Heart to Heart Parents

Embracing Generational Wisdom and Joy in Heartfelt Parenting

April 09, 2024 Carrie Lingenfelter Season 1 Episode 5
Embracing Generational Wisdom and Joy in Heartfelt Parenting
Heart to Heart Parents
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Heart to Heart Parents
Embracing Generational Wisdom and Joy in Heartfelt Parenting
Apr 09, 2024 Season 1 Episode 5
Carrie Lingenfelter

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Welcome to a heartfelt journey shared between mother and daughter, where laughter and wisdom echo through the generations. My mom, Marci, joins me to reveal the profound influence of generational positivity and empathy that has danced through our family lineage. Our tapestry of experiences uncovers the transformative power of open-mindedness and spirituality, as we both have been students of life, embracing the flow of positive energy and the grounding practices of meditation and journaling. We delve into the nuances of nurturing sensitive souls, influencing my approach to parenting and connecting with fellow parents on similar paths.

The world often feels like it's in a constant state of upheaval, but Marci and I venture into the contrast between this pervasive negativity and our pursuit of unbridled joy and authenticity. We dissect the tendency of social media to showcase a perfect life, advocating for a more balanced self-expression that acknowledges life's spectrum. Our discussion spans generational shifts, the ripple effect of our own energy on those around us, and the colorful interplay of physical activities that enrich our well-being. It's a candid exploration of continuous growth, even as baby boomers like Marci, are adopting new mindsets and self-improvement practices.

As we wrap up, the spotlight shines on empowering our spirited children to become tomorrow's change makers, without dimming their inherent sparkle. Emphasizing empathy and positive parenting techniques, we share strategies to bolster our kids' strengths and encourage their individuality. Our conversation culminates with an invitation to all parents to join our Heart to Heart Parents community on Instagram, a space for mutual support and collective wisdom. Don't miss this exchange brimming with love, laughter, and life lessons that resonate deeply with the parenting heart.

Find Carrie Lingenfelter at https://linktr.ee/hearttoheartparentspodcast
You can email Carrie at: info@hearttoheartlife.com

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Welcome to a heartfelt journey shared between mother and daughter, where laughter and wisdom echo through the generations. My mom, Marci, joins me to reveal the profound influence of generational positivity and empathy that has danced through our family lineage. Our tapestry of experiences uncovers the transformative power of open-mindedness and spirituality, as we both have been students of life, embracing the flow of positive energy and the grounding practices of meditation and journaling. We delve into the nuances of nurturing sensitive souls, influencing my approach to parenting and connecting with fellow parents on similar paths.

The world often feels like it's in a constant state of upheaval, but Marci and I venture into the contrast between this pervasive negativity and our pursuit of unbridled joy and authenticity. We dissect the tendency of social media to showcase a perfect life, advocating for a more balanced self-expression that acknowledges life's spectrum. Our discussion spans generational shifts, the ripple effect of our own energy on those around us, and the colorful interplay of physical activities that enrich our well-being. It's a candid exploration of continuous growth, even as baby boomers like Marci, are adopting new mindsets and self-improvement practices.

As we wrap up, the spotlight shines on empowering our spirited children to become tomorrow's change makers, without dimming their inherent sparkle. Emphasizing empathy and positive parenting techniques, we share strategies to bolster our kids' strengths and encourage their individuality. Our conversation culminates with an invitation to all parents to join our Heart to Heart Parents community on Instagram, a space for mutual support and collective wisdom. Don't miss this exchange brimming with love, laughter, and life lessons that resonate deeply with the parenting heart.

Find Carrie Lingenfelter at https://linktr.ee/hearttoheartparentspodcast
You can email Carrie at: info@hearttoheartlife.com

With the energy that we exude and our excitement and our passion for life. Yeah, it's like this flowing energy and people are drawn toward it, like when you and I go in a store and it's empty and then 10 minutes later there's like 15 people in the store and we're like you're welcome, can we get a discount? 

