The Story Behind The Glory

Do you have self discipline & inner peace ?

June 09, 2024 Joy Filippidou Season 1 Episode 13

Good morning everyone and welcome to another episode of the podcast The Story behind the Glory. 

Today we are happy to be discussing with Aischwarya Devi ( her initiated Indian name ) , Mary Soukouli ( her Western /Greek name ). 

She started her career as a dancer and dance teacher and in 1981 she got initiated in yoga in India. Since 2000, she teaches yoga classes. 

She has founded the system Yoga Dance which is a unique system which combines the power of yoga breathing with the expressive power of dance.

Since 2020 she is the official representative of Greece in the European Yoga Federation and in 2023 she was awarded for her overall work in spreading yoga in the world. 

Aischwarya Devi gives us precious and not widely known information about the ancient practice of yoga using several original Sanskrit terms and concepts that can bring us closer to a deeper understanding of yoga and why it is the most important practice nowadays in our Western world which is becoming more and more hectic. 

Sanskrit words / concepts mentioned during the episode:
- sadhaka = the spiritual seeker

- the 3 gunas = energies/ qualities 
    a. Tamas = ignorance/ inertia/ laziness
    b. Rajas = passion/ activity/ movement
    c. Sattva = goodness/ calmness/ harmonious 

- Anushasan = self descipline (  anu = self + shasan = discipline/rule) 

Pratyahara = gathering towards within 
Dharana = concentration of the mind ( joined with retention of breath ) 
Dhyana = meditation/ when one’s focus is maintained in ONE point - stillness) 
All these are so difficult to attain because our  monkey mind is constantly moving. 

It is a precious and enlightening discussion ! 

Thank you so much and until the next episode.. keep going & keep growing. 

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