The Adam Experiment

Stillness, Self-Reflection, and Setting Boundaries: Ruth Penfold-Brown's Guide to Personal Growth

Season 1 Episode 9

Have you ever felt like you're sleepwalking through life, trapped in a career or relationship that doesn't align with your true self?

In this episode, Ruth Penfold-Brown shares her powerful story of reinvention and offers insights on how to break free from societal conditioning and live authentically.

Ruth Penfold-Brown is a former HR executive turned transformational coach. She openly shares her journey of waking up at 30, leaving an abusive marriage, and rebuilding her life from the ground up. She discusses the importance of self-reflection, setting boundaries, and embracing experimentation to unlock one's full potential. Ruth also dives into her work with Bloom, a leadership accelerator that empowers women to reclaim their confidence and manifest their dream careers.

Key Topics and Takeaways:

  • Waking up and breaking free from sleepwalking through life
  • The power of self-reflection and listening to your body's signals
  • Unlearning societal conditioning and rediscovering your authentic self
  • The importance of stillness and creating space for personal growth
  • Setting boundaries and embracing experimentation to transform your life
  • Finding alignment between your values and your career path

Experiment of the Week: Unlocking Your Self-Expression

  1. Pick a specific time each day to reflect on the question, "Where did I hold back today?"
  2. In the morning, ask yourself, "How can I express myself more fully today, in just a tiny way?"
  3. Start with small, low-stakes situations to gradually build your self-expression muscle.
  4. Find a picture of yourself as a young child that captures your essence before societal conditioning set in.
  5. Use that image as a reminder of who your soul still wants to be and let it guide your self-expression.

Go Deeper

  • Visit Ruth's website to learn more about her coaching services and the Bloom leadership accelerator at
  • Share this episode with a friend who may feel stuck or unfulfilled in their life or career.
  • Take action on this week's experiment and share your experiences with me.

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