And they want to see what we're buying and they ask us where did you get that? You know, and the same thing, and that's what happens wherever we go. And dad's the same way, and so you know your husband too, and the children are the same way. That's what's so funny. I was going to tell you. Your son always says to me I had a feeling I shouldn't play with that boy today and I'm like there you go. That's an empath. You're feeling your intuition. 

You're listening to your intuition in a positive tone. Welcome to Heart to Heart Parents. Let's connect with our kids and learn together. I'm Keri. I was a former teacher and speech therapist. I'm also a parent of two spirited, gifted, highly sensitive kids. 

I was quickly brought to my knees as a parent when I thought that I would see a rosy lens version of parenting, just as they present on Instagram, but I quickly learned that's not real life. I will provide real life experiences and transform them into moments for connections and change for you to use in your house, with tips that worked for our family and how to implement them in your family. Connect to heart to heart with your child, with your partners and other parents, as we learn that we are not alone. We have a community and, although maybe we feel different from other families, there are many of us out there and we are creating the next era of deep thinkers and change makers. Come along with me on this journey with Heart to Heart Parents. 

Heart to heart parents. Welcome back to heart to heart podcast. I'm here. I'm Carrie. I'm here with my mom, marcy, and she's a grandma and a mom and worked in the medical field, and she's here to share some of the things that I grew up with and some of the things that we use with my kids, and ideas of things that people can use with any of their kids. Yeah, hi, hey, welcome, yeah, welcome, welcome to the show. It's so exciting. You're my first guest, so I'm really excited to have you and to chat with you. You had some things that you wanted to share about the show. 

Well, I have to say that congratulations. I'm excited that you're passing the word and helping people to live happier and better and more positive lives, because we come from generations and generations and generations of positive, open-minded, spiritual well souls and and that are here and we're learning, and grandma used to always say we're, uh, internal eternal students. 

We never stop learning. I mean, we start as children and it just progresses until we leave. You know, it's like, uh, and I'm so proud of you. We're very, dad and I both proud of you that you're doing such a great job. Passing the word, oh, thanks. 

Yeah, it's really fun and really important and something that I've become passionate about, and so it's been going well. I think a lot of people have been reaching out to me and telling me that it's something that's important in their heart as well, and I've had people reach out and say that they are raising kids that are similar to my kids. The gifted, talented, highly sensitive, spirited kids sound just like their kid, and when I was describing my kid, it felt like they were describing theirs, so that was really cool to hear. I'm not alone. We're not the only ones out there. There are others of us, and I love connecting with them so that they don't feel alone. 

Yeah, of a like mind for sure, and I think it's interesting because you know, my mom same thing and my father were both open minded and spiritual and positive intuitives and empaths in the field. I think that that's really important, just to keep passing it on through the generations and helping others, and that we that touch, we touch in our field. I think that that's really important just to keep passing it on through the generations and helping others, and that we that touch, we touch in our lives, we network, we're all connected, we're all like minds and we just have to learn how to learn these techniques on how to do it. Meditation, like you say, it's really important. I do it, you know you were brought up with it. Journaling is important, Like you're saying, with the kids. 

I was shocked to see your daughter the other day just writing all these things down. She was just like writing. She's five years old and I think you're about the same age. We started journaling and it's really cool because she could even draw pictures of the way she feels. You know, my mom was a psychologist, taught special ed. Psychologist taught special ed and she said that's really important too to have pictures and drawings and get inspired by all the positive things like you're doing with your kids, and it works. We did it with you, you know. They did it with me and my grandma. My mom, my grandma, all of us, my cousins, are all this way of being. We use a sense of humor to break the ice of fear and negativity which really is in and out of our life all the times. We're here to learn. I think that mind over matter exists. I think, combining Western medicine, holistic medicine, meditation. You know mind over matter In the medical field that I was in, I was a nurse over 40 years in four different states. 

We were military, so we lived all over, which is stressful, but we continue to have that positiveness in our lives. Words, communication, like you're doing, is very important. We're all in the interesting that we're all caregivers in that field because we want to. We were given this life to pass the word, you know, and help people and it's contagious. I want to be happy and with the patients I broke the ice. I tried to be warm up to them and help them realize that our body responds to the energy that we are putting out. 

