Inside The Bio Box

.E7.Cinema Struggles Horror Reboots & Mixed Opinions on 'Dune'2

June 03, 2024 the bio box Episode 7
.E7.Cinema Struggles Horror Reboots & Mixed Opinions on 'Dune'2
Inside The Bio Box
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Inside The Bio Box
.E7.Cinema Struggles Horror Reboots & Mixed Opinions on 'Dune'2
Jun 03, 2024 Episode 7
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Why did Blumhouse's latest "The Exorcist" movie fail to impress, and can Mike Flanagan turn the franchise around? We kick off our lively discussion on "Inside the Bio Box" by examining whether Flanagan, known for hits like "Hush" and "The Haunting of Hill House," can breathe new life into the iconic horror series without resorting to tired jump scares. We also draw comparisons to the "Halloween" reboot and speculate on the future of the original storyline, setting the stage for a thrilling conversation you won't want to miss.

Next, we put the spotlight on the broader movie industry, touching on everything from the much-anticipated DC releases like "Peacemaker" to the sting of soaring ticket prices. With personal anecdotes and frustrations over naming conventions in sequels, we tackle the disappointing box office numbers for "Furiosa" and delve into the realities aging actors face in action roles. Through the lens of Liam Neeson's and Mahershala Ali's careers, we explore the complexities of maintaining action-packed performances as age catches up.

We round out the episode with some light-hearted, yet thought-provoking discussions on movie theater preferences, film recommendations, and binge-worthy TV shows. Our chat spans everything from the visual grandeur and pacing of "Dune 2" to the peculiar charm of a Christopher Walken movie plot. We wrap up with our must-watch TV series picks, including the hilarious "Tire" on Netflix, and toss in some mixed feelings about "Game of Thrones." Join us for a fun, engaging episode that covers blockbuster films, industry insights, and everything in between.
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Why did Blumhouse's latest "The Exorcist" movie fail to impress, and can Mike Flanagan turn the franchise around? We kick off our lively discussion on "Inside the Bio Box" by examining whether Flanagan, known for hits like "Hush" and "The Haunting of Hill House," can breathe new life into the iconic horror series without resorting to tired jump scares. We also draw comparisons to the "Halloween" reboot and speculate on the future of the original storyline, setting the stage for a thrilling conversation you won't want to miss.

Next, we put the spotlight on the broader movie industry, touching on everything from the much-anticipated DC releases like "Peacemaker" to the sting of soaring ticket prices. With personal anecdotes and frustrations over naming conventions in sequels, we tackle the disappointing box office numbers for "Furiosa" and delve into the realities aging actors face in action roles. Through the lens of Liam Neeson's and Mahershala Ali's careers, we explore the complexities of maintaining action-packed performances as age catches up.

We round out the episode with some light-hearted, yet thought-provoking discussions on movie theater preferences, film recommendations, and binge-worthy TV shows. Our chat spans everything from the visual grandeur and pacing of "Dune 2" to the peculiar charm of a Christopher Walken movie plot. We wrap up with our must-watch TV series picks, including the hilarious "Tire" on Netflix, and toss in some mixed feelings about "Game of Thrones." Join us for a fun, engaging episode that covers blockbuster films, industry insights, and everything in between.
Speaker 1:

what's up everyone, welcome back to inside the bio box where we talk about movies, shows and all things trending in media. I'm your host, angel angel dell, and, as always, my co-host, eric garza, and then today's episode, we'll be talking about some movie updates. We're also going to be reviewing dune 2, which has been out for a while and it's been on streaming for about, I want to say, a week or two, right? So we decided to go ahead and watch it. So if you are one of those people that decided to wait, join us while we go and, uh, talk about it, I guess, all right. So, um, I guess let's, uh, let's start. Let's talk about the exorcist blumhouse in its new direction from the last movie. So you saw the last movie, or?

Speaker 2:

no, I still haven't. I do want to. I just heard it was bad, but I heard some scenes okay, so yeah, it is not a good movie.

Speaker 1:

And then they were trying to make three. I guess it was bad, but I heard some scenes. Okay, so yeah, it is not a good movie. And then they were trying to make three. I guess it was supposed to be a trilogy. But since this movie like flop, oh yeah. So they bought the property for 400 million and the first movie only made like 100 million. So from it was basically a flop. And now they decided to go in a whole new direction and they they got um mike, what's his name?

Speaker 1:

micah flanagan as a sounds really as a new director and he has done stuff like so. So he actually does directing, he writes and he edits as well. He does the whole package Nice. So I don't know if you've seen these, but these are some of the movies that I saw. So I don't know if any of y'all have checked these out, but it's 2016, hush, 2013, oculus, 2016, ouija, the Origin of Evil, and shows on Netflix like 2018, the Haunting of Hill House and 2023, the Fall of Usher House. So have you checked any of those out?

Speaker 2:

No, but I did hear that Hush. Is that the one with the blind guy?

Speaker 1:

hush, yeah, hush. Is the, no, no, the the is it? No, I think she's deaf. It's the girl in that house somebody's breaking in and messing with her right. Blind or deaf some one of those?

Speaker 2:

yeah, so I'm just talking about. I haven't seen it, though, but yeah, I heard that one was good, and then I heard the ouija one.

Speaker 1:

That was the second one yeah, so the first one was trash and the second one it's an origin story and that's actually.

Speaker 2:

You never seen that one either because I it was the second part of a trash movie. So I thought, oh man, yeah, you're missing it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah definitely check it out. You don't need to watch the first movie.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's like a prequel I guess I've been wanting to watch horror movie. Probably watch it it's good.

Speaker 1:

And then the netflix shows. Have you seen any of those?

Speaker 2:

I've never even heard of those for real.

Speaker 1:

So haunting of hill house is good. Oh yeah, did that one okay, okay, I think that was really. I've seen a little bit of.

Speaker 2:

I've never even heard of those For real. So Haunting of Hill House is good oh yeah, did that one.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, I think that one's really good, that one. I've seen a little bit of that.

Speaker 2:

one's pretty scary.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then 2023,. Last year he did the Fall of Usher, which took me a while to check it out, but that one's really good too.

Speaker 2:

That one I've never heard of.

Speaker 1:

It, that one I've never heard of. It's like a rich family and basically they have a curse. It's actually an Edgar Allan Poe story, so he made it his own or whatever. Usually he kind of does that, so for that. But from what he's really known for is he's able to like scare without having to rely on jump scares?

Speaker 2:

yeah, like Haunting Hill, right Haunting Hill, or whatever it's called from Netflix yeah. I remember seeing clips from that one and just thinking like, oh dang, like this is what people should be doing in horror movies, because I'm just so tired of the constant jump scares, like let's just blast some loud music and have somebody pop up, just thinking that's a scare yeah yeah, and so that has me hyped about it.

