Victims of Love

What Shits us

April 12, 2024 Tommy
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers
Speaker 1:

Hi guys, we're going to do a quick little episode of what shits you in the wedding industry Rads, what shits you? Oh, so much.

Speaker 2:

Give me two questions. Okay, so number one vendors like drink.

Speaker 1:

Yes, all right.

Speaker 2:

You are sorry. I'm sorry, but I don't care.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you don't mean me. She means everyone else but me. Okay, I need a beer, right, tommy does?

Speaker 2:

not drink at work. You do not drink at work.

Speaker 3:

No so.

Speaker 2:

I personally when I'm at work. I am there to work, I am not there to drink alcohol. You are doing a job, so when you do your job, just do your job. When you walk away, if your clients are saying come on, have a shot with me, come on, have a drink with me, that's fine.

Speaker 1:

Do it at the end of your shift.

Speaker 2:

You are not there to socialize or have a drink. You are there to take photos play music.

Speaker 2:

Uh, what other vendors I mean? You know what? I mean, yes, I you know what. And from now on, because it's a big deal for me, because I don't I, when I'm at work, I am working. I don't stand there, I don't socialize with the other vendors, I don't stand there and have a chat about my family or my. This is my job. You are not my friend, you are my associate and work colleague. So when I'm at work, I'm there for my clients and the guests that are there, and it's my responsibility to make sure everyone is doing their job okay, so no one's talking to rats this year in the wedding, right, and I don't care because I don't.

Speaker 2:

If you want to be my friend, you can talk to me outside of work. You know what I mean. But I am there and I have so much to think about. I have timelines to follow, I have a full staffing group to work with. I have chefs that are angry because the meals aren't going out. You know, I have a lot of things on my mind so I don't have time to worry about, you know.

Speaker 3:

Well, can I just quickly say, because I do want people to know this rats, tom and I are scared of rats. A lot of people are. But let me just say this to you there is not one single vendor because I know you've said this and people will be like, oh my god, but like vendors won't like it every single, there's not one single vendor that doesn't respect you or really love you underneath, underneath, that like, do as I say it. Those vendors know why working with you is actually so much better than working with anyone else.

Speaker 2:

I know that because you know what and I love everyone I work with and I I bloody wish I had time to talk to you and ask about your children and what you do, and talk to you about my, my child, and what I love doing. But I don't have time for that and I sometimes feel like a shitty person. But you know, I see all the other vendors get together and they're having a chat and they're having a great laugh and I'm like I'm sorry, I don't have time for that. You know what?

Speaker 3:

I mean like I really don't. Well, at the end of the day, at the end of the day, somebody has to be in charge, and that is you, and we're all very lucky. It is you, you know. Thank you all right.

Speaker 1:

Well, that turned from what shits me into praising rads anyway. So, uh, keely, keely, what shits you you know what, what?

Speaker 3:

what shits me is because I am a very upfront person. I probably have english foot and mouth disease, but the one thing I have never done is, or would never do, is, rip a client off. I cost what is in my sheds that I have, that I can deliver to a timeline. When people get comparative quotes, which I completely understand, that I completely agree with, you've got to remember that there are not. There are I don't know what the word is disreputable.

Speaker 3:

There are companies who will say, oh, we've got that exact same furniture and then take pictures off of my website and cost you for it, under cost it, and then, two weeks from your wedding, people like they ask me if they can cross-hire it because they never had it in the first place. When you are looking at people's things and you get an email from someone like me which is very detailed and it tells you why I've done something, it's not me being, you know, like I'm telling you all this information to bamboozle you. I'm. I'm telling you and trying to help you with your budgeting to give you the very best chance of having a successful wedding so that's what shits me because I know it happens.

Speaker 3:

I've I've had people come back to me and go oh Kelly, we haven't chosen you because somebody can do this for 50% off and they'll send me the quote sometimes and it's our furniture on there. And I know they don't have it because I know it can take me two years to get our boutique stock and you've got Houthi rebels. Yes, that stock is not coming.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna explain what the Houthi rebels You're just going to throw that in there. Anyway, just Google Houthi rebels. Apparently, it's disrupting the wedding market, okay.