And so if we're conveying a fearful message, if we're conveying a nervous message or a happy message, they're definitely going to respond to that. Sometimes we take on their energy. Yesterday, my kids were both a little bit grumpy because they had been on the airplane the day before and they didn't get enough sleep and they were starving when they got out of school yesterday, for whatever reason. 


And I started to take on their energy and their emotions. And later on I was grumpy with my husband and I realized this is not my energy, this is their energy, that I am feeling and picking up. And sure, the kids are now dancing around the house because they feel great, because it is downloaded all onto mom, so they're just in there so they feel better, and that's so true. 

They've been, and we do that with everybody. We have our friends or girlfriends or guy friends, whatever our spouses, our partners, whatever our friends and they dump on us and then we have to release it in some way, and the kids do go through that in school too. It's the same thing. I've seen it in the medical field. It's really interesting and it's almost like, okay, let's connect and we have to pass the word and pass it on. 

We're empaths, we're intuitives. We have these gifts that are present in our bodies and in our minds. And you're right, we have to use our soul and our spirit you know has to be. Our hearts have to be positive in order to contribute to our minds, because our minds are so powerful, like you say, all the time. Our minds are so powerful that they don't. It's wait a minute, let's get out of our minds for a little bit. 

Like you say, let's use our hearts and our emotions and our feelings and responding to people around us, we're all affected by everything the news media, like you say, the social media and all that and we begin to believe those things. Our mind takes over. We cannot allow our minds to take over, right, yeah, and that's the way we were raised and it works. I mean, how many generations of us. What's interesting is? I say contagious, because your dad and I and your husband and your kids, even your kids are responding to all this and it brings others. They're like, oh, that feels good talking to that person doesn't matter what words, words are definitely important. 

My mom used to always say that. It's so true, I don't like bored. She never, we're never allowed to say I'm bored. We're never allowed to say I'm afraid or I'm fearful, or but we did not, we weren't exposed. You know, to the horror, the grossness, the Violence. You know the negativity. We try to avoid those things. It's like eating also same thing. When you're eating things that make you sick and the patients come into the doctors and I have this, that and this and that, and they're like do you also have a counselor? What counsel? Are you meditating? Are you doing yoga? Are you doing something to help your spirit as well as your body, right, like you're doing? 

Yeah, it's. It's hard, because I think there was an era where maybe we wanted to just like shuffle it under the rug and not talk about it Like oh we're not exposed to any of those scary things. I, my husband and I, we don't. I mean, we don't talk about the scary things. We are trying to keep our child, children, children for as long as they can. And I don't even watch the news because I can't handle a lot of the things. 

Yeah, small bits when I can handle it energetically. 

But we do also have to sometimes talk about the hard things with our kids and acknowledge them and talk about how they're feeling in it, because we don't want to shove it under the rug per se Like the natural disaster that was in our area. It was something that we could not hide from, we could not protect our kids from. We had to live it raw and in real time. Yeah, we have to talk about it, but and we still talk about it a lot, but yeah yeah so it's definitely it's. 

It's nice to keep our kids in the child version that we can as long as we can. Especially if a kid has internet access or a phone early on, those are pieces that are hard to keep them in there, right? 

and an example I worked for pediatricians in california. We had a cardiologist, hematologist and endocrinologist and the endocrinologist said I was shocked. He said, marcy, there's a big uh elevation now. Uh, with, um, the population of these children that are sitting behind the computer all day long, they're becoming diabetics or obese mentally, they're depressed, they're not burning off that energy that we accrue when we eat, which we need to eat positive stuff too. And he said this is an epidemic. This is, like you know, like the pandemic we just had. And it's really interesting when he said that that was years ago and it's still. It's gotten worse and we also had a lot of kids that were bulimic, anorexic, and it was scary. You know some of them were in the public eye too, celebrities and stuff. But it's really sad because I think we missed we have to treat, which a lot of Western medicine doctors say and naturopaths say that mental and emotional and we need to meditate. Big corporations are doing that. They have meditation, their yoga, hello. 