Speaker 1:

So he's gonna do the new ones, or they're like restarting completely yeah, I don't know what the real plan is like trilogy wise but I know he is making one, for sure he's making one. I don't know if there's plan to make more than just one, but I believe it's going to be a sequel to the original, even though the original already has a sequel, I think. Right, there's like three from the original, so it's one and three, I believe. I'm not.

Speaker 1:

I'm not 100 I know there's two, I don't know, so they're still gonna stick with the story of the first one yeah, so I think he's gonna continue the story, so, which I don't care um, I guess, if he does it right, yeah it's old, I don't care.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I guess if he does it right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's old, I don't really care.

Speaker 2:

To me it just feels like the whole Michael Myers thing again. Halloween yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I didn't really enjoy.

Speaker 1:

But some of his stuff that he's already done are really good, Even Oculus. That was not one of my top ones, but it's still.

Speaker 2:

Is that the one with the mirror?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the one with the mirror, yeah, and with the mirror what do you think about that one Nah?

Speaker 2:

I haven't seen it, but I heard it was good I already look.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I haven't seen anything for someone who likes horror movies.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for real, because those look like trash.

Speaker 1:

You still got to check them out, bro, but I thought it was okay. I might be you still gotta check it out, bro, but I thought it was okay. Might be wrong. I haven't seen it in a very long time. How long, how old was that movie? Again? 2013?. I don't even remember 2013.

Speaker 2:

It was back in the Avenger days.

Speaker 1:

But, um, gideon, or whatever your name is, from what I recall it was pretty good, not the best, but decent. You know it was a decent scary movie.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But anyways, keeping going with the horror stuff. I don't know if you checked out the return of Silent Hill teaser. So that's the video game, right? No, no, there's going to be a movie and there's a teaser, so I guess it's a marketing thing, but I guess both of them came out about the same time the trailer for the video game and a teaser for the movie because I was trying to look for it after you sent it, but I just kept seeing the you couldn't find it the video game one.

Speaker 2:

So I thought that's what you were talking about.

Speaker 1:

I'm like all right, I guess we're getting into video games now we're getting into everything now, but you put a Silent Hill teaser Like a return. Yeah, you put a return to Silent Hill.

Speaker 2:

I did not put return.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's probably what it was. Check it out right now. Silent Hill teaser trailer. You saw it out. Right now. Silent Hill teaser trailer. You saw it right? Well, you just saw it.

Speaker 2:

I just saw it and it reminds me of Return to Raccoon City, the recent Resident Evil game, that just I mean movie that just came out.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, you like that one, that one's trash was trash.

Speaker 2:

It was not as good as I was expecting, but also better than the rest that we've seen so far. It looks kind of like the newer one that just came out yeah which felt like a little more low budget but more true to the video game, yeah, so yep, to your point.

Speaker 1:

It is trying to get its stuff from the video game sunny hill 2.

Speaker 2:

So that's it's.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what it looks like, yeah it's trying to get some of the stuff from sunny hill 2 which. Did you like the original sunny hill movie? Yeah, I liked it. I didn't like the second one. Yeah, the second one. I didn't like the original one. I did enjoy it was fun. Like you know, she went to the town and it was creepy and I like the monsters in it, the creatures and shit. I don't know what you want to call them monstrous creatures but the same thing I think demons, huh, ghouls, ghouls, yeah, ghouls and ghosts, but, um, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I believe the original director is from that movie, is going to make this one from the original Silent Hill, yeah, from the first Silent Hill. So he's making this one. It's going to be a sequel to that one, so, and he's going to take things from Silent Hill 2, the video game, which is also getting a remake and I'm excited about because I'm going to grab that shit when it comes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's just. I'll check it out. I like Silent Hill. I need it good with that first one. It's not the best movie ever, but I enjoyed it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's not the best, but it's enjoyable. Definitely way better than the second one. Second one, just.

Speaker 2:

Some comic updates. You see that john cena was on a show and they asked him if he's gonna be in anything after uh, peacemaker 2, you know, continuing on into this new dc world, new dc world and he didn't answer yes or no. But it's kind of like cover up one, basically saying that james gunn, when he gets angry when you say something, he's like it's scary, so he's like I'm just not going to comment on it. But so I'm guessing he's going to be in a lot more stuff, since they're kind of opening up this entire world and it seems like a lot of characters are gonna.

Speaker 1:

But I'm thinking john cena's gonna be in a few movies, you know okay, you think it's gonna be like okay, that's why you didn't say anything. You're saying, if he would have, if he wasn't gonna be anything, he'll probably be like nah, that's it for me peacemaker right, and apparently peacemaker 2 is gonna be canon in dc. The new one, yeah, but not the world not the first one, first season, we talked about that, that one episode, yeah, I just we need to see something already, you know.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, something needs to come next year, baby, next year, it's just coming out to 25 right yeah for dc some bullshit well, actually no, yeah, because I don't know when peacemaker's coming out, but I don't think it's this year yeah, bullshit.

Speaker 1:

But whatever, hurry up, let's just get this year over. It's like this year doesn't exist. You know dead.

Speaker 2:

Venom, that's it.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, it is Alien. Was it Alien Romulus? Is that one coming out this year? It is right, I think. So I need something good. It's better dude, Because apparently did you know May was supposedly the lowest box office hit since?

Speaker 2:

last year, I guess.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, since ever. I guess they were saying every May, Like they were counting as every May. You know what I mean. Oh, the lowest, yeah, the lowest May of the year. Okay, you know, I was like that's weird to even count it as that. You know, you're just trying to know like there's not a lot yeah, I saw that article and I kept reading, reading it and they were saying like oh yeah, just you know, every may, every.

Speaker 1:

I was just this was a bad may, yes, but I was like, but I did notice a couple of like 2013, there was more money being made like you know, than 24 and 23.

Speaker 1:

Like it's been pretty Solid, yeah, like 2013,. Almost every month there was like a million. A billion. You know Mm-hmm, the other way that's you know every movie that's the box. A billion, you know the other way that's, you know every movie that's the box office, you know, and then now it's they barely hit 800, a million or 500 million. I think like 600 million is probably an average for a month we're on higher times right now because yeah, but I mean they're spending so much goddamn money on these movies too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for real, fucking ridiculous you know nothing to I don't know. And then also you got also I have to find that I don't know, but I feel like these tickets are pretty pricey nowadays too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dude I know we all got a race, but go, yeah, to go.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Dude, that raise wasn't worth it.

Speaker 1:

I went to the movies. When did I go to the movies? When we saw Furiosa, I think.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Fucking. We spent 100 bucks, not including the tickets. God damn Food, bro. I was like what the fuck? I was like oh my God, dude. I was like what the fuck? I was like oh my god, dude. I was like I saw that ticket, I was like this can't be right, just popcorn.

Speaker 2:

dude Popcorn in a drink Fucking hamburger.

Speaker 1:

I mean, don't get me wrong, it was fucking delicious, dude, that burger was good. It was like a mushroom. Where do you go? Huh, where do I go? Where do you go? So I go to. I think it's called Eater House Theater, I'm not mistaken. It better be good, but anyways.