Speaker 3:

They're not getting it. Yeah, yeah, they're not getting that stock, because it took me two years when, when there wasn't a problem with those rebels.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so just saying Okay.

Speaker 2:

I know what you're talking about. Okay, cool. Yes, that's what she said. Where the ship goes, yeah, and the ship has to turn around, it's got to go around the Horn of Africa.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and the way it has been explained to me is it's like a bus stop. Yeah Right, all the ships are lined up at like a bus stop or a taxi rank and, quite frankly, people actually.

Speaker 1:

So you're saying all those ships are full of wedding, and then I'm moving because my bedboard chairs are stuck there.

Speaker 2:

So don't worry about it.

Speaker 3:

But that's you know. If somebody has the same pictures as another company, you need to do a reverse Google search and see where that came from. Because it really makes me sad, because I've had people after their wedding, who've chosen another company, call me and say, oh, that wasn't, oh, I didn't get that.

Speaker 3:

Or I've had what we just talked about with the wall for our other episode where people come on and I know their wedding's the next day or whatever, and I may have quoted and they're like, oh, we're getting that couch and we're getting those umbrellas. Well, people know you're not.

Speaker 3:

It may have taken me two years to find the source for that yeah and then I've had to wait till I've got a full container load, which is very expensive. Then it's had to travel all across the world from china um, it has now come around the hootie rebels um it's. People have stock and then people don't have stock and people will tell you whatever lie it takes to win a job and that is the wedding industry it is.

Speaker 3:

there are very, very reputable companies with your best interest at heart, and I believe that we are, that we pride ourselves on it. There are wedding people in this industry here who will say, yep, we've got it, and then hope that they can order it and get it here in time.

Speaker 3:

And people you can't, you can't, no, it doesn't work like that there is no base wholesaler in this country that sits on specialty boutique items. You can get a hairpin stool, of course you can. You can get a hairpin table. You cannot get specialty stock items. Like we carry on a one-month lead time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so the pictures that we see on your Instagram that you're constantly posting of all your new stock this is stuff that you have on site. This is all in your shed, so these aren't? You're like oh, I might get this. No, these are ready to go. I can't. I can't put something and the reason why we're doing that is because we're going to open up our boutique styling sheds as part of our corporate conglomerate.

Speaker 3:

That we're going to do these are things that have taken me a very long time to find. They are very, veryate. That we're going to do. Um, these are things that have taken me a very long time to find. They are very, very expensive and we're tripping over them in the sheds. I I couldn't say to a client oh yeah, I'm going to get these green and white plates and then hope to god I could get them one month out. It's like our cocktail machine that we're getting. I didn't post a picture of that until I'd ordered it and then I had to come down. Tommy's had to order things to make that work.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Other companies who now say they have a cocktail machine well, do you have the specialty thing? To do the sugar or syrup. So that's my thing. That really upsets me. It is not apples for apples, and people should really be careful.

Speaker 2:

And I just want to touch on that, kiri and her team. They are so anal with their furniture, they treat their furniture with such respect, like I watch. Every single chair, every single table stool comes out of that truck and it's wrapped and blanketed like a little baby, like you know, and at the end of the night nothing goes back and gets thrown in a truck and gets, you know, tied in a knot with a ratchet strap. Is that what it's called, ratchet?

Speaker 2:

strap in a truck and gets you know, tied in a knot with a ratchet strap. Is that what it's called Ratchet strap in a knot? It is literally blanketed. And what do you call it? Racked and stacked? It's racked and stacked. There's so much respect taken for her things and her beautiful items and I respect that a lot.

Speaker 3:

Well, that comes back to the fact that, because if I break something, I can't get it.

Speaker 2:

I can't get it. I can't get it.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, if I've got 200 bedwoods and at the end of the year I've got 200 bedwoods out, I better have 200 bedwoods.

Speaker 2:

So when I see a photographer jump up on your chair or stool to take a photo. I'm like whoa, whoa, whoa.