You know we had children that came in with cancers. They were little babies and they were so accustomed to you know me helping the doctor with the chemotherapy in the office and they were so bright and sweet and happy because they really weren't aware. They weren't fearful, they weren't frightened. They didn't really, they weren't aware of how serious their situation is. They were so beautiful and positive because of the way we helped them in the office and their parents. So it reflects. It reflects from a child to a geriatric person who's elderly. I'm 67 years old, proud of it, but my spirit still tells me I'm 20. Right, and my, even though my body is aging, my spirit and my soul keep wants to persevere. There's a good word persevere intuition, meditation, all those things that you and I were raised with. And it works. You know, the proof is in the pudding, as they say. Right, you're doing it. 

Yeah, I think I definitely agree with the persevere, because we always people are drawn toward you and I with our energy and abuela they were drawn toward her too. They're drawn toward my kids as well. Like with the energy that we exude and our excitement and our passion for life. Like this flowing energy and people are drawn toward it. Like when you and I go in a store and it's empty and then 10 minutes later there's like 15 people in the store and we're like you're welcome, can we get a discount? And they want to see what we're buying and they ask us. 

Where did you get that? You know? And the same thing, and that's what happens wherever we go, and dad's the same way, and so you know your husband too, and the children are the same way. That's what's so funny, I was going to tell you. Your son always says to me I had a feeling I shouldn't play with that boy today, and I'm like, there you go. 

That's an empath. You're feeling your intuition, you're listening to your intuition in a positive tone, you know, and it was guarding you. It was guarding you as far as saying, oh, that's not. And you get those feelings and we have to be aware, we have to pay attention. You know, dad says that people just are in their own little world nowadays. They're not aware, they're not paying attention, they're grumpy because they're in a loss for words, some feeling or healing or something they're vulnerable that they want to hold on to. So I'm glad you're doing this. You need to spread the word too, and your generation, you know, that's coming on too, you know your generation's really open and hungry for all this positiveness that you're giving, and I love what you're doing. 

You're helping people, hopefully. 

I think that people are hungry to be happy there is an era of complain and anger. 

Yeah Well, you have to vent. 

And yes, we have to let it out at times. Yes, we have to let it out at times, but I think that there is this popularity with being angry or complaining or showing the hard part of life which I think there's. Maybe when I'm posting online. I think I post maybe 10% of the time. 5% of the time I show what real life is, because I don't want people to think, oh, she's got the perfect life, she uses all these tools and then her kids are doing great. Well, we do have our highs and we do have our lows, so I will show my lows. 

But I also think that it's like this popularity piece of not being happy. I remember it started in like high school where you couldn't walk around and be happy. It was like how are you? Oh my life, yeah, I'm okay. 

It's so true, the drama of it all and, I think, social media, if we could do. It's interesting how, as beings, we are attracted to drama and negativity and it's like why do we do this? Why can't we be positive? Granted, we're here to learn, as grandma used to always say. It's true, we have to go through our ups and downs, go through the storms with either rainbows, you know, and and not by. Be naive, but think a certain way. You're right and we're drawn to the drama and I and we just have to develop techniques, which you're doing, you know, you're coming up, the newer generations, us baby boomers, we're learning and it's interesting, the baby boomers are really open for this way of being and technique and yoga and all these different classes and healing and learning. I'm still learning, I still take classes. I know you and I have taken classes even though I'm my body is 67, my mind is still 20. 