Speaker 2:

It's called Eater.

Speaker 1:

It's down the street. That's the reason we go there. It's like if I were to walk, it's five, ten minutes, depending on how fast I walk. So if I drive, it's two minutes. It's literally right there. So so if I drive.

Speaker 2:

it's two minutes, it's literally right there.

Speaker 1:

So that's the reason I go there. Lucky, for real. I was like, and I was on call that day, I was scared, I was in your car so I couldn't even enjoy the movie. I was like, anyways, where were we? So? Anyways, yeah, so movies aren't making that much money anyways, but that's because the prices for tickets Someone wants to fucking go see. I'm not even going to lie to him. I'll talk about it later when we review that movie, dune, dune 2.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Is it Dune 2 or Dune Part 2? I don't know, I'm just calling it Dune 2.

Speaker 1:

Everything's a part now right. It's like, why not 2? It's like, why are you adding that extra?

Speaker 2:

Part 2 now right, it's like just why not two?

Speaker 1:

it's like, why are you adding that extra, like I know, like part two of the same movie, two, I you know, whatever, anyway, it's not. It tries to make it look fancy or something.

Speaker 2:

Part two volume two oh my god anyways moving on. Let's move on what you got Speaking of box office, did you see that Furiosa didn't do so well? So apparently it's going to put a halt on part three, which was going to be called Wasteland, and it was going to be, I think, before Fury Road, which, oh my God why? For real? I don't know. Oh shit, hold on, let me, my God. Why, for real? I?

Speaker 1:

don't know. Oh shit, hold on, let me connect my laptop. I was about to die.

Speaker 2:

Hold on, let me connect this. So yeah, they're going to. Since it didn't do so well, because it cost so much to make and didn't make so much, they lost money. So pretty much they're saying that George Miller, the director, isn't going to be able to do his next one, which was going to be called Wasteland. Apparently it was going to be another prequel before Fury Road.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm kind of glad we're not glad, but another prequel. I want to see fucking Mad Max.

Speaker 2:

But I think it was going to be Mad Max.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, I guess.

Speaker 2:

And it was going to be him in, I guess, the wasteland before, like you were saying, pretty much like out of this place.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, because then, well, you know, there's a comic book, right? No so there is a comic book of what happened before Fury Road, so I wonder if they're're gonna adapt the comic book or just kind of, was it good comic, it's decent, not crazy.

Speaker 2:

but apparently it was just another one of his like passion projects that he's been working on for years project. But they're like, what studio is gonna be like? Oh yeah, we'll, we'll fund it and lose money with you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what we're talking about. Like, just people are just freaking out about the numbers on the box office. I don't know when do we go from here, you know where do we?

Speaker 2:

I think we got to stop paying actors like $40 million.

Speaker 1:

I think that's.

Speaker 2:

And having every single movie be like this huge, like big spectacle. Yeah, you know, I mean, just have some cool stuff like John Wick.

Speaker 1:

I mean, okay, so if you stop paying? I mean I'm sure there's a whole bunch of actors that would try to do the same.

Speaker 2:

One million easy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that would work At most, especially the ones that are coming up. They'll take it you know, but I guess your fear is the experience, and I mean they can't be that bad. You know, there's no way these newer actors coming up are horrible to her.

Speaker 2:

No, I need, I need a fucking johnny depp actor or uh you know like it's like, and it's not even a guarantee that paying that person to do it is gonna do anything, and except for like jake jill, yeah and then I think really what it is is the fact that, to your remember, you asked last time about actors bringing in audience. Movie stars.

Speaker 1:

I think theater studios still believe in that, because otherwise why would they keep hiring the same actors? You'll see an actor that just pops off All of a sudden. He's going. You know, he's a. He's going viral, I guess, and they're starting. He just gets a whole bunch of roles back to back to back because studios are like he's, he's in, like he's it right now, let's just get him while he's hot, you know. And and then that guy can just basically say, yeah, I don't, I want this much, you don't want to go to your movies. You know, because the studios believe that I'm going to go see your movies, because the studios believe that these guys are going to bring in the audience, which clearly they're not. I mean, well, you're. Also. What actor did they really have that were going to? I mean, you know that was going to bring the audience in.

Speaker 2:

I guess nobody really, except maybe Chris.

Speaker 1:

Hemsworth. Oh yeah, Chris, but even him.

Speaker 2:

He's not really.

Speaker 1:

He's not popping, no more. He's not it, no more. Yeah, he's not.

Speaker 2:

He hasn't been great at everything you know he's been really on that comedy.

Speaker 1:

He's just been wanting to do some kind of comedy, which he's funny. I like him.

Speaker 2:

Did you? He's just been wanting to do some kind of comedy, which he's funny. I like him. Did you ever see what's it called? Vacation? Uh, vacation, yeah, with the guy from you saw he's in it when he pops a Bennett, yeah the guy, it's like his brother-in-law or something, I think. So then they go to his ranch and he's all mad.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's funny, that's what I'm saying. He's fucking funny like I think he overdid it in um door three, was it the third one? Yeah but, other level thunder yeah, they have four. Yeah, damn damn. Yeah, right, no one was one of his origins, two was was the one with the elves.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah. Two was the elves, oh yeah, the door. Three was Ragnarok. Yeah, so four God damn, Doesn't even feel like four right. Most of those movies didn't hit right. The first one was the elves. The only one that hit was the one he went to, the one with Hulk. I guess that was the only Ragnarok. That one was good one. He went to the, the one with Hulk, I guess that was the only.

Speaker 2:

Ragnarok, that one was good. I love that movie.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, he's funny, but I guess, yeah, they didn't have a star hitter. Basically, to our point is, and they didn't bring any. I don't know whatever it still did not so good, this movie, I guess that's just proving the point that they didn't have a star hitter to bring in that audience, you know, uh, and they marketed the shit out of it too. It was, it was everywhere it was everywhere. So I'm sad, but I mean honestly, people are just not going to movies, period, they're not going yeah staying home streaming shit.

Speaker 1:

I mean, look at us, we just streamed dune too I know, and it took me, what two weeks you know they should. I don't know it's it's hard to even manage that. Our movies gonna go away. I think movies are just gonna stop I hope not.

Speaker 2:

But I mean, if I had money and could do my own home theater, I'd do it If studios decide not to do any more movies.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure someone out there will fill that spot, man, and just give us the shittiest yeah for real. But we'll go see it just because there's nothing else to see.

Speaker 2:

The smells in there like, and they're like their home theater. 20 bucks but anyway, I meant this for myself. Uh, not to, not to rent out and have people come over I was thinking like maybe they should, I like imagine.

Speaker 1:

Well, they tried it. They kind of tried it when they were just releasing movies and streaming. I think HBO tried that they were going to just try to do that and then they just stopped. I don't know, I don't know why they stopped. I forgot why they. I really don't know why they stopped.

