Never Mind The Dambusters

Episode 8 - Arthur Harris and Area Bombing, with Professor Alan Allport

Jane Gulliford Lowes and James Jefferies Season 1 Episode 8

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In this conversation, Jane and James chat to historian  and author Professor Alan Allport about the decision of the British cabinet to allow the RAF to start bombing Germany's Ruhr Valley. He explains that this decision, made in May 1940, was a watershed moment in the war and really marked the beginning of the bombing campaign 'proper'.  Allport also discusses the Butt Report, which revealed the ineffectiveness of the early bombing raids, and its impact on Bomber Command. He then explores the appointment of Arthur Harris as the head of Bomber Command in the Spring of 1942, and his role in shaping the strategic and operational policies of the bombing campaign.

The team explore the policies surrounding area bombing and Harris's interpretation of the rules. They also discuss Harris's place in the collective memory and post-war historiography of Bomber Command.

Finally, the conversation touches on the effectiveness of the Fairy Battle aircraft and the importance of operational circumstances in determining an aircraft's success. Overall, the conversation challenges conventional wisdom and offers a nuanced perspective on Harris and the bombing war.

Jane and James refer to Alan's books Britain at Bay and Browned Off and Bloody Minded, as well as Arthur Harris 1947 book, Bomber Offensive

Keywords : 

World War II, Churchill,  RAF, Butt Report,  Arthur Harris, strategic bombing, operational policy,  Bomber Command, area bombing, collective memory, post-war historiography, Fairy Battle aircraft, operational circumstances.

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