Yeah, you know, and I think that and I was going to tell you too, uh, while you were visiting, we have a little dog, uh, at home. He's little, he's eight pounds and, um, it's interesting. I told the kids it was interesting to watch when they're, the kids are with us and the dog was there and he's a little nervous now because he lost his big brother a couple weeks ago, the other dog, and so now he's all by himself and I told the kids okay, let's bring the energy down, let's stay really calm with him, calm voices, and let's find out what he wants. And he has body language and he has certain tonation and sounds that he's giving. So I was shocked this trip. There was a little instance when they first arrived with him and then eventually, you know, he calmed everything down and he was like, oh okay, they're not going to hurt me, they're not going to step on me, they're not going to chase me or anything, it's okay, it's okay and they're, and kids, but just talking to the kids like you do, you know, and calm, stay calm. Listen to Mimi, see what she says about her dog. It's the same thing with humans and children and plants. I know your son has brought some plants between you and him and your energy, positive and sweet, and talking to the plants, have brought plants that have died. You know, and that's the way um, I was, uh, also raised. Same thing, everything that's living on our planet is alive. 

You know, my mother is an example. My mother when, uh, when she had trauma, when my father left and she willed herself to have cancer and all, and she did so well after her treatments and everything, she had it. You know it was in recession what do you call it? Remission? For so many years it didn't come up ever again and my brother and I said she was in her 50s. My brother and I said to her no, we need you, we love you, let's 10. And my brother and I said she was in her 50s. My brother and I said to her no, we need you, we love you. Let's change your train of thought and feeling. And she did very well. 

And I know a lot of people that are very uh, you know they meditate as much as they can can. I know it's really hard to do it every day, but just for five minutes, like you said, can be done. And all these techniques and tools that we could use that are there for us. We're here to learn. You know about all these techniques and tools that we could use that are there for us. We're here to learn. You know about all these things and until we pass, like grandma used to say, eternal students. You know, we're eternal learning. You know, and we have to find out different ways like what you're doing. 

Yeah, it's. It's interesting. Yeah, I, I was, and I think it's cool that your generation is open to learning. I don't know. 


I think, like for the as far as the kids coming in, when they are so excited to be at your house, and like the energy is just amped up, I think it's like two days before I show up, they're just like jittering, like what do I do? 

I know. 

So excited. 

So when we do take them out to the park or to the zoo or somewhere, they can get rid of that energy movement. All need to do that. I think exercising is great. Bicycling, running, walking, just getting outside the sun is so energizingizing I just love. We're all sun worshipers, you know, and we of course have to be careful, you know, with our creams and stuff. But I think that, and certain areas you'll notice, certain things that you wear make a difference. Like you say, you wear colors. Certain colors make us feel a certain way. The music, the tonation, like you say, our tone of voice is not only our words. When you you have oh, fear, or I'm bored, you know, it's like those tones. And music is so important too. 

Yeah, I talked about that. The color is definitely one that I find really interesting, like my husband and I are always drawn to water and we love blue and greens and nature. And here comes our fiery Aries daughter, who loves pink everything and I loved pink as well too. Yeah, it's funny because nobody started her on that. When she chooses her pink, it is like not just a calm, pale pink. It's like no, I want that one and it is the brightest pink that you could ever see. It's like wow you are. 

She's like bam, I'm here, and that's how my mother was your grandmother and my grandmother's grandmother and got great grandma. You know, we were all different in some and I'm more like the quiet, earthy tones and she and my mom, bam, red lipstick. You know like bam, I'm here, listen to me, pay attention to me. Yeah, so she. You know like bam, I'm here, listen to me, pay attention to me. 

Yeah, so she gets upset when I'm wearing. When I'm wearing something boring which I remember, grandma used to get upset at you for wearing boring clothing of some just neutral colors. But she's like no, you need to wear this dress and I'm going. 

it's interesting, yeah, yeah, and her red lipstick, my gosh. 

My mom was 94 when she passed and, oh, my gosh, she was a spirit to be reckoned with for sure, as they say. 

But I would wear black scrubs because when they first started, 40 years ago, in the 70s, in nursing, we all wore white, which is such a silly color when you've got all kinds of you know stains and fluids that could stain your uniforms. But in the end I ended up wearing black scrubs and she did not like that and I said you know, mom, you can wear the bright, brilliant colors because you're an extrovert, you can be out there and you want that attention. I said I kind of want to stay back and wear my earth tones a little bit and if I, you know, if I want to, you, you know, socialize or talk or whatever, I will, um, and I always, you know, uh, I have a way of being where I try to be calm most of the time if I get upset and then my go to red, which I haven't done very many times in my life as you know, you're the daughter, but I think that color makes a big difference too, and that's okay. 