Speaker 2:

I know they're not making as much money, but I think that's even worse, right.

Speaker 1:

What movie was it? I think it was Wonder Woman. It was a big movie. It was in theaters and streaming at the same time. It went back to back. I think it was Wonder. Woman, the one with what's his name, the one that directed Batman, the Dark Knight, nolan, he made that movie where everything goes backwards, or something like that. That time movie Tenet, yeah, tenet, t-e-n-e-t-t. Yeah, I think that one went straight to streaming too. I'm not mistaken. I know, because I think he was pretty pissed that it did.

Speaker 1:

I know the matrix did that new movie, which was man I wouldn't say go straight to streaming, but I would say just 10 bucks, you know like. So you know I think. I'd make money like go to theaters or stay home and buy it for 20 I don't know 10 dollars. I wouldn't go. I wouldn't buy it for 20. I don't know 10 dollars. I'd all rent it for, you know, for 10 bucks. Why not?

Speaker 2:

especially if it's day one like, yeah, I'll do it dang day one, day one Like, yeah, I'll do it Dang Day one, but what? What is it called?

Speaker 1:

Quiet Place. Quiet Place, day one. Yeah, moving on, moving on. We're too deep into this. What's going on? What's your next topic? All right, Giancarlo Esposito.

Speaker 2:

He's going to be. He was talking about being teased in a new upcoming movie from Marvel as a new villain, and then he's going to have his own series. He hasn't said who it is, but he's saying it's one that we haven't guessed yet, because you know how a bunch of people have always already have their fan cast Is that the guy from Breaking Bad Right he makes a great villain.

Speaker 1:

Right, he makes a great villain, you know. He makes a great villain, him from Mandalorian he was good in that he tried doing an action movie, I think on Starz. I don't know if it came out on theaters I forgot what it was called, but I don't know. It just looked so cheesy to me Just seeing him. He's so old, that's not what he's good at.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how What's-His-Name put it off Taken oh yeah you know, I don't know if he even did, but I like the gray. I didn't watch taken I couldn't get into it because he was old.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, damn old shame all right old shaming basic. Yeah, I know it was good. I don't know. I think taken is good. I think it was a you know it was good. I think it was a you know it was on the top 10 action non-stop action movies oh yeah, isn't that good? I haven't seen it it's good, it's decent, it's not crazy it just looks dumb, but anyways.

Speaker 2:

but yeah, he was even good in the Bullies as oh yeah, that's right, he was in that one. He was like the only one that could put Homelander in his place.

Speaker 1:

Great villain.

Speaker 2:

And he was like, believable too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I really enjoy his acting. When it comes to villains, I guess you can always. It kind of sucks that you're always going to be put you know when you want to do other stuff and you're like. To be put, you know when you want to do other stuff and you're like, nah, nah, you're the bad guy.

Speaker 2:

You're the bad guy bro but if you do it so well, you know legendary.

Speaker 1:

so is he a good actor or he's just a good bad guy? What do you think? I mean, I you know what. He's a good actor. He just can't be an action hero. He can't, I think, to be an action hero. There's age. You gotta be young, wild, young and wild, because I mean, who's gonna believe an old guy jumping off a fucking roof?

Speaker 2:

Maybe that's why I haven't watched Nobody. Oh, okay, yeah, I see they're gonna be part two. I think, yeah, they are making them part two. I saw that.

Speaker 1:

I saw that I might finish Nobody the first one. I might have to review it after watching, but anyways.

Speaker 2:

I still haven't seen it, but anyways. So he's already hinted that he is already going to play a villain in the new MCU and he's going to be in a movie coming up, teased, teased, in a movie coming up soon and then he's going to have his series. So people and he already clarified that it's not someone that people have- already guessed which would be like. Magneto, magneto, professor X or Doctor Doom.

Speaker 1:

People are saying also Kane, did you hear that one? Yeah, yeah, that he's going to be an older version of Kane.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but now there's a little bit. I think there's like elite photo of him or his stunt double and he's like in military gear. So people are assuming that he's going to be in the new uh, captain america, new world order or whatever it's called, or whatever they changed it to. They change it, he's gonna, I think. So they've changed it like two or three times but captain america 4, they're thinking he's gonna be teased in there and then he's going to get his own series on Disney+. So now people are maybe assuming some type of political figure that was involved in the military and all that Kind of like another Thunderbolt Ross or whatever Thaddeus.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

The Hulk's nemesis. Like a striker. Like a striker, or what is his name? Trask. The guy who built the Sentinels.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

But I'm not too sure about that one because he did say something new that we haven't seen yet. People were saying I don't know his name, I can't remember it, but they said it's the other guy who's kind of like trask or works with trask, and he came out in the new x-men 97. I cannot remember his name, but he's another bigger character, pretty much like that guy for avengers or what uh, not for the.

Speaker 2:

He didn't say anything about the avengers, he just said he's gonna be a villain in the upcoming, you know, mcu world that we're gonna, they're gonna start building with all the people back in charge. That should have stayed in charge and he isn't saying anything.

Speaker 1:

But we have that set photo and some guesses that what it might be and what it isn't gonna be, which is what everybody's been trying to guess so well, I'm glad to see what he does like I said, I'm glad to see him as a villain, because he's gonna be, he's gonna do his villainy thing he always does, you know that's what he does he?

Speaker 2:

does all right on to the next one blade having more rewrites. Did you hear about that? I heard yeah, apparently there's rumors going around that like they're starting from square one again, or they might just be like the story is all set, but I guess they're just rewriting like scenes and scripts and so who knows man? But and then I also heard that I don't know, like who knows, if this, this dude's even gonna play blade anymore, you know why he's getting old. Yeah, because they announced it when he was like 45 and he's 50.

Speaker 1:

What the fuck he just turned 50. For a 45? Yeah, no way, I mean he can still do it.

Speaker 2:

I think so too, but what?

Speaker 1:

is it? Let me check him out.

Speaker 2:

Mahershala Ali Uh-huh.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, this guy definitely looks like he can still play Blade, because what's his name? He looks like he can still play what's his name, the original Blade. Wesley he still can play him. I think he can still play him maybe a movie and he's what? 60, probably like 60, 70, maybe a movie, and he's what I thought he was going to 60, he's pretty old probably like 60 70 hitting 70, I don't know, but I think he still has a shot, I think if they start filming next year.

Speaker 1:

I think it's so dead. How bad is this movie? That's not gonna. It's not good enough quality we'll see but we'll see.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, do you see the wolverine popcorn?

Speaker 1:

bucket. Yeah, so, uh, yeah, basically because of dune. Yeah, I feel like dune started off. Right, you saw the dune tube bucket and then so I mean it's pretty smart, Pretty smart, yeah, Pretty smart of him to do that, to put that out there, since they did it first. They didn't mean to do it but you know, it kind of got like people's attention, so he was like fuck it, let's keep it going.

