The Adoption Diaries

10 Home Visits 4-7, Self Care Plan & Early Permanence Workbook

Mr & Mrs M Season 1 Episode 10

In this episode of the Adoption Diaries, the M's are back from their holiday, and they have finished their Home Visits! 

They take the listeners on a deep dive into the content of the following visits: 

  • Visit 4: Lifestyle, Health and Self-Care (including the Self-Care Plan) 
  • Visit 5: Neighbourhood, Community & Finances
  • Visit 6: Journey/Motivation to Adopt & Early Permanence (including the Early Permanence Workbook) 
  • Visit 7: Contact 

In this episode, Mr and Mrs M mention a series of books by Holly Marlow for talking to children about adoption, we'll post the links below.

Get in touch at

Delly Duck: Why A Little Chick Couldn't Stay With His Birth Mother - Holly Marlow, Amazon Link Here

The Adoption Ceremony: When Little Chick Met The Wise Owl - Holly Marlow, Amazon Link Here

Adopting A Little Brother Or Sister - Holly Marlow, Amazon Link Here

Cousins By Adoption - Holly Marlow, Amazon Link Here