Tracy Erin Talks

7. Pillar 2: Transformational Thinking

Tracy Season 1 Episode 7

Episode Overview:
In today's episode, we're delving into Pillar Two of the Balanced Hormone Solution: Transformational Thinking. Buckle up as we explore the power of mindset and how it can shape our reality.

Key Points:

  1. Understanding Transformational Thinking:
    • Ever heard the saying "You don't get what you want, you get what you are"? We're diving deep into this concept.
    • Transformational thinking is about evolving into our true selves, shedding insecurities, and embracing confidence and self-assurance.
  2. The Six Aspects of Transformational Thinking:
    • Find Your Why: Understanding the importance of knowing the reason behind your desires.
    • Define Your Future Self: Paint a vivid picture of who you want to become.
    • The Thought Model: Explore how thoughts influence feelings, actions, and outcomes.
    • The Thought Ladder: Learn how to climb towards more empowering thoughts one step at a time.
    • Elevate Your Self-Image: Recognize how your self-image shapes every aspect of your life.
    • Approval Detox: Break free from seeking validation from others and embrace self-approval.
  3. Practical Applications:
    • Discover real-life examples of how transformational thinking can revolutionize your health journey.
    • Understand the power of aligning your beliefs and actions to create the life you desire.

Transformational thinking isn't just a mindset shift—it's a game-changer. By mastering these principles, you'll unlock the door to becoming beautifully balanced in every aspect of your life. Remember, courage needs a witness. Join us on this transformative journey towards true health and wellness.