Speaker 2:

Let's keep it going. It's part of the movie fandom which he's like directly. What did you call it?

Speaker 1:

it directing it all towards.

Speaker 2:

It looks like he thought that one you saw the.

Speaker 1:

Basically you saw the. You saw it like the whole um, I guess him yeah with him, oh no, I saw the one where it was on, uh, I think, x or twitter and they had like the popcorn like just kind of like floating, and then butter just dripping on his face he's like okay, no, no, I didn't see it, but I had heard it. So it's funny, I like I mean it makes me want to get it. I'm like dude, if I could get it, I'll be fucking awesome to have that you know, Right, but I don't just have it in the back.

Speaker 1:

Some theaters are going to be selling it. I'm pretty sure it's going to be like AMC or something. I'm sure it's not going to be my theater Fucking pussies.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But if you run into a man? Get it, get two and sell me one because I think you can pre-order it, so I'll check it out, but I know actually never mind, yeah, yeah, because that'd be cool to have to be on, I mean deadpool 3. I mean that's gonna be a game changer, I think. I feel like it's gonna be pretty big.

Speaker 2:

I think it's gonna pretty much rewrite marvel from what it's done.

Speaker 1:

I think it's going to hit. People are expecting this movie to make a lot of money, you know. I mean, people are already kind of saying it like because the ticket sales and all that. And people are like, well, people are saying negative things about it too. Not negative, but they're saying like, yeah, of course they're making a lot of money they're. They're um, selling their tickets like three months in advance, which I guess I don't know what. Who's done that?

Speaker 2:

oh, you know, who's done advanced tickets like that a lot of movies well, a lot of the bigger, like avengers they did did the same sharing it wasn't a lot of their movies do that, a lot of marvel movies do that, and then also like the james bond movies yeah, you know, like the bigger ones that have a fan base, that are like, boom, start getting your tickets now but talking about that, let me shoehorn this in in our conversation.

Speaker 1:

I saw on HBO the MoviePass doc. I don't know. You saw it I don't know, have you seen it I?

Speaker 2:

haven't seen it. I know what you're talking about.

Speaker 1:

So MoviePass, did you have it when it was $10?

Speaker 2:

seen it. I know so movie pass. Did you have it when it was ten dollars? Is we're talking like amc for everything apparently? Oh okay, so I really don't even know what it is.

Speaker 1:

It was a company. I won't go to straight details because you gotta watch the doc. It's a whole, it's a lot, it's a lot to get. But basically the movie pass was like first started it was like 40 a month and you can get into any, any movie, any theater, watch any movie, like no, no limits, 40 a month. And then eventually I don't know it was, it was a whole thing. Theaters were like having issues with them but they ended up moving it to a card. So now you get it like a basically a credit card, you know, and they were trying to promote it, I guess, or something like that. And and uh, eventually it became ten dollars a month. Ten dollars a month, no limits. So you're paying $10 a month for, for, for a movie, unlimited movies, huh any movie for unlimited movies uh, yeah, like same day too, you can go back the same day.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't. There was no rules, no cap, no, nothing. And this was going, I don't know like I'm talking about like Avengers time, you know, like I was like how did I miss this? Like $10 a month and I can watch any movie at any time. Of course there was issues with that. There were so big issues At the top of my head.

Speaker 1:

I was was like you're not making any fucking money with this. You are not, can't be making. I was like you have to like, you have to make a deal with the actual theater to get like, be like with the actual devil, to like, actually, you know, make some kind of I don't even think you even make enough money. You have to make a deal with the theater saying I get a percentage because so many people are using my card to get to your theater and they're buying so and so popcorn, soda and all that. So you know, but of course they didn't, because the theaters were like I think they tried, but you know they were like why am I gonna do that when I can do it myself? Like, why am I gonna pay you when I can?

Speaker 1:

just make my own subscription, which they do. Right, each theater has their own subscription now. Yeah, so it was a big thing. They didn't make any money, it was. And then I don't know, and then people were having issues with it too, apparently, like, sometimes, like during the mission impossible, one of the movies mission, I think it was rogue nation, rogue nation, I don't know. But one of the mission, I think it was Rogue Nation, I don't know, but one of the Mission Impossibles, like they actually were deactivating people's cards, like so they wouldn't see movies. Like people were like dude, it's not even working, like it's saying I already saw it and people were having big issues with it. So a lot of people couldn't even see movies. It was like a big hit and miss. So I guess in the beginning of it, when it was ten dollars, it was working for everybody. But I guess towards like the middle and end, people were having really issues with it because, I mean, they weren't making any money, they were trying to cut people off and stuff. Like that was a big thing.

Speaker 1:

You should check it out. It's interesting. It's only like an hour. It's not one of those episodes, because I hate docs. There are like three, four episodes. They drag. Oh, but yeah, baby, like when he was a baby, and I'm like the fuck are you talking about? You know?

Speaker 2:

and then like towards the end they're like, and then they like don't hit on it I know they're trying to.

Speaker 1:

They're trying to say like this is why he was a monster. Look at him drink that cup of water. The way he does it. He grabs his fork with the full fist Just the dumbest shit. Don't get me wrong. I know there's some symptoms where you can kind of tell a kid is a little psycho, but not all of it, not the entire childhood.

Speaker 2:

But anyway, I hate when they fill it in with where it shows them walk in and they like sit down watch your way from top it's like, oh my god, but anyways yeah, so definitely good, doc.

Speaker 1:

It's only an hour and something, not episodes. It's definitely a fun watch. You should definitely check that one out. But anyways, I want to get to. Uh, just it's back. Actually it just watch it, but I was like ten dollars. Oh, it's not ten dollars, but all right, they do it again, it's gonna work but ten dollars. I was like god man, where was I? Where the hell was I for real?

Speaker 2:

now. Now the average is like yeah, that's not that bad either, but it's only.

Speaker 1:

it's not, I mean. But you're talking about $10 for Unlimited. That is a big deal, Unlimited movies.

Speaker 2:

Ooh my, these two dudes at work. They keep telling me about the Regal one that it's 20, or 18, and you get to see Unlimited movies throughout the month Unlimited, they and you get to see unlimited movies throughout the month, unlimited.

Speaker 1:

They just can't overlap.

Speaker 2:

What do you mean? You can't see two in one day. You can't see another movie if it starts while the other movie is still on. That's it.

Speaker 1:

Why the fuck would I do that?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, maybe you don't like it and you want to go watch another one.

Speaker 1:

That's the dumbest shit, I guess. I mean, I'll probably look into it, but man, I like my theater. It's just right here.

Speaker 2:

I know I don't go to Rico. I was like AMC has one, but it's only three movies a week, which that's still good, but it's not that good.

Speaker 1:

And is AMc even good, like, is it even nice anymore? I swore I don't think it's nice. I mean I remember when it was it was nice, right, it's like amc. That was top notch for me.