Speaker 1:

Actually I'm going to change what shits me then? It always shits me when you see a photographer, grab a chair to take off of them to stand on to take pictures. I'm like, can't you just have a little two-step ladder that's part of your in back your car that you take? But that's actually not what shits me.

Speaker 3:

I'll tell you what shits me because it shits me to hell and back because I wouldn't get their camera and stand on it of course yeah and, and let's face it, people, a chair does not cost $2.

Speaker 1:

By the time I've got it, it might have cost me $550 and then multiply that by $200, plus then add on $17,000 freight I remember there was that one, the photographer left with a chair and then he came back and I was like, did he not have a chair in his hand? And he had no chair. And I was like then I just looked over in the park and there's a chair right on the other side of the park.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, all right, mate, I'll get it, yeah I'll get it, just get a tall photographer that's all we're saying just get a tall one, okay uh quickly uh entitled wedding guests uh especially um made of maids of honors and best men bridesmaids bridesmaids, you guys are not special, right? I know it feels like it.

Speaker 2:

Oh shoot, We've just lost 10 minutes.

Speaker 1:

But look, I love you guys Most of the time. I love the bridesmaids, and especially the groomsmen. They're sweet as, but every now and again you'll get one and it's like they've been bestowed with the greatest title of their life and they're going to make you know it. It's like you end up running around after this, a best man or a maid of I love that one. That was completely like, oh, excuse me, mate, um, I need a beer, I'm the best man. And we are like, oh, hey, this is the best man here. Have you met the best man? I'm like, mate, relax, yeah, there's a bride and groom out there. They're more important than you, you're you know. So, yeah, that's who shits me. Entitled best men and, uh, maids of honor. You just take a check yourself and just calm down, right, I'm probably like top.

Speaker 3:

Now I want to change mine because, quite frankly, bridesmaids are the worst Look they are painful, probably more than my stock problem here, Bridesmaids I mean literally, we weren't going to do this for 10 minutes.

Speaker 1:

But, bridesmaids, it's like I'm not looking after your shoes, I'm not looking after your bags or your half glasses, like they'll usually. They'll be hanging out by the kitchen. Do you mind if we just put these here? You're like Well, this is my kitchen.

Speaker 2:

We've already touched. Okay, excuse me, the bride hasn't had anything to eat Really, really made a warner.

Speaker 1:

She hasn't. Yeah, I've been force feeding her for the last hour. She's fine love, right.

Speaker 3:

Have you ever been asked to hold onto a bridesmaid.

Speaker 2:

I've been because Rensimays have told me I'm filthy, dirty.

Speaker 3:

I'm not holding your bouquet. I have had bridesmaids thrusting bouquets at me when I'm trying to run to my truck. Can you hold onto my bouquets? It's like hang on a minute, love.

Speaker 1:

And they'll come out like three hours later. They'll come out pissed as a fart. They're like mate, I don't look, I don't know Like I'm. I'm trying to cook here, I've got my. Your shoes are not my concern, or they all need band-aids, like we have the first aid kit in the kitchen. I don't think that a band-aid has been used on a cut on a finger. It's all for heels, right? I was like so, bridesmaids, bring your own band-aids please.

Speaker 2:

Cause I keep running out. And yes, speaking of bouquets, brides, do not waste your time. Like, seriously, the amount of bouquets that I end up in the toilet because I just leave it there for decoration the only place that hasn't been decorated Like. Sometimes I'm just like what a waste. You just paid $300 for a bouquet.

Speaker 3:

That's going nowhere. Well, just have one flower Actually stuff it, don't give them anything. Imagine if you got eight of them. I know $300. Just have one flower Actually stuff it, don't give them anything. Imagine if you got eight of them. I know $300.

Speaker 2:

Put that money towards food. There you go Stop.

Speaker 3:

I think we all just love Tom's idea better than our own. Tom Tom, Definitely bridesmaids you win.

Speaker 1:

All right, Okay. Well, that was an episode of what Shits Us by the Victims of Love.

Speaker 3:

How not to be a victim of love.

Issues in the Wedding Industry
Wedding Bouquets and Bridesmaid Band-Aids