Human Rights in America-A Revolutionary Mindset

Human Rights in America-A Revolutionary Mindset

April 02, 2024 Sue Young
Human Rights in America-A Revolutionary Mindset
Human Rights in America-A Revolutionary Mindset
Microphone (V8S):

Welcome to the introductory episode of the podcast. Human rights in America. A revolutionary Mindset. I'm your host Sue young. In this episode, I'm going to introduce you to me. Who am I and why should you go on this journey to review human rights in America? I'll answer the first question. Who am I? Professionally, I'm an attorney for over 20 years. Started off in criminal law and then I went into medical insurance defense, and then I worked for insurance companies for 17 years. But before I went into law, I was in medicine. I did organ and tissue donation, but before that I have been everything in between. Oh, and I'm a pretty good dog sitter too! I should also tell you that I love to volunteer. I've delivered Meals on Wheels, I've worked at food banks, and currently I work with Soroptimist International. We empower, educate, and give opportunities to women and girls to ensure their financial futures. You're probably wondering, how did I get involved with human rights? I didn't learn about human rights in grade school. I did not learn about human rights in high school, I didn't learn about human rights until my last semester of law school in an international law class. I loved that class. But because America did not fully embrace or Incorporate these laws into our everyday practice, I didn't think I could find a job, where I could make money to pay back my student loans. So I went in another direction. And guess what? 20 years later, America is in the same boat. We don't have all of the human rights, incorporated it into our laws. And other motivation came from a Stevie wonder song. I mean, have you ever had that? You have like a song for the theme of your life? Well, if you listen to Stevie Wonder's song"If Your Love Can Not Be Moved" there's a line in that song that says: You can't form a line, if you're too afraid to. Stand alone. Well, I'm no longer afraid to stand alone. So that's what this podcast is all about. I'm going to advise you of your human rights. And just as a teaser, the United Nations recognizes 30 human rights. And by my count, America has only incorporated six of those rights into our laws. Disclaimers. I told you that I had legal experience, but that does not mean that I know everything. So. for instance, there could be a school in Kansas that actually teaches human. Human rights. It's. Well, that's great. I don't know everything. So I Google and I do my research. And then my initial interviews with school representatives. I know that. In America, we do not teach human rights in the general curriculum, in our schools, in our public schools. And yes, there are some great people. And organizations that are out there doing thieir things.. So for instance, there is Karen Turner on Sirus. XM. Urban View channel 1 26. If you're interested. She's advocating for civil rights. Then there are so many educators out there trying to change the curriculum to include human rights. And lastly, the ACLU to me is the champion of our Human Rights in this podcast, I simply want to provide the basic information and topics from today's world and let you be the revolutionary thinkerswith the revolutionary mindsets to change America. You see, I think Americans will go to the end of the earth to help those who need their rights defended. Great because we're all in this together. One for all and all for one. Yes, we should be leaders for the world, but we should be even better leaders at home. Here's an invitation to become one of those individuals. with revolutionary mind sets that changes the world. In the words of Gil Scott Heron's poemfrom 1979 he said.. The revolution will not be televised." Or an updated version of that could be:"The Revolution will not be streamed." Most importantly, I want to give you a layout of the format and the timing of this Podcast... In the first couple of weeks, I simply want to give you all 30 human rights.'cause, I don't want it to be months in between the time you get the first and the last human. So I'm going to go through the whole list of 30. And then I'll go back through them. And we can digest them one at a time. So the first, the next couple of weeks. I will air episodes once a week. And there are about 30 minutes. That's what, I'll what I'll try to get to. And then thereafter, when we go into them individually. I'll record the podcast every two weeks. Just to give you time to think and to live out loud with takeaways. So a takeaway for next week. A call to action. What can you do? Think about this. If you had a gun to your head, could you name the human rights? Incorporate it into our laws. What did she learn them? Do you know about the other 24? My website is under construction., but it is H R Google U N. declarations of Human Rights Download a copy for yourself. We can go for them together next week, or you can just listen to me, give you all 30 in the next couple of weeks. The stuff is not a secret. I'll say it again: human rights. It is not a secret. Just listening today is a start. In closing. I just want to say thank you to all my friends and family. Who have encouraged me, given me technical and advice. And yes, a big shout out to my nephew, Brandon. Yay. Who gave me the music for the podcast. I was so worried about it. Until next time. Be revolutionary, be human.