Speaker 2:

But feels like it's getting a little better. The last time we went, like it's not so much of a hassle, like with that dickhead manager dude, and like everything just falling apart and like I swear, every time we went to concessions they're always like um, and it's like what you know? You're asking for the basic stuff and you know they're just clueless and they're like this guy looking around waiting for somebody to come and it's like forget it, it's all right, we'll just go guys back.

Speaker 1:

He's gonna ask for something. I really fucking know. What do you want, sir? Can?

Speaker 2:

we have this can we put in our points, and they're like um yeah, hold on.

Speaker 1:

And it's like why are you working?

Speaker 2:

oh yeah, an amc path part of it.

Speaker 1:

I tried regal but anyway and it was so horrible it was bad. It was like the quarry is disgusting.

Speaker 1:

And then it was like empty too, which is fine. I liked it was empty, I don't give a fuck about that, but it was pretty bad it was. My wife was like, why did you bring me here? I was like I was like she wanted. She wanted popcorn, because the one we go to it's fancy, so the popcorn's in a bowl, a silver bowl I guess, whatever you know, and aluminum bowl, and she hates that because it makes the popcorn cold, I guess I don't know. And so I was all right. She was feeling like she wanted the original popcorn. So I was like we'll go to, uh, more one of those, right, and we got there.

Speaker 1:

I was like this is bad, this is you know. So we're like. And then I was thinking of amc. But I'm like there's no bad, this is you know. So we were like. And then I was thinking of AMC. But I'm like there's no way AMC is any better, there's just no way. Especially the one I was thinking about, it was connected to a mall. I was like, forget about it, connected to a mall. You know, those fucking sweaty ass little teenagers are going to be all. But anyway, I'm just playing teenagers, so y'all can go to any kind.

Speaker 2:

You look good.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, moving on.

Speaker 2:

You're not that sweaty. Last thing I have was that Wolves trailer George Clooney and Brad Pitt.

Speaker 1:

I saw some of it. I did. It looks cool. Hold on, let me guess From from what I saw, since you saw the whole trade right? Yeah, I didn't get to see. I was trying to pick up an order. Um, it seems like someone killed somebody and they're hired to clean up the mess. They're like cleaners and I guess they accidentally got hired for the same job or got sent to the same job and now they get some of the work together which I don't get.

Speaker 1:

Why? Why not just send someone else out like, oh never mind, you know, did? Do you get that in the trailer or no? The reason why that happens um no, not really.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of just like all set up okay, as long as moves you gotta.

Speaker 1:

It's on netflix.

Speaker 2:

Right, it's gonna be on netflix coming out for some apple tv where apple plus okay I don't know what the plus is for apple plus, you have it it's different from the regular Apple shit.

Speaker 1:

You know what Apple Plus is, do you know?

Speaker 2:

It's where you go watch the movies, right? Yeah, it's a subscription.

Speaker 1:

You have that right. You have to have that Okay.

Speaker 2:

But it's not like a separate thing from another Apple subscription right. No, no, it's the same thing. It's the same thing.

Speaker 1:

It's cheaper than most other stuff and is their stuff is actually very good quality. I don't know, like I really like I've heard some of their stuff. Love their shows, quality. You know everything looks so crisp and good, and and they're not bad either.

Speaker 2:

They're not yeah, I gotta check out some of it because I I have it, but I don't get um.

Speaker 1:

So, godzilla, you haven't checked out their show? That's a good show. Um, there's some good stuff in there. Definitely check that out, and then that movie's coming out to it. That's gonna be fun. Uh, oh, that's. Oh, I know that guy now. Uh, sorry, I'm still in the Blade. He's in an Apple TV show, a movie.

Speaker 2:

He's like he's uh, yeah, he's a really good actor actually yeah, and the guy so obviously brad pitt, george clooney, back together since oceans. And then it's being directed by john watts who did the uh three spider-man movies and I didn't, but he also did that movie called Clown which. Have you ever seen that movie?

Speaker 1:

Clown, it's called Clown.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's like a horror movie, but it looks so generic and it's called.

Speaker 1:

Clown, not Terrifier.

Speaker 2:

No, not Terrifier that. I've never checked it out, but now I'm interested now that I saw that he directed it. But is it on anything. Uh, I actually don't know. I did come. I think it might be on max, because I was looking art prime, because I was looking through movies yesterday trying to find something. I remember seeing that and I was like looks so generic, but I'm down down to watch any horror movie right now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, horror movies, but you should check out.

Speaker 2:

Clown 2014. It's on oh, never mind, it's on 2B, I guess.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

Prime Video yeah, yeah, Horror movies 48% on Rotten Tomatoes. Who knows Hush? You should knows.

Speaker 1:

Hush. You should check out Hush, it's fun. It's a thriller. It's not really a horror, but it's a thriller movie. Watch Omar Lane. It's really fun. I enjoyed it. It's one of those movies where you're like what the fuck are you doing? But she's deaf. So that's an interesting twist. You know, that's a very interesting twist on that. But, yeah, John.

Speaker 2:

Watts. He's pretty good, did a real good job on all the Spider-Man movies and I think he was going to do Fantastic Four. I don't think he's doing it. Anyways, he's doing the new Wolves movie, so I think it'll be really good. Oh, that's what I was going to say. Towards the end of that trailer it starts to turn into kind of like a comedy, like bullet train.

Speaker 1:

Almost people really like kind of yeah but I think it could have been better I think so too, but I still enjoyed it. I just felt like a little bit, I don't know, there's something missing. There's something I felt like just could have been better, or maybe some of the actors could have been used better, you know, but that's just me.

Speaker 2:

I think so too. And then in the trailer it shows that the guy that they're trying to take care of isn't actually dead, and so they're like why is the? Why is there drugs and stuff? And he's not talking. So they both have their different ways of going about their job and they're both kind of like bumping heads a little bit and they're like oh, you guys are partners, and they keep saying we're not partners.

Speaker 1:

So the whole thing it's like something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it looks good, it looks funny. It looks thing, it's like something. Yeah, okay, but it looks good, it looks funny. It looks like it's gonna be a good watch.

Speaker 1:

Definitely check that out when it comes out. We'll probably review it why not, you know, whenever it comes out but that's all I got all right then. So I mean, let's uh move on, let's keep it going with the Dune 2. Dune 2 review. So if you've seen it, definitely stick around. Here are thoughts. If you haven't, I'm going to get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out of here. Get out. We're going to, are we going to spoil it? Yeah Right, I mean, it's old, yeah, so yeah, go mean it's old or yeah.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, go watch it, come back, check it out, let's do it. So, dune 2 what do you know? What you thought? I did you enjoy it? First of all, did you enjoy it? Did you like it?

Speaker 2:

so my hype went down for the movie. That's why I didn't see it in theaters like I wanted to, but I was like in no rush to watch it, did you?

Speaker 1:

uh, after watching this, did you maybe regret not seeing in theater, so you were like I would have enjoyed it in theaters I think it was too long, but I feel like it was visually like just.

