The Adoption Diaries

11 Matching, Another Network Event & Family Finding Begins!

Mr & Mrs M Season 1 Episode 11

In this episode of 'The Adoption Diaries', Mr and Mrs M share their experience of the infamous and very long 'Matching Meeting', the last of their home visits with their social worker. 

They also share about a Network Event, a sibling pair that stole their hearts, and the beginning stages of their Family Finding process. 

Books (both available on Kindle) mentioned are: 

  • Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Parenting a child with an invisible disability - Mary Mather, Julia Brown, Liz O'Donnell
  • Therapeutic Parenting in a Nutshell: Positives and Pitfalls - Sarah Naish

And the COECT course which Mr M mentions is: 

  • The Essential Tools of Therapeutic Parenting - sign up here on the NATP website. 

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