We can wear, because there's certain things that we feel comfortable in. Our spirit feel comfortable, our soul, our bodies feel comfortable and we need to stop judging for sure. 

Yeah yeah, it's hard. It's definitely. I think it's ingrained in so many of us to have the judgments and such and um. It's. They're definitely watching how we react to everything. 

It's the human condition, quote unquote, as they say. And there's so many people out there, I feel really sad that I wish we could all connect and you're doing it. That's. One positive thing about social media is if it can connect in a positive way, like what you're doing and others are doing. I think it's beautiful, it's wonderful. We didn't have this when I was growing up. Others are doing I think it's beautiful, it's wonderful. We didn't have this. When I was growing up, I was blessed and lucky that I had a great mom and grandma and great grandma and cousins that were, all you know, really unique in this way, had wonderful techniques that worked. That's the thing, you know, if it works for you and we may not all get along, but find the person that works for you and you connect with and you just go, oh my gosh, this person's contagious. Their spirit is contagious, their techniques, their soul. 

And that's what we're meant to do Be mentors. Yeah, yeah, it's nice when you can really connect heart to heart and not feel alone and really have that connection. And it's definitely I use social media as a tool to connect to other people because that's yeah, that connection. And it's definitely I use social media as a tool to connect to other people Cause that's yeah, that's definitely where we find them, for sure. 

Yeah, and I love that. You've had some really fun, humorous, you know, videos and words and all of our friends, you know, even dad, we're all like laughing. We're like this is so cool because for a moment you get to laugh and go. Life is serious enough. Let's, oh, you can laugh at yourself and I, we do that with the kids too. Right, and each other. You and I have laughed at situations test driving, electric car oh my goodness, that would put that online and all my friends love it. They're like your daughter hasn't put any other funny videos out there and I think that humor you know that's been tested too. You know positive humor. You know let's not look at violence and negativity. Let's try to. 

You know we kind of have to keep up on what's going on, but yeah, yeah, we have to have those snips when we are ready, when we are energized, when we're yeah, not gonna watch it on a really long day or when the kids are just having a lot of meltdowns and I'm trying not to take on their energy Like I'm not, I'm not going to watch it at that time. 

One thing that's really interesting when we're talking about energy is the energy that my son brings to himself. He makes friends so quickly. Part of his making friends so quickly is that he is always so often Well, I was going to say he's so often in his heart, but there is definitely those times where his sensory system takes over and he can't get back into his heart because he's in his head and he's fearful or, yeah, uh, overreacting to the stimulus that he's getting. And so when he is in his heart, I I think that he makes friends so easily, and so I'm trying to help them overcome those fearful moments, those sensory moments, so that way they can be in their heart more often and it's easier. I think it's easier to go back into your heart to calm it down when you're a kid. 

I mean there are moments where they're just tired, hungry sick overworked, over-sense, over-stimulated. There's those moments and you've seen them in the hardcore world version with my kids, but when you're a kid it's so much easier to go into your heart. Hear yourself, calm that monkey mind. 

Yeah, and it's really sad because a lot of us say things that we really don't mean. You know, we just say it. I remember grandma when I was little. She'd say now think before you speak. And I thought, boy, that's true, and kids don't do that until they get older, and you just have to prepare them for that, like you're doing, and I think it's going to resonate. The other kids would kind of go oh, he didn't get mad at me, because I always say if someone throws something out at you in anger towards you, then it's almost like you want to do it back in response reflex. Then it's almost like you want to do it back in response reflex. And if you already are not in that frame of mind, and you cannot be that way to begin with, then you'll go eh, it'll go water off your shoulder, roll off your shoulder, and it'll resonate. And he's gotten so much better. I mean it's just amazing. And your calmness too, and his dad's calmness I can really feel a big difference too over the years. 