Speaker 2:

You think it was visually just like the first one. I think it was beautiful, but it was a desert. You're doing well, that's what I was gonna say.

Speaker 2:

They're doing it right where it's like, you don't have to put a lot of CGI into like every like frame you know you just do just some small things and make it simple, and I think that's what will take it a long way. Like that's how I think you should use CGI okay, like as a tool to just for what you need it for. So I think that's why it shined so much, because it's like oh man, everything that did come up looked really great, but yeah it was just kind of bland for me.

Speaker 2:

I didn't. It wasn't the best movie ever, like a lot of people had said. You know, like I heard like, oh man, it's perfect movie, it's so good, but I don't know. I enjoyed it's so good, but I don't know. I enjoyed it, I didn't hate it, but I don't know. It was kind of long, I felt it. Yeah, what about you?

Speaker 1:

I also was not glad, but I was like I was okay that I didn't go see it in theaters, you know. I was thinking about that. Yeah, I was like the only reason I will watch it in theaters and kind of bring going back to the point where I was telling you like why people are not going to see movies as well, is we're all kind of brainwashed at this point to see big stuff, big, and mostly it's action, you know I think we're all kind of just on that train already either.

Speaker 1:

If you don't want to be in it, like I think we're just on, you know, like I'm not, I don't want to see a movie if I'm not gonna, if it's not gonna, but I'm not gonna feel like it's worth it, my money, you know yeah because this movie if I would have wanted to go see it, I don't think it would have been worth my money.

Speaker 1:

Just because there's so much stuff like this on tv, on shows, especially things like that, it's like they're slower. It's a story which don't get me wrong. I enjoy a story, but stuff like that I.

Speaker 1:

I'd rather just be at home watching it you know, I can chill and sofa and just see some of it and if it's too long and pause it, move on, come back to it. You know, no big deal. Yeah, when I go to the movies I do want to see some kind of grand things, even even if it's just visually. So, like the visuals, like you say you like them, I thought they're bland, you know, like if I would, you know, like I can't see, by saying it was it'd be worth the money going to see, like you should see this in the big screen, kind of thing. You know, yeah, I can't see myself saying that it's just a desert. You know it's, and maybe that's coming up from when we just saw furiosa, just saw a desert movie. It's like a desert again, you know, okay. And, like I said, the story, I liked it, which, uh, following the first one, like can't recall that much of the first movie, can you?

Speaker 2:

right, that's, I was seeing the same thing. I was like man. The first one is just so much talking, but I remember my favorite part about it was the uh, what's the name?

Speaker 2:

oscar isaac, his dad, yeah, keep talking but when he dies it just felt like it felt lame, because that's who I was really watching and I know this is about his son fulfilling his destiny and all that stuff and living up to what he's supposed to. But it just felt like it was missing that guy. And yeah, I don't remember much of the first one one, but stuff I do remember involved a lot of just him, his dad, and so I guess that's why I wasn't too hyped about this one. But I think everybody did good.

Speaker 2:

I think who really surprised me, because it just kind of like uh had me a little hooked, was uh, austin butler. Oh yeah, yeah, I forgot his name. When he comes on, I was like, all right, now we got something a little more interesting, because I don't know, everything else felt really like, like you said, bland, and I think you're right. I think it goes back to that thing that matt damon said, where he's like I would really want to do like rom-coms and stuff like that, but he's like nobody wants to make those movies. You know, everything has to be big, and I agree because now when, like, slower things come in theaters, it's like, hmm, I could wait, I could watch that on.

Speaker 1:

I guess his movie was kind of made at the same time as Star Wars not the movie, but the story like everything was kind of created at the same time as Star Wars Not the movie, but the story Like everything was kind of created at the same time, which I think Star Wars did it better for a sci-fi story. Like this is good, because for a while I don't know about you, but for a while I don't know what the fuck Spice was Like, you know the Spice I'm like what I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Again, I wasn't really paying attention. I didn't sit down and read it, especially the first movie, so I was like it's got to be something important. And then someone's mentioned that it has to do with traveling you know, but I didn't know exactly what it was. I had to look it up after this movie and I'm like what the fuck is Spice? And now I know what it is. Do you know exactly what it is and how they use this stuff?

Speaker 1:

it's the sand right pretty much yeah so it's like yeah, it's in the sand, you can find it in the sand, but it's basically what the worms create. They, I think they leave something behind and then with the sand, they create this thing. So the reason these uh, these, uh, freemen they're called freemen, I think, uh, the reason their eyes are blue, is because they're basically always around this, this stuff, yeah, and then the reason it's so important is you can apparently make all kinds of stuff with it. It's very useful for a lot of things clothing, all that, apparently but the main thing is it's a drug and you use it and then you can see the future, the past and all that. Some of them Maybe you survived it, I guess Remember. So I guess they use it. I guess the navigators I guess you have to be special to be a navigator, but you take the drug and then it helps you.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to be honest.

Speaker 1:

I only watched half oh bro.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 2:

So anyway, it got to a point where it was like it was a bunch of whispering, like they were talking real low and then out of nowhere they'd like yell like. You know how, when she's like we gave them hope and then they go back to talking real soft and then it was just like a bunch of the other people like whispering and, like I said, the only parts I was really enjoying was when Austin Butler was up.

Speaker 1:

I thought he did really good they make Batista's character like a real bitch for real yeah, I was just like I don't why did he take this part?

Speaker 2:

it didn't do so good like it wasn't translating the way I think he thought it was.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, but the character, not him. But the character was just a real big old baby and he got replaced real quick with what's his name Austin, you know? Yeah, dude, that part where he gives his boot, I was just.

Speaker 2:

He gives uh Austin the new knife and he just like slices that girl's throat oh yeah, oh shit, fucking shanks that one girl and is like yeah, alright, bro.

Speaker 1:

And then he does I don't know if you saw that part but he does the same thing to another guy. I don't know. He's like saying he tells him an order or something. I guess he was like what kind of questions him? And then he was like fucking, just cut some. I'm just like slice his throat and I'm just like I guess I mean I don't, I don't know, I guess, but and then I don't know, I, they're gonna.

Speaker 2:

There's gonna be a show as well, right yeah, the I forgot what they're called, but the girls right that can see the past and all that future so it's a long ass movie too.

Speaker 1:

For what the movie so basically the whole entire movie is him finding his destiny leading these people it took the whole movie to just to say this um, yeah, because, uh, the entire movie, I guess he was trying to fight it. Because he was basically he was trying to fight it. He was like, if I go that way, I just see a lot of death in my, in my future. And I guess towards the end he decides he's fine with that yeah, because I know the director talked about doing another one.

Speaker 2:

He's like, if I do another one, it's going to be called the messiah, so it's going to be him as who he's supposed to be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I kind of already knew that, but I don't know yeah and then he, he, his love interest was what's his name? Zendaya.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Is that it? She doesn't have a last name. That's fucking weird, why.

