Brains, Boobs, & Beer

A New Nerd in Nine: Joan Beauchamp Procter

Hoppy Heather Season 1 Episode 34

In this installment, hear the mini-biography of renowned zoologist, Joan Procter.  This woman loved amphibians and reptiles and shared her passion at both the British Museum and London Zoo.  She was the creative and technological designer with the architects who built the Reptile House at London Zoo.  Although plagued by chronic illness throughout her young life, she was a forerunner in the idea that enclosures and exhibits should be designed with the well-being and needs of the animals in mind.  She even discovered a new species of lizard, the Peninsula Dragon Lizard.

"Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World" by Rachel Ignotofsky
Joan Beauchamp Procter - Wikipedia

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