I should say yeah yeah, it's definitely easier once we have our tools in place. More, yeah, our self-care and our mindfulness and our strategies. 

It helps a lot and they all get easier to use, as you yeah as you start to use them more and more it's going to be part of their heart and their core. Like you say, core values, core beat, way of being, core, spirit and soul and doing all of that and I feel like that it can be done. The more you listen to it, the more it resonates, the more it stays in your mind, you dwell on the positive and all the techniques and you use those techniques and those tools because we have it in us to do it. I've seen it in the medical field. I've seen it. You know you really have to be. 

We have relatives and friends that are going through things right now and their mind is the ones that are doing so well, are the ones that are positive and, like you're, what you're doing techniques and tools and there's always things popping up that work. That's just so nice, like with you and what your family is doing and what we're. We're learning, too, how to be with these beings. You know our grandkids. We're learning how to be with them and what helps them, and we're calm about it. Now, too, it's almost like you're fearful. Oh my gosh, how do I talk to these kids? And at least, if you have the techniques now we've noticed that it really works, you know, and they want to be around those, the way of being the calmness, and how what to do in that situation they're definitely going to pick up your energy too. 

If you're nervous, fearful, then they're like what is this, what am I hearing? What am I nerve, what's nerve-wracking? 

yeah, yeah, because these kids, being born, are so, so, so bright and intelligent, but they don't have the maturity or the knowledge. They don't even have the knowledge yet. They're still growing. They're little sponges, as grandma used to say. And man, is that true. You were that way. You were raised an only child and you were already an old soul. You were already telling me what to do. It was pretty cute and you're a little. And then I had to say, okay, well, I'm the mom, you're the daughter, you know too, and just the techniques that work. It takes time. I worked also. You know you had to go to daycare a positive daycare, thank goodness, and I think that that it makes a big difference. 

Spending time with them and also teaching the teachers that are around them or the caregivers that are with them. Teaching them the tools that work best with your kid has been really helpful. I know a lot of times at school and we're almost out of time. 

I know I know, there's so much to get into At school. 

I would approach teachers and say like, oh, I'm really finding that this works really well with my daughter or this works really well with my son, and the teachers are like, oh well, I don't feel like I have to use those at all, and I'm thinking, yeah, that's because my kids are really big people pleasers. Yeah, I want to look different. But it's still stressful on their system if we don't use these tools for them. 

So yeah, it's hard yeah, educating the caregivers and the teachers and such that maybe don't realize that your kid is an empath or an introvert, because they're putting on this facade when they go into public so that they can yes, everyone else yes, yeah, yeah, and I'm a caregiver too, and so is your dad, and so was my mom. 

So it was my brother and my dad, and I think that that's true. You have to draw boundaries and learn techniques, like you're saying, and bring them out of that with a mask, because there's a lot of kids that keep it inside and they need to get it out there, you know, and vent and be allowed and given permission to do so too. Yeah Well, I just love you so much, I'm so proud of you, we're so proud of you. Everything that we've used in life and we're still learning with your kids, isn't that interesting. You raise your own kids and then, boom, there's the grandkids, boom, there's the nieces or nephews that come to you, which we have them too. You know that come to us and we love all the sides. We love all our nieces and nephews, and they're all part of that generation. Like you, it's wonderful and positive and trying to do a good job and raise our kids, you know, to help them get into society. 

Yeah, yeah, I think it's a big era of change makers. Yeah, and we're raising change makers and we're trying to hone them in so that way they can function in society while also being themselves. Yes, a huge piece of the puzzle is how to not break them of their spirit but help them channel into what they need to be for the best version of themselves. Right, you know it best version of themselves. 

Right, you know it's true. 

Yeah. Definitely that's good, I love you, mom, I love you too. Thanks for calling me. If there's a parent that you think this could resonate with, please be sure to share it with them so we can all benefit from each other. Follow Heart to Heart Parents Podcast on Instagram for daily fun ideas and tips. Happy week. 

Generational Positivity and Empathy
Embracing Positivity and Self-Expression
Teaching Empathy and Positive Techniques
Raising Change Makers