Speaker 2:

Zendaya, I don't know the Rock.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I guess that's cool.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

But anyway. So his love interest is zendaya, right, and they're kind of in love, kind of now she's kind of real, just very. She's a soldier, you know soldier mind, and she's basically okay. So in in this freeman uh um group or people whatever, I kind of liked it in a way where there was believers and there was non-believers, but they still coexisted together. So I liked that. I was like it's kind of like real people, people believe in God, people don't, whatever, but we can still work together. So I liked that.

Speaker 2:

And then he rides the big one, and then she's all over his big one so yeah, basically right, and then towards.

Speaker 1:

So at the end of the movie he takes his role as I'm just fucking badass, now right. And then he makes the emperor, which is christopher walken, which is kind of weird. At first I was like I heard someone say it was weird. I was like I can't be that bad. And in the song I was like it's because he can't change his voice.

Speaker 1:

You know he has that we're just watching christopher walken he's like I don't know, I don't know if he can't change his voice or he just won't, but you know, but anyways, here he goes. So he gets to him and basically tells him hey, I'm taking over, I want to marry your daughter. And then in front of what's his you know, zendaya's character, chani or whatever, and she's just like you know, kind of like you can see in her face like she's just like pissed off, like what the fuck? And he kind of Timothy kind of just looks at her, like kind of like, hey, you know, hey, that's what I got to do, it's going to happen.

Speaker 1:

You know, I got to make him like no hesitation, that he, you know, like he kind of told her like earlier like hey, you know, just so you know, I, you know, I, just you know I, you know, I, I do love you, or whatever. But that was it. There was no real emotions together. It was more like I felt like it was just they're always doing their own thing, like we're just gotta keep doing this you know I didn't really feel a love that they had.

Speaker 1:

Apparently she did because she looked fucking pissed off and he kind of was just like gotta be done. And then everyone bowed and she did and she just kind of took and he kind of was just like, yeah, we done. And then everyone bowed and she did and she just kind of took off. So I don't know if she's gonna be a big part of the third movie because the way at the end they showed her she kind of takes off on her own and then she's just like looking pissed off at the sky, like she's like you're thinking like damn, she's gonna plan something, you know yeah plot plot plot on his ass and then she just takes off on that big ass snake, warm or whatever, and just bounces, you know and so and then, from what I heard, the third movie is gonna be like way in the future if there is even gonna be a third one, you know like.

Speaker 1:

So I'm like what's? I don't know, I don't get it. I don't know if this is the whole thing, because I know the first movie, the original, is just one two hour long ass movie which I was thinking of watching. I'm like, did it not complete its story in that two hour spam?

Speaker 2:

from what I've heard, apparently the the true Messiah isn't him.

Speaker 1:

It is Christopher Walken, the baby that him and I guess that girl give birth to, or the new queen, you don't know.

Speaker 2:

The new queen, I think. I don't know, but apparently it's like a half human, half worm person. That's like the true Messiah.

Speaker 1:

So he fucks a snake, he fucks, fucks a worm.

Speaker 2:

I forgot because that's what I was thinking. I was like so how the hell does that happen? The person I was explaining it, I guess I read the book. He was saying that I think they ended up infusing some type of DNA from that thing. I don't know how the fuck, but apparently it's half human, half that. They have a picture from the book, I guess, of what it looks like, or fan art whatever, and it just looks weird.

Speaker 1:

I guess I don't know what they're going to do with this We'll watch the third one.

Speaker 2:

I guess I don't know If I hear good things about guess. I don't know If I hear good things about it, good things about this one, I know.

Speaker 1:

I would watch it because I already saw this one. Are you going to watch the show?

Speaker 2:

I don't think I'll watch the show.

Speaker 1:

I don't even know. I gotta know what the show's about. I don't even know what it's about, honestly, but I'll probably watch the third one just because, like I said, I saw this one and it's not going to be in theaters, it'll probably be streaming, streaming. So this one, would you recommend it to people?

Speaker 2:

That's a good movie.

Speaker 1:

If you want to watch a good movie, sure you want to see a good, you want to hear a story. If you want to hear a story, watch it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's nothing that hasn't been done and, like I said, you know really, there's really this dude I talked to at work. He saw furiosa, he saw this one. He was like it's so good and he watched it again in theaters. And then I told him about furiosa and he didn't like furiosa. He was like it was okay. He was like but there's no story there.

Speaker 1:

And I was like I guess, but I had a better time, you know you know, like I had fun like this, like I said, I can watch it at home, but paying for it I don't know. I don't care to pay for this. I'm sorry, it's just not me. So he was disappointed that you recommended him for yosa and he went to go pay a movie and wasted his money.

Speaker 2:

I think he was gonna watch it anyways. But yeah, he was pretty much like another garbage that I read or that I said was good. It's like I don't know what the movie said he always brings up this one movie that I I didn't tell him like hey, you should watch this movie, but I had said like yeah, I've been. I heard this one was good.

Speaker 2:

It's called uh, werewolves within werewolves within and I was like, yeah, I heard it was pretty okay, so I'm gonna check it out. Pretty okay, so I'm going to check it out tonight. And he was like, okay, I'll check it out. And he saw it and he was like, dude, it's garbage. He's like that was the worst movie I've ever seen. And I was like I haven't seen it yet. And so I watched a little bit of it and I couldn't finish it because it was fucking bad.

Speaker 1:

I don't know why. I don't know where the hell I heard that it was okay. I think it was on a list of like you watch the garbage, he's like this, this guy don't don't listen to him what he's saying, yeah, not credible, oh my god. So all right, I think that's it then, all right no, just real quick.

Speaker 2:

You know who Junji Ito is. He makes horror mangas.

Speaker 1:

No, why would I know? Why would I fucking know?

Speaker 2:

Because you read mangas. No.

Speaker 1:

That was the time of my life when I was reading mangas. Now, this is a different time.

Speaker 2:

Okay well, maybe you've read one of those. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Well, okay, so I'm going to recommend the show to you. I mean, I read the Game of Thrones, but you still haven't watched it. I'll still recommend it anyways. But yeah, watch Game of Thrones, anyways. But the one I want to tell you about is Tire. I don't know if you've seen it, netflix, it's a season. It's a season, it's a show. It's fucking funny. Watch it, tire, tire, it's just called Tire. Check it out. It's funny. Did you check out, ted? God damn, what's wrong with you, bro.

Speaker 2:

It's a lot dude.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you keep watching trashy as garbage movies, like your co-worker says.

Speaker 2:

I'm going watch the trash movie in forever.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna check out games at the Game of Thrones first if you don't get hugged by the first and second episodes, move on, it's good. I'm already in the fourth I mean fifth episode. I'm watching it without you. I said we're gonna watch it together. You're signing out? Well, this is the end of the episode. Guys, thank you for sticking around listening and, you know, leave us a comment, even if it's bad, we wanna hear. Ain't that right, eric? I don't Peace out, alright later.

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