Decluttered By Design

Overcoming The 'I Might Need It' Excuse

Kelly Jayne McCann Season 1 Episode 13

Letting go of clutter is challenging, there's no getting around that. We fear we'll make the wrong choice and regret it, so we avoid making a decision and come up with excuses to hold onto stuff. A frequent reason for holding onto the excess is 'I might need it someday, so I have to keep it'. The truth is that kind of thinking keeps you tethered to possibilities that will likely never come to be. Which also means it keeps you tethered to the clutter. This week we're exploring a process to overcome that excuse so we can declutter with greater ease.

If you're ready to get declutter your life, then grab my free e-course: ESCAPE Clutter And Get Organized. It's a simple six step process to help you clear the clutter and organize your space like a pro.

Thanks for listening! For more great stuff, find me on Instagram and LinkedIn.

We also have a dynamite support group on Facebook - that community is on fire, 7000+ members making stuff happen and I'd love for you to join us.

If you haven't already, be sure to get the free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-course. It's the bomb!

Last, if you want to get to know me, I'm opening my virtual kimono and giving you the 411 on my life (the good, bad and ugly, it's all there). Get the deets here (there's a surprise bonus included that has the potential to change your life - no jokes!)