I was pretty young, what we would do, we would go door to door, we'd wash people's windows, and right around 15, 16 years old, I realized that some of the people whose windows we were washing were exceptionally wealthy and successful people. So I began to ask questions while I was cleaning their kitchen windows. Hey, sir, tell me, what do you do for work? Amazing. Do you have any tips for someone who's a teenager now and wants to become like you? And I got the coolest answers. And then I started recording those answers. And then I started interviewing people. And what I learned is that the world is chock full of experts who are willing and anxious to share with you how they became successful. You just have to ask. So you'll also hear some tips along the way about how I've learned to do that effectively. How I've learned to network and meet really amazing people who aren't just wealthy and successful, but also good human beings. And that's important to me. So I want to welcome you again to the show. If you have any interest in learning how to grow your show in a much more hands on way, contact me. I also run pod X productions. What we do is we take all the work out of podcasting. So if you're someone who really wants to podcast, really take your brand to the next level, but you really don't want to do the work behind it, we literally do everything. From start to finish, our motto is show up, record, walk away. So book a call, reach out to me. If you have any guest recommendations, I'd love to hear it. Stay tuned for the next episode. So excited to welcome you